BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-24 12:18 PM
in reply to: littlewj

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by littlewj
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey - happy Monday, i think, everyone!

So, it is week one of my Be Iron Fit half program.  Seems do-able this week. Except that i still have soreness in my ribs. I am going to give swimming a try tonight and probably suck it up and go to the doctor tomorrow.  Really, there's probably nothing she can do for it but I want make sure to get it checked out in case there's anything going on there. And then I may book a massage ... trying anything at this point. 

Still stupid cold - a semi reprieve from the bitter cold but we just got more snow instead. I am being optimistic that this is our last week of true actic air and we can go back to semi-regular winter after that (ie, stay in the normal temperature range) - plus, getting my daughter into her snow suit every morning is sucking the life out of me.  She loves to go play outside when she's at daycare but getting her into it to leave is pure torture. And it sounds like it in our house ... sigh. It's no fun wrangling a sobbing, squirming toddler into a two piece snowsuit.  Next year we are definitely buying a one piece. 

Marc, i know you're even more frozen than me, so i need to stop complaining ... 

Have you followed the half program previously? How does it differ from the original Be Iron Fit full program? I followed the original last year loosely up to the 20 week point for my half iron race. It seemed to work ok for me from a duration point of view. I didn't really follow any intensity levels stated. I did have a difficult time figuring out my taper. How do you guys manage your training without a coach? Do you use programs such as this and learn what works and what doesn't?

I haven't - i've previously used the 20-week plan on this site.  I did read through the full plan from Fink when i was looking at what to do for the IM in 2012 but went with a different plan with longer long bike rides.  So, this plan seems pretty in line with the previous full plans. There are quite a few 4-hour rides which seem a little long in my mind but he's adding some z4 work after the base-building period - in the long bike, the weekday ride and the weekday run. I'll follow the plan as best as i can!

I went with it this time because the schedule is so consistent week over week and it will help me stay organized if i am not always doing something different. Just life with a toddler.  Well, that and Fink's plans seem to have lots of people who have used them with reasonable success.  I have done new bike HR zones so that i can train properly. I am not overly worried about the run. I've been running long distances for just about 10 years and it is my strongest sport of the three. 



2015-02-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by GAUG3

What HR zone do you run in during your 70.3 race?  If you don't wear a monitor and go by RPE or pace, what HR do you think you are in?


I actually go by HR in a race. I divide the run in 4 and try to go up around 3 beats per quarter. So I average 148 for the first quarter, 151 second, 154 third and then whatever is left in the tank. 148 is probably near the top of Z2 for me. This is my target, I usually go a little over it. Once my HR goes too high up for too long, it doesn't come back down to where it should be, even if I slow down.

For the most part I am running my HIM runs by pace and not HR, but certainly keep an eye on it.  And, for the most part it is almost entirely in Z3.  I would agree with Marc that ramping up is the best way to nail a good run in a HIM so starting in low Z3 and pushing to high Z3 towards the end of the run.  It also depends on how long you are planning to be running for.

In the heat, I would recommend being very conservative, and that would include the bike as well. 


2015-02-24 2:13 PM
in reply to: littlewj

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by littlewj
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey - happy Monday, i think, everyone!

So, it is week one of my Be Iron Fit half program.  Seems do-able this week. Except that i still have soreness in my ribs. I am going to give swimming a try tonight and probably suck it up and go to the doctor tomorrow.  Really, there's probably nothing she can do for it but I want make sure to get it checked out in case there's anything going on there. And then I may book a massage ... trying anything at this point. 

Still stupid cold - a semi reprieve from the bitter cold but we just got more snow instead. I am being optimistic that this is our last week of true actic air and we can go back to semi-regular winter after that (ie, stay in the normal temperature range) - plus, getting my daughter into her snow suit every morning is sucking the life out of me.  She loves to go play outside when she's at daycare but getting her into it to leave is pure torture. And it sounds like it in our house ... sigh. It's no fun wrangling a sobbing, squirming toddler into a two piece snowsuit.  Next year we are definitely buying a one piece. 

Marc, i know you're even more frozen than me, so i need to stop complaining ... 

Have you followed the half program previously? How does it differ from the original Be Iron Fit full program? I followed the original last year loosely up to the 20 week point for my half iron race. It seemed to work ok for me from a duration point of view. I didn't really follow any intensity levels stated. I did have a difficult time figuring out my taper. How do you guys manage your training without a coach? Do you use programs such as this and learn what works and what doesn't?

Using a boilerplate programs are generally good resources for those looking to finish or early in their development as a triathlete.  It is very difficult to continue to improve without really having a handle on training stress and researching things.  Ultimately, I hit a plateau and was sick of it so I looked for some outside assistance.  To be honest, it is not really rocket science but can be hard because folks always second guess.

Using a tool like Training Peaks or Golden Cheetah where you can track TSS is a good start.  Basically, you want to build TSS manageably for peaks on 1 or 2 occasions each year to get the best out of your fitness.

TSS takes into account duration and intensity, both key variables to improvement.  Most folks look at one or the other.  For instance, if someone generated 5 hours riding this week but it was all Z1.  The same person riding 5 hours mixing in Z3-Z5 work is going to accumulate a significantly higher TSS score.  Building that TSS as you get closer to your goal race will get you in a good position to race well.

2015-02-24 6:26 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Ok so I think I may have overdone it last week a bit on the running. I seem to have developed some sort of heel injury. It is quite sore and bruised-feeling. Research so far suggests it might be plantar fascitis. I have a a physio appointment booked this Friday. No running for me this week so I'll attempt to get to the pool and get something going there, and keep up the biking too.

My tri bike is well due for a service too. I need to take it to the shop to get it stripped down, lubed up and everything tightened. I haven't ridden the tri bike since my HIM in October, so I need to get back on it.
2015-02-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by stuart_little_9Ok so I think I may have overdone it last week a bit on the running. I seem to have developed some sort of heel injury. It is quite sore and bruised-feeling. Research so far suggests it might be plantar fascitis. I have a a physio appointment booked this Friday. No running for me this week so I'll attempt to get to the pool and get something going there, and keep up the biking too.My tri bike is well due for a service too. I need to take it to the shop to get it stripped down, lubed up and everything tightened. I haven't ridden the tri bike since my HIM in October, so I need to get back on it.
How does your run mileage last week compare to your weekly mileage over the last 6 weeks or so? Was it a gradual increase in mileage?
2015-02-25 7:22 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Hello zone 4.  It's been awhile.  Nice to see you... yeah right.  Treadmill run had 3x5minute Z4 efforts on max incline.  So much more work to do.  Legs are so weak.


2015-02-25 5:44 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by stuart_little_9Ok so I think I may have overdone it last week a bit on the running. I seem to have developed some sort of heel injury. It is quite sore and bruised-feeling. Research so far suggests it might be plantar fascitis. I have a a physio appointment booked this Friday. No running for me this week so I'll attempt to get to the pool and get something going there, and keep up the biking too.My tri bike is well due for a service too. I need to take it to the shop to get it stripped down, lubed up and everything tightened. I haven't ridden the tri bike since my HIM in October, so I need to get back on it.
How does your run mileage last week compare to your weekly mileage over the last 6 weeks or so? Was it a gradual increase in mileage?

Last 6 weeks (in KM)

A bit too much I think. I was aiming to be very consistent with my runs that week, and I was, but I also started with some intensity too, which may have pushed me over the top.

Sad face

(distance run.JPG)

distance run.JPG (50KB - 6 downloads)
2015-02-26 8:01 AM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by Ryan Mac
Originally posted by stuart_little_9Ok so I think I may have overdone it last week a bit on the running. I seem to have developed some sort of heel injury. It is quite sore and bruised-feeling. Research so far suggests it might be plantar fascitis. I have a a physio appointment booked this Friday. No running for me this week so I'll attempt to get to the pool and get something going there, and keep up the biking too.My tri bike is well due for a service too. I need to take it to the shop to get it stripped down, lubed up and everything tightened. I haven't ridden the tri bike since my HIM in October, so I need to get back on it.
How does your run mileage last week compare to your weekly mileage over the last 6 weeks or so? Was it a gradual increase in mileage?
Last 6 weeks (in KM) 49 18.5 43 22.5 40 15 23 A bit too much I think. I was aiming to be very consistent with my runs that week, and I was, but I also started with some intensity too, which may have pushed me over the top. Sad face

I think you already know this but very rarely do you want to increase both volume and intensity at the same time with running.  You can get away with it in cycling or swimming (non-impact sports) but not so much with running.

Keep in mind too, that you can make big improvements with running on mileage alone, especially for longer distance racing.  Some of my best races have come off very easy running in the 35-45 mpw range and little to no intensity. 


2015-02-26 1:33 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Another tough on the treadmill today.  Main set was 4 miles descending pace each quarter mile 7:30, 6:45, 6:00, 5:30 and then repeat.  It did not look bad on paper but the little recovery there at 7:30 does not last long. 

The treadmill actually told me that it 'could not attain my speed' .  THat is a first.  It was at 11 mph.   It could be I just need to lose a couple pounds haha.  I am actually liking the treadmill to dial in paces on workouts like these.  Although I still hate just running at a steady pace on a treadmill but intervals are tolerable.

2015-02-26 8:27 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Another tough on the treadmill today.  Main set was 4 miles descending pace each quarter mile 7:30, 6:45, 6:00, 5:30 and then repeat.  It did not look bad on paper but the little recovery there at 7:30 does not last long. 

The treadmill actually told me that it 'could not attain my speed' .  THat is a first.  It was at 11 mph.   It could be I just need to lose a couple pounds haha.  I am actually liking the treadmill to dial in paces on workouts like these.  Although I still hate just running at a steady pace on a treadmill but intervals are tolerable.

Some variety on the treadmill certainly makes the session go by faster.  My treadmill workout yesterday way

15 min easy warm up

5X( 30 sec 6:30 pace @3% on 60 sec easy @ 1%)

5X( same but @ 4%)

5X (same but @ 5%)

I would have preferred to do longer intervals since you spend alot of time adjusting speed/incline. First 2 sets felt pretty easy but by the time I finished the last set it was getting really tough. 



2015-02-27 6:22 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
What does everybody have on tap this weekend? I have a 14 mile run tomorrow and then a Sweetspot ride and short run Sunday. I am seriously dragging right now. This is the last week of a build with 45 miles running and some intensity. Looking forward to a few slower days next week.

2015-02-28 7:31 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Had a good outdoor run yesterday with 16x30" @ VO2 on 30" recovery.  I do these intervals with my Garmin signaling the start and end, rather than doing them on the track.  I've never actually done a track workout, but can't imagine my knee would love the constant turning.

Heading out for an easy run shortly, followed by a 50-60 mile ride later in the morning (we're waiting for it to warm up a bit!).  Tomorrow will by my long run for the week, which will probably be in the 10-11 mile range.


Ryan, I can't remember what you're training for now -- 14 miles is a pretty long run!  Hope your training goes well this weekend. 

2015-02-28 10:13 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Just finished up 3300y in the pool.  Various kicks and drills.  I hate kicks sets.  Main set was 10x100 @ TPace; 10x50 @ Tpace with :10 rest.  Now I ride for 3 hours in power Z2 on the trainer.  Tomorrow 1:30 ride on trainer with intervals and a 30 minute Z3 brick.

2015-02-28 1:24 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Just finished up a 8.5 mile trail run. It had roughly 1500' of climbing in the first 4 miles. It's a great route! I plan on an 1.5 hour bike ride tomorrow but I'm not sure If I'm gonna do it on the trainer or outside yet. It's suppose to get to 45 degrees. That still might be too cold for me. My threshold is usually about the 50 degree range for bike rides

Have a great weekend everyone!!

2015-03-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Feb totals:

Swim: 4h 13m 11s - 11650 Yd

Bike: 22h 18m 21s - 288.68 Mi

Run: 16h 30m 58s - 91.7 M

2015-03-02 9:43 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Had a good outdoor run yesterday with 16x30" @ VO2 on 30" recovery.  I do these intervals with my Garmin signaling the start and end, rather than doing them on the track.  I've never actually done a track workout, but can't imagine my knee would love the constant turning.

Heading out for an easy run shortly, followed by a 50-60 mile ride later in the morning (we're waiting for it to warm up a bit!).  Tomorrow will by my long run for the week, which will probably be in the 10-11 mile range.


Ryan, I can't remember what you're training for now -- 14 miles is a pretty long run!  Hope your training goes well this weekend. 

That run was miserable.  End of a tough week and conditions sucked (very cold and snow packed roads) but got it done.

I have a HIM in early June but really trying to build my run right now.  Eventually once the weather gets better, cycling mileage will go up and run mileage will likely go down with more focus on quality sessions.  I am envious of a 50-60 mile outdoor ride right now.

2015-03-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: littlewj

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by littlewj Just finished up a 8.5 mile trail run. It had roughly 1500' of climbing in the first 4 miles. It's a great route! I plan on an 1.5 hour bike ride tomorrow but I'm not sure If I'm gonna do it on the trainer or outside yet. It's suppose to get to 45 degrees. That still might be too cold for me. My threshold is usually about the 50 degree range for bike rides Have a great weekend everyone!! Jimmy

I love trail running.  We have a nice state park in the dunes along Lake Michigan just a mile down the road and love running there.  Keeps you engaged more so than road running.  Even though pace is slower the time goes by quick.

I can go down to 40 degrees it just depends what the wind is doing.  If it is 40 and blowing 20 than no way but 40 and calm is not too bad.

2015-03-02 9:46 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by GAUG3

Just finished up 3300y in the pool.  Various kicks and drills.  I hate kicks sets.  Main set was 10x100 @ TPace; 10x50 @ Tpace with :10 rest.  Now I ride for 3 hours in power Z2 on the trainer.  Tomorrow 1:30 ride on trainer with intervals and a 30 minute Z3 brick.

big weekend!  When is your race?

2015-03-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Lets talk about swim training this week since we have neglected it for the most part since starting the group.  This seems to be the majority of folks weakness.  How does it rank for you and how do you plan to improve it?

The swim was a weakness for me prior to the 2014 season and between 2013 and 2014 I really worked on it.  Swimming 4 days per week 2500-5500 per session and really brought my paces down and became incredibly comfortable in the water.  I became much more aggressive in OWS and racing and came out of the water fresher for the bike and run.  I used to be one of those folks that thought swimming was the sport to neglect and try to make up for it with more bike and run training.  That was a mistake.  Swim training can have a huge impact not only on the first 1/3 of the race but substantial impact on how you perform the last 2/3 of the race by coming out fresher.

2015-03-02 10:10 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by GAUG3

Just finished up 3300y in the pool.  Various kicks and drills.  I hate kicks sets.  Main set was 10x100 @ TPace; 10x50 @ Tpace with :10 rest.  Now I ride for 3 hours in power Z2 on the trainer.  Tomorrow 1:30 ride on trainer with intervals and a 30 minute Z3 brick.

big weekend!  When is your race?


May 9th.  Gulf Coast 70.3.

2015-03-02 10:17 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Lets talk about swim training this week since we have neglected it for the most part since starting the group.  This seems to be the majority of folks weakness.  How does it rank for you and how do you plan to improve it?

The swim was a weakness for me prior to the 2014 season and between 2013 and 2014 I really worked on it.  Swimming 4 days per week 2500-5500 per session and really brought my paces down and became incredibly comfortable in the water.  I became much more aggressive in OWS and racing and came out of the water fresher for the bike and run.  I used to be one of those folks that thought swimming was the sport to neglect and try to make up for it with more bike and run training.  That was a mistake.  Swim training can have a huge impact not only on the first 1/3 of the race but substantial impact on how you perform the last 2/3 of the race by coming out fresher.

I actually enjoy swimming.  I rank it as my favorite of the 3.  Although I do have lots to improve on.  1:39 tpace.  My workouts have been a lot of sets at Tpace with short rests.  I tend to get stuck in the long stroke.  I need to turnover faster.

2015-03-02 10:49 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone,

First week of the Fink plan down.  I only had to squeeze in one weeknight ride when i went down with a migraine late in the night - which is the issue with leaving bike training until after 8pm (but it is really the only reliable time i'll be sure to have time to do - i know there is the morning with late swim two nights a week and then a toddler, i never want to wake up - sleep is precious!)

AND, although, still pretty cold in reality - the frigid temps seem to have lifted and I actually ran outdoors, probably the first time in a month! 

As for swimming - it is definitely my biggest challenge. When I look at where I started I am incredibly proud of myself. I started as a complete non-swimmer in late 20's.  For the last number of years, I have never put much pressure on myself to do more than complete comfortably.  I've been in the panicky place and upset with myself for being a terrible swimmer.  But last year, i had a bit of a breakthrough. I've been swimming consistently with the coached group and have made leaps and bounds with my comfort and my paces have dropped - i am still terrible - but at my sprint(ish) race last summer I came out of the water and most of the bikes in mh AG were still there!  that has literally never happened to me.  And most importantly I am not panicking at all in the open water. 

I probably have to make an even bigger commitment to break through at the next level. At least one more day a week in the pool, if not more.  I am not sure if i have it in me right now.  I can join the Y i've been going to and do probably one lunch swim a week... I'd have to give up some other things and I am generally happy with my trajectory at the moment and willing to go where my coach sends us. ha! 

2015-03-02 12:47 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

So I did get out for a 50 mile ride on Saturday....despite the fact that we do get "winter" for a couple months each year, I haven't bothered to buy appropriate riding gear.  We went out in cool (high-40's) temps with strong, sustained wind.  Legs felt good for the first 28 or so miles....and then things fell apart.  I got dropped by the fast group, couldn't keep my power up, was cold and miserable -- so I had a little pity party for myself for a few miles, before finally rallying and finishing strong.  I think it was partially nutrition-induced, but also my fitness is not where I want it to be, so I went out too hard for the first 90 minutes and paid for it dearly later.

Sunday -- weather sucked in a different was cool (but not cold) and rainy, but then was supposed to get warm and humid in the afternoon.  I didn't feel like dealing with the rain or waiting for the heat, so I headed to the gym and ran on a treadmill.  It wasn't as long as I would have liked, but still did just over eight miles and 39 for the week.


And swimming -- I tend to really enjoy the training (with my masters group), but I find myself getting into a weird mental funk during some races (I think it has to do with not actually looking at my watch and knowing how far I've gone and how long I've been at it).  In my last race, my big goal was to keep myself in a good place throughout the swim, and it seemed to work well.  It's the leg I tend to be strongest at, though I'm not particularly strong -- seem to be a fairly strong swimmer for a triathlete, but certainly nothing compared to a swimmer.

Unfortunately, they were doing maintenance on the pool today, so my morning swim was canceled.  Got in a 6.65 mile run before work, though, so that made up for it a bit.  I try to do 10k+ a week....this week will be a little shy with today being a run only day.

2015-03-02 8:07 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Adult onset swimmer here! I started swimming about 3-4 years ago. I have to say though, it probably is my favorite discipline also. I feel very comfortable in either open water or the pool.

What is t-pace and how important is it to know? No Master's swimming at my pool so lately I've been using Sheila Taormina's Swim Speed workouts. These at least give me some structure. I do skip on many of the drill sets though. I am lucky in that there is a swim coach on deck of the YMCA (for free) that watches me anywhere from 2 to 3 times a month. I feel like she has helped me immensely. My only issue is that I feel like I've been stuck at the same level for the last 5 to 6 months. On an 2500 to 3000 yard swim I average about 1:28 scy for the whole workout. Not including rests. I'm averaging 5000 to 6000 yards a week. At what yardage did you guys start to notice improvement? I'm sure I have to swim more, but I honestly don't think I have the time to hit the 10,000 yard mark consistently. I may have to stay at this level unfortunately.

2015-03-02 8:27 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Lets talk about swim training this week since we have neglected it for the most part since starting the group.  This seems to be the majority of folks weakness.  How does it rank for you and how do you plan to improve it?

The swim was a weakness for me prior to the 2014 season and between 2013 and 2014 I really worked on it.  Swimming 4 days per week 2500-5500 per session and really brought my paces down and became incredibly comfortable in the water.  I became much more aggressive in OWS and racing and came out of the water fresher for the bike and run.  I used to be one of those folks that thought swimming was the sport to neglect and try to make up for it with more bike and run training.  That was a mistake.  Swim training can have a huge impact not only on the first 1/3 of the race but substantial impact on how you perform the last 2/3 of the race by coming out fresher.

Yeah swimming is definitely my least favourite, and by favourite I mean I don't like it much at all. I think I just find it boring as there is nothing to look at. Seeing as I can ride and run straight from home, I guess I use the having to travel to the pool as an excuse. My current 1000m time is 20:20, and my best is in the high 18:xx's. I'm in the boat of "get through the swim and make up for it in the run". I know I need to work on it more, but find every excuse not to.

I do have a Total Immersion video but have not got around to putting anything into practice yet.

My sessions tend to be what is recommended in my Training Peaks virtual coach, usually some drills and then variety of sets, such as 100's or longer 500's or 1000's. I did a good one the other day where I went 5,4,3,2,100 at T-pace with 50,40,30,20 rest respectively. I started out faster than T-pace and by the last one it was getting tough to hold the pace even for 100m.

My goal in an Oly is always 30mins, and HIM is <40:00.
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'Open Water' is this triathlete’s nightmare because I have a fear of swimming in open water. Not because I can’t swim, but mostly because I can’t see what’s swimming with me in the water.