BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-01 10:21 PM
in reply to: #1126354

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-01 3:26 PM Nice run that is FAST!! My best 5 K is 28:40. My gf was hoping for 35 today and I decided to take the stroller for the first time what a mistake. It was a VERY VERY HILLY TRAIL run hardest 5 K I have ever done and it was like 39 min. I am sure would have been faster without stroller but the boy had a blast. I am sure all his noises he was making actually meant faster daddy faster. He was laughing and screaching it was a blast

sounds like a lot of fun!  nice job

2008-01-01 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1126241

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-01 2:02 PM
ldatug - 2008-01-01 11:12 AM

I completed my first race today!!   I didn't make my time goal (30 min).  I missed it by 40 seconds.  Oh well....I'm happy to have finished and I'll get the sub-30 next go-round.



Super congratulations, Laura! You finished and you were still fast, and for your first race ... being happy and having fun trumps all. [So you escaped the Ozarks for a moment to post, eh? ] Put up a race report ... you'll love having those memories and milestones of progress in the future.

Shawn--congrats to you, too, I assume it went well with the gf and esp. the pancakes Now I want me some pancakes ... Yanti go hunt ..

Leslie--how'd it go???

Beth--those New Year's fireworks you put in here look a lot like pom poms

Hector--you didn't drink?! What the ... kidding, I'm just glad you really are taking care of yourself and getting better.


Pom Poms - hmmmm hadn't thought of that, but you're right!

also, I will post my promised swim observations in the next day or two - today kind of got away from me

2008-01-01 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1127100

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-01 8:23 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-01 2:02 PM
ldatug - 2008-01-01 11:12 AM

I completed my first race today!! I didn't make my time goal (30 min). I missed it by 40 seconds. Oh well....I'm happy to have finished and I'll get the sub-30 next go-round.



Super congratulations, Laura! You finished and you were still fast, and for your first race ... being happy and having fun trumps all. [So you escaped the Ozarks for a moment to post, eh? ] Put up a race report ... you'll love having those memories and milestones of progress in the future.

Shawn--congrats to you, too, I assume it went well with the gf and esp. the pancakes Now I want me some pancakes ... Yanti go hunt ..

Leslie--how'd it go???

Beth--those New Year's fireworks you put in here look a lot like pom poms

Hector--you didn't drink?! What the ... kidding, I'm just glad you really are taking care of yourself and getting better.


Pom Poms - hmmmm hadn't thought of that, but you're right!

also, I will post my promised swim observations in the next day or two - today kind of got away from me

Oh, observations. I thought you were posting pics. LOL 

2008-01-01 11:04 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hey Everyone!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I know I’m really late . . . just trying to make Hector look better

As promised, I finally got caught up reading today . . . wow, you all have been busy . . . it’s great to be caught up finally.  I have felt behind in everything this last couple of weeks and it was really catching up with me . . . so I skipped my workout today and stayed home to get some things done – after working all weekend, it was much needed.  It’s been a rough couple weeks with the scale as well . . . I’ve really gotta regain control there, so back at it tomorrow and away with the scale until Sat at least!  Other than that I am doing a winter maintenance plan that is focused on swimming.  I’ve been a little sporadic about getting the workouts in and am looking forward to following the plan more strictly!  Thanks to the Dec swim challenge I got some extra time in, in the pool, and am feeling a bit better there . . . so now to keep it up!  Ok, so that’s what is going on with me  

Hector ~ sooo glad you are feeling better! 
Yanti ~ Keep taking care of your injury, and like Erin said, don’t stress yourself out here, we can wait . . . thanks so much for all of the knowledge you have shared already!
Beth ~ You are amazing finishing all that swimming in just such a short time!  Thanks for all of your swim tips, I have been re-reading them & trying to apply them!  I’m feeling better in the water all the time – the swim challenge really helped there . . . so thanks for getting me in!
Erin ~ When is your Oly?  I am hoping to make one in early April . . . I love reading about your swimming progress!  It will be fun to compare notes as I make it in here more often!!
Will ~ A 50 miler and in 28deg?  I’m impressed & love your super secret goal!
Terri ~ Hope you are feeling better!
Laura ~ Congrats on your first race – how exciting & you were way close to your goal!  How nice is it to have one under your belt?!  I can’t wait for that day!
Shawn ~ A race with the gf, while pushing a stroller up hills – wow sounds awesome, you rock!  I loved reading about how you help first time runners & how much you enjoy seeing them run their first race – so cool!
Leslie ~ WOOHOO on taking the plunge!  Awesome time . . . you’ll have to let us know if you and  Mr. speedo made the news haha  Great to hear you had fun doing it!  Did you like it enough to do it again next year?

Can’t wait to see the race reports you three!

I am looking forward to sharing in all of your successes for this upcoming year!  This is such an awesome and driven group, there are sure to be many!  Ok, I probably already shocked you enough with this post, so I’ll cut it "short" and let you all recover   


Edited by rreischl 2008-01-01 11:06 PM
2008-01-02 2:45 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
It's great to hear from you again, Renee! Hopefully everything will calm down for you now that the holidays are over. Sounds like you've been crazy busy. (My oly is also in early April -- April 5. We'll practically be racing together!)

Swimming experts, I have another question. I'm pretty sure I have a mild case of bicep tendonitis -- no, I haven't been to a doctor, but from everything I've read on the Internet it seems pretty obvious. I think I just overdid it, not with the yardage but with the emphasis on building strength and lots of focus on my pull and using the hand paddles. (I've been being very careful with the paddles and only using them for a max of 200y per workout, but I know they can be dangerous.) Is it OK for me to keep swimming and just make sure I take it easy? I just started my oly training plan and I would really hate to have to stop swimming, even if it's just for a couple weeks, especially now that I've finally seen some real improvement. But on the other hand, of course I don't want to end up doing some real damage. And I'm a little worried that I'm doing something wrong and any sort of swimming will only exacerbate the problem.
2008-01-02 3:28 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


Nobody, including me, likes to take my advice on injuries, but it's really damned good . [Insert standard caveat about how it's best to see a doctor to rule out inobvious but possibly serious similar conditions].

Ice is the unsung hero of most common sports injuries. Ice, ice, ice. Up to 20 min., 3x/day or more. Slap a bag of frozen peas on. NSAIDs. Give it a few days' rest at least (I generally go with when all/nearly all symptoms are gone + 2 days).

Look closely through your logs (or your mind, but here's a reminder to MYSELF about WHY it's really good to log everything) to see where signs of strain or pain first appeared. Look at your yardage/intensity at that time. Now go back a workout or two and that, done easy, is what you can do in the pool now. But if it hurts, stop the workout, give it another couple of days, and then when starting, start even easier.

Sorry it's hurting/sore! You have so much zip and zeal and you've put together a good string of workouts; you can only help yourself by letting it heal.

2008-01-02 3:30 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Yaaaaaaaaaay, Leslie! We were all thinking of you today, and brrr! Congrats on a super race and a spectacular finish.

Shawn, I'm sorry, but your post was one of the funnier things I've read ... just thinking of you storming the hills with that stroller, the little boy squeaking EEEEEEE with delight ... wonderful, and congrats on a great job.

A closing thought on races for all of us: THE ONE WHO HAS THE MOST FUN, WINS!!!

2008-01-02 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Brrrr Leslie! You go girl!

I'm back. I feel 100% better and am looking forward to my run and swim this afternoon after work. As to work...sigh...I'm back at the evil place. I really REALLY want to become a kept woman. I have always wanted to be a career gal, but this past year I've changed my outlook on so many things.

My first bike ride, on an actual bike, with actual sexy bike shoes, is tomorrow. I am scared to death I'm going to break my neck, so I'm doing it on a trainer instead of the road. LOL

Happy new year to you all. We're going to kick some serious butt this year! I just feel it!
2008-01-02 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hey, Cool Kids of Yanti's Group

Just wanted to stop by and offer some encouragement and to say how cool it is that your all here.  Gonna be great fun to watch everyone achieving their goals and tearing up the racing scene.

Take care and enjoy the ride. And, thanks Yanti for taking the time to be a mentor

2008-01-02 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1128184

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
WaterDog66 - 2008-01-02 9:55 AM

Hey, Cool Kids of Yanti's Group

Just wanted to stop by and offer some encouragement and to say how cool it is that your all here.  Gonna be great fun to watch everyone achieving their goals and tearing up the racing scene.

Take care and enjoy the ride. And, thanks Yanti for taking the time to be a mentor

Oh my lands, we were visited by THE Tim!!! What an honor! How funny, I was just reading YOUR group thread probably at the very same time you were in here (I'll drop by).

If y'all want a real treat and always something useful, read whatever Waterdog66 posts, and/or his blog. He is the very finest of what you will find in humans and triathletes.


Terri, I'm so glad you're back in the swing of things, and tomorrow, in the saddle! You are truly a woman of spirit ... ya go through hell, then hop on a bike. Actually, very wise to do some trainer time and really get used to clipping in/out a lot before hitting the road.

You are a trooper!

Off to find race reports ...

2008-01-02 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Here's my race report.  Still working on the finish time--they had me at 30.11 but I know that is wrong!

2008-01-02 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1128399

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-02 10:50 AM

Here's my race report.  Still working on the finish time--they had me at 30.11 but I know that is wrong!

Yay again, Leslie! Way to go for making it easy and posting the thread (hint, hint to the rest of us ) ... also, you guys should check out her friend Lynne's RR; it has great pics of Leslie, too!

2008-01-02 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1127273

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-02 1:28 AM


Nobody, including me, likes to take my advice on injuries, but it's really damned good . [Insert standard caveat about how it's best to see a doctor to rule out inobvious but possibly serious similar conditions].

Ice is the unsung hero of most common sports injuries. Ice, ice, ice. Up to 20 min., 3x/day or more. Slap a bag of frozen peas on. NSAIDs. Give it a few days' rest at least (I generally go with when all/nearly all symptoms are gone + 2 days).

Look closely through your logs (or your mind, but here's a reminder to MYSELF about WHY it's really good to log everything) to see where signs of strain or pain first appeared. Look at your yardage/intensity at that time. Now go back a workout or two and that, done easy, is what you can do in the pool now. But if it hurts, stop the workout, give it another couple of days, and then when starting, start even easier.

Thank you, Yanti! That's some great advice, especially about when to go back (I like the pain-free +2 days plan) and how to use my logs. Between my logs and, funnily enough, my posts in this thread, I was able to figure out that it was my 12/21 swim that started things on the wrong track. I remember being pretty sore after that swim and having some pain in my arm that I attributed to soreness, but in hindsight was probably the start of an injury. I took a week off swimming due to Christmas, and then right after I started up again, the pain came back.

Of course, the irony is that my 12/21 swim was pretty much the best swim I've ever had. This sucks! I've been so pleased with my swimming progress, and now it feels like I have to take a big step back. Still, I feel much better now knowing what's going on and having a plan to get back to action, when I'm ready. I think I might add another run into my weekly training plan while I'm waiting for the arm to feel better.

Now off to watch Leslie on Youtube!
2008-01-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Wowsa -  looks like I have some catching up to do!

I'll be back after dinner, but I had to make a quick visit and let you all know that I had a sucessful wralk tonight!

so far - so good - no foot pain!  Yaaaay!

2008-01-02 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1129393

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-02 4:44 PM

Wowsa -  looks like I have some catching up to do!

I'll be back after dinner, but I had to make a quick visit and let you all know that I had a sucessful wralk tonight!

so far - so good - no foot pain!  Yaaaay!

Yay, Dear Bethie!!! I am so excited that you are literally back on your feet, and envious, too. But soon for me, too!

In the meanwhile, I have considered how awesome my body is, that it would think to multitask my injury and illness together so I only need to take one block of recovery time off. Oh, and practically conjoin it with my training break, too.

2008-01-02 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Good job on the multitasking, Yanti!  And awesome foot news, Beth!

Here's a question for you guys--next week there is a blueseventy wetsuit sample sale in the area and I am going to attempt to go.  They say prices are $100-$200.  Would you recommend sleeveless or full?  I am thinking sleeveless, as then it could be worn all summer since the waters around here never really get warm.  That's all I have ever worn anyway, the ONE time I wore one!  You may not know that I live just a couple of miles from a lake, where my inlaws have a home, and that home has a dock and a I swim there most of the time in the summer.  I think with a wetsuit my OWS swim season could be extended a very long way!!  Usually I can't get in the water until late June and then by end of Sept it is too cold again.  I think it would be really great training to have someone follow me in the jetski and see how far I can swim!  Any other tips for purchasing a wetsuit??  I have worn a blueseventy and it fit my curves very well, so I am glad that is the company that is selling their inventory!

I am not making it to the gym tonight but I am going into the garage to try a spinervals dvd on my trainer.  Catch ya later!


2008-01-02 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1129534

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-02 5:35 PM

Good job on the multitasking, Yanti!  And awesome foot news, Beth!

Here's a question for you guys--next week there is a blueseventy wetsuit sample sale in the area and I am going to attempt to go.  They say prices are $100-$200.  Would you recommend sleeveless or full?  I am thinking sleeveless, as then it could be worn all summer since the waters around here never really get warm.  That's all I have ever worn anyway, the ONE time I wore one!  You may not know that I live just a couple of miles from a lake, where my inlaws have a home, and that home has a dock and a I swim there most of the time in the summer.  I think with a wetsuit my OWS swim season could be extended a very long way!!  Usually I can't get in the water until late June and then by end of Sept it is too cold again.  I think it would be really great training to have someone follow me in the jetski and see how far I can swim!  Any other tips for purchasing a wetsuit??  I have worn a blueseventy and it fit my curves very well, so I am glad that is the company that is selling their inventory!

I am not making it to the gym tonight but I am going into the garage to try a spinervals dvd on my trainer.  Catch ya later!

Nice to "see" you Leslie! Thanks for checking in!

Full, full, full, full, full, X nth power. (Spoken by a swimmer who does NOT like the feeling of full, but swims in one anyway!) There's a few dozen good reasons why full is better, but here are a few:

- the water up there being cold as it is, you'll be grateful for the sleeves--no problem to wear in summer; I do and it's a sight warmer down here!

- more flotation = less energy spent

- extra millimeters width on your arms = bigger "paddles" = more pull = faster

2008-01-03 1:08 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hey everyone ran another 5. something K tonight and wow am I stiff not sure why stupid trails yesterday.

Anyway just posting in here some of my goals for 08 the more I say them and type them the more they are engraved in my head.

2 sprints this year (maybe oly at season end depends on my swimming)
2 half marathons
to lose I am thinking 30 lbs. I lost 17.2 from Jan 2 of 07 to Jan 2 of 08 and that was mostly from not drinking the soda pops. I was down 24 but came back up. So this year is increased focus on my weight well not on my weight but what I put into my body that leads to the extra weight. So if I remember I will post in here with updates on when I weigh myself usually once a week or every 2 weeks so if I slack off you guys can kick me in the A$$ to focus again cause I know you will
2008-01-03 3:40 AM
in reply to: #1130080

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Very wise to keep cementing the goals, Shawn!

Post your weight if you like. I often post mine in my blog. Wise also to look at the year as a whole in terms of weight loss ... like training, it's the long steady distance that's the real workhorse. Weight loss is a trend best seen over months, not days (shoot, I can gain/lose 8-9 lbs. on any given day).

Nicely done!

2008-01-03 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Shawn:  Sounds like you have some good goals for this year.  I'm also thinking about trying an Olympic distance at the end of the season.  We'll see how the sprints go first. 


I signed up for my first tri yesterday!!!  My first will be the Parris Island Sprint on 3/15.  I'm SO excited!!

2008-01-03 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1129547

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-02 5:41 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-02 5:35 PM

Good job on the multitasking, Yanti!  And awesome foot news, Beth!

Here's a question for you guys--next week there is a blueseventy wetsuit sample sale in the area and I am going to attempt to go.  They say prices are $100-$200.  Would you recommend sleeveless or full?  I am thinking sleeveless, as then it could be worn all summer since the waters around here never really get warm.  That's all I have ever worn anyway, the ONE time I wore one!  You may not know that I live just a couple of miles from a lake, where my inlaws have a home, and that home has a dock and a I swim there most of the time in the summer.  I think with a wetsuit my OWS swim season could be extended a very long way!!  Usually I can't get in the water until late June and then by end of Sept it is too cold again.  I think it would be really great training to have someone follow me in the jetski and see how far I can swim!  Any other tips for purchasing a wetsuit??  I have worn a blueseventy and it fit my curves very well, so I am glad that is the company that is selling their inventory!

I am not making it to the gym tonight but I am going into the garage to try a spinervals dvd on my trainer.  Catch ya later!

Nice to "see" you Leslie! Thanks for checking in!

Full, full, full, full, full, X nth power. (Spoken by a swimmer who does NOT like the feeling of full, but swims in one anyway!) There's a few dozen good reasons why full is better, but here are a few:

- the water up there being cold as it is, you'll be grateful for the sleeves--no problem to wear in summer; I do and it's a sight warmer down here!

- more flotation = less energy spent

- extra millimeters width on your arms = bigger "paddles" = more pull = faster

After buying and wearing my Zoot full wetsuit during the last tri I have to agree with Yanti on every single point. Especially if the water is colder were you live you really want the warmth.

2008-01-03 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1130080

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-02 11:08 PM Hey everyone ran another 5. something K tonight and wow am I stiff not sure why stupid trails yesterday. Anyway just posting in here some of my goals for 08 the more I say them and type them the more they are engraved in my head. 2 sprints this year (maybe oly at season end depends on my swimming) 2 half marathons to lose I am thinking 30 lbs. I lost 17.2 from Jan 2 of 07 to Jan 2 of 08 and that was mostly from not drinking the soda pops. I was down 24 but came back up. So this year is increased focus on my weight well not on my weight but what I put into my body that leads to the extra weight. So if I remember I will post in here with updates on when I weigh myself usually once a week or every 2 weeks so if I slack off you guys can kick me in the A$$ to focus again cause I know you will

Ok Shawn and only because you asked, if you slack off I will be the A$$ kicker, I mean a motivator.

2008-01-03 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1130222

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-01-03 5:40 AM

Shawn:  Sounds like you have some good goals for this year.  I'm also thinking about trying an Olympic distance at the end of the season.  We'll see how the sprints go first. 


I signed up for my first tri yesterday!!!  My first will be the Parris Island Sprint on 3/15.  I'm SO excited!!

Good on ya! Now you have something specific to train towards and should make your planning so much easier since you know the race date. What are the distances for this race?

I also just registered for the Superseal (Oly) on April 6th. Someone on this site once said if you put your money on the line then your more commited and at $90 bucks I'm commited.  

2008-01-03 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hector thanks I knew I could count on you. I think these ladies are to SOFT to do it

2008-01-03 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1128829

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Fielding - 2008-01-02 12:55 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-02 1:28 AM


Nobody, including me, likes to take my advice on injuries, but it's really damned good . [Insert standard caveat about how it's best to see a doctor to rule out inobvious but possibly serious similar conditions].

Ice is the unsung hero of most common sports injuries. Ice, ice, ice. Up to 20 min., 3x/day or more. Slap a bag of frozen peas on. NSAIDs. Give it a few days' rest at least (I generally go with when all/nearly all symptoms are gone + 2 days).

Look closely through your logs (or your mind, but here's a reminder to MYSELF about WHY it's really good to log everything) to see where signs of strain or pain first appeared. Look at your yardage/intensity at that time. Now go back a workout or two and that, done easy, is what you can do in the pool now. But if it hurts, stop the workout, give it another couple of days, and then when starting, start even easier.

Thank you, Yanti! That's some great advice, especially about when to go back (I like the pain-free +2 days plan) and how to use my logs. Between my logs and, funnily enough, my posts in this thread, I was able to figure out that it was my 12/21 swim that started things on the wrong track. I remember being pretty sore after that swim and having some pain in my arm that I attributed to soreness, but in hindsight was probably the start of an injury. I took a week off swimming due to Christmas, and then right after I started up again, the pain came back. Of course, the irony is that my 12/21 swim was pretty much the best swim I've ever had. This sucks! I've been so pleased with my swimming progress, and now it feels like I have to take a big step back. Still, I feel much better now knowing what's going on and having a plan to get back to action, when I'm ready. I think I might add another run into my weekly training plan while I'm waiting for the arm to feel better. Now off to watch Leslie on Youtube!

Erin, sorry to hear about the shoulder and I do hope it heals quickly. I agree I hate following any advice but every bit that Yanti has given me has worked. The hard part is holding yourself back and doing it but I guess with time we grow wiser and know when to take it easy. Even right now for some reason I'm not a 100% up to par hence I mix some breast strokes in with my swimming.

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