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2012-08-02 5:15 AM
in reply to: #4342384

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-01 7:22 PM

Now we're flirting via text. Wish me luck.

Good luck!

I've been having a totally casual and fun thingy with a guy since Memorial Day. I'm all sorts of satisfied with that at the moment.

2012-08-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4320892

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
AbbieR - 2012-07-19 5:05 PM

LMAO today when I noticed how phallic my shopping basket was at Safeway!!


This made me laugh today.

2012-08-02 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4343153

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
NRG42 - 2012-08-02 10:53 AM
AbbieR - 2012-07-19 5:05 PM

LMAO today when I noticed how phallic my shopping basket was at Safeway!!


This made me laugh today.

Today? As opposed to two weeks ago when it was posted?

2012-08-02 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4343181

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
mrbbrad - 2012-08-02 10:00 AM
NRG42 - 2012-08-02 10:53 AM
AbbieR - 2012-07-19 5:05 PM

LMAO today when I noticed how phallic my shopping basket was at Safeway!!


This made me laugh today.

Today? As opposed to two weeks ago when it was posted?

Saw it today, laughed today!

2012-08-02 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4319926

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
AbbieR - 2012-07-19 7:53 AM

KSH - 2012-07-19 8:17 AM
onefitgeek - 2012-07-18 11:59 PM
Uuummmm Abbie, you live in California! Is anyone, other than you and the BT triathletes, on time out there?
No. go meet some Bt triathletes.
Well you look pretty hot. Have you met Abbie?


  I was going to say the same thing!

Maybe we'll bump into each other in the produce department.
2012-08-03 5:30 PM
in reply to: #4342722

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
DeannaS - 2012-08-02 6:15 AM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-01 7:22 PM

Now we're flirting via text. Wish me luck.

Good luck! I've been having a totally casual and fun thingy with a guy since Memorial Day. I'm all sorts of satisfied with that at the moment.

Drank a bottle of wine and enjoyed the movie. The neighborhood association shows movies in the park and it was a beautiful night and a full moon.

Very nice, will be seeing her again.

2012-08-03 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Newly single after 4 years.  Kinda scary.
2012-08-03 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4346304

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San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Sorry for ya.  I'm sure it won't last long!
2012-08-03 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4346304

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

nerdjock - 2012-08-03 5:46 PM Newly single after 4 years.  Kinda scary.

Would it be considered bad form to call dibs? Tongue out

2012-08-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4346304

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

nerdjock - 2012-08-03 5:46 PM Newly single after 4 years.  Kinda scary.

Ooh. Dang. 
It *is** scary, but it's also fun  

2012-08-04 1:20 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
OK, I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone here thing it's a good/bad idea to discuss dating with the ex? We get along great but we've been having these conversations and it's  so weird.

2012-08-04 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4346453

Subject: ...
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2012-08-05 10:11 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I just made a match.com profile.  I'll have to look through the past posts for tips.  Excited to be back in the dating scene.  I feel like my ex and I were breaking up for the past 2 years.  
2012-08-05 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4346972

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-04 11:20 AMOK, I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone here thing it's a good/bad idea to discuss dating with the ex? We get along great but we've been having these conversations and it's  so weird.[/QUOTEIf you get along and are comfortable chatting about it, it's fine. My ex and I parted well, I even gave him tips about writing his online dating profile!
2012-08-05 11:02 PM
in reply to: #4346972

Subject: ...
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2012-08-06 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4348299

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

nerdjock - 2012-08-05 8:11 PM I just made a match.com profile.  I'll have to look through the past posts for tips.  Excited to be back in the dating scene.  I feel like my ex and I were breaking up for the past 2 years.  

So how YOU doin'?

2012-08-06 6:56 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I'm newly single too. The good news is, by almost 29 years of age I think I've finally figured out what I want/need (or at least what I DON'T want/need) so the new me is going to be really picky. 75% of me would be perfectly happy casually dating until the end of time. The other 25% of me has visions of the crazy old cat lady on the Simpsons and starts screaming in terror and wants to find a man ASAP. New motto: Que sera, sera. I just won't be getting any cats.
2012-08-06 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4348322

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-08-06 12:02 AM

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-04 11:20 AM OK, I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone here thing it's a good/bad idea to discuss dating with the ex? We get along great but we've been having these conversations and it's  so weird.

I don't know if it's a good/bad idea .. but would wonder why you are having those kinds of conversation with your ex to begin with even if you do get along great?  Maybe dating would be something you'd want to do without an ex's advice or approval, etc.  That's just me though .. I wouldn't want to risk hurting my ex's feelings (you never know) and it just seems like a good place to move onward from the ended (although still good) relationship to meeting new people and exploring new relationships. 

Well I am not so comfortable and I am trying not to discuss it but she does ask. I definitely do not want to know details of her dates. So we need to come to a happy medium.The kids made it clear to both of us they really do not want to hear about it at all.

I keep thinking part of moving on is establishing new relationships. We've talked about how things will change and she is more concerned about how it will change our friendship than I am. I am more of a 'we'll deal with it as it happens' personality, she does not like uncertainty.

2012-08-06 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4350124

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-06 7:14 PM

Well I am not so comfortable and I am trying not to discuss it but she does ask. I definitely do not want to know details of her dates. So we need to come to a happy medium.The kids made it clear to both of us they really do not want to hear about it at all.

I keep thinking part of moving on is establishing new relationships. We've talked about how things will change and she is more concerned about how it will change our friendship than I am. I am more of a 'we'll deal with it as it happens' personality, she does not like uncertainty.

My ex and I talk in as much as we need to stay apprised of how our dating lives might affect our kid. So, for instance, he knows that I'm dating a guy and knows his name, and knows that he sometimes spends the night. He knows that so that he won't randomly show up at my house in the morning un-announced. (We have a very open door policy such that if the kiddo wants something that's at the other's house, he's always welcome to stop by and get it. The ex just knows I need a warning now.) I know that he spends most of his nights at his GF's house, so I know that it's almost always safe to stop at his house if we need something - no warning needed. Stuff like that. My ex actually met the current guy because Madison is a super small town and we (the family) ran into him (the date) at a street festival where the kiddo and I were performing. It was actually a lot less awkward than it could have been, since the ex knew about the dating guy.

All that being said, I've not gone into any detail with the ex about why I like the dating guy. I'm trying to keep boundaries....
2012-08-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4350138

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
DeannaS - 2012-08-06 8:29 PM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-08-06 7:14 PM

Well I am not so comfortable and I am trying not to discuss it but she does ask. I definitely do not want to know details of her dates. So we need to come to a happy medium.The kids made it clear to both of us they really do not want to hear about it at all.

I keep thinking part of moving on is establishing new relationships. We've talked about how things will change and she is more concerned about how it will change our friendship than I am. I am more of a 'we'll deal with it as it happens' personality, she does not like uncertainty.

My ex and I talk in as much as we need to stay apprised of how our dating lives might affect our kid. So, for instance, he knows that I'm dating a guy and knows his name, and knows that he sometimes spends the night. He knows that so that he won't randomly show up at my house in the morning un-announced. (We have a very open door policy such that if the kiddo wants something that's at the other's house, he's always welcome to stop by and get it. The ex just knows I need a warning now.) I know that he spends most of his nights at his GF's house, so I know that it's almost always safe to stop at his house if we need something - no warning needed. Stuff like that. My ex actually met the current guy because Madison is a super small town and we (the family) ran into him (the date) at a street festival where the kiddo and I were performing. It was actually a lot less awkward than it could have been, since the ex knew about the dating guy. All that being said, I've not gone into any detail with the ex about why I like the dating guy. I'm trying to keep boundaries....

Thanks, that's helpful. You're one smart carrot

2012-08-08 4:01 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
First date in over 4 years coming up tonight!  Met the guy on Match.  He just ran a 3:07 SF marathon.  That counts as active.  Hoping he's not an iceberg or 4 feet tall.  Hahahhaa

2012-08-08 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4353645

Subject: ...
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2012-08-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

My last date:

First - we were joking about how to recognize each other so I light heartedly said he should carry a little sign like drivers do at the airport. He said he would wear a drivers cap - hehe lol yadda yadda you are funny. HE WORE A DRIVERS CAP. But not a funny one and then take it off. It was a "trying to be stylish" hat. Okay, I won't judge your questionable style. I promise. But it was still weird.

After a few drinks he announces his friend from work (female) and her boyfriend were coming to the bar. Okay? Weird? So we hung out with them for a little while.

He requested separate checks - which is great, I have no issues with paying for my own drinks. But when we got up to leave, he is walking me to my car and the waitress chases us out across 2 parking lots - HE FORGOT TO PAY HIS TAB.

Any good stories from anyone else?

2012-08-29 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Not a good dating story, but I have heard some very creepy things from men recently.  One told me I was "crazy sexy baby-making material."  Gross.  Another guy asked me if I would break him in half, cuz he'd really, really like it.  Disgusting.
2012-08-29 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Oh, and last week I went on a date with a guy from match, who was "very active," supposedly and training for his first IM.  Too bad he had man boobs when I met him Yell
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