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2008-02-23 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Yeah!  I finished the hilly race!  I posted the race report.  Not much to report, though.  I finished the 5.4 mile race in 46:37!  Not bad for someone who has a tough time with hills.  (I really need to work on that.)

Roni, how was your race?  Did you have a good time?

Thanks, Shaun, for your happy encouragement!  We have a great group of people here!  Cheers to all of you!

2008-02-23 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I can't even run that fast on the flats, for even 5k! Awesome!
2008-02-23 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Great Job Tracey!

A good time? Well, there were moments and it was awesome to finish There were some major hills, and about 9 miles of it was on snowpacked, icey roads. It was rough and that last mile was the hardest mile I've ever done, but I'm so glad I did it. Beautiful scenery, great weather (for the area and time of year), fun organizers, and I've completed my first half marathon :D Learned a lot, and it has to get easier from here. I don't have my official time yet, but according to my HR monitor I finished in 2 hours 26 minutes. My goal was to finish under 2 1/2 hours and I did, plus given the conditions I am really happy with my time. I'll do a complete race report and post the couple pictures I have tomorrow. Tired tonight. Thanks to everyone for all your support!

2008-02-24 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
glad to see all is well ! i was thinking of you guys all day yesterday (i wanted to race something anything !!) and was telling the guys at work about the weather at the races . "not only are you crazy ,but you hang with crazy people " thats about all they said but you know what things like that always bring a smile to my face !!
Roni great job , great feeling huh ? the only thing is when you said it gets easier . i dont know thinking back my first half i think was pretty easy . cause now i see it as beating the PR !! yea i go to have fun meet new people , talk , share war stories , etc. but 2 min. before the gun goes off its all business . but thats me i feel i train to hard for to many hours to be out there talking on the cell while running . (just a example im sure we have all seen them )
But im so happy for you !! and glad you had a good time and most of all with the weather it was safe for ya .

Tracy man me and you both HILLS !!! i hate them but need them .. and to pull a 2nd in AG i got to say you kicked alittle butt there congrats . so doing the math real quick i think on a flat course you are at you 5 mile pace of 8:11 you want to be at . Great job yesterday

ok well i hope the rain holds out for todays ride i want 3 hours but it is gonna be a three bottle day out there cause it is nothing but HOT !!! HOT

2008-02-24 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1231434

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-02-23 6:26 PM I can't even run that fast on the flats, for even 5k! Awesome!

Thanks Nicole!  It was pretty fun!  I'll post a couple of pix later today.  Have a good ride today!

2008-02-24 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1231623

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
roni_runnw - 2008-02-23 8:33 PM

Great Job Tracey!

A good time? Well, there were moments and it was awesome to finish There were some major hills, and about 9 miles of it was on snowpacked, icey roads. It was rough and that last mile was the hardest mile I've ever done, but I'm so glad I did it. Beautiful scenery, great weather (for the area and time of year), fun organizers, and I've completed my first half marathon :D Learned a lot, and it has to get easier from here. I don't have my official time yet, but according to my HR monitor I finished in 2 hours 26 minutes. My goal was to finish under 2 1/2 hours and I did, plus given the conditions I am really happy with my time. I'll do a complete race report and post the couple pictures I have tomorrow. Tired tonight. Thanks to everyone for all your support!

Great job, Roni!!!!  Looking forward to the race report!  I think the hardest race is the first one, too.  Now you've got it under your belt.  You can only improve from here!  There is a pretty funny quote I heard a while ago regarding a half mary:

"It's a 10 mile warm-up for a 5K race."

Oh so true!  Congrats and many high fives to you!!!!!!

2008-02-24 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1231780

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-02-24 5:38 AM glad to see all is well ! i was thinking of you guys all day yesterday (i wanted to race something anything !!) and was telling the guys at work about the weather at the races . "not only are you crazy ,but you hang with crazy people " thats about all they said but you know what things like that always bring a smile to my face !! Roni great job , great feeling huh ? the only thing is when you said it gets easier . i dont know thinking back my first half i think was pretty easy . cause now i see it as beating the PR !! yea i go to have fun meet new people , talk , share war stories , etc. but 2 min. before the gun goes off its all business . but thats me i feel i train to hard for to many hours to be out there talking on the cell while running . (just a example im sure we have all seen them ) But im so happy for you !! and glad you had a good time and most of all with the weather it was safe for ya . Tracy man me and you both HILLS !!! i hate them but need them .. and to pull a 2nd in AG i got to say you kicked alittle butt there congrats . so doing the math real quick i think on a flat course you are at you 5 mile pace of 8:11 you want to be at . Great job yesterday ok well i hope the rain holds out for todays ride i want 3 hours but it is gonna be a three bottle day out there cause it is nothing but HOT !!! HOT GOOD JOB AGAIN GUYS HOPE TO SEE SOME PICS

Thank so much!!!  Yeah, you should have gone out and done a little personal race!  Hee hee!!!

Yes, I think I'm really close to getting a 5 mile PR.  I could have pushed it a bit more on yesterdays race.  I didn't know the course at all.  One guy told me "when you see the Shell station, you only have one more mile."  Well, I finally saw the Shell station and looked at my watch.  I decided to hold back just a little cause I wasn't sure I had one more mile in me.  When I saw the opening to the park, I was pi$$ed because the Shell station was, maybe, a half mile from the finish line!  Oh well.  There is always next year.......and lots of hill training between now and then.

2008-02-24 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Trainer ride for me today.  The wind is howling!  I hope the fence doesn't blow down again.
2008-02-24 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi everyone,

My race report is up. I don't have my official time or standing yet (though I know I was in the BOP), but I'll edit them as soon as they are posted.  I was thinking of training for the Missoula Marathon in July, but at about mile 5 yesterday I decided I'd stick with the half for awhile. Considering I couldn't run for more than 10 minutes straight less than a year ago I think my body needs a little more time, but next year the marathon is on! This July I'll do the Half and it's flat with no ice, so I should be all set for a PR

Does anyone want to talk recovery after a race? I don't know much about it, other than listening to my body. I'm sore and tired today, so I'm taking a rest day. Any thoughts on recovery?

Happy training!

2008-02-24 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1231780

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-02-24 6:38 AM glad to see all is well ! i was thinking of you guys all day yesterday (i wanted to race something anything !!) and was telling the guys at work about the weather at the races . "not only are you crazy ,but you hang with crazy people " thats about all they said but you know what things like that always bring a smile to my face !! Roni great job , great feeling huh ? the only thing is when you said it gets easier . i dont know thinking back my first half i think was pretty easy . cause now i see it as beating the PR !! yea i go to have fun meet new people , talk , share war stories , etc. but 2 min. before the gun goes off its all business . but thats me i feel i train to hard for to many hours to be out there talking on the cell while running . (just a example im sure we have all seen them ) But im so happy for you !! and glad you had a good time and most of all with the weather it was safe for ya . Tracy man me and you both HILLS !!! i hate them but need them .. and to pull a 2nd in AG i got to say you kicked alittle butt there congrats . so doing the math real quick i think on a flat course you are at you 5 mile pace of 8:11 you want to be at . Great job yesterday ok well i hope the rain holds out for todays ride i want 3 hours but it is gonna be a three bottle day out there cause it is nothing but HOT !!! HOT GOOD JOB AGAIN GUYS HOPE TO SEE SOME PICS

Thanks Shaun! Yea, everyone thinks I'm crazy too, but it just seems to make me want to do it more .

I'll third the difficulty with hills. Even though I have access to them I don't train on them enough. I do OK on rolling hills, but steep grades wipe me out and trash my calfs, so I tend to avoid them. How about some hill training goals for March? Though if you live in an area without hills you'd probably have to do them on the treadmill.

2008-02-24 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1231955

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Great job, Roni!!!!  Looking forward to the race report!  I think the hardest race is the first one, too.  Now you've got it under your belt.  You can only improve from here!  There is a pretty funny quote I heard a while ago regarding a half mary:

"It's a 10 mile warm-up for a 5K race."

Oh so true!  Congrats and many high fives to you!!!!!!


Thanks Tracey! I love the quote, because I think this would help my pacing. I forgot the first 10 miles were a warm up and didn't have anything left for the 5k .

2008-02-24 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1231966

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

owl_girl - 2008-02-24 9:53 AM Trainer ride for me today.  The wind is howling!  I hope the fence doesn't blow down again.

keepin my fingers crossed for you

Enjoy your ride!

2008-02-25 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1232085

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
roni_runnw - 2008-02-24 10:27 AM

Hi everyone,

My race report is up. I don't have my official time or standing yet (though I know I was in the BOP), but I'll edit them as soon as they are posted.  I was thinking of training for the Missoula Marathon in July, but at about mile 5 yesterday I decided I'd stick with the half for awhile. Considering I couldn't run for more than 10 minutes straight less than a year ago I think my body needs a little more time, but next year the marathon is on! This July I'll do the Half and it's flat with no ice, so I should be all set for a PR

Does anyone want to talk recovery after a race? I don't know much about it, other than listening to my body. I'm sore and tired today, so I'm taking a rest day. Any thoughts on recovery?

Happy training!

Hi Roni!  Yes, listen to your body.  It knows what it a point.  I hope you had a good rest day.  Be sure you go on some walks to keep your muscles from tightening.  Hit the swimming a little harder this week and lay off the running.  You did a great job!

2008-02-25 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
The weather was so aweful yesterday that I decided to do my ride on the trainer.  I popped in a Spinnervals DVD for part of the ride and I loved it!  Has anyone else used one of those?
2008-02-25 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

The March Challenge is looking for people.  Check it out on the Challenge Forum.  It is a cycling challenge.  I'm in!  Here is a link.

2008-02-25 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

What's everyone up to today?

I got a nice little swim in.  The pool was a mad house!  Tomorrow, I get a day off.....except for teaching Spin class.

2008-02-25 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1234771

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-02-25 6:05 PM

What's everyone up to today?

I got out and did a 3.7 mile run. It sounds so small compared to all of you, but it's only the second time I've run beyond 3.4 miles. I'm at 92% of my February challenge (Team Running with Scissors) and will exceed my 30 mile goal with my next run on Thursday.

I've been looking for 5k races but I think I'm going to sign up for a 4 miler. 4 miles is only 0.3 miles/3 minutes more than what I did today but I need to get out of the "5k" mindset and wrap my mind around "4 miles". I've got plenty of time to get comfortable at 4. 

2008-02-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1234771

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-02-25 4:05 PM

What's everyone up to today?

I got a nice little swim in.  The pool was a mad house!  Tomorrow, I get a day off.....except for teaching Spin class.

I did a half hour easy swim today. It felt pretty good, but I'm still kind of fatigued. I'm going to cardio boxing tomorrow and then swim again.

Great Job on the run, Nicole!

2008-02-26 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Nicole--Good for you on the run!  Don't worry about the distance.  It will come.  You need to focus on keeping your knee healthy so you can continue to run for a long time.  Those short runs without pain are exactly what you need.  (I am assuming you are without pain since your running more!)

Roni--How are your legs?  Are they recovering after the race?

I taught my new spinning class this morning!  I have some pretty big shoes to fill.  Their previous instructor was an instructor that teaches instructors!  These people expect a lot!  They enjoyed the class and I got some pretty good feedback and some comments about the things they like to do in class.  I need to keep these people sweating!

Hope everyone has a good day!  Cheers!!!

2008-02-26 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1236291

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-02-26 11:30 AM

Roni--How are your legs?  Are they recovering after the race?

I taught my new spinning class this morning!  I have some pretty big shoes to fill.  Their previous instructor was an instructor that teaches instructors!  These people expect a lot!  They enjoyed the class and I got some pretty good feedback and some comments about the things they like to do in class.  I need to keep these people sweating!

Hope everyone has a good day!  Cheers!!!

My glutes and calves are a little sore still, I think because of the hills. Otherwise they feel pretty good. Gets better every day!

Sounds like you have a good challenge with the spinning class, and I know you won't disappoint them! They'll be begging for mercy

2008-02-27 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Hi Guys!  What's on the schedule today?

2008-02-27 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
well i ran this morning not as long as i wanted so i was gonna do a hour tonight but i just found out i have to head toward tampa at 1am but i am hoping on getting back tomorrow in time for a ride or something

hey i been wanting to ask you gals what do you all use in your hair ? triswim? im needing something the pool is making my hair feel like a hay field and nothing i got is working little help please i cant find anything here in the store so i guess i need to order it ?
2008-02-27 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I wet my hair with regular water and then put on my swim cap; I figure that way my hair will absorb less pool water. Afterwards I shower with my regular shampoo and then use my regular conditioner. My hair has stayed in pretty good shape. I tried a pool shampoo but it didn't seem to do anything more and didn't smell as nice
2008-02-27 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1239815

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-02-27 2:52 PM well i ran this morning not as long as i wanted so i was gonna do a hour tonight but i just found out i have to head toward tampa at 1am but i am hoping on getting back tomorrow in time for a ride or something hey i been wanting to ask you gals what do you all use in your hair ? triswim? im needing something the pool is making my hair feel like a hay field and nothing i got is working little help please i cant find anything here in the store so i guess i need to order it ?

Hey Shaun!  Yeah, the chlorine is a killer!  I have super long hair (down to my lower back) and I struggle with keeping it healthy.  I do the same thing as Nicole.  I wet my hair, braid it, and shove it in a swim cap.  After I swim, I shampoo and condition it with my normal, cheap-o stuff.  The lady who cuts my hair says my method is working fine.

I wanted to get a run in this evening, but I have to work.  Darnit.  May jump on a treadmill after work.  Cheers!

2008-02-28 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi Everyone!

Nicole!  Thank you for the lap counter info!  Very cool!  I think I'm gonna have to find one.  I'm tired of repeating my lap to myself while swimming.  That gets old!

I did yet another Spin class this morning!  Ugh!  I'm tired!  I guess that will take care of today's bike workout.  Need to get a run in later.

What is everyone else up to today?

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