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2008-04-29 5:45 AM
in reply to: #1368396

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
TeamWin75 - 2008-04-28 11:33 PM


I would love to join your group also.  I haven't been part of a mentor group before so I'm not sure what exactly it means but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

TRIATHLON/TRAINING HISTORY:  I did my first, and only (so far), triathlon last year.  It was a women's only tri in Lake Las Vegas, April 28th.  I started training at the end of January and got derailed for a couple weeks late February and into March due to an illness in the family.  I picked it back up, then it dropped off some again closer to the race.  Anyway, the triathlon sort of kicked my butt.  I was able to finish, but it took my time was 3:18:51.  Kind of embarrassing but I was happy to finish.  One of my challenges is the swimming.  I don't swim with my face in the water because I get really out of breath.  Therefore, last year I did the entire swim by backstroke.  

WEIGHTLOSS:  I lost 11 pounds before the race last year and by the end of the year, with no additional races and not many workouts, I had put 9 pounds back on.  This year, I'm training more and training harder and have lost 17 pounds since New Year's Day.  I'm really serious about continuing that.  I still have 40 more pounds that I want to lose.  My goal is to lose 1/5 pounds per week until I reach my goal.  

2008 RACES:  I'm registered for 1 race so far this year, the Danskin Women's Tri in Southern California June 15th.  But, I would like to do 2 races, maybe 3 before the end of the year.  I'm thinking about the Lake of the Pines Triathlon August 30th and possibly the Catalina Island Tri in November.  I went to a Master's Swim class twice, but didn't go back.  I was soooo much slower than everyone else and I didn't really feel like the coaches were giving me much advice, they were just letting me swim back and forth and would tell me the others were doing drills where they blah, blah, blah.  She would say them so fast and not explain them, it was kind of irritating.  Although I haven't been for a while, I am a certified scuba diver.  As such, I'm used to swimming underwater, at a slow pace and having an air source to breath normally without all the issues of breathing while swimming freestyle.

ABOUT ME:  I'm 42, I've been married 14 1/2 years, no kids but I have 5 cats and they are my babies.  My husband works the swing shift so he leaves at 2:30 p.m. and is not home until after midnight M-F and an occasional weekend day.  I'm a Project Manager for a large insurance company but I work from home 4 days a week and drive to the office about once a week, which is 70 miles away.  I think I do better with my workouts when I have something I'm training for, but occasionally, I still have a tendency to get a little lazy and miss a few days.  

I hope you've got room for me.



Wlcome Lisa! We certainly have room! Congrats on your entry into the world of triathlon, and your awesome success in taking the weight off so far!

If you can find a swimming instructor you like, a few swimming lessons would be a good idea, or seriously look into buying or borrowing the Total Immersion swimming book and/or DVD. Your swim will be so much easier on you if you can get to the point where you can swim with your face in the water. Too bad the Master's coaches weren't more helpful to you...

Welcome to the group!

2008-04-29 5:47 AM
in reply to: #1368491

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
twylite148 - 2008-04-29 5:12 AM

I'd love to be a part of this group. No time for a bio, but I'm 46, 5 kids, job with crazy hours that I'm rushing off to right now. Hope I'm not too late to join.

Not too late at all! Looking forward to learning more about you. Welcome!!
2008-04-29 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1367264

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Thank you for the comments on spinning classes and out ot the saddle time. I've signed up for a triathlon training class at the local Y, and the primary instructor comes from a fitness/weight-training background. Reporting for class yesterday, after missing the first 2 weeks, I found her drilling us with kickboards, and head out of water laps (to improve sighting.) Then, on to the spin classroom where we spent multiple accelerations out of saddle. While it is fun to work out with others having the same goals, I am concerned about the overall direction for my skill set. Will try to keep an open mind, modify when necessary and not frustrate the instructor!
ps How do y'all deal with the muscle soreness? Are NSAIDs and massages routine?
2008-04-29 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1368908

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Thought I'd empathize with the shoulder issue here. I injured my shoulder after swimming when fatigued (had run a 1/2 mary 2 days before) and so lost my form. I'm still rehabbing from that. I highly recommend a PT and some strengthening exercises he/she will recommend as well as the massage, loosening and ultrasound, etc. It's been a silver lining kind of thing though for the good news -- I'm much stronger because of the rehab and have really focused on form with my swim. I'm not a super fast swimmer but have seen progress in the pool. Now the OWS is another issue-- I wasn't very good when not being able to see underwater in the lake swim for my first tri.



2008-04-29 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Finally got a little break to read BT. First of all congrats to Lynn on the 1/2 mary to and to Jenny on her tri. Hope to see the RR soon. Trying to catch up on the info in the thread before me and learn a little about ya'll. Sorry, gotta run. Have added ya'll to "friends" list, so I we can visit in logs. Later,



2008-04-29 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1368908

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

 -Arden ps How do y'all deal with the muscle soreness? Are NSAIDs and massages routine?

Hi Arden! I'm 46, in my 2nd year, and a happy BOPPER (back-of-the-packer). I can sympathize with your muscle soreness. I don't ever use NSAIDs and rarely use acetaminophen (Tylenol). My husband (also a triathlete) and I have found that we cannot maintain the training volume (frequency + intensity) that the younger folks can. Just a reality of our age. We build more slowly, and listen much more cautiously to our bodies. If I am sore more than 24 hours after a workout, I did something I reevaluate. I use a foam roller or a tennis ball for self-massage at the first sign of soreness. I'm also a firm believer in ice and stretching. But mostly I listen, and adjust. Ignored or masked pain in my experience leads to injury. And injury derails my whole program.

Looking forward to getting to know you all,



2008-04-29 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1370482

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
twylite148 - 2008-04-29 2:38 PM

-Arden ps How do y'all deal with the muscle soreness? Are NSAIDs and massages routine?

Hi Arden! I'm 46, in my 2nd year, and a happy BOPPER (back-of-the-packer). I can sympathize with your muscle soreness. I don't ever use NSAIDs and rarely use acetaminophen (Tylenol). My husband (also a triathlete) and I have found that we cannot maintain the training volume (frequency + intensity) that the younger folks can. Just a reality of our age. We build more slowly, and listen much more cautiously to our bodies. If I am sore more than 24 hours after a workout, I did something I reevaluate. I use a foam roller or a tennis ball for self-massage at the first sign of soreness. I'm also a firm believer in ice and stretching. But mostly I listen, and adjust. Ignored or masked pain in my experience leads to injury. And injury derails my whole program.

Looking forward to getting to know you all,



 I love your approach, Carol and second it! At our ages (I'm a few years older) we definitely have to listen and adjust accordingly. Also, if we haven't fully recovered from the last workout, we end up sacrificing form and alignment and that's when injuries can occur. I also have to say the nutrition angle really helps with the recovery. I take a whey supplement (in powder form) after a workout. Read where that helps deliver the protein to the muscles and tissues. Also making sure to hydrate well before, during and after training and events. Especially down where you live because of the heat.  Ice, ice, ice and massage (for some things) and I use the foam roller, tennis ball and even a golf ball to get into the little areas. When I need something internal for pain I take baby aspirin. I can control the dosage better and my stomach tolerates that much better than ibuprofen. Also traumeel, is a homeopathic cream I put on the injured area and that seems to help. Hope that helps somewhat. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. :-)


2008-04-29 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1370482

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Darn, I was hoping that I could convince my hsuband I needed a weekly massage! Seriously, I pretty much do the same as you, Carol. Occasional very-cold water baths, mild stretching/yoga, self-massage, and modifying, modifying, modifying the program.

Next question: What nutritional approach to tris? Strict Diet or Supplements? Favorite post-workout snack?

Thanks, Arden
2008-04-29 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1370669

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
lmscozz - 2008-04-29 6:11 PM

I love your approach, Carol and second it! At our ages (I'm a few years older) we definitely have to listen and adjust accordingly. Also, if we haven't fully recovered from the last workout, we end up sacrificing form and alignment and that's when injuries can occur. I also have to say the nutrition angle really helps with the recovery. I take a whey supplement (in powder form) after a workout. Read where that helps deliver the protein to the muscles and tissues. Also making sure to hydrate well before, during and after training and events. Especially down where you live because of the heat.  Ice, ice, ice and massage (for some things) and I use the foam roller, tennis ball and even a golf ball to get into the little areas. When I need something internal for pain I take baby aspirin. I can control the dosage better and my stomach tolerates that much better than ibuprofen. Also traumeel, is a homeopathic cream I put on the injured area and that seems to help. Hope that helps somewhat. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. :-)


Lynn, thanks for the nutritional suggestions. I was delighted to see that you eat Grape-Nuts. That used to be a favorite cereal of mine, and I'm going to buy some next time I'm at the grocery (which will probably be tonight!)
2008-04-29 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1370690

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open



Lynn, thanks for the nutritional suggestions. I was delighted to see that you eat Grape-Nuts. That used to be a favorite cereal of mine, and I'm going to buy some next time I'm at the grocery (which will probably be tonight!) -Arden


I highly recommend the grape nuts trail mix crunch! Yummy! 

2008-04-29 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1370785

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Jumping in on the pain/soreness question here...

I'll echo what others have said... Listening to your body, and backing off if need be are important. I do occasionally take NSAIDs, but never before a workout. If I take them, it's in the evening, before I go to bed. I'm also a big believer in icing and stretching. My gym has a great hot tub and cold plunge. I love to soak in the hot tub and spend time in there stretching any tight muscles. Then I hop in the cold plunge and soak in there for five minutes or so. I find it a fabulous tool to aid in recovery! I also try to incorporate post-workout nutrition. I often go the chocolate milk route (it has the desired ratio of protein:carbs to aid in muscle recovery, and is cheaper than off-the-shelf recovery drinks). I also use foam rollers, "the stick", or just work on sore areas with my own hands.

2008-04-30 12:06 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Hey Jenny,
I'd like to join your group if it's still open. Umm, quick bio. I've haven't done any triathlons yet, but have been interested in it for the last few years. I planned on doing my first last fall, but had some job issues (and ended up not getting around to it). So anyways, I'm really interested in doing some this year. I live in a city that host several tri's a year, including a big half iron man (although, thats way outta my league, so I usually go spectate instead so i can look at all the cool bikes.. carbon aero frames:P)... and there are a few sprints/oly's that are coming up in the next months that I'm interested in doing.

As far as me, I'm 23 and recently graduated college. Live in texas. Avid outdoor fan, and sports fan. I played DI volleyball in college, play indoor soccer currently, but am looking to pick up a new sport that combines some of the activities i like doing. I really enjoy running, and have been getting more and more into cycling (did several metric century rides last year, and had total fun)... and triathlons seem like a logical progression. I'm ok at swimming. Anyways, i'll probably have lots of questions so it would be nice to get into a mentor group.. but it's getting late and I'm gonna go to sleep now:P
2008-04-30 4:59 AM
in reply to: #1371300

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Yay! We've got kt_grl11! Welcome to the group!
2008-04-30 5:05 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Good morning girls!

Big welcome to  KT! I'm in NW, LA, across the border from ya. I know what you're training conditions are like. The good thing is you can train year-round, unless you're stuck up in the panhandle.

Lynn, loved your suggestion of the golf ball. Never thought of that one. Gotta run...literally. Dreadmill time. 

2008-04-30 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

I would like to join your group as well. I could use the advice and always like to hear about others experiences. I am from Harrisburg, Pa and I am planning on doing my first sprint tri at Pinchot Park in Lewisberyy on May 18th, then Mount Gretna, May 24th, and Black Bear spring on June 1. Also I plan on doing the Sherox sprint in August in Philadephia. Maybe some others if things are going well. I am totally new to all this and have been doing a couch to sprint program I got from active. com with some adding on. I was an athlete in High School running track and did one year of cross country but mostly basketball and softball. I havene' t run at all basically since then because I had knee surgey and it would always cause me pain. So far it hasn't been bothering me. I would say the biggest weakness i have is swimming right now. I thought I knew how to swim until I started training then I realized I could do more than a 50 without being completely out of breath. I took a total immersion workout a few weeks ago and my swimming is improving but the breathing is still a problem.

Family status: single living with my boyfriend, no children....plenty of time to train

Weightloss: recently lost 16 pounds on weight watchers and can use to loss 10 more but seem to be more hungry and eating more since training.

2008-04-30 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Welcome to the group, Lesley!

2008-04-30 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
I would like to join your group. I am a 41 year old mother of 4 daughters,2,4,16, 18. I am a newbie and would love some help on figuring all of this stuff out. I was a runner who took a long 8 year break. I have 10 marathons,to many to count 5k 10k and 1/2 under my belt. That was all done in my thirties. I became a couch potatoe for the next 8 years. I have been working really hard on this multi sport since this past Oct. I wasn't able to swim a length. I took lesson built up to swimming a mile and then add a swim coach who took everything apart. I worked on form and I drop my swim distance to around half mile but with better technique. I am very very slow. I Just got a rode bike and have only been outside for two short ride due to snow. I did my first du last Sunday and did well only because of the run portions. The bike ride was hilly and painful but fun in a sick kinda way. My first sprint will be July 12.
2008-04-30 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Awesome! Glad to have you!

I'm hoping for maybe 1 or 2 more members, and then I'll close the group and we can get down to business!

How is everyone doing with their training?
2008-04-30 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1373734

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Hey, everyone! Happy to report that the bike skills are improving: able to take a drink from water bottle while pedaling. Was distracted thinking about how great it would to to share the news with y'all when I missed the cage and dropped the bottle in the road. More humble pie for post work-out!
Do your bikes have names? I haven't named mine, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure if it's a "he" or a "she."
2008-04-30 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Trying to motivate myself to get moving -- my husband has been home at night the last couple nights (he normally works 6 PM - 4 AMish) so I've been trying to spend time with him but it hasn't been good for my workouts. Last night's run happened this morning and I was hoping to get my swim in tonight but that's not going to happen. I'm trying to convince myself to get up at 5AM for the swim tomorrow (tonights workout) and then do my run workout in the evening. Or maybe just do both workouts in the evening. I am not a morning person!
2008-04-30 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Extreme Veteran
Horsham, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Hello Jenny and group!

My name is Linda and I am 51 years young.  I would like to join your group.  I have been using BT since last June or July. I log my workouts daily and nutrition most of the time.  I have found that I eat better when I am logging all my food.  I have lost about 60 pounds over the past year and a half.  I have about 10 more pounds I would like to lose. I started losing weight while I was training for a black belt in karate.  I was required to run 2 miles in 18 min to qualify for my black belt.  And so, my new running career was born.  Initially, I hated running, but have grown to love it over the past two years.  Over the past two years I have run two marathons and several 1/2 marathons.  Last weekend I successfully accomplished my goal for 2008 of running a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon.  I ran 1:58:59 at the Lehigh Valley 1/2 Marathon in Allentown, PA.  This race is now my favorite!!!  I am also running Broad Street on Sunday.

I joined BT at the suggestion of a friend who was using it as she was training for her first tri last summer.  She said it didn't really matter that I am not training for a tri.  I have used the site for lots of stuff even though I have not made any plans to do a tri. The real reason I have not made any plans to do a tri is because I am not a cyclist.  I think I last rode a bike about 30 years ago!  I did add swimming last year as another form of exercise.  This winter, I did some indoor biking on the recliner at the gym.  Lately, I have been thinking about my next set of goals and believe I would like to train for a tri.  Obviously, my weakest event would be the bike.  I keep trying to remember that only 2 years ago I didn't think I would ever enjoy running, much less run a marathon.  I would like the support of a mentor group because all my workout friends are waaaay beyond me with the biking.  I could not possibly hang with them.

Personally, I am a single mother of a 13 year old son.  He also has a black belt and is currently training for his second triathlon in August.

All of my planned races are runs:  Broad Street 10 miles, run relay team member at Timberman 1/2IM, 1/2 marathons at VA Beach and Philly Distance.  I will either run a full or 1/2 marathon at OBX in November.  I would like to consider adding a sprint, if I can work out this thing called riding a bike!

Any assistance and words of wisdom are appreciated.  I am happy that this group is a little more mature than some of the others!!

2008-04-30 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Do you have room for one more?  I have 1 small tri under my belt, but I learned I really need to work on swimming, hard, before I can do another.  Additional info shortly.
2008-04-30 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Any room left in your group?
I am a 36 year old women who is currently training for IM Penticton. I am fairly new to triathlon although I have done alot of long endurance events in the past. I might have bitten off more than I bargained for but I am confident I can survive the event. I am using the beginner IM plan from BT and we are on week four of twenty.
I look forward to chatting and learning from everyone.
2008-05-01 12:10 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Big welcome to Lesley, tri4mom, Linda, and pole dancer! What a fun group this is turning out to be.

Ardent, you have me holding my sides laughing. I can sooo relate to the bottle trick. I remember watching my friend last year get her bottle so gracefully, as I just tried to hang on for dear life. It's definitely a skill worth celebrating. My current road bike is named Sandy. She and I have a ride scheduled when I get off today at 7A. I'm hoping to get a new friend soon, a pink Guru...will have to see what her name is.

Congrats Linda on the weight loss. Sixty pounds is a lot. I'm jealous of your run times...awesome. The biking will come. BTW, I have a 13 y/o triathlete, too!

Another awesome runner, tri4mom! Glad to have you around. Hope it warms up where you are soon.

Jenny, I have 6, 12-hr shifts in 7days, so training will be a challenge. Sometimes on these clustered shifts, I have to drop workouts to keep from overtraining. Counting on you gals for inspiration.

Later, Carol


2008-05-01 12:11 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Welcome Tracy! OMG, did you say IM? I admire you gal!
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