BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2009-12-15 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Hi everyone,

How's everyone's weather today?  We are at a nice 8 degrees above zero but at least sunny.  I think I will be spending a lot of time on the treadmill with the marathon in a few short weeks and the roads snow covered and slippery.  Sounds like we have got a good group and I certainly look forward to being kicked around a bit.  Gonna grab a quick nap before my workout!

2009-12-15 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Gusty wind and about 40 degrees here in Oregon. It is supposed to be like this for another week so looks like most everything will be indoors for me. I'm not too worried about getting too serious until after Jan. 1 thought. The holidays can be hectic so I jsut try not to stress.
2009-12-15 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Ooooops sorry I left out the rain part. So Gusty Winds, Strong rain and 40 degrees. Like heaven really!!!
2009-12-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
NAME: junthank / Jeff

STORY: So how did I get here?  Honestly, my daughter got engaged in June of 2007 with a wedding date of July of 2008.  I decided that I didn't want to "roll" down the isle at the ceremony.  I joined a gym and lost some weight (treadmill, elliptical, etc..).  After the wedding I promptly gained back 15 lbs.  At that point I turned 50 and decided that I could not go back to my old lifestyle.  I went back to the gym, and for 1st time in 15 years got the bike out of the garage.  I got hooked on cycling.  Somehow in October of 2008 I managed via the web to visit BT, got inspired by the stories and decided to give TRI'ing a shot.  2009 was simply a great "Tri Learning Experience".  I got hooked on the sport and tried to learn as much as possible.  I was very fortunate to have a couple great mentors on BT that laid the foundation.   

Married for 27+ years to my high school sweetheart.  Have three children (2 boys, 1 girl).  Have 27 year old twins that are both out of the nest, finished college, and living in Virginia (my home state).  I have one more that is a 10th grader (we are hoping that he becomes a Florida Gator).  1st grandbaby on the way.... due Feb. of 2010. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently on a 15 week base building plan (about 7 weeks into that plan).  After I complete the base training I'll transition into a 12 week HIM preparation plan.  Beyond that I'm not certain what I'll do.  My thoughts at the moment are to take a two week active recovery period.  I need to figured out what end of year races I'm going to do and work backwards from there. 

2009 RACES: Did a couple Sprint distance TRI's in 2009.  Perhaps this is going to sound funny but I have developed a deep enjoyment of "the training".  Although I really liked the races, for me 2009 was all about building endurance,  practicing technique, and developing better body composition.  2009 was year one of my "multiple year apprenticeship" as coined by my 1st mentor.

2010 RACES: Sprint distance TRI in Feb, Olympic in May.  I think my A-priority race will be an HIM in October/November (not sure exactly which one I'm going to do yet).  No IM in 2010. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm currently at 190lbs, down from 230 in October of 2008 when I first visited BT.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I'm pretty passionate about the sport.  Actually it's more than a sport for me, it's a lifestyle at this point.  I don't think you'll have a problem getting me out the door to do my workouts nor will you have a problems with me logging my workouts.  All the good/bad will be exposed on the BT.  I won't be shy about asking questions - I'm all about learning.  I also enjoy the sense of community that you get within a peer group.     
2009-12-15 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Alrighty FS2010 (Faster and Stronger), here is what our crew looks like

TexasMPGal- Brittany
Smilford- Stephen
Mattb1- Matt
Monicamm68- Monica
junthank- Jeff
Fly_Boy68- Greg
Crea0029- Pam
bighairg- Gina
a.brasington- Alon
Hildekq- Hilde
jcarmody- Janet
juniperjen- Jen
Sulcus- Shawn

So there were are.  You'll notice I added a name on here, and that's Mattb1.  Matt has volunteered to stop in here and add some experienced assistance and mentorship as well, so you thought it was a 2-for-1 deal, and now it's a 3-for-1!  Thanks Matt!!  It's also possible another friend of mine my join us as well, so we'll see.

I have had a busy day at work, so I'm just getting caught up on everyone's bios.  We have a variety of experience here with a variety of goals.  That's good, we can balance off of each other and learn from each other.  The list above has links so you can cut and paste it into your blogs if you want, or book mark this page so you can easily click on your fellow crew-members pages.  Again, using your BT log will help us know how to kick each other into gear and keep each other accountable. 

Some of the beginning things I think we ought to talk about here is DO YOU HAVE A PLAN?  Some folks out there have coaches, and that helps keep you on track, but some folks aren't ready for that.  However a plan, a training schedule, is one of those things that helps keep you accountable and on track.  Some people are able to create their own and do quite well, but most either need that coach or a plan (like BT has) to follow.  Bottom line is, you a training plan structured for your goals if you're going to get faster and stronger in 2010.  Some of you indicated plans you're already doing, and that's awesome!

So, that being said--do you have plan that you are already following, plan to start in January, or are you still trying to figure out what to do?  I'll answer--I'm working with Stephen and will start with a focus on the Lonestar 70.3 starting in January.  Ironman was on 11/22 and between life and just needing some recovery from it, I have had minimal training for December, and that's okay.  I am trying to get a little more consistent, but things like not getting off work until late like today, has made it difficult, but I'll get there and look forward to starting some good HIM training come Jan.  When I get my schedules I will input them into my BT log using the Planned Calendar function. 

Edited by TexasMPGal 2009-12-15 9:03 PM
2009-12-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2561185

Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
As or right now, I am on the winter maintenance plan and not sure when to switch to an Olympic plan and what level. Another thing that I need to consider is the possibility of doing an HIM in September. Would like some input in terms of if I am in the right plan or not.

Thanks much

2009-12-15 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Right now I am on a modified marathon training plan for my race on Jan 10th.  I messed with it a bit based off of what I needed and what my schedule can handle right now.  As for next year after the marathon, I am not sure.  I am still working on my racing schedule for 2010 deciding what to label as my "A" races and then will work on the plan from there.  I just want to make it through Christmas and get on to the marathon.

2009-12-15 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2561276

Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Yeah, I am training for a half mary right now so I am focusing more on running and just now getting into a consistent strength training program. Still trying to figure out my tri schedule next year and what distances to go for.
2009-12-16 4:52 AM
in reply to: #2561298

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
I'm following a half mary running plan right now, aiming towards Cowtown Feb. 27th, throwing in swimming and  biking when I can.  I did not follow a plan last year, just tried to do 3 of each per week, but want to up volume in the bike and run this year.

Edited by hildekq 2009-12-16 4:52 AM
2009-12-16 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Hi - Janet here checking in, hopefully to get some advice on a training program.  My only concrete plans right now are a 1/2 Mary in April, 25k in early May and a full marathon in late May.  I've followed various running training programs in the past so I know I can put something together to prepare for these events.  But, of course I wouldn't be in this program if I didn't have tri aspirations.  So I guess I need some guidance in working in the other disciplines during the winter months with an eye towards some June/July/August triathlons.  I'm appealing to the group here.  Any suggestions?

I should probably add that winter in Michigan does not lend itself to cycling.  I can swim indoors and there are spinning classes available or maybe I should get a trainer for my bike.  I guess that is another question for the group.

Please help!


2009-12-16 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Schedules seem to be a common concern. I've never been a fan of people using a training schedule they grabbed from a site somewhere. Not because that schedule is poorly made, most are good and the ones from here certainly are. The problem with them is when you've already done one 12/18 week plan and are sitting there wondering what to do next. Do you start a new plan from the beginning? Maybe start a few weeks into the plan since it's volume at the start of the plan is considerably lower than what you were doing?

Here is what I suggest when trying to get a plan;
If you have used a plan in the past and if it worked well for you go back to it and take its basic week schedule.
Monday: recovery swim, Tuesday: Steady ride / Run speed work... etc..

You then already have a structured week laid out for you. After that it's how much should you increase your volume and/or intensity over a period of time. Maybe you just want to bridge the gap from where your previous schedule ended and a more advanced schedule will start leading into your A race. With the more advanced schedule having more volume in it than your previous one. In that case you just want to slowly work your way up to the same amount of work that you would be doing in the first week of the new schedule.

If you can't find a schedule that fits your needs, just use that basic week schedule and build from there. As beginners, you honestly will gain more from keeping a steady hard load over several months rather than going through phases at first. That doesn't mean you can go hammer every workout and pump the distances way up. Take things slowly, think in years not in weeks or months. Ten weeks out to 2 weeks out is the main window for doing specific training for your A race. Be sure to recover after key workouts or a couple hard weeks. Don't go overboard with any jumps in intensity or volume if you go about making your own schedule.

I say don't over think it, keep it fun and primary goal should be to not get injured when going over your schedule.

2009-12-16 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Morning team!

Good to see everyone up and at it!

Talking about plans is great! I am following the BT winter maintenance plan that's 7-10 hours per week. I am a little worried about how to bridge the time in between. I picked it because it was consistent with the level of training i had been doing and wanted to maintain - while building my swimming and biking.  It's giving me good structure but i am not sweating the details given that it's maintenance time.   I aim to get the prescribed time in but if i don't feel like doing that particular bike workout - i don't.

I really like looking at plans :D hahaha - i was recently looking at BT's 20-week half iron program and looking at how my planned races and such fit in and given that i know next year will be hectic checking in to see if it's realistic.  I  just don't know yet.

2009-12-16 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Good morning everybody.  Glad to be part of the team.  Looking forward to hearing from everybody
Name: mattb1\Matt
Story: I am a software developer working for a small consulting company out of Chicago.  In 2005 I was traveling constantly for work, was 25lbs over weight my wife was running marthons as I sat on the couch.  I decided it was time to do something.  I signed up for the Chicago Triathlon Olympic race.  I borrowed my buddies road bike and set out to train.  I stumbled upon this site when I Googled "Triathlon Training Plans."  I was able to complete the race and was instantly hooked.  4 years later I have now finished two Ironmans, several half Ironmans, multiple Olympic and Sprints as well as the whole gammit of running races (5k through marathon).  For the 2010 season I have some big goals and have decided it is time to go the coaching route to help me achieve my max results.  I'm working with a coach out of Chicago who trains several folks on BT as well as some Pro's.  I'm looking forward to sharing what I learn from him with the group.  In the 3 weeks I have been working with him, I've learned more about training than I have in the last 4 years.  I'm learning how to train with power, proper heart rate zones, etc...  It is eye opening.
Family: Married for 7 years to a wonderful woman who does Marathons (she qualified for Boston this year).  We also have a 5 year old black lab named Polly. 
2009 Races: Kentucky Derby Mini Marthon, Udder Century, Ironman Coeur d'Alene, Harbor Lights Sprint Tri, Rock n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon, Chicago Triathlon Olympic, Chicago Marathon, Chicago Turkey Trot
2010 Races: Only race on my schedule is Ironman Wisconsin.  I will be adding several in the spring as I work with my coach.
Weightloss:  I'm up about 10 pounds from what I did IMCDA at.  I will need to drop 10 - 12 pounds before IMWI.
What Will Make Me A Good Mentor\Mentee: I love seeing people succeed when they put in hard work.  With all that I have learned over the past 4 - 5 years I think I can help people achieve their goals.  Also with working with my coach, I can share his expertise as well.  I look forward to getting to know everybody. 

Edited by mattb1 2009-12-16 9:39 AM
2009-12-16 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Hi Matt,

IM WI... very cool.  I will be down their volunteering this year and then registering for my revenge in 2011.  Have you been out on the bike course?

2009-12-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2562010

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
crea0029 - 2009-12-16 9:52 AM

Hi Matt,

IM WI... very cool.  I will be down their volunteering this year and then registering for my revenge in 2011.  Have you been out on the bike course?

Glad you are volunteering and you will get your revenge.  I have been on the course a couple of times as well as doing Horribly Hilly Hundred in 2007 and 2008.  That was a challenge. I know I'll be up there a lot starting next spring.  If you want to ride let me know.   
2009-12-16 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2560770

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
crea0029 - 2009-12-15 5:04 PM

Hi everyone,

How's everyone's weather today?  We are at a nice 8 degrees above zero but at least sunny.  I think I will be spending a lot of time on the treadmill with the marathon in a few short weeks and the roads snow covered and slippery.  Sounds like we have got a good group and I certainly look forward to being kicked around a bit.  Gonna grab a quick nap before my workout!

Weather on the Southwest coast of Florida this time of year is super.  Probably a little bit warmer than WI!!! 

However, training here in June-September kind of stinks if you have a problem with heat/humidity.

2009-12-16 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2561185

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
TexasMPGal - 2009-12

Some of the beginning things I think we ought to talk about here is DO YOU HAVE A PLAN?  


Yep.... No coach but I got a plan.  Currently doing a 15 week base plan where I do about 10-12 hours per week.  Plan ends on 1/24/2010 with a C-priority HIM.  I don't have a specific race on that date but I will be doing an HIM simulation (just made up my own course starting at the pool).  Don't plan on "racing it", more like an aerobic workout where I can get a feel for the distance.  From there I'll probably do at least a week of just aerobic recovery (maybe 2 weeks - not sure yet).  Then I'll start a 12 week HIM specific prep. plan.  That will get me to approx. the May timeframe.  Don't have the rest of my year planned out yet - we will see what happens.  All of my races will be local - no big plans to travel to a race.

Probably more than you ask for... but there you have it!!!
2009-12-16 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2562046

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

mattb1 - 2009-12-16 10:02 AM
crea0029 - 2009-12-16 9:52 AM

Hi Matt,

IM WI... very cool.  I will be down their volunteering this year and then registering for my revenge in 2011.  Have you been out on the bike course?

Glad you are volunteering and you will get your revenge.  I have been on the course a couple of times as well as doing Horribly Hilly Hundred in 2007 and 2008.  That was a challenge. I know I'll be up there a lot starting next spring.  If you want to ride let me know.   

For some reason my guess is you would kick my on that course.  If you ever want a recovery ride on those hills maybe we can work something out!

2009-12-16 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2562132

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

junthank - 2009-12-16 10:31 AM
crea0029 - 2009-12-15 5:04 PM

Hi everyone,

How's everyone's weather today?  We are at a nice 8 degrees above zero but at least sunny.  I think I will be spending a lot of time on the treadmill with the marathon in a few short weeks and the roads snow covered and slippery.  Sounds like we have got a good group and I certainly look forward to being kicked around a bit.  Gonna grab a quick nap before my workout!

Weather on the Southwest coast of Florida this time of year is super.  Probably a little bit warmer than WI!!! 

However, training here in June-September kind of stinks if you have a problem with heat/humidity.

I look forward to heading your way in Jan for the Disney marathon.  I can imagine training during the summer would be a challenge but at least you don't have 17 inches of snow and let's see... our high temperature today I believe is going to be 4... like 4 degrees F.  Totally crazy!!

2009-12-16 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2562445

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
crea0029 - 2009-12-16 12:22 PM

junthank - 2009-12-16 10:31 AM
crea0029 - 2009-12-15 5:04 PM

Hi everyone,

How's everyone's weather today?  We are at a nice 8 degrees above zero but at least sunny.  I think I will be spending a lot of time on the treadmill with the marathon in a few short weeks and the roads snow covered and slippery.  Sounds like we have got a good group and I certainly look forward to being kicked around a bit.  Gonna grab a quick nap before my workout!

Weather on the Southwest coast of Florida this time of year is super.  Probably a little bit warmer than WI!!! 

However, training here in June-September kind of stinks if you have a problem with heat/humidity.

I look forward to heading your way in Jan for the Disney marathon.  I can imagine training during the summer would be a challenge but at least you don't have 17 inches of snow and let's see... our high temperature today I believe is going to be 4... like 4 degrees F.  Totally crazy!!

4 Degrees and 17 inches of snow is INSANITY!! It was in the 30's this morning during unit PT (physical training) and we were all a little chilly....put it in the 20's and we are FROZEN in Texas!  I really don't know how y'all do it.  I will be in NY for my job from summer 2012-summer 2014...I'm glad I don't despise the trainer, cause I'm going to know it A LOT when I live up there.  The treadmill, well, I do despise that thing, and I'll just bundle up and run outside as much as I can stand it!
2009-12-16 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2561485

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
jcarmody - 2009-12-16 6:24 AM

Hi - Janet here checking in, hopefully to get some advice on a training program.  My only concrete plans right now are a 1/2 Mary in April, 25k in early May and a full marathon in late May.  I've followed various running training programs in the past so I know I can put something together to prepare for these events.  But, of course I wouldn't be in this program if I didn't have tri aspirations.  So I guess I need some guidance in working in the other disciplines during the winter months with an eye towards some June/July/August triathlons.  I'm appealing to the group here.  Any suggestions?

I should probably add that winter in Michigan does not lend itself to cycling.  I can swim indoors and there are spinning classes available or maybe I should get a trainer for my bike.  I guess that is another question for the group.

Please help!


  Yeah, Michigan weather isn't going to help you getting onto the road for cycling.  Swimming indoors is great winter improvement training, and I know, for me, swimming is the thing I have to stay on the most to keep from losing and to see improvement, so absolutely get in the pool.  Check and find out if there is a Master's swim group in your local area.  I wish I had one to go to, but usually a Master's group will have a coach and they put together workouts, and people vary in abilities too. 
Trainers are great training equipment for when the only time you have to ride is the night/early morning (happens to me often) or you live in the great white north, like you do.  Good ones aren't cheap though.  So, if you're going to buy one, you need to be pretty sure that you're going to use it. I have gotten my monies worth out of mine, no doubt. There are different brands and price points, but I bought a good one that would replicate the road as much as possible (Cycleops Fluid).  I haven't done too much spinning but have been to some classes and know it's a really good workout.  It may not fully replicate like riding on the road, but will help develop that endurance.  If the choice is paying for spin classes vs. trainer, I'd say trainer cause then you get to pick your time and are not limited to someone else's schedule. 

BT does have some winter maintenance/build plans that focus on swimming and cycling.  Maybe check those out for some ideas. 

I do agree with what Stephen said about it being hard to take cookie cutter plans and just follow those.  Everytime I've used a BT plan, I've always tweaked it to personalize it for me and where I felt my strengths and weaknesses were. 

2009-12-16 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2562563

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

4 Degrees and 17 inches of snow is INSANITY!! It was in the 30's this morning during unit PT (physical training) and we were all a little chilly....put it in the 20's and we are FROZEN in Texas!  I really don't know how y'all do it.  I will be in NY for my job from summer 2012-summer 2014...I'm glad I don't despise the trainer, cause I'm going to know it A LOT when I live up there.  The treadmill, well, I do despise that thing, and I'll just bundle up and run outside as much as I can stand it!

New York's a big place so it all depends on what part you are stuck in.  If it's anywhere near the city or Long Island, we generally don't keep any snowfall for very long and the last couple of winters have been kind of mild.  Upstate is another matter entirely though... 
2009-12-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
In terms of my plans, I picked three from here that were very similar, right down to what disciplines you do on what day o the week.  The only changes I made were to smooth out the transitions since the total time and distance went up dramatically.

Much beyond that, I get way too analytical when looking at these things.  I think I'd sit every night planning the perfect schedule without the framework that the plans here offer me.  Hopefully, someday, I will have enough knowledge to not have to rely on someone else's plan but I'm still learning what works and what doesn't work at the moment.
2009-12-16 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2562984

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Sulcus - 2009-12-16 3:05 PM

4 Degrees and 17 inches of snow is INSANITY!! It was in the 30's this morning during unit PT (physical training) and we were all a little chilly....put it in the 20's and we are FROZEN in Texas!  I really don't know how y'all do it.  I will be in NY for my job from summer 2012-summer 2014...I'm glad I don't despise the trainer, cause I'm going to know it A LOT when I live up there.  The treadmill, well, I do despise that thing, and I'll just bundle up and run outside as much as I can stand it!

New York's a big place so it all depends on what part you are stuck in.  If it's anywhere near the city or Long Island, we generally don't keep any snowfall for very long and the last couple of winters have been kind of mild.  Upstate is another matter entirely though... 

I'll be about 70 miles NW of NYC. I'm actually going to be teaching American Politics at West Point for two years.  I spent 4 years there in college, so I know what I'm in for--if anything it's the wind off the Hudson that can be brutal, and snowfall is hit or miss.  I just know that silk long johns will be an important part of my daily uniform.
2009-12-16 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2562728

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal and Smilford's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Brittany -

Thanks for the advice.  I think I'll look into trainers.  I will be putting my training plan together and posting it soon.

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