General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-03-09 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3390572

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

I haven't done Quassy yet but I know the area and live in CT. 

I've done Timberman though and don't consider it hilly at all.  It's got 2 little hills but is fast besides that.  It's got long stretches of just hammer along.  Quassy won't be like that.  It has one big climb in the middle that will dwarf what you encountered at Timberman.  Besides that, it will be rolling with hills and it will be more difficult to get into a rythm.  It will require a different ride strategy and will be a much slower course.  Overall, on paper it's got close to 2500ft of climbing vs probably 2000ft for Timberman (just a guess)...


2011-03-09 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3371022

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Simon - from what I've heard (friends who've done both this and Timberman, plus LP as well) the bike is real tough, much harder than Timberman.  As Jay said, once you get past that one hill about 8 miles in the Timberman course is damn near flat, but Quassy is just a bunch of rollers with one monster climb in the middle.  And the BIG difference: Quassy's run course is supposedly REAL tough, I guess the last couple of miles are all uphill and it gets progressively harder the closer you get to the finish.  Just a tough course all around...can't WAIT!

Jay - Still 30-34, yeah...I still have three more in this AG, actually, gotta take advantage of it while I can, 35-39 doesn't sound like much fun!

Training's been awesome, I've been working with a coach since June and he's fantastic.  Huge bike focus this winter and I'm putting up numbers I only dreamed about a year ago--I'm actually starting in on some road racing this spring so hopefully it translates to a big improvement in my 70.3 bike splits.  The swim has progressed nicely, 7-10,000m a week, not enough pool time to really improve but I'm a solid 0:10/100m faster now than 6 months ago.  The run...well the run is the run .  I'll start adding speedwork in the next month but I'm banking on the extra bike fitness to carry over to the run, I've only been doing 9-12 maintenance miles a week. 

I actually hurt my knee at the end of my week in Austin so the last week and a half has been frustrating...a couple of swims, lots of physical therapy, ice, advil and rest, and not much else.  Oh well, I probably needed a bit of a break after a real tough winter.

How about yourself?  How about anyone else, care to share what the winter's been like?  What the focus has been, where you are right now, etc? 


2011-03-09 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Ray - you're spot on about the run. Just looked at the gradient/elevation graph. Holy cr*p that looks rough.

I expect this will be my thought process:

Miles 0-1.5 downhill at -2% (My legs are like jelly)

Miles 1.5 to 2.5 uphill 2% gradient (My legs are even more like jelly)

Miles 2.5 -3.5 downhill - 2% gradient ( that a BIG hill I see before me?)

Miles 3.5 - 4.5 uphill 4 to 5 % gradient (Oh for %^&* sake this is silly)

Miles 4.5 - 8 steady rollers 1-2 %? gradient (I might not have to walk this, keep going)

Miles 8 - 11 downhill -3% gradient (Maybe I can steal a skateboard from a kid to get down?)

Mile 11 - 13.2 uphill hitting 3% gradient (I hope the rides in the amusement park come with free beer!)



2011-03-09 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Please, please trust me when I say this Bike and Run course is a BEAST.  Over 90% of the time you will be going UP or DOWN.  It's just that simple.  The bike is just roller after roller, with fast descents.  All the rollers are managable, it's just they never stop coming.  The only "tough" climb on the bike is from mile 24 to 31.  For most of that climb EVERYONE was in their granny gear just grinding it out.  It's a long, tough climb.   And when you get to the top you get smacked with some nice headwinds.   

The run is 2 miles downhill and then the K-Swiss mile is just straight up.  Hardest mile I've ever run.  Think running up an escalator for a mile, only it's a dirt road, and it winds so you keep think it has to flatten out.  But it doesn't.  It's that steep and it SUCKS that bad.  Then it's a bunch of rollers with some more steep but short climbs.  Once you hit Mile 9 and you can see Quassy on your left, the remaining miles are pretty flat except for one nasty little steep climb about .75 from the finish. 

The severity of the grade in this elevation picture is accurate -

By comparison I've done Rhode Island 70.3, and it's much harder.  The only course this compares to is Harriman/Harryman that I've done.  

Also, EVERYONE should try and get there hands on some pre-made CeraSport drink.  This is the sport drink they will be serving on the course.  It's a very DISTINCT and STRONG tasting beverage.  Think cross between Gatorade and Apple Cider.  Yeeeeah, seriously.  It's all they serve on the Bike and Run.  Thankfully it worked well for me.  Lots of people I know it did not agree with though. 

*** On a positive note, the swim is wave start (little contact), the lake was like glass last year, and sighting is simple.  Also, despite the Bike and Run being challenging, they are FAIR.  For every up, there is a down.  If you work the uphills and let gravity pull you on the downhills, you'll have a decent race. 

Edited by Dream Chaser 2011-03-09 8:11 PM
2011-03-09 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3391095

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Cerasport isn't listed as a sponsor any more - Gatorade is currently listed.  The webpage doesn't have info yet about what will be at aid stations so that might still be in the works.
2011-03-10 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3391120

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
katimomma - 2011-03-09 9:19 PM Cerasport isn't listed as a sponsor any more - Gatorade is currently listed.  The webpage doesn't have info yet about what will be at aid stations so that might still be in the works.

WOW would that be wonderful

Oh, and I typed that previous post up last night when I was tired.  I meant to say "Once you hit Mile 9 and you can see Quassy on your left  RIGHT, the remaining miles are pretty flat except for one nasty little steep climb about .75 from the finish."   

If you are racing comptetively against another person close to you, or racing for a time, this is an important tip to know.  Basically you will go up a slight hill and emerge from the rollers and you will see a sidewalk that most will be running on.  Once the haze of pain dissipates from the last 9 grueling miles, you will reliaze things are starting to look familar.  You will see the big parking lot and Quassy on the RIGHT.  We are then directed to make a sharp LEFT.  If you have anything left in your legs, you can cruise with confidence as the 2-mile out & back is shaded, straight, and flat.  This is the only part of the Run course I suggest hammering, if you even have any legs left. 

The final mile is through a very flat road, with thick woods around you.  I remember it feeling very cool and lush.  Once you see an old railroad stone bridge you have to run under, right on the other side around the corner is a short but STEEP SOB of a hill.  Make sure to hit it hard, as that's the last hill and then it's one turn and a short straight-away to the finish. 

2011-03-10 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3391424

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Thanks Bobby, it's great to get feedback from someone who's done the course. Sure seems like a tough one. I will be making some dates with the rollers in Palisades Park in the next 10 weeks.

Does anyone have recommendations for a drinks carrier/holder for racing? I use an X-Lab with cages for training but I'm thinking a device that I don't have to reach for bottles might be easier with these rollers.


2011-03-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Dream Chaser's course description is pretty spot on.  Bike course is hilly but I knew that going into last year, trained accordingly, and felt I was well prepared.  Run was a little more difficult than expected and I remember becoming resigned to the fact that another hill or roller was likely around the corner.   Will definitely train more hills for the run this yr.  

As to drink question, I had an xlab and aqua cell last year and the system worked well.  I am sticking with the xlab, ditching the aqua cell and going with a torpedo mount this yr.    

2011-03-14 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Saw the official announcement - Gatorade on course!  
2011-03-14 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3396575

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Amazing news.  Cerasport was awful.  FAQ page says that aid stations will be every 10 miles on bike.  This seems like a lot, and definitely more than last year.  If this too is true, I will be losing all bottle cages (xlab) except for torpedo mount.  
2011-03-14 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3396721

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Donzy - 2011-03-14 10:53 AM Amazing news.  Cerasport was awful.  FAQ page says that aid stations will be every 10 miles on bike.  This seems like a lot, and definitely more than last year.  If this too is true, I will be losing all bottle cages (xlab) except for torpedo mount.  

X2.   I have to admit, Cerasport worked extremely well for me.  It quenched my thirst, kept me hydrated and fueled.  I had no GI issues and I didn't cramp (stomach or muscles).  But it tasted awful.  Sorry CeraSport.  

And yeah, I can only recall 3 Aid Stations on the Bike (which was plenty, for me).  I am pretty sure there was not 5.  But the more, the merrier

2011-03-17 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3389330

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-08 9:21 PM
neweyes - 2011-03-08 9:17 PM

I'm in!

Super excited as this will be my first 70.3, on the way to my first 140.6 at the end of July. Hoping the hills here in West Virginia will get me ready for the course, and hoping the drivers here in West Virginia don't knock me off course.

How many of you will visit the amusement park on Saturday? I know, time on one's feet and all that, but maybe just for a little while??? I mean, free tickets, right?

Its not really an amusement park -- more like a kiddie park, pretty low key (although I love the arcade and the corny prizes). 

as kelly indicated, its an amusement park for little kids, we went there on camp trips when we were 10. 

May try and set up an initial pre ride mid April if anyone is interested.

Edited by jsklarz 2011-03-17 5:57 AM
2011-03-17 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3401452

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
jsklarz - 2011-03-17 6:53 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-08 9:21 PM
neweyes - 2011-03-08 9:17 PM

I'm in!

Super excited as this will be my first 70.3, on the way to my first 140.6 at the end of July. Hoping the hills here in West Virginia will get me ready for the course, and hoping the drivers here in West Virginia don't knock me off course.

How many of you will visit the amusement park on Saturday? I know, time on one's feet and all that, but maybe just for a little while??? I mean, free tickets, right?

Its not really an amusement park -- more like a kiddie park, pretty low key (although I love the arcade and the corny prizes). 

as kelly indicated, its an amusement park for little kids, we went there on camp trips when we were 10. 

May try and set up an initial pre ride mid April if anyone is interested.

If anyone from the eastern Long Island is signed up for Rev3 and interested in doing a training ride on the course in Mid April or early May, we can meet at the Port Jeff Ferry first-thing in the morning and throw the bikes in my mini-van and split the ferry fee.  I actually can comfortably fit three bikes in my Sienna, and we could split the ferry fee in three.  PM me if interested.  I cannot emphasize enough that this is a tough, challenging, beast of a course and it would serve well to ride it before Race Day. TRUST ME!
2011-03-18 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3402652

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2011-03-17 5:36 PM
jsklarz - 2011-03-17 6:53 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-08 9:21 PM
neweyes - 2011-03-08 9:17 PM

I'm in!

Super excited as this will be my first 70.3, on the way to my first 140.6 at the end of July. Hoping the hills here in West Virginia will get me ready for the course, and hoping the drivers here in West Virginia don't knock me off course.

How many of you will visit the amusement park on Saturday? I know, time on one's feet and all that, but maybe just for a little while??? I mean, free tickets, right?

Its not really an amusement park -- more like a kiddie park, pretty low key (although I love the arcade and the corny prizes). 

as kelly indicated, its an amusement park for little kids, we went there on camp trips when we were 10. 

May try and set up an initial pre ride mid April if anyone is interested.

If anyone from the eastern Long Island is signed up for Rev3 and interested in doing a training ride on the course in Mid April or early May, we can meet at the Port Jeff Ferry first-thing in the morning and throw the bikes in my mini-van and split the ferry fee.  I actually can comfortably fit three bikes in my Sienna, and we could split the ferry fee in three.  PM me if interested.  I cannot emphasize enough that this is a tough, challenging, beast of a course and it would serve well to ride it before Race Day. TRUST ME!

My plan is at least 2 or 3 rides of the course. 

2011-04-01 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3371022

New user
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Good afternoon!  Looks like Quassy is just around the corner!  We are having the course preview day once again.  May 15th this year and it will be hosted by the fine folks from Target Training.  You can find more information on our website.




2011-04-06 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Less than two months . . . tick tick tick

2011-04-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Broad Brook
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Yea, I am counting the days! I am hoping to set a nice PR
2011-04-11 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
I hope everyone is training on Hills!!  Hill repeats, and more Hill Repeats!!   I can still vividly see some of the climbs on the Bike and Run. 

Just a little over a month and a half to go
2011-04-11 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3439484

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

Dream Chaser - 2011-04-11 9:15 AM I hope everyone is training on Hills!!  Hill repeats, and more Hill Repeats!!   I can still vividly see some of the climbs on the Bike and Run. 

Just a little over a month and a half to go

Definitely plan on doing hill repeats at twice a week before work & hope I can stick to that plan. I recently rode with a friend who did this race last year and asked her about it. The expression on her face when she described the run suggested she vividly remembered it too Smile. I've a feeling this race may prove to be the toughest one yet for me. Still looking forward to it though!

2011-04-11 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3439484

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
The only flat road I've been riding is the one that takes me to the biggest and steepest hills I can find   What's the steepest grade on that bike course?  Curious since I haven't ridden it yet.  Been riding a lot of sustained 8-10% grades and one beast at 17% for a few minutes.  Wondering how that compares.
2011-04-11 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3439743

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
acumenjay - 2011-04-11 10:58 AM The only flat road I've been riding is the one that takes me to the biggest and steepest hills I can find   What's the steepest grade on that bike course?  Curious since I haven't ridden it yet.  Been riding a lot of sustained 8-10% grades and one beast at 17% for a few minutes.  Wondering how that compares.

I don't know the grades, nor am I good with Running or Riding an incline and even attempting to guess the grade.  But what I can say is that all the steep grades in the first 20-miles of the course aren't tough because they are short and they often come after a downhill.  I remember seeing some of the beginning climbs from far away and thinking "Crap, that looks steep!"  But then somehow before I knew it, I was halfway up the climb and it wasn't so bad.  Lots of rollers and one long false flat in the first 20 miles.  Then it goes flat for just a few miles through town and then you come to THE BEAST OF A CLIMB from mile 23 to 31. 

The BEAST OF A CLIMB is only steep in a few sections, one painful steep turning climb at the very end - when you think you're done cause from around mile 28-ish to 30 it flattens out a little, and then there is one last steep climb to get to the top and I just remember thinking "You gotta be shiitin' me."  The first 5 or 6 miles of the climb aren't so much steep, as it's unrelenting.  There are no breaks, everyone is in there granny gear (except for maybe 3 or 4 riders that I saw pass me) and it's just a lonnnnng, slow trek upward. 

I'm really looking forward to doing this climb again in the training preview to try and build some confidence.  Biking up it for the very first time on Race Day last year just plain sucked.  Without a doubt I'll be sporting the 12-27 cassette.  And, again, expect nasty headwinds all along the top of the route.  I remember being so happy to be at the top finally and then the wind just slams in you in the face, lol!!  It was miserable and brutal now that I force myself to remember it, LMAO!!  Although the scenery from up top is stunning.   That took away some of the pain.  Some.  

After the climb there is a long flat section through farmland, and unfortunately it's all headwinds (at least it was last year) and then is an out & back till mile 40.  The out & back is kind of boring but it's relatively flat compared to the beginning of the course!--some false flats and rollers--and you get to see the people ahead of you and behind you.  Always nice to see the faces of the other people suffering .   Fortunately miles 41 to 48 are a sceeeaming downhill.  There are a few sketchy turns, one at Mile 41 I believe.  But much of the descent is straight and gently winding, and there are volunteers/cops at the bottom directing you where to go.  Then a few more rollers and a downright nasty false flat the last 4 miles back to Quassy.  Just a real nasty false flat cause all you want is 'off' the bike and you know you're close to the end of the Bike route, but the false flat is long and unrelenting.  *** My suggestion for everyone would be to be patient on this false flat and spin it so the legs can begin recovering a little bit for the run.  To push and grind out that last 4 miles of false flat to gain an extra 2 or 3 minutes can cost you many more minutes on the run.

*** I would also like to suggest to everyone to use a more durable tire than one would normally use for a Race.  I saw LOTS and LOTS of riders with flat tires.  This is not a flat, smooth course so the benefit of a light, low rolling resistant tire will not be as advantageous in overall constant speed due to the myriad of climbing and descending.  This course is gritty and tough and I think a more durable tire suits this course better, this is just my opinion mind you.  To give another example, the same way an aero helmet will not be as beneficial on this course because of all the climbing and only a short period of time in the aero on flats; and unless you are a highly-skilled and fearless descender, you are going to self-limit your top-end speed on the descents by tapping the breaks and occasionally sitting up.  Yes, an ultra-light Race Tire will be quicker over this course, but I believe not by much.  And if you are on the side of the road changing a flat tire, how much faster is that tire?  Mind you, of the five 70.3's I've done, this is the only half where I would recommend a more durable tire.

If anyone else who has ridden the Bike Course could comment, that would be super!! 

Edited by Dream Chaser 2011-04-11 11:21 AM

2011-04-11 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3371022

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
Oh, and the out & back on the Bike (although a bit tedious and boring) is sheltered by the woods, so there were no headwinds.
2011-04-11 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3371022

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Broad Brook
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
D.C. curious how this course compares to Harriman.
2011-04-12 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3441013

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Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread
davetri1 - 2011-04-11 7:31 PM D.C. curious how this course compares to Harriman.

Yah know Dave, that is an EXCELLENT Question.  In terms of overall difficulty rating, IMO, they are almost identical; perhaps Harryman is a little harder because the tough climb at Harriman is broken up, and you have to hit part of that climb late in the race; whereas at Quassy, the big climb comes all at once and is a longer sustained effort.  So yeah, now that I think about it, I'd say Harryman is a tougher 56 miles, but not by too much.  The frost heaves at Harryman also took a toll on me late in the race
2011-04-14 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3371022

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: Revolution3 Triathlon - Quassy 70.3 : Official Thread

What's up DC, I remember you from last years IMLP blog, wow did that thread have a lot of entries!

Has anyone found a course profile for the bike or run course?

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