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2011-06-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3560369

Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
I have been a "Finish Line Catcher" at IMKY for a couple of years. When I put their finisher's medal on I usually just say," Congratulations,you really earned this" and give them a bottle of water Then I guide them out of the finish line area to pickup their finisher's shirt and to the rest area. There are medical professionals in the rest area to judge if they needed to go to medical or not. If they were"OK" I left them there and went back to catch another finisher. If they did need medical attention I guided them over to the medical area and then went back to the finish line.

In most cases you could tell by the way they walked and how much help they needed when I was guiding them whether they needed medical attention or not. In a couple of cases I called for medical assistance for people who were about to collaspe and had serious trouble walking another step.

It amazed me what condition of the finishers were in when they crossed the line. Some looked like they had been just finished a jog around the block, while other looked like they had been on a "death march" and might not make it another step and everything in between.

Great experience.

2011-06-21 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3560601

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

zed707 - 2011-06-21 12:47 PM What shift are you doing? I'm a catcher this year also--last shift.

I have the 2nd shift - 6 to 9.

2011-06-21 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3560711

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Arden Hills, MN
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
PrivateIdaho - 2011-06-21 3:27 PM

zed707 - 2011-06-21 12:47 PM What shift are you doing? I'm a catcher this year also--last shift.

I have the 2nd shift - 6 to 9.

Since you're 2nd shift, I would suggest telling them the really fast talented guys/gals finished a couple hours ago and are already back in the hotel having a beer. 

2011-06-21 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
Bring flyers and business cards for the local tattoo parlor
2011-06-21 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3560730

, California
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
DB - 2011-06-21 1:32 PM
PrivateIdaho - 2011-06-21 3:27 PM

zed707 - 2011-06-21 12:47 PM What shift are you doing? I'm a catcher this year also--last shift.

I have the 2nd shift - 6 to 9.

Since you're 2nd shift, I would suggest telling them the really fast talented guys/gals finished a couple hours ago and are already back in the hotel having a beer. 

"One more lap to go!  <just kidding>"

2011-06-21 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3560871

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
spudone - 2011-06-21 2:36 PM
DB - 2011-06-21 1:32 PM
PrivateIdaho - 2011-06-21 3:27 PM

zed707 - 2011-06-21 12:47 PM What shift are you doing? I'm a catcher this year also--last shift.

I have the 2nd shift - 6 to 9.

Since you're 2nd shift, I would suggest telling them the really fast talented guys/gals finished a couple hours ago and are already back in the hotel having a beer. 

"One more lap to go! "

Or maybe "honey badger don't care if you're tired" (I've been following the Cd'A thread)

2011-06-21 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
Granted this was a 25 & 50 mile mtn bike race, I found "welcome back" usually got a few smiles out of people.  Point people towards a nap & beer and most are content.
2011-06-21 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

"Good job! Now go mow that lawn you've been neglecting." Laughing
2011-06-21 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3560508

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Western NC
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
FELTGood - 2011-06-21 3:13 PM

"sorry you were disqualified on the swim, theres always next year !!"

Glad I wasn't drinking when I read that, made me laugh out loud!!


2011-06-21 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

"It's about damn time!  What took you so long?  What'd you do, lay down and take a nap?!"

or maybe just, "Good job ironman!"



2011-06-21 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

I'm catching the last shift at IMMOO this year.  I'll have to think of some good questions to assess cognitive reasoning.  Something cow related like:

A man has an acreage where grass grows continuously and evenly. If 20 cows eat all the grass in 96 days and 30 cows eat all of the grass in 60 days, then how long does it take 70 cows to eat all of the grass?

(riddle stolen from the Inet, I'm not really that smart)

2011-06-21 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

I've done finish line catcher multiple times at IM. We were never given much instructions other than catch them, keep out of the camera, and stay to the side while you wait.

I would say congratulations Ironman. If they were chatty, ask how their day was, or if they look bad ask them how they are feeling. I'd prep them on the finish line process....we are going to get your medal, then t-shirt what size do you think you want...tell the women they are men's sizes only if that is the case and know if they are cotton or tech shirts and how they run size wise..women often ask, then hat then head over to the finish line photo area. May ask who is waiting for them and do they know where to find them. Point them in the direction of finish line food and tell them where to find massage. Sharing information they need to know will be helpful.

Some athletes will want to tell you about their day, others will blow you off and not want any help. You'll get the hang of it in no time. Really it is an amazing way to connect to athletes and get little snippets of IM day from many people.

Strangest finish line comment, one women maybe in her mid 30s yelled very loudly, yes I beat my ex husband's time as soon as she crossed the finish line....there was a story there I didn't want to hear.

2011-06-21 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

I worked the finish at IMKY last year and had a blast.  Food and Medical were about a block away and we were instructed to escort them there.  Their full name was on the race number so I would just say something like "Congratulations Jane Doe, you made it Ironman!  My name is Brian and will be here to help you for the next few minutes.  Is there anything you need?" 

There are a few stops along the way out of the finish chute including a photo op, shirt pickup and then typically you can help guide them to their family.  At that point I would just walk them to Medical and ensure thier needs were meet and they knew where to find everything. 

It typically took about 5-10 minutes to escort one Finisher out of the chute and to the Convention Center for recovery.  Some took longer than others and if they needed medical attention at the finish we stayed with them.  One guy finished and immediately began to puke, I had to hold him up while he evacuated the contents of his stomach and we got him a wheelchair.  Wheeled him through to the photo op place where I helped him up and let go just long enough for his photo, which he insisted on and then grab him again before he collapsed into a pile on the ground.  Nice guy and stopped back by about an hour later after some IV fluids to say thanks along with his Wife. 

2011-06-21 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3560711

Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
PrivateIdaho - 2011-06-21 3:27 PM

zed707 - 2011-06-21 12:47 PM What shift are you doing? I'm a catcher this year also--last shift.

I have the 2nd shift - 6 to 9.

Let's try to get the time down a bit for next year, m'kay?

2011-06-21 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
Honestly, my face says it all...  This nice woman grabbed me right after I crossed the finish line.. She guided me over to receive my medal, to which the volunteer said, "Congratulations Ironman" as she put it around my neck..I cannot remember what she was saying to me but she stayed with me for about 5-10 minutes to make sure I could make it on my own.  I was so tired... She even took a nice group pic, which I trimmed down for my avatar..  I have thanked her more than once since my race...  It was 11:20 PM and not that many left on the course...

Thank God for volunteers....

Edited by TriBabe2006 2011-06-21 9:21 PM
2011-06-21 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
your catcher is an angel in that last pic!  You were hurting and she was definitely making sure you were ok.  Great pic!

2011-06-21 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3560369

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

"I'm sorry sir but you missed the 4th run lap - you need to go back out and finish it"

2011-06-22 1:40 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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New user
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

My catcher told me his name and asked me how I was feeling. He made sure to make eye contact and then walked me through my picture and beyond.

He kept talking and I could tell he was watching me pretty closely and judging my responses. I only appreciated later how attentive he had been.

Please don't do funny; it will only confuse the finishers! Smile

2011-06-22 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

i think i would like to hear a "congrats" and "can i get you anything"

then list the things that you can get cause i might be able to think of anything on my own.

2011-06-22 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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Spring (Houston), TX
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
Having just finished my first, I can honestly say I don't remember what the catcher said. I remember he tripped on the camera platform and fell, nearly pulling me down with him. They wanted to put me in a wheelchair, but I refused. He stayed with me until my wife (a nurse practitioner) met me, then agreed to not make me go to medical.
2011-06-27 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3561306

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
ransick - 2011-06-21 8:48 PM your catcher is an angel in that last pic!  You were hurting and she was definitely making sure you were ok.  Great pic!

Thanks....she was wonderful..  I wish I knew what her name was...  I was ready to drop.. I was suffering with a cold and felt like crap after the adrenaline wore off after that one piece of pizza.. all I wanted was to go sit in the jacuzzi and take a nice warm shower... ya know when I got into bed about 2 hours after this pic was taken, I couldn't sleep!!


2011-06-28 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

One thing I said that some really liked. "Stop your garmin"

2011-06-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

I like what my 4 yr old daughter said to my wife after her almost DFL HIM in 90 degree heat: 

 "Mommy, you really stink!"  We laughed our a$$ off. 

2011-06-28 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3570622

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Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?
bgraboski - 2011-06-28 8:19 AM

I like what my 4 yr old daughter said to my wife after her almost DFL HIM in 90 degree heat: 

 "Mommy, you really stink!"  We laughed our a$$ off. 

LMAO.  That is hilarious.  Nothing like kids to lightened the mood.

2011-06-28 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3560369

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What do you say to an Ironman?

My wife volunteered as a finish line catcher at CdA 2 years ago and was able to come back and catch me when I finished later than planned.  She knew I'd crashed on the bike, but nothing beyond that except that I was able to continue biking and running.  She knew I was going to the medical tent, so walked me through the hat-shirt-medal line (we skipped the photo until I came out of medical). 

Pretty much "Congratulations, you finished!" is a great start whether they hit their goal time or not.  An athlete who doesn't want that comment will show it in his/her demeanor. 

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