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2014-01-15 11:21 PM
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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
HI guys,
it's good to reconnect, it has been a while and I I miss the company. I didn't do many races in 2013 (and still not planning to this year), maybe that's the reason some of the motivation and fun somehow faded and I would like to get it back.

Short story:

Name: Mark

Born in Poland, lived and worked in Austria, LA, Chicago, Hawaii, Australia. Got interested in triathlons about 8 years ago while living in Chicago. Prior to that I was mainly running recreationally and cycling a bit for fun on weekends. After seeing the Chicago International tri I decided to sign up, together with my brother and we had a blast. We did few of those year after year. Looking for information and similarly minded people I discovered BT and started logging the workouts. This turned into a habit. I had a go at a sprint and 2x HIM distances in Racine. Being slow, speed doesn't motivate me much, just the distance. While in Chicago I also ran few 1/2 Marathons and one full marathon. Since my full mary, running 1 marathon a year became a tradition I want to keep as long as possible. After relocating to Australia following the 2008 financial fiasco (the company I was with - Neumann Homes went bankrupt and my attempts to make money renovating homes also fell...) signed up for IM Australia in Port Mac and managed to complete it with very limited training, specially on the bike (the most important part). It was a great experience, I treated it kind of like a dare and pulled it off with the help of fellow BTrs and support of the family. This was in 2011 and since than my motivation faded, however I am still relatively consistent in running, biking for fun on weekends and occasionally swimming. Once a week I like to paddle my kayak/surfski as well.

I've been a vegetarian as far as I can remember, my weight has been almost constant since I was a teenager.

Family: married to a beautiful Colombian girl, we have a 6 yo girl and are now residing on the Gold Coast, Australia. Right now it's hot as hell here and training during the day is a struggle.

This year's races? Local Gold Coast marathon for sure, many Parkrun 5k races on Saturdays - this will catch on in US one day too, it is big here and free!
The rest will depend on motivation.

It's good to be here again.

Edited by markz 2014-01-16 3:59 AM

2014-01-16 9:07 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by markz

Mitch, I would like to join, will post bio later, I'm at work now.

Glad to have you back Mark!
2014-01-16 9:08 AM
in reply to: Samyg

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Samyg

Would like to join and reconnect with you guys.

NAME: Samy 

STORY: Born and raise in Venezuela, living in south Florida for the past 12+ years. Unlike most others, I began triathlons without a base in either swimming, running, or biking. My first year of triathlons was 2012, and had a blast with 4 sprints and 1 Oly, followed by my first HM in February 2013. Had big plans for this past year, but had a string of injuries, disease, lack of motivation that basically render the year moot after only 3 races (the last one in July).

So back to the drawing board (and basics). I fell like I am back to square one, and began training in earnest on January 1st. Its frustrating to realize how much I lost, but also looking forward to get back out there and back in the game. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids (3 and 5 yr olds). Same as Mitch, "my wife doesn't quite get my passion and thinks I go overboard at times. As long as my training doesn't impact the family too much she is fine. That requires me to get creative at times and to work out mostly in the early mornings. "  (amazing how this fits my situation to a T also). that means 5 am alarm almost every morning. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I did 2 runs, 2 swims, and 2 rides for the first year. this year I am planning to increase to 3 runs, 3 rides, and 2 swims. 2 of my rides I do in a cycling studio where you ride you won bike on a computrainer - you can choose whether to do intervals, skills, or real course- and a long ride on the road. My swims are supposed to take place in the afternoons 2/week. Last year I keep missing them, and I thinks it was a key reason for my lack of fitness and injuries. At least for me, the swimming is what holds all the rest of the training together. Currently back to building base (i.e. Mafetone), but plan to include some tempo runs as the year progresses.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: South Beach Triathlon (Classic) in April, Miami Man Speedway (Olympic) in May, Independence Day triathlon (Sprint) in July, Escape Miami (Olympic) in September (My A Race), and Marco Island Sprint in October, followed by a HM in either December or January.

WEIGHTLOSS: During my 6 month break I gains about 15 pounds (reaching 211 lbs @ 6'3"), which I am losing fast thanks to diet and training. I am already down to 204 and pplan to get back to 190-195. Last time I was there my wife forbid me to lose any more weight, so I will abide by her wishes.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Extremely motivated, still a beginner in my mind, and going through the growing pain. I have a great Tri club that provides amazing support during races, but also a lot of knowledge that I can share in this forum. And by allowing me to join you almost assure yourself that you arenot going to be the slowest triathlete in the group :-)

2014 GOALS: (1) Avoid injuries (train hard and smart); (2) consistency (especially the swims); (3) Enjoy the process; (4) Sub 2 hr HM; (5) finish the year as excited about triathlons as I am now. And sign up for my first HIM in 2015.

Samy - Good to hear form you and welcome aboard!
2014-01-16 9:09 AM
in reply to: chris2533

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by chris2533

Hi guys! Would like to join and reconnect with you guys.

NAME: Chris

STORY: 50 year old college professor living in Minneapolis. Did first 10K in 2008 at 5’10”, 186 lbs, but did no races or even exercise much in 2009. In 2010, started barefoot/minimalist running and did two more 10K’s as well as a sprint triathlon on a “comfort bike”. In 2011, I joined this forum, did my first 2 half marathons, my first marathon (missing a BQ by 6 minutues) and two more triathlons (a sprint and an olympic), now with a real tri bike. Really hit stride in 2012, getting down to about 160 lbs, completing a sprint, an olympic and 1/2 iron distance triathlons, as well as two marathons, the second one a BQ by almost 7 minutes. Then a nagging calf injury, work, post-accomplishment letdown, and laziness set in. In 2013 I ran a pretty slow Boston Marathon (but fast enough to be past the explosions, 3:50), a bad 4th of July half marathon and a bad sprint triathlon. So trying to get back into the groove.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 26 years with 5 kids (girls 17, 15, 14, 10. Boy 12).

CURRENT TRAINING: Not much. Just had a minor foot operation (plantar’s wart removal) that will keep me from running much for a week or so. Been on the drainer about 2 days a week and trying to x-country ski one day a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Signed up for none. Will probably sign up for sprint triathlon in August and Twin Cities Marathon in October. May try to do olympic tri in June.

WEIGHTLOSS: Been doing alternate day fasting (actually 600 calories or so MWF) to get from New Year’s Day 183 back down to my racing weight 165 and having some success (been doing for two weeks).

2014 GOALS: (1) Get back in the groove for tri’s. (2) Get back in the groove for running. (3) Re BQ (sub 3:30 at Twin Cities Marathon.)

Welcome back! Looking forward to tackling the season!
2014-01-16 11:03 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Boynton Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by JBacarella  Ok Samy, explain ART from a patient perspective. I've read some things and am having trouble understanding how it is distinguished from massage or a deep tissue massage. I've been having a hip flexor issue from a strained muscle I got rock climbing this Summer. Its been super slow to heal, and I am getting tired of it.

Jim (and Gabe),

ART is a patented technique that deals with soft tissue/muscle injuries. It involves a series of movements while applying pressure (I think this is where the patent comes in) to treat different parts of the body. My current treatment involves lying on my stomach or side, while doing specific movements with my leg while pressure is applied at different points in my hip/buttocks area. It can be painful, and you might feel worse after the first treatment, but I think that is to be expected. Its not a massage per se, but feels more like PT. And is very area-focused. In my case, it is normally followed by some PT-like exercises and/or some electronic stimulation of muscles.

My first experience with it was for my wife back issues. She threw her back out and the guy was able to help her after a couple of other "regular" chiropractors did nothing for her. I initially tried it due to some hip flexor discomfort back in January with good results, and he also help me with some shoulder pain. I am back at it with some hip discomfort and piriform issues (which I found out gets highly aggravated by carrying my 3 year old repeatedly through a outdoor Halloween maze at a birthday party). Obviously, you need to find a good practitioner that know athletes (my guy is affiliated with our Tri-club), and make sure he is ART licensed (they provide additional certifications or different specialties too, so I guess the more certs the better).. Its not a magic bullet, so it takes time, but I was able to train through the treatment, and he also suggested some exercises to strengthen my hip area.

Here is a link:

Hope this helps. If you are frustrated, might be worth it to give it a try.




2014-01-16 12:38 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Gabe - can I ask how you do bold letters? This site changed a lot since and I don't see the options above. Also - can we post pictures here now?


2014-01-16 1:22 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hey guys, can I join in? Some of you may know me already, LOL. I am very disconnected form the sport lately, very focused on work (no choice) and pretty unmotivated too. Weight is out of control and training is near zero.
I am the one in need of help now, especially on the side of the motivation.
I had a lot of goals for 2014, including completing a full distance with Gabe but I will have to pull out from that, work is really bad and I am traveling more than ever.
I will have to settle with frequency and very short stuff when it comes to training and as far as racing nothing longer than 70.3s.
Everybody doing well?
2014-01-16 1:35 PM
in reply to: ernestov

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hey guys. Can I join back in? I'll be more of a spectator/cheerleader this year, but would be lovely to reconnect with you all. Will post proper bio later.

2014-01-16 3:18 PM
in reply to: ernestov

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by ernestov

Hey guys, can I join in? Some of you may know me already, LOL. I am very disconnected form the sport lately, very focused on work (no choice) and pretty unmotivated too. Weight is out of control and training is near zero.
I am the one in need of help now, especially on the side of the motivation.
I had a lot of goals for 2014, including completing a full distance with Gabe but I will have to pull out from that, work is really bad and I am traveling more than ever.
I will have to settle with frequency and very short stuff when it comes to training and as far as racing nothing longer than 70.3s.
Everybody doing well?

From one of your first "hard case dissenters" who finally transformed to one who listened to you and started to get it...I am so glad to see you here. Was worried with your dissapearance. I see your Garmin feed, but I think many of us missed your regular contributions to the team. Welcome aboard!

2014-01-16 3:20 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Hey guys. Can I join back in? I'll be more of a spectator/cheerleader this year, but would be lovely to reconnect with you all. Will post proper bio later.


Glad to see you as well! Welcome aboard.

2014-01-16 8:04 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Kate, Samy, Mark, Rachel and (of course) the Big E - welcome and glad to hear from you all.

@Gabe - The guys running AC Roth are probably the two best RDs on the East Coast (Del Monte & Bob Viggirito). Viggo is a legend and ran Columbia Triathlon for years and retired just a year ago. It must have been a ploy to hook up with Roth. AC can be a bit dingy, but stay at a nice hotel/casino and you will be fine, Personally, I hate the casinos, but there are a couple of boutique hotels in AC that may be worth a look. If you are staying at a casino, Borgata and Revel are the nicest, but Borgata is not family friendly. Revel may be closer to the start. Swim is in the bay - water will be salty and likely wetsuit legal. Atlantic Ocean is weird at the time of year - if the current stirs up cold water, temps could be mid-high 60s (most likely will be low 70s). Air temps should be between 80-90 during the day with really humid conditions throughout. Breeze is unpredictable. If it comes in off the water, temps will stay low. If it comes off the bay/land, it will be much warmer. Substantial portions of the bike with be on the AC Expressway - major highway in and out of the island. If they shut it down, it will result in absolute gridlock (but will be extremely fast). If they expect you to ride with traffic, it will be dicey. Running on the Boardwalk will be a treat. The wood planks absorb a lot of shock and give quite a bit which will be nice during the 26.2. Keep the questions coming.

2014-01-16 8:07 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Today's run welcomed a return to normalcy - finally. 6 miles @ 7:53 pace (last 2 miles at 7:26ish). I was way above MAF and I was working hard, but it was very cathartic to see semblances of the old me!!!
2014-01-17 12:51 AM
in reply to: ernestov

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Ernesto, no suggestions, just sympathy. Going through similar issues with work myself. Have to start really early and morning runs or rides went out the door. Since we're going now through some tropical vortex - running after work is out too. Well, weekend is coming, see what that brings.
2014-01-17 6:59 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by markz

Ernesto, no suggestions, just sympathy. Going through similar issues with work myself. Have to start really early and morning runs or rides went out the door. Since we're going now through some tropical vortex - running after work is out too. Well, weekend is coming, see what that brings.

I will trade you tropical vortex for the polar one we had. Although neither seems conducive to training.
2014-01-17 12:38 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by markz

Ernesto, no suggestions, just sympathy. Going through similar issues with work myself. Have to start really early and morning runs or rides went out the door. Since we're going now through some tropical vortex - running after work is out too. Well, weekend is coming, see what that brings.

I will trade you tropical vortex for the polar one we had. Although neither seems conducive to training.

I agree, It's better to cook than freeze - main reason we live here.
Well, Saturday morning is here already and I'm off for a ride and 5k Parkrun. Hope you all have a decent weekend!
2014-01-17 5:08 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

Today's run welcomed a return to normalcy - finally. 6 miles @ 7:53 pace (last 2 miles at 7:26ish). I was way above MAF and I was working hard, but it was very cathartic to see semblances of the old me!!!

I miss my days of sub 8 minute miles, faster than 8:10 is way above threshold. One new realization: fitness is like a high maintenance girlfriend, you quit the daily being all over her and she walks out on you immediately!
One more reason for frequency.

2014-01-17 6:43 PM
in reply to: ernestov

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by ernestov

Originally posted by JoePetto

Today's run welcomed a return to normalcy - finally. 6 miles @ 7:53 pace (last 2 miles at 7:26ish). I was way above MAF and I was working hard, but it was very cathartic to see semblances of the old me!!!

I miss my days of sub 8 minute miles, faster than 8:10 is way above threshold. One new realization: fitness is like a high maintenance girlfriend, you quit the daily being all over her and she walks out on you immediately!
One more reason for frequency.

I hear you on the dysfunctional girlfriend. Been a very long journey for me. Faced with the prospect of potential achilles surgery, I spent 6 weeks in a boot, 15 weeks of PT and only have returned to running in December. So far so good, but I have a nasty heel spur that isn't going away. Stretch 20' daily, changed shoes and changed stride. Surgeon didn't want to cut, which is good by me so we will see. Hoping to run double digits in Sunday for the first time since September. The importance of performance really has diminished for me as I realized how much I missed the pure pleasure of running. Feeling the sun on my face and the being able to disconnect from life is just freaking awesome and was so missed.
2014-01-17 8:47 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hi guys, I have to share this.

I went to Main Beach parkrun this morning and before we went off I saw a familiar face in the crowd. I thought, this is amazing, this guy looks just like Pat Farmer (if the name doesn't ring the bell - Pat Farmer is an Australian ultra marathoner who last year ran from North Pole to South Pole non stop covering the distance of about 2 marathons a day for over 10 months!).

Anyway... as we walked to the start line I introdeced myself and asked if he wasn't by any chance Pat Farmer..? Yes he was! He asked how fast I could run the 5k and I said - probably 24 min today. 'OK, we can run it together and talk' he said. What I forgot to mention, was that when I run parkrun in 24 min I can't talk... We went off and I could barely keep up for a minute or two and said: 'Pat, please go, I feel bad slowing you down'. For the rest of the distance I felt like walking and had a hard time breathing from going too fast at the beginning. I learned later that he could do 5k in 17 min. At the age of 51!!!

We caught up after the run and talked about his book "Pole to Pole" which I read few months ago. Pat asked for my address to send me his signed book, we took an obligatory picture and shook hands.

What a humble guy running a 5k parkrun totally unrecognised and not seeking any attention! I still can't believe it.

Btw, couple of hours later he drove to my place to drop off his signed book!!! I am speechless.

(pole to pole.jpg)

(pat farmer 300.jpg)

pole to pole.jpg (49KB - 7 downloads)
pat farmer 300.jpg (29KB - 8 downloads)
2014-01-17 11:25 PM
in reply to: #4917388

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Wow! That is so cool. Was the book good? I need a new read.

No comments on the dysfunctional girlfriend ;-). My job and toddler do seem to conspire against my fitness most times.

I escaped to the mountains for a few days. So far I got in a great Nordic ski Thursday and some family alpine skiing today. Tomorrow my daughter is signed up for ski school which means I'll get in a longer day than I'm used to and be pretty sore. Luckily we have had great snow for an early season.

2014-01-18 4:06 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Wow! That is so cool. Was the book good? I need a new read.

No comments on the dysfunctional girlfriend ;-). My job and toddler do seem to conspire against my fitness most times.

I escaped to the mountains for a few days. So far I got in a great Nordic ski Thursday and some family alpine skiing today. Tomorrow my daughter is signed up for ski school which means I'll get in a longer day than I'm used to and be pretty sore. Luckily we have had great snow for an early season.

Kate, the book was great, but this depends on what you like. I like adventure and long distance running, so of course I loved it. Very inspirational. Pat is incredibly humble, but if you think about it, the world of ultra running has hardly any spectators, so naturally it doesn't attract people seeking attention. Btw, Pat has been running ultras since he was 18! He ran across Australia and USA and did countless charity runs, mainly for red cross. Please get the book, the whole story is unreal.

On another note, I envy your skiing... I love it and I can't really do it in this country.
2014-01-20 10:57 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by markz Gabe - can I ask how you do bold letters? This site changed a lot since and I don't see the options above. Also - can we post pictures here now? Mark

Hey Mark, great to see you back on BT.  Not sure if you figured it out yet, but when you log on to the site via a laptop/PC (full version not mobile version) as soon as you reply or quote a message you are presented with the formatting menu on top.

Awesome news about your encounter with the Aussie ultraman and the fact that you had read his books and he is a totally down to earth person!

2014-01-20 11:08 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Joe, thanks for the all the great info for my upcoming Challenge USA race, it really helps coming from someone who is really knowledgeable about area and race organizers.  I'm even more excited about it now!

Hey E welcome to your group:-)  What is this news I'm hearing that you are bailing out of the Challenge USA race?  I let you bail already from IM Cozumel (which was awesome and warmer than your IM Lake Tahoe :-)  so what is going on?

I did a 7 mile easy paced run today morning on the hopes that my knee would be a little better after 10 days of rest and some stretching exercises, but the ITB pain is still as intense as when it first started.  So time to visit the doc and see what he says...

Separately, I was thinking it would be good to get a February Challenge going, for old time's sake and to provide a little motivation to the group.  I know I sure could use it and we could use Mitch's excellent spreadsheet.  Any others interested? 

2014-01-20 12:48 PM
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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab


Separately, I was thinking it would be good to get a February Challenge going, for old time's sake and to provide a little motivation to the group.  I know I sure could use it and we could use Mitch's excellent spreadsheet.  Any others interested? 

I could use a challenge to help wake me out of my winter slumber. My runch has been just painful to start and endure. I could be because it has been all on the treadmill. We had some rain last week and it made my road a death trap, so even if I wanted to run outside, I couldn't. Which is also part of the problem, I don't really feel like running outside either.

I just realized this was my 1000th post, It must be some sort milestone. No confetti dropped when I pressed submit (writing this part in edit). The bulk of my posts were with this group, which is kind of cool. Thanks to all of you for your help and motivation for the last 999.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-01-20 12:51 PM
2014-01-20 6:58 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Ran 5M on Saturday and them 10M for my first double digit run in 4 months. Temps were in the 20s with wind chills in the teens, but it felt good to put myself through the ringer. Up for whatever challenges the group wants.
2014-01-21 1:28 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Being inspired by Pat Farmer I ran 21k on Sunday even though it was hot and humid, but it felt good.
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