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2008-05-06 11:22 PM
in reply to: #1386348

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
lisazapato - 2008-05-06 9:15 PM
Aikidoman - 2008-05-07 12:05 AM

First, I'm SO glad I took the bike out tonight for a little "tune up" ride! Believe it or not, the left crank arm almost fell off!!!! It just started hanging there while the other one spun.

Needless to say, a little spooky and I had to do a "one legged drill" all the way back home! Thanks goodness it was down hill.

SCARY!!!!  I'm so glad I rode my bike on my trainer today, my chain completely broke!!  thank goodness I wasn't outside on the road when it happened.  I guess we are both lucky! 

Holy CARP!!!!! (yes, carp).  Busting a chain is one of the scariest things to ever happen IMO.  Once I was climbing out of the saddle on a steep mtn bike climb when mine just exploded.  Needless to say all my weight came crashing down and so on....  Spooky.....

2008-05-06 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1386354

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

OK, after 18  months, I'm going to post a picture of my bike.  I'm a little sheepish about it, since I kind of think it's a P.O.S bike, but it gets me from A to B.....  But I trust you guys not to tease me!  (maybe not so much other people on BT...)

The reason I have some pride is all the work I put into it.  Basically, the ONLY original items are the frame, brakes, and fork.  EVERYTHING else is something I personally upgraded to change to work for me.

I started with a cheapo bike from bikes direct because I needed a bike and wasn't sure if I would stay in this sport.

New items (from back to front)

  • Rear bottle cages
  • tool pouch
  • seat post
  • saddle
  • cranks
  • bottom bracket
  • pedels
  • bento box
  • stem
  • base bar
  • aero bars
  • shifters
  • brake levers
  • shifter and brake cables 
  • bar tape
  • aero bottle
  • wheels
  • I gave it a new camo paint job and added the yellow dragon decals....  (I LOVE camo and yellow is my race color, camo yellow bar tape and yellow sidewalls on the tires - can't see it since they are dirty)

I think that's about it.  So I have become attached for all the work I put into it.  I think I need a new one though.   It will be hard to see it go.....




Oh yeah, here are some pics from my last race.  I think they are kind of cool.  Shows what we (as triathletes) go through sometimes.  The early morning, the solitary moments before a big race......  Don't mind my track suit reflecting the flash....  Also, kind of shy about pics of me - not the cutest chap around.....  but I shouldn't be so self conscience.....


2008-05-07 12:17 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

OOOO!!!  Like the pix!!!  Nice job on the bike set-up!!!  The reflective race photos are great, too!  Thank you!  Now I want to post some bike porn!

Well, I took my poor little kitty to the vet today.  He has a pretty bad bladder infection.  I get to give him antibiotics and prescription food.  He isn't to keen on the food (he's probably still hurting) but the other cat thinks it is the best stuff on the planet!!!  It is a good thing that the sick cat could use to lose a couple pounds.  The other cat is going to become Fatty McButterpants in the process!

My husband and I received our Road ID's today.  I'm pretty excited.  Are you guys familiar with them?  Cheers!

2008-05-07 4:43 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Nice pictures, thanks for sharing with us! I think your bike looks great, I'm assuming you're very comfortable on it which in my mind is the most important thing for a bike of any kind.

I noticed that you have a good size saddle bag between the seat and the rear water bottle cage. Recently I had to MacGyver mine onto my bike sideways so that it would fit in that location with a lot of industrial strength velco tape and a lot of cursing. Is yours on there sideways and how did you get it to stay in place?


2008-05-07 5:06 AM
in reply to: #1386457

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New Orleans
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
shiggy - 2008-05-07 4:43 AM

Nice pictures, thanks for sharing with us! I think your bike looks great, I'm assuming you're very comfortable on it which in my mind is the most important thing for a bike of any kind.

I noticed that you have a good size saddle bag between the seat and the rear water bottle cage. Recently I had to MacGyver mine onto my bike sideways so that it would fit in that location with a lot of industrial strength velco tape and a lot of cursing. Is yours on there sideways and how did you get it to stay in place?


Correct me if I'm wrong Jim, but that looks like a regular saddle bag (Trek brand maybe?) and a profile design double water bottle cage. I've got both of those items, but currently I only have the bottle cage mounted. I've always thought it would be great to have them both on there, but never took the time to figure out how. That's some great ingenuity on your part Jim, however you managed to pull it off!

For the aero bottle, it should have come with two straws. The first one is the one that actually sticks into the bottle and is pretty firm. The second one is clear and more flexible, and is stuck onto the outside of the first, smaller tube. If that makes any sense. Just wanted to check to make sure you got both; from your picture it looks like it's only the first, smaller tube, which would definitely be too short.

Overall, that's a great looking bike, and like Claire said, if it's comfortable to you, that's all that matters. But I'd be proud as hell to ride a bike like that anyday!


2008-05-07 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1386412

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
owl_girl - 2008-05-07 1:17 AM

Well, I took my poor little kitty to the vet today. He has a pretty bad bladder infection. I get to give him antibiotics and prescription food. He isn't to keen on the food (he's probably still hurting) but the other cat thinks it is the best stuff on the planet!!! It is a good thing that the sick cat could use to lose a couple pounds. The other cat is going to become Fatty McButterpants in the process!

My husband and I received our Road ID's today. I'm pretty excited. Are you guys familiar with them? Cheers!

poor kitty!!!     hope he feels better soon.

as for road id's, i loved mine, until i LOST it!  i feel so guilty, hubby gave it to me this past Christmas and I've already lost it. I took it to my race in my race bag on 4/6, and I haven't seen it since...sigh .

Great pics Jim, you've clearly put a lot of love into your bike!  Does she have a name? 

2008-05-07 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

I'm going to have to get myself a Road ID!

How is everyone doing today?  I am sitting here at work and wanting to get outside and get a nice workout in.  I am hoping to get a nice pool practice in today and wear myself out. I will take and post some pictures of my equipment at some point today or tomorrow.  Hope ya'll have a great day!

2008-05-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1386621

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
I thought your bike was plenty cool. Like Claire said, comfort is everything right? I should take a picture of my POS bike sometime. I made the mistake a long time ago when I really wanted a road bike and saw a deal so I bought a bike. Little did I know that the darn thing is waaaay too big. I think it runs like a 60cm when what I need is like a 56 cm. Those 4 cm are huge.

The bike shoppe changed out the stem and shortened my angle to the handlebars (which allows me to turn a lot better too) and now, I'm actually very comfortable. I think I might go with a new bike next year though.

Crank falling off sucks, chain falling-off is scarry, but I have an interesting story. I was riding through Gettysburg with my father a long long time ago and we were going up Culp's Hill. He was on a borrowed road bike. I was on a Giant Mountainbike. He went around the corner up ahead and as I climbed around the corner, he's lying on the ground with the bike all akimbo.

He was fine, but his front tire had inexplicably bent like a Pringle and he went head-over-handlebars. Funny part about the story though is that we got to the only bike shop open on Sunday, he didn't take credit cards, I had about $62 cash in my wallet and the repair was $60. I was like 13 and had to loan my dad some cash so that's what makes it funny.

Gettysburg is a great place to ride though if you people up in MD and OH ever get the chance. You ride from site to site and the trails are great.
2008-05-07 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Hey everyone, sorry I wasn't around much yesterday. I am heading out of town early this afternoon and may not be on BT again until Saturday. I'll be sitting in a seminar with my laptop all day Thurs and Fri, so it's likely I'll find time to hop on every now and then, but not sure. The seminar is all about social media, so I'll probably be spending a lot of time on other blogs, message boards, etc. .

Anyway, I'll be around for a few more hours and will prob check BT again before I leave. Haven't caught up with this thread yet...sorry.


2008-05-07 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1386463

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
jjweav - 2008-05-07 3:06 AM
shiggy - 2008-05-07 4:43 AM

Nice pictures, thanks for sharing with us! I think your bike looks great, I'm assuming you're very comfortable on it which in my mind is the most important thing for a bike of any kind.

I noticed that you have a good size saddle bag between the seat and the rear water bottle cage. Recently I had to MacGyver mine onto my bike sideways so that it would fit in that location with a lot of industrial strength velco tape and a lot of cursing. Is yours on there sideways and how did you get it to stay in place?


Correct me if I'm wrong Jim, but that looks like a regular saddle bag (Trek brand maybe?) and a profile design double water bottle cage. I've got both of those items, but currently I only have the bottle cage mounted. I've always thought it would be great to have them both on there, but never took the time to figure out how. That's some great ingenuity on your part Jim, however you managed to pull it off!

For the aero bottle, it should have come with two straws. The first one is the one that actually sticks into the bottle and is pretty firm. The second one is clear and more flexible, and is stuck onto the outside of the first, smaller tube. If that makes any sense. Just wanted to check to make sure you got both; from your picture it looks like it's only the first, smaller tube, which would definitely be too short.

Overall, that's a great looking bike, and like Claire said, if it's comfortable to you, that's all that matters. But I'd be proud as hell to ride a bike like that anyday!

Nope, everything is pretty much standard...  I have a small to mid sized bag I think.  It can fit 1 tube, small multi tool, set of tire levers, and an inflator with 1 spare co2.  It is a TIGHT fit though.

It may have worked a little better for me since I have a taller seat post.  But if I recall, I loosened up the straps on the bag (which was FULL, so I knew how much space it needed) then installed the bottle holder underneath.  Then slid it up and got the bag to rest in between.  If you notice, the bag is probably more vertical then hanging straight down from the seat (maybe 45 degree angle).  So it gets wedged in between the post and gap between the cages.  Then tigthed down cage and the bag straps to keep it in place....  Took a couple minutes of tweaking, but it's really snug and compact.

Clear as mud?

 ALSO, I heard about the two straw thing from a thread I started asking about the problem.  They mentioned the same thing.  The fat straw was still in the bottle, all wedged in at the bottom.  It was clear, so when I glanced in there,  I thought I had everything.  It's all good now!

But it was probably comical to see me mimic trying to take a sip when it was only 4 inches out of the bottle (as in the picture).  I felt like I was going to hit my teeth on the handle bars.  I KNEW something had to be wrong!

Edited by Aikidoman 2008-05-07 9:21 AM
2008-05-07 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1386820

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Hey everyone, I hope you don't mind a long-post, but when I was getting ready for my first tri this year my previous mentor (Pilgrim) sent me the below. He's an Ironman and does a lot of Ultra-running events here and there. The below is good guidance about the "Taper."

"At this point you are about two weeks out from your event. Go ahead and find a day this week to take off completely and think about shortening your workouts this weekend.

Next week plan on an easy brick Saturday before the race, maybe 5 mile bike and 1 mile run, easy, it is only to get your legs feeling "activated". You should probably plan on taking off Monday, Thursday and Friday all together and then doing something light on Tuesday and Wednesday."

I'll clarify a bit. Really a one week taper should be plenty for a sprint distance race and that week should begin the weekend prior to the race. You should do your long run and long bike on the weekend before but shorten the distance by about 1/3 and do the workout at race intensity.

Take the Monday off completely and then do a nice run on Tuesday, maybe half distance, say 1.5 miles at race intensity. Take Wednesday to do a good bike and swim, again race intensity and about half distance. Take Thursday and Friday completely off. If you really want to you can throw in an easy swim on Friday and you can head out for an easy walk both days. Sometimes a nice walk can help you beat the taper blues (I'll explain).

The day before the race like I said earlier get in a nice brick, maybe 5 miles bike and 1 mile run but go easy, maybe 60% effort. The purpose is not to get in any training but to get the feel back in your legs and just to kind of limber up a bit.

Ok, many people suffer from what can be called the taper blues. When you are tapering for a race you have become used to much higher levels of training and so when you pull back you start to feel like you haven't worked out in a while and doubts start creeping in..."Did I train hard enough?", "Did I train correctly?", "Am I really ready for this race?" etc...

Also, depending on your level of training some people actually become depressed. Prolonged and high levels of training have a very positive impact on emotional health and sometimes when we cut back we begin to feel depressed and irritable. Recognizing that as a possibility is usually enough so that you are at least not taking it out on those around you.

Another aspect of the taper blues is that you may start noticing little nagging aches and pains. It usually is not something that you may have noticed in training before. It is usually something more along the lines of "My left knee has been fine for the past 12 weeks of training and now all of a sudden it is hurting the week leading up to the race!"

I don't have an exact reason this is so often the case but I believe it is at least partly psychological and I have also been told that it is simply feeling you get as your body recovers from prior high levels of exertion...somewhat like a house settling into its foundation. At any rate, don't start obsessing about these little aches and pains, you will be fine.

I would also leave you with the reminder that no matter what you do you WILL NOT improve your fitness the week before a race so don't feel panicked thinking you should have run more and then head out for a 10 mile tempo run, you will only ruin your race.

Mentally, I would suggest that you DO NOT try and "psych yourself up" for the race. Don't walk around like one of those TV wrestlers growling and posturing and acting mean. That kind of psychological pumping up is great for explosive sports but terrible for endurance sports and yes, a sprint triathlon is an endurance sport even though it is done and a relatively high intensity.

Instead of getting pumped up for the race I would prepare mentally but trying to foster a sense of calm confidence, strength and power. Triathlon is a thinking persons sport full of self monitoring and race tactics. You need to be fluid and poised like a Ninja. Believe me, there will be plenty of adrenaline rushing through your body on race day. Your goal is to harness that power and excitement with your mind and let it feed your body for the duration of the race like a drip system feeds a plant over time.

Keeping a reign on yourself will help prevent you from going out too hard, too fast and will allow you to preserve a nice even maximal effort from start to finish.

I also wanted to comment on the swim. It is extremely common for people to panic in the water when they are inexperienced open water swimmers. The triathlon swim start is often referred to as the human washing machine because, well, that's pretty much what it's like. Don't worry though, you may get hit but most likely you will not get hurt and you will not get pummeled incessantly. Usually it is more like a bump or an arm comes up and lands on your back or someone is slapping your feet or calves. It is a waste of energy for them to do this so when they feel someone they try and move away. All of the athletes are simply looking for their own bit of water to swim in.

Weird related swimming story. Two years ago I was doing the Buffalo Springs Lake Triathlon Aquabike (swim and bike only) because of my hip fracture. At the last buoy some guy literally landed on my back and pushed me about two feet under water. I came up and rolled over to see who the heck did it and there was a guy floating there and he said "Sorry" and I just swam off. I think that as we were turning the buoy he popped up to sight and I swam right in front of him and when he went to start swimming again he came down on me. It had never happened before and has never happened since.

I don't remember if I have posted this before but it is related and funny:

If it doesn't come up you can Google "Cliff bar triathlon swim"

Ok, so if I have left you with a mixed message about the swim, sorry, all I'm trying to say is that there will be bumping and there is more bumping at the start and whenever you are rounding a buoy.

Nobody is out to harm you and everyone is just looking for a little open water.

You are WAY more likely to come away from the swim with a funny story than an injury. One of my favorites is from when a good friend of mine somehow got turned around in the swim and ended up swimming almost the full course and then swam most of it in reverse and then had to turn back when an official told him "You don't have to round the buoys twice" It took him about 25 minutes to cover 500 meters. He's a terrible swimmer so he wasn't immediately curious when there was nobody swimming near him.

Until you get used to the swim it might be a good idea to count to 3 or 5 before you start your swim after the starting gun or whatever goes off. This will not add significantly to your swim time but it will add to your sense of comfort and calm."

2008-05-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Was this for me?


2008-05-07 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1385974

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
dlswimmer - 2008-05-06 5:28 PM

Hey guys... did my first bike route with my Garmin.  It is really cool to see your heart rate, your cadence and everything.  Very happy that I got it.

Now BT needs to have a section to put in your cadence.

Last night I tried the workout download feature (for members only).  It was SO sweet!  It put in all my workout data in like 10 seconds.  It makes me want to do extra time outside with the Garmin!  I haven't tried the route download yet.  No reason to IMO.  My routes are different almost every day since I do different workouts.  No reason to save them - I would have a hundred saved up.....

2008-05-07 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1386980

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Boston Beginner - 2008-05-07 11:06 AM

Was this for me?


Yeah and for Owl_girl and for anyone else who has a race coming-up. I just found most of it to inspire a little confidence in sticking-to the training plan.

2008-05-07 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1387263

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
GomesBolt - 2008-05-07 10:04 AM
Boston Beginner - 2008-05-07 11:06 AM

Was this for me?


Yeah and for Owl_girl and for anyone else who has a race coming-up. I just found most of it to inspire a little confidence in sticking-to the training plan. Matt.

That was a nice summation of a proper taper.  I've even found that I have to take the day off before a "B" race or I'll race horribly.  Just a personal thing that I discovered about myself.  I do it every time now.   With that said, I have to take Friday off!  The metric century is on Saturday!  Yikes!

2008-05-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
I'm still trying to figure out how to get my tool bag to fit on the saddle now that I put the saddle mount, rear water bottle holders on.  I'm pulling my hair out!  I think the bag is just to big.  I guess for shorter rides, I could put my tools and such in a water bottle.  I need to get this figured out before my HIM!  Anymore ideas out there?

2008-05-07 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1387592

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

owl_girl - 2008-05-07 3:01 PM I'm still trying to figure out how to get my tool bag to fit on the saddle now that I put the saddle mount, rear water bottle holders on.  I'm pulling my hair out!  I think the bag is just to big.  I guess for shorter rides, I could put my tools and such in a water bottle.  I need to get this figured out before my HIM!  Anymore ideas out there?

I took my saddle bag, turned it sideways, and shoved it between the seat and the water bottle holders. Then I took strong velcro tape and put it around the bag in various spots and also on the bar that holds the watter bottle cage and attached those. I also used the strap on the saddle bag and attached it the best I could to the seat. All of this I did while singing the MacGyver theme song

Other options, get the measurements of how much room you have back there, and bring the numbers to the LBS and see what they have that will fit and attach in the right places. Alternatively, extra stuff that just doesn't fit in the bag can go in your jersey pockets or BentoBox

I am very against CO2 in a jersey pocket. I saw a very serious injury once when one of those exploded by accident (yes, that can happen).

I rode a few times with a frame pump shoved in my shorts (ha, ha, on the side of the shorts along the outside of my leg) I would not recommend this though!

2008-05-07 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1387642

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Ha Ha! Is that a frame pump in your shorts???

One dude suggested to me that I put the tube in the seat. I tried it and suddenly, I can use a smaller seatbag. I don't have a long seat post like you guys with the Tri Bikes so I have to make-do with my available space. For the last race, I didn't bring-along a tube or anything. If I broke-down, I was clop-clop-clopping back to the finish-line. But I made it.

The extra water-bottle thing is not a bad idea. I've thought about that a few times.

A kid dropped a CO2 cartridge on the floor and it exploded in the bike shop two weeks ago when I was there. Sounded like a single-shot from an AK47 (Thump, pling). They were lucky my PTSD didn't kick-in and cause me to start swinging my fancy new water-bottle around!!!

Just kidding.

I don't have PTSD and my water bottle is quite tame- I got it free with my purchase of two new bike tubes and two CO2 cartridges.
2008-05-07 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1387939

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Something else to keep in-mind owl_girl is that you might not need to worry about it as much with the Century, but with the triathlons upcoming, you need to leave space to mount your number on the seatpost right? I guess you can go under the top-tube, but I think the standard is on the back seatpost.

I'm out! See you guys tomorrow!


Edited by GomesBolt 2008-05-07 4:15 PM
2008-05-07 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1387948

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

GomesBolt - 2008-05-07 1:46 PM Something else to keep in-mind owl_girl is that you might not need to worry about it as much with the Century, but with the triathlons upcoming, you need to leave space to mount your number on the seatpost right? I guess you can go under the top-tube, but I think the standard is on the back seatpost. I'm out! See you guys tomorrow! Matt.

No standard really - just needs to be displayed.  I got seat post to spare, so I have put it there on occasion.  On the top tube works just fine IMO - right in front of the seat post is where I put mine most of the time to keep it out of the way of my knees....

2008-05-07 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1388086

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Some other musings....

First, you may just want a smaller saddle bag.  Just pack it tight.  You shouldn't be in it unless it's an emergency.  Just pack the basics.

For my longer races, I have put a couple things in my bento box (the spare tube after the tire fix).

I have seen a trick where people will pack a water bottle or plastic jar with stuff and put that in a bottle cage.

There are frame pumps that you can install.  Just take the pump off the mounts during a race and put it back on for training.

Honestly, a spare tube, two co2, and a multi tool is all I really need (wheel skewers act nicely as a tire lever in a pinch!).  I also have a quick fix patch kit.  Just some stickers that go over the hole.  It's a REALLY small box.  If I get more than a couple flats - I'll have to call someone....

2008-05-07 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1388103

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!


I just found out that there are 1500 people in my race Sat.  (sprint and oly combined) That's the biggest by far I have ever done.  I'm anticipating an interesting start!  I wonder how they are going to break up the waves....hmmmmmmm

2008-05-07 11:34 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

OK guys!  I think I did it!  I tore apart an old saddle bag with a broken zipper and cut off its strap.  I mounted my good saddle bag to my bike kinda upside down and I used the heisted strap as a stabilizer around the saddle mount water bottle cages.  It all seems hunky dory right now.  I'll see what happens when I ride!

I take minimal repair stuff on my bike.  I always pack my multi tool, tire levers, teeny patch kit, CO2, and two tubes.  (Two tubes since I ride on 650s.)  One of my Spinning class participants is a RAAM racer.  He suggested that I start taking an extra tire as well.  What do all of you think????

2008-05-07 11:39 PM
in reply to: #1389030

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
owl_girl - 2008-05-08 12:34 AM

OK guys! I think I did it! I tore apart an old saddle bag with a broken zipper and cut off its strap. I mounted my good saddle bag to my bike kinda upside down and I used the heisted strap as a stabilizer around the saddle mount water bottle cages. It all seems hunky dory right now. I'll see what happens when I ride!

I take minimal repair stuff on my bike. I always pack my multi tool, tire levers, teeny patch kit, CO2, and two tubes. (Two tubes since I ride on 650s.) One of my Spinning class participants is a RAAM racer. He suggested that I start taking an extra tire as well. What do all of you think????

i don't know about an extra tire (i've never done that), but i just wanted to say - great job mucking with your bike and being successful!!   

2008-05-07 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Over the weekend, a friend of mine DNFed at a HIM.  He did great coming out of the swim.  His bike ride went good even though it was slower than he intended.  He crapped out about halfway into the run.  He said it was hot.  (Now mind you.  If it is 80 degrees for us here in Humboldt County, we want to turn on the air conditioning!)  He thinks he failed to hydrate properly during the bike.

I would love to hear any advice you guys have regarding proper hydration during a HIM.  Right now, I am capable of carrying 2 saddle mount bottles, 1 frame mount bottle, and an aero bottle on my bike.  Do you think this is going to be adequate for me or excessive for my Boise HIM on June 1?

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