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2009-04-22 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2102733

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-04-22 12:47 PM
dalessit - 2009-04-22 9:31 AM
swbkrun - 2009-04-22 12:24 PM Tracy--- 1st off GOOD LUCK w/ the foot and keep us posted.  Hope for just an inflamation!  That's it!  2nd- It wasn't the distance that got me.  This was a really comfortable pace for me, but I think I am/was just tired.  I have logged almost 32 hours of training so far this month with only 2 rest days.  I think I was just not ready to get moving.  I feel much better now!  Ready to hit the pool in a couple hours, and the rock wall tonight!  Tomorrow though... NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH, ZERO!!!  A rest day it is!!

Yeah it's 12:30 and I still have a 60 minute 2900M swim, and a 75 minute ride, dragging a$$ at the moment, would like to take a nap.

Hey!!!  Remember there is no DRAGGING ARSE UNTIL YOU ARE DONE WITH YOUR WORKOUT!!! NOW GET OUT THERE PLEASE!  We will all check your logs later to make sure you did what you said you were supposed to do...

shhh, I'm napping...

2009-04-22 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
You may have read the bit about Jeremy's mother and my mother passing away from cancer.  I'm sure most of us, if not all,  have dealt w/ cancer in one shape or form.  Well our fearless leader is on a quest to raise money for cancer research through the Livestrong Foundation via a Livestrong Century Ride. 

LOL..looking at the site, it says "Well biking 100 miles won't nessesarliy be a challenge"...OK!

Here's Steve's page....

Finally, I'm no good at asking for money, unless its beer money,  but when I heard about Steve's efforts earlier this morning I just had to post this here.  I'm sorry if this offends you in any way. I understand we are in tough times so thanks for anything and everything you can/will do!

Man, this one post is taking me like an hour to write.  I would not be a good fundraiser!

Thanks everyone    John
2009-04-22 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

I just have time for a quick post before getting back to the grind.


Suzy - Great job in Boston!! You have inspired me to look for a qualifying race towards the end of this year.  This will work out great b/c my wife went to college in Boston and I think she’ll be more tolerable of my marathon training if she knows that if I do well she’ll get to go back and experience marathon Monday again.


I had 5 miles for lunch today and it felt great.  First time in awhile that I have had a decent night sleep.  I finally feel like we have enough figured out with the little one that I can get back to it.  That being said, I am considering changing my race in early June from the Olympic distance to the Sprint distance. 


I have a few more weeks before I have to decide.  This will be my first tri.  I know I would have no problem completing the Olympic distance race, but I am somewhat competitive and if I go too hard out of the gate I would rather blow up on the sprint as opposed to the Olympic.  Training for the sprint will also involve less time (although more intensity), which is the biggest reason I am considering dropping down.  Also, a few of my friends are going the sprint as well.  Anyone have any thoughts? 


2009-04-22 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2102216

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

fattyfatfat - 2009-04-22 10:03 AM ****brag alert****

yesterday i crossed the 20k yd mark swimming this far.     fyi, my fat lazy a$$ had a hard time with one lap back in november.

***brag alert over****

COngrats John. Great achievement. Keep pushing it out.

2009-04-22 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2103046

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
ABrunner - 2009-04-22 12:18 PM

I just have time for a quick post before getting back to the grind.


Suzy - Great job in Boston!! You have inspired me to look for a qualifying race towards the end of this year.  This will work out great b/c my wife went to college in Boston and I think she’ll be more tolerable of my marathon training if she knows that if I do well she’ll get to go back and experience marathon Monday again.


I had 5 miles for lunch today and it felt great.  First time in awhile that I have had a decent night sleep.  I finally feel like we have enough figured out with the little one that I can get back to it.  That being said, I am considering changing my race in early June from the Olympic distance to the Sprint distance. 


I have a few more weeks before I have to decide.  This will be my first tri.  I know I would have no problem completing the Olympic distance race, but I am somewhat competitive and if I go too hard out of the gate I would rather blow up on the sprint as opposed to the Olympic.  Training for the sprint will also involve less time (although more intensity), which is the biggest reason I am considering dropping down.  Also, a few of my friends are going the sprint as well.  Anyone have any thoughts? 


I am totally competitive as well. I am quite confident that I could complete an olympic as well but i had signed up for a sprint back in December as my motivation... . I remember my thought as I went into my 1st tri in March. JUST FINISH!!!!   That was by far the most important thing I thought of..JUST FINISH....To me if I went into my 1st one(regardless of length) and blew up some how and didn't finish it would have been such a big deterent for me, as this was something I had wanted for a while. It's also a great learning opportunity. Not alot of pressure, learn to transition,etc. I have a few more sprints that I signed up for earlier that I will do, but I know physically I am ready for the Oly's.
Just my 2 cents. I'm sure Steve will disagree with me
2009-04-22 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2102670

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

swbkrun - 2009-04-22 12:24 PM Tracy--- 1st off GOOD LUCK w/ the foot and keep us posted.  Hope for just an inflamation!  That's it!  2nd- It wasn't the distance that got me.  This was a really comfortable pace for me, but I think I am/was just tired.  I have logged almost 32 hours of training so far this month with only 2 rest days.  I think I was just not ready to get moving.  I feel much better now!  Ready to hit the pool in a couple hours, and the rock wall tonight!  Tomorrow though... NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH, ZERO!!!  A rest day it is!!

As you have said to me before Steve. Don't forget the rest/recovery days. They are necessary to continue to enjoy a good healthy lifestyle without dragging your body down. And don't feel guilty about the time off.  I think those may be direct quotes from you.

2009-04-22 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

I 'am starting my 20 week HIM training next week. The question I have is that I have planned an OLympic distance in June and would like to get input into how long after the olympic should I wait until I dig back into my training schedule. I think a day or two should be enough rest but as I haven't done an Oly before don't know how much it takes out of you.

2009-04-22 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2103046

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
ABrunner - 2009-04-22 1:18 PM

I just have time for a quick post before getting back to the grind.


Suzy - Great job in Boston!! You have inspired me to look for a qualifying race towards the end of this year.  This will work out great b/c my wife went to college in Boston and I think she’ll be more tolerable of my marathon training if she knows that if I do well she’ll get to go back and experience marathon Monday again.


I had 5 miles for lunch today and it felt great.  First time in awhile that I have had a decent night sleep.  I finally feel like we have enough figured out with the little one that I can get back to it.  That being said, I am considering changing my race in early June from the Olympic distance to the Sprint distance. 


I have a few more weeks before I have to decide.  This will be my first tri.  I know I would have no problem completing the Olympic distance race, but I am somewhat competitive and if I go too hard out of the gate I would rather blow up on the sprint as opposed to the Olympic.  Training for the sprint will also involve less time (although more intensity), which is the biggest reason I am considering dropping down.  Also, a few of my friends are going the sprint as well.  Anyone have any thoughts? 


Time management w/ one child...I don't remember when life was that easy?

OLY all the way Adam.   I had the same decision to make but unlike you I wasn't sure I could complete the olympic (1/4 IM actually) distance.  As my training progressed, so did my confidence.  Too the point that I wasn't all that nervous raceday morning. I'm so glad I stuck w/ it.  If you know now you that would have no problems with the olympic then you might regret switching to the sprint later.     regret sucks!

Oh and its cool at the pre-race meeting when you tell people this is your first..and they are like "Oh your first Oly"  and you respond "Nope, my first tri."  They look at you like you are a wacko....Ha!  one guy even got a little bent.  He said..Wouldn't it have been smarter to do a sprint first and he walked away shaking his head.
2009-04-22 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2103146

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-04-22 2:47 PM

Time management w/ one child...I don't remember when life was that easy?


Oh the good old days.  I felt overwhelmed and rushed with our first.  Now we juggle three all over town nearly every night of the week and seem less stressed.  My son has two baseball pactices and my older daughter has a softball game - all before 7pm tonight.
And that doesn't account for my wife teaching full time and finishing a 2nd masters.

Enjoy that 1st one - it only gets better though.
2009-04-22 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2102561

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-04-22 10:40 AM Janet, take it to a close bike shop and tell them you need to have the rear derailuer adjusted.  It is not shifting properly.  They take a screw driver, twist the screws, and send you on your way.  It should only take but 10 minutes at the most.  Unless of course your derailuer is bent, or your chain is stretched and needs replacing (although this only takes a second as well)....

I'm probably going to take it by the LBS tomorrow.  Because of my daughter's soccer game tonight I don't have time to get it there before they close.  As long as I can get it back by Saturday afternoon I'll be happy.  I want to try to get in a long ride on Sunday.  I'm just afraid that they'll tell me the whole thing is shot and needs to be replaced (which wouldn't surprise me considering the age of the bike) and I'm not sure I want to spend the money if I hope to get a new bike in the not-to-distant future.  I guess cost would depend on how much would need to be replaced and what type I get - the DH has already started grumbling about how much this tri is costing.  No point worrying about it until I know for sure though. 
2009-04-22 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Adam, I'm sure I'll be the only one with this advise, but I'd say go with the Sprint.  Here are my reasons,  1. you are not copping out on a distance, you are enhancing the race experience.  Training and racing should never be something you HAVE to do, rather it should be s/thing you WANT to do . You have a family life that is important to you and where you choose to spend your limited free time is an important factor.  2. You have friends racing the sprint.   I am a big believer in enjoying the race experience, especially with this being your first race.  Having a positive first race will make you want more but the opposite is true as well.  I think you should keep your training level high, as if it were the olympic, but still race the sprint.  This way you are allowed some slack in your training when you need it and you will still be in super form on race day and be ready to blow the doors off!  That is how I felt with my race on Saturday. I didn't go all out but it was so nice to know that I was super fit for that race and could have pushed it. I had a great time and felt great the whole time.  Honestly I was thinking more along the lines of "I'm not excited about doubling these distances in 2 weeks." Have fun the first time then have the "drag your butt accross the finishline" experience. We all need those, but just not for the first race.

Rob: I'll share my experience with you, for what it's worth.  I did the race on Saturday and felt really tired for the rest of that day, took Sunday off, was a little sore at the gym on Monday so a recovery workout was in order, but by Tuesday I was ready to go again.  I think a light/moderate week following the Olympic should be more than enough.  Just make sure you eat enough after the race. I think proper nutrition would have made me feel better.  I have been eating everything in sight all week and unfortunately the food in sight hasn't been the best.  Lots of protein, electrolites and fluids do a body good.

2009-04-22 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
ARGHHHHH its snowing here. Was about 18C(high 60's F) yesterday, and its snowing right now. NOt cold enough to stick on the ground but still cmon! I'm moving to Texas!

So I was at the LTS yesterday...Is that a real acronym? If not, man I'm good. Anyhow, I was chatting with the manager in there about her team that her and another girl run. Got some basic details from her, and I'm actually considering joining.
But my question is what do you do on a team? Do you train together? Is there individual training,  I know everyone is different, but what would /should I expect for $120/month?
2009-04-22 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2103543

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-04-22 3:22 PM Adam, I'm sure I'll be the only one with this advise, but I'd say go with the Sprint.  Here are my reasons,  1. you are not copping out on a distance, you are enhancing the race experience.  Training and racing should never be something you HAVE to do, rather it should be s/thing you WANT to do . You have a family life that is important to you and where you choose to spend your limited free time is an important factor.  2. You have friends racing the sprint.   I am a big believer in enjoying the race experience, especially with this being your first race.  Having a positive first race will make you want more but the opposite is true as well.  I think you should keep your training level high, as if it were the olympic, but still race the sprint.  This way you are allowed some slack in your training when you need it and you will still be in super form on race day and be ready to blow the doors off!  That is how I felt with my race on Saturday. I didn't go all out but it was so nice to know that I was super fit for that race and could have pushed it. I had a great time and felt great the whole time.  Honestly I was thinking more along the lines of "I'm not excited about doubling these distances in 2 weeks." Have fun the first time then have the "drag your butt accross the finishline" experience. We all need those, but just not for the first race.

Rob: I'll share my experience with you, for what it's worth.  I did the race on Saturday and felt really tired for the rest of that day, took Sunday off, was a little sore at the gym on Monday so a recovery workout was in order, but by Tuesday I was ready to go again.  I think a light/moderate week following the Olympic should be more than enough.  Just make sure you eat enough after the race. I think proper nutrition would have made me feel better.  I have been eating everything in sight all week and unfortunately the food in sight hasn't been the best.  Lots of protein, electrolites and fluids do a body good.

   Hey now, I said sprint too. So your are not alone. You are here with me. I may break out into song.
2009-04-22 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Good news on the foot: it is Peroneal Tendonitis and I have been treating it correctly already.  Gotta love the R.I.C.E. treatment.  They took x-rays to confirm no stess fractures.  The doctor knew just where to push on my foot to make it hurt so it was an easy and certain diagnosis. Gotta love that. He said go easy on it for a few weeks, (good thing these are taper weeks) and then I can make a race day decision.  Think I'll go for it if all systems are good. Thanks for the concern. 
2009-04-22 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much... lots of family stuff going on right now. I'm still managing to get most of my training done, but that's about it. I have a race in Missoula, MT on Saturday. It's a trifecta... 10k, 5k, and 1 mile back to back. I ran it last year and it was a lot of fun, but I don't have very high expectations this year. I still don't feel like my run is back up to par after my marathon, and I have a 4.5 hour bike 15' run brick on schedule 2 days before the race. Right now I'm just wondering what I was thinking signing up for this race.
2009-04-22 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Since we have a new group, anyone here on Facebook?

If so search me - Jeremy Hagerman - Saint Johns, MI
email - [email protected]

2009-04-22 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Alright a lot to say here...

Tracy glad to hear your are ok.
Rob-- You will see that this race is not going to knock you out so much.  I would say take a day off after and get back after it.  Listen to your body (I know... EAT MY WORDS- more on that later).  1/2 HIM takes a lot of training, and this day is going to be "pretty easy" relatively speaking.  Take it easy that week, then get after it on race day.  You will be ok.

Adam- Do the Oly.  If the distance's are no problem for you, then there won't be too much of a difference from the sprint to the Oly.  However I say this with caution because you will see a huge difference in the swim.  But it all about the experience, and if you are going to do it.... Test yourself.  I say this only if you are not concerned about the distance.  My 1st 5k ever I had to walk after 1.5 miles,  my 1st sprint tri, I thought I would die 100 yards into the swim, but I WAS not comfortable with any of the distance's.  It is about the experience, but IT'S ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE.  I am not saying start with the Ironman, but give yourself a little test.  You have worked really hard to get to where you are at.  Set your competitive nature to the side for the 1st race, and get after it....

Back to Rob- You are right!  I don't think I have been pushing myself to hard, but I have not taken the proper rest days!  In the long run this will hurt your workouts more than better your workouts!  I am trying to rest about every 10 days or so, but need to be more consitant with this...

John- Thank you so much for you plug on the Livestrong ride.  This means a lot to me, and thanks to all that have helped out already! 

2009-04-22 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2103593

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
roni_runnw - 2009-04-22 2:45 PM Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much... lots of family stuff going on right now. I'm still managing to get most of my training done, but that's about it. I have a race in Missoula, MT on Saturday. It's a trifecta... 10k, 5k, and 1 mile back to back. I ran it last year and it was a lot of fun, but I don't have very high expectations this year. I still don't feel like my run is back up to par after my marathon, and I have a 4.5 hour bike 15' run brick on schedule 2 days before the race. Right now I'm just wondering what I was thinking signing up for this race.

It's all mental.  You already know what to expect.  You'll do great!

Jeremy am more of a Twitter rat these days.  I love following all the Pro Triathlete's, and Cyclist!  Lance is a crazy Twitter freak! I am on there as "outdoorseattle"
2009-04-22 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Hey gang,
Just got back into town from a business trip trying to catch up on what is going on.  I %$#@$% my foot up yesterday while running.  I was in Ashville NC and decided to run after my meeting.  I guess they have something against sidewalks up there, but I was running on the street down a hill into a blind curve when a car came around the corner.  I tried to get off to the side, and as I did, my foot hit the edge of the pavement dropoff and i turned my foot.  I could hardly walk at that point and had to flag someone down to get a ride back to the hotel.

I iced it all night and the swelling went down a little over night, and at least I am able to walk on it a bit today.  I am thinking that it is not broken, but maybe pulled something.  Today it is pretty black and blue.  I am thinking I will get it checked out tomorrow.  I hate to be put on the sidelines for something so STUPID.  

2009-04-22 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
I use twitter as a regular link to my personal blog.  My BT log is linked to my twitter feed, so when I add an activity it will automatically update my blog as well.

I'll have to check out Lance.
2009-04-22 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2103622

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
swbkrun - 2009-04-22 6:02 PM Alright a lot to say here...

Tracy glad to hear your are ok.
Rob-- You will see that this race is not going to knock you out so much.  I would say take a day off after and get back after it.  Listen to your body (I know... EAT MY WORDS- more on that later).  1/2 HIM takes a lot of training, and this day is going to be "pretty easy" relatively speaking.  Take it easy that week, then get after it on race day.  You will be ok.

Adam- Do the Oly.  If the distance's are no problem for you, then there won't be too much of a difference from the sprint to the Oly.  However I say this with caution because you will see a huge difference in the swim.  But it all about the experience, and if you are going to do it.... Test yourself.  I say this only if you are not concerned about the distance.  My 1st 5k ever I had to walk after 1.5 miles,  my 1st sprint tri, I thought I would die 100 yards into the swim, but I WAS not comfortable with any of the distance's.  It is about the experience, but IT'S ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE.  I am not saying start with the Ironman, but give yourself a little test.  You have worked really hard to get to where you are at.  Set your competitive nature to the side for the 1st race, and get after it....

Back to Rob- You are right!  I don't think I have been pushing myself to hard, but I have not taken the proper rest days!  In the long run this will hurt your workouts more than better your workouts!  I am trying to rest about every 10 days or so, but need to be more consitant with this...

John- Thank you so much for you plug on the Livestrong ride.  This means a lot to me, and thanks to all that have helped out already! 

DOH!, thanks for the reminder John, I saw Steve's post but completely forgot about it, will take care of that tonight.

Jeremy I am on FB also though I am a horrible FB'er.  I remember to check it every few days, have tons of friends but never accept any mafia wars, games, etc requests : )  After that ringing endorsement I will send you a friend request.

2009-04-22 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2103720

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
dalessit - 2009-04-22 6:58 PM
Jeremy I am on FB also though I am a horrible FB'er.  I remember to check it every few days, have tons of friends but never accept any mafia wars, games, etc requests : )  After that ringing endorsement I will send you a friend request.

Ha, no worries, I don't play games on there, I blocked them so I don't get the requests either.

I just want to pry into the personal lives of everyone because I'm a secret stalker of the multisport freaks.
2009-04-22 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
I have resorted to printing pages of our posts to try to keep up.  Do we have jobs?

Adam--there are three good BQ races that I know of--Chicago (Oct), Philly (Nov) and CIM (Dec).  Was she a Wessley girl? Those women can yell!  If you are truly confident with each distance, I would say go with the Oly, but be prepared to be suprised by how different they are when put together.  I started mini-sprint, but I needed to know I could swim the distance comfortably.  It was a slam dunk, but I don't regret that decision at all.

Steve-there is no way I could be up and out the door running in 10 minutes. Granted I could be your mother (almost :0), but you need to wake up the brain and the body before you hit the pavement! 

Rob--is the Oly slotted into your HIM plan? if so what does it say? if not, I would let your bod dictate it.  If your muscles are sore, I would definitely take the next day off, maybe two in favor of stretching, walking and a massage.  If you feel good, I see no reason why you couldn't do a recovery bike or run.

Trevor--a $120 a month?!?!  I belong to a tri club for $75/year and for that we have monthly meetings, training groups, and discounts with sponsors.  We can buy a tri uniform for an additional cost.  For the cost you outline you better be getting some sort of training plan!

Tracy--I am so happy for you.  You can rest up and be ready and able for that HIM!

Jeremy--did you ever do that name chart for this group?  I could really use it! 

John--what did you do to get your fat lazy a#$ to swim so much yardage in such a short time?  Awesome results.

Roni-you will do awesome.  You have done it last year and although you may not feel 100% after your marathon you may surprise yourself.  And if not, know that you will be faster and stronger after full recovery.  I lost :15-:20 seconds per mile this year on my half marathon time due to injury and I know eventually I will get that back and more.

Barry--total bummer.  I will keep my fingers crossed it is nothing more than an ankle twist. Just know you could have stretched ligaments so don't run on it until someone takes a peak.  Elevate, compress too.

Kim--where are you? swimming with your eyes closed in the pool?

I am on facebook, Suzy Shain, but like Steve am an awful user.  All my free time goes to blogging with you guys on BT!

Oh, I do have a question for the group. Online coach or local coach for triathlon?  I am thinking of getting one this year as I progress in distance.  I have used an online running coach quite successfully, but wonder if triathlon is different if you are light in one of the disciplines (e.g. swimming). Thoughts?

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-04-22 6:11 PM
2009-04-22 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2103724

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
BTW if anyone is intersted someone is selling 3 frames on Slowtwitch for 25 and 10 bucks each

Two 51cm Javelin Varese frames (takes 650c wheels) $25 each

54cm Fuji Aloha (takes 650c wheels) $10

I am debating picking one up just to mess around with.;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
2009-04-22 6:11 PM
in reply to: #2103734

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-04-22 7:07 PM I have resorted to printing pages of our posts to try to keep up.  Do we have jobs?

Jeremy--did you ever do that name chart for this group?  I could really use it! 

Haha - I find myself spending way too much time on here!

I started the chart, but have not completed it yet.
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