BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open Rss Feed  
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2018-04-18 9:34 PM
in reply to: #5241698

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Quick post: 6.4 mile run yesterday along the Mt Vernon Trail here in DC.
Had a long day at work today after only 4 hours of sleep but managed a brick this evening- 45 min on trainer followed by 15 min on the treadmill. I really wanted to get the swim in I missed yesterday because I chose to run but it was already 8:30pm and I hadn’t eaten and go on call at 03:00...done. Feeling these workouts!

2018-04-19 6:33 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Hey, guys.  Been off the grid a bit lately - spent some time in Orlando with the family (85-90 degrees - YAY).  Got a new bike, too.    Pics to come once I get everything built out the way I want it (and the colors all match, because that is WAY important...).  Very different fit/position so I'm adjusting on the trainer - nothing outside yet but wow 2018 Ultegra shifts better than 8-year-old 2010 105 components.  I'm getting my wheelset built now with a power meter, Flo 30 rims and Sapim aero spokes.  Should be a speed machine. 

@Jenn - your new avatar is driving me crazy...every time I see it I wonder who the new person is.  LOL

2018-04-20 8:01 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

2010 is like new....lottery win?Can't wait to see the new wheels!


2018-04-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Haven't checked in in a few days.

Swam Thursday morning, about 2400 yards with some of my teammates.

Went on a run yesterday afternoon, but had really bad shin splints so stopped running around 15 minutes. Going to stretch a bunch today and hope that helps.

Masters this morning. It was another tough one. The main set was super long. Did some 50s and 100s of freestyle, then 4 100s on 1:45. Then we did 50s and 1x100 of breastroke, then the 4x100s on 1:45 again. Then 50s and 1x100 of backstroke, and the 4x100s on 1:45 again.

Studying the rest of the day. Everyone have a great weekend!
2018-04-23 1:01 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Played some football yesterday as my workout. Got a bit drunk after so didn't make it to the pool this morning. I will likely run to the gym tomorrow for my HIIT cycling class, then run home. Hopefully the shins don't bother me again.
2018-04-24 8:10 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Failed again this morning. I forgot to plug my phone in last night so my alarm didn't go off this morning. I really need a new phone that doesn't die so quickly.

2018-04-24 11:47 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Mike. looking forward to seeing pics of the new bike! 

Over the weekend I went for a good 6 mile trail run on one of my favorite hills. Changed up one of my routes and tried a new trail which I will add to future runs to mix it up a bit. Yesterday I managed to get back into the pool for a swim and this morning I went for a 3 mile run.

Wildflower is right around the corner, looking forward to it! During a flight down the coast on Saturday I saw the lake and was very pleased at the high water level. Last time I did Wildflower it was at the tail end of the drought and the lake was nearly dry.

2018-04-25 12:43 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Made it to boot camp this morning. Planning on swimming tomorrow morning. Legs are dead.
2018-04-27 10:44 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I skipped masters this morning and went to the other pool on my own. Got in a solid 2400 yards.

Where is everyone? I am lonely I miss reading what you all are up to! Hope all is well!
2018-04-27 10:44 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by MOlsen

Mike. looking forward to seeing pics of the new bike! 

Over the weekend I went for a good 6 mile trail run on one of my favorite hills. Changed up one of my routes and tried a new trail which I will add to future runs to mix it up a bit. Yesterday I managed to get back into the pool for a swim and this morning I went for a 3 mile run.

Wildflower is right around the corner, looking forward to it! During a flight down the coast on Saturday I saw the lake and was very pleased at the high water level. Last time I did Wildflower it was at the tail end of the drought and the lake was nearly dry.

A dry lake would make for an awkward swim! Glad to hear the levels are up this year
2018-04-29 12:50 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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New user
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Agree with Mike - Jenn your new avatar took me a while to figure out who was that one!!!

MIke, where are the pics of your new bike? Looking forward to seeing them, this bikeporn is kiiling me....

End of April = end of laziness and too much work. Now starting May will get back to less travel, more consistent workouts and better eating hours (@Nicolele) - you've been to Spain so you know are absurd schedules of small breakfast (coffee and a croissant or toast, lunch at 2 or 3 pm and dinner at 10pm), I try to have a larger breakfast, small snack and then big dinner, cannot call it healthy in terms of timing but it works for me.


2018-04-29 5:39 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by Juancho

Agree with Mike - Jenn your new avatar took me a while to figure out who was that one!!!

MIke, where are the pics of your new bike? Looking forward to seeing them, this bikeporn is kiiling me....

End of April = end of laziness and too much work. Now starting May will get back to less travel, more consistent workouts and better eating hours (@Nicolele) - you've been to Spain so you know are absurd schedules of small breakfast (coffee and a croissant or toast, lunch at 2 or 3 pm and dinner at 10pm), I try to have a larger breakfast, small snack and then big dinner, cannot call it healthy in terms of timing but it works for me.


The eating hours are crazy over there for sure! The day we got in we went to grab food at like, 3 and everything was closed! I definitely like to have a larger breakfast when I can and eat a little lighter in the evenings. This week I'm making one pot tandoori quinoa meal for dinner. It's vegetarian, so should be a little lighter than what I usually eat I think.

Enjoy your change in schedule!
2018-04-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Played some football today and my hip is bothering me. Was going to swim tomorrow but now I think I might take it easy and give it a day to rest. I've had hip pain before but normally it's just from running, not from playing other sports. Fingers crossed I've just been overdoing it.
2018-04-29 10:03 PM
in reply to: 0

Nashville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
So first off I apologize as I have been MIA for a while now, started a new job at the beginning of March and it has been crazy ever since. My training has also been very little in the last few weeks but wanted to share the story of my first triathlon yesterday. I was a little hesitant to even attempt it with the lack of training but after talking with a couple guys at work I decided to give it a shot. So there I was yesterday competing in my first ever triathlon. Iron Nugget Sprint Triathlon in Dickson, TN at Montgomery Bell State Park. I will spare you all the details as I have entered it into a race report but here are some of the highlights (or lowlights)...ha
1) Swim - 15:03 min/ 800m (61 degree water)
Tried to start in the back of a wading start but ended up more in the middle. Goggles knocked off 50m in. Treaded water long enough to get them back on. Felt ok once I settled in but sighting was the biggest struggle...first ever open water swim.
T1 - 350yd hill straight up to transition area. Did a decent job getting my wetsuit off and bike shoes and helmet on. Disaster came when I tried to mount but didn't get a good enough push to get going and fell over...banging my knee on ground. Got back up, pushed harder and got going.
2) Bike - 1:19:25/ 17mi
Took bike fairly easy most of the time...didn't get nearly the training I wanted to on the bike. It felt good but I realize that I need work on gears to move faster on flats and downhill. Overall felt pretty good on bike just wasn't fast.
T2- Felt good getting bike racked, shoes and helmet off and running shoes on.
3) Run - 32:51/ 5k
Run was fairly straightforward, 10min/mile pace that I had mostly been training with. Need to work on my running to get times down.

Overall Time: 2:17:13

Anyways, sorry for the long post but wanted to update everyone. Was excited to finish my first triathlon and realize that I could use a lot of work on the bike and run. Looking forward to my next one in July. Hope everyone is doing well and good luck as everyone starts the season.


Edited by EHouse20 2018-04-29 10:05 PM
2018-04-30 10:14 AM
in reply to: EHouse20

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open


Congratulations on your first triathlon!

2018-04-30 10:13 PM
in reply to: #5232499

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Congratulations Eric!!!! Well done!!!! Woohoo!!
What was your beer after???? :D

2018-05-01 5:32 AM
in reply to: EHouse20

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Congrats, Eric!!! Sounds like a great race overall. The best part about that first race is how much you can learn from it!
2018-05-01 1:21 PM
in reply to: EHouse20

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New user
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Congrats on your first, Eric! ....and yes, what was your "prize" beverage?


2018-05-01 8:32 PM
in reply to: #5242591

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Vacation last week but got a couple of runs in. Finally back at it today with a 2300 yd swim and about 2:30 on the bike = 1:20 outside and 1:10 on the trainer. I haven’t biked outside since my HIM I September of 2016 so it felt great to be back out!! It was just like riding a bike. Hahaha
2018-05-03 9:44 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

I was sick over the weekend and recovering a bit at the start however I made it into the pool for 1500m yesterday and some bike commuting. Fortunately the crud clearing up so I think I'm good to go for Wildflower this weekend! My training isn't quite as steady as I had hoped leading up to an Olympic distance but I will manage. At the very least I should have a fun weekend of camping, music, triathlon, and a few beers

2018-05-03 10:04 PM
in reply to: #5242667

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Mark, I hope you’re a 100% for Wildflower! How exciting, go crush it!!

2018-05-03 10:08 PM
in reply to: #5242801

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Back on the road yesterday, overnighted in Jacksonville, Fl last night and got a slow, hot 6.2 mile run in today. Tonight I’m in Charleston, SC where that 50m pool is so I’m already excited for my swim tomorrow before work.

Tomorrow is my youngest’s birthday (may the fourth be with him) and unfortunately I won’t get home tomorrow night until after he goes to bed but will try and make it up to him on Saturday. I’ll completely miss my older son’s birthday later this month but such is traveling life.
Lots of FaceTime.
2018-05-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by MOlsen

I was sick over the weekend and recovering a bit at the start however I made it into the pool for 1500m yesterday and some bike commuting. Fortunately the crud clearing up so I think I'm good to go for Wildflower this weekend! My training isn't quite as steady as I had hoped leading up to an Olympic distance but I will manage. At the very least I should have a fun weekend of camping, music, triathlon, and a few beers

Good luck! Glad you are feeling better!
2018-05-04 8:32 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Back on the road yesterday, overnighted in Jacksonville, Fl last night and got a slow, hot 6.2 mile run in today. Tonight I’m in Charleston, SC where that 50m pool is so I’m already excited for my swim tomorrow before work.

Tomorrow is my youngest’s birthday (may the fourth be with him) and unfortunately I won’t get home tomorrow night until after he goes to bed but will try and make it up to him on Saturday. I’ll completely miss my older son’s birthday later this month but such is traveling life.
Lots of FaceTime.

I'm sure that is super hard! I'm sure they understand though and appreciate what you do when you are with them!

What a cool bday though. Is he a big Star Wars fan? How old is he?
2018-05-04 8:33 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I didn't do much earlier the week but managed to drag myself to the gym the last 2 mornings. Did 1600yds in the pool yesterday morning, and this morning went to a boot camp. Gonna swim or run tomorrow hopefully. It's been really hot here the last few days but is supposed to cool down over the weekend.
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