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2010-09-01 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2558074

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
My numbers.

August's totals:
Bike:13h 41m  - 183.2 Mi
Run:5h 55m  - 28.3 Mi
Swim:5h 55m  - 16150 Yd
Strength:3h 25m

July's totals:
Bike:10h 57m  - 144.5 Mi
Run:6h 10m  - 28.3 Mi
Swim:5h 35m  - 14500 Yd
Strength:2h 55m

They were about how I figured they would be seeing as my achillies has been cranky and I hvaen't been running as much as I would like.

I'm shooting for a slow ramp up of all 3 disciplines in Sept. as I actually have a few races on the schedule now that I need to train for. 

2010-09-01 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2558074

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
My numbers:

August's totals:
Bike:14h 40m 38s  - 242.21 Mi
Run:22h 32m 21s  - 144.38 Mi
Swim:2h 56m 31s  - 8530.18 Yd

July's totals:
Bike:20h 54m 53s  - 312.57 Mi
Run:11h 30m 25s  - 69.46 Mi
Swim:3h 16m 58s  - 8441.9 Yd

If nothing else, marathon training is going well and running is where it should be for now.
2010-09-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.
2010-09-01 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3075660

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 7:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.
2010-09-01 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3075686

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Just AWESOME!!!  You go girl!

bzgl40 - 2010-09-01 10:48 AM WOOT!!!!

KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 7:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.
2010-09-01 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3075660

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Woo hoo....AWESOME!!

KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 10:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.

2010-09-01 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3075660

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 10:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.
2010-09-01 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??
2010-09-01 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3072896

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
400 and change from what I saw a volunteer wrote on the Louisville thread.

bzgl40 - 2010-08-30 8:39 AM Rumour has it there were over 800 DNF's at Ironman Louisville.  That's a lot and tells you much about the conditions.  I hear they actually ran out of water on the bike course. 
2010-09-01 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3076766

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Fantastic Keri!

Emmanem - 2010-08-31 4:08 PM Awesome!!

KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 10:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.
2010-09-01 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Maureen and I drove back on Monday and I made sure we got to stop every two hours along teh way so I could get out and walk to stretch the legs because EVERYTHING hurt. I went to bed at 12:30 after the race and that night's sleep was a bare as I woke up every time I turned.
Yesterday I was back at work (should have stayed home). I did a lot of stretching and self massaging to relief the muscle soreness. I still feel a littel beat up but much better.

I just finished posting the race report as it took me a while to type it in while trying to get work done for the last two days.

Ironman Louisville

2010-09-01 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3076798

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Emmanem - 2010-09-01 3:25 PM So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??

Emma - I think you could really make this work.  For instance when Ken was looking at bikes he was chatting with the owner of the bike shop and he said the tri bikes are the only place he is seeing great sales.  The sales of road bikes, mountain bikes and cruisers have really slowed but his tri business is taking off.  Maybe you could talk to some LBS's in your area or even call some bike manufacturers and find out how they are changing their marketing towards triathletes.
The other way you could go is how bike and clothing manufacturers are marketing towards women as the % of women in this sport goes up every year.

Good luck!
2010-09-01 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3076798

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Emmanem - 2010-09-01 4:25 PM So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??

What about the pros and cons of having professional athlete's endorse products?

I've always enjoyed the marketing case studies on what happens to a product and it's brand recognition when athlete's misbehave.    But it would be cool do examine how products align with atheletes based on what sort of sports are going one (ie Nike, Gatorade, Wheeties around the olympics, world series, world cup, Kona, etc).

2010-09-01 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3076949

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
golfpro - 2010-09-01 5:16 PM Maureen and I drove back on Monday and I made sure we got to stop every two hours along teh way so I could get out and walk to stretch the legs because EVERYTHING hurt. I went to bed at 12:30 after the race and that night's sleep was a bare as I woke up every time I turned.
Yesterday I was back at work (should have stayed home). I did a lot of stretching and self massaging to relief the muscle soreness. I still feel a littel beat up but much better.

I just finished posting the race report as it took me a while to type it in while trying to get work done for the last two days.

Ironman Louisville

YAY!  I was just coming in here to ask if anyone had heard from you!  Nicely done Ironman!
2010-09-02 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3076798

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Emmanem - 2010-09-01 4:25 PM So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??

So I thought about this last night and second suggestion would be to look at how a product can successful accomplish branding and brand awareness amongst it's target demographic in a marketplace.  Do a specific case study on the Ironman logo.  Inception, evolution, where it's at today and how it got there kinda thing.

I miss college.
2010-09-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Thanks Keri and Nicole!!  You both had great ideas so now it's off to research more so I can come up with a decision by wednesday.

2010-09-02 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3077950

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Mee too but it has nothing to do with all the mumbo jumbo I read below.

Nicole83 - 2010-09-02 8:25 AM
Emmanem - 2010-09-01 4:25 PM So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??

So I thought about this last night and second suggestion would be to look at how a product can successful accomplish branding and brand awareness amongst it's target demographic in a marketplace.  Do a specific case study on the Ironman logo.  Inception, evolution, where it's at today and how it got there kinda thing.

I miss college.
2010-09-02 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3076798

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Emmanem - 2010-09-01 3:25 PM So I'm in a departmental Honors program at Clemson which means i have to do research and write a thesis related to my major (marketing).  Problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do and my professor wants me to have a topic picked by Wednesday next week.  I'd really like to do something triathlon related or at least fitness related.  As long as it can be tied back to marketing whether it be through consumer behavior, branding, advertising, etc I can use it as my topic.  Anyone have any suggestions??

You could easily write on the IRONMAN brand.  It's on watches, bikes, sunglasses and some of the best triathlons in the world. 
2010-09-02 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3075660

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
KeriKadi - 2010-09-01 9:36 AM Here we go:

Keri Ottenwalder - 2010 Iron Star Triathlon
Confirmation #: T92QTH7




Thanks for registering for the 2010 Iron Star Triathlon.

Worth every penny - great job honey!  Keep up the training, you are going to do great! Very proud of you.
2010-09-03 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Everyone getting the long weekend?  Anyone got fun plans?  Tina comes home tomorrow so this will be the first long weekend in a while that we get to go play.  Probably a bit of hiking and what not.  Other then that relaxing on our agenda.
2010-09-03 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I have a few travel tips that I learned this past week for those who might need them.

1. Do not stop on your first step when you get off the escalator. You will have the guy behind you yell and pick you up and move you. A simple thank you would have worked as I could have plowed you down and keep going.
2. When there are 10 urinals and I am far left no need to use the one next to me. There are 8 others not next to me you can chose from. No I dont want to chat about where I am going.

3. Arm rest will stay down Ms. Lady. Sorry it is snug for you and the king size snickers isnt helping.

4. The guy with the supersize carry on bag stuffed to all hell on the little 3 seat across airplane. IT WONT FIT!! Notice the other 50 carry ons on the cart as we were just getting on the plane. Your bag will not defy the laws of physics and fit.

Yeah for the weekend.

2010-09-03 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3081094

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Unfortunately, Clemson doesnt give us Monday off so I'll be in class on Monday  But this weekend should be fun.  Midnight Flight 10K tonight at 11 then Clemson football tomorrow  GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

bzgl40 - 2010-09-03 3:29 PM Everyone getting the long weekend?  Anyone got fun plans?  Tina comes home tomorrow so this will be the first long weekend in a while that we get to go play.  Probably a bit of hiking and what not.  Other then that relaxing on our agenda.
2010-09-03 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Hey all........ Back to normal after a long bout with an infected ear, then wife going out of town and having kid duty. Looking back to getting into the swing of things. Actually miss you guys
2010-09-03 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3081270

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Houstonrider - 2010-09-03 1:57 PM Hey all........ Back to normal after a long bout with an infected ear, then wife going out of town and having kid duty. Looking back to getting into the swing of things. Actually miss you guys

Well duh, we are awesome.  Missed you too, glad your back healthy and raring to go.
2010-09-05 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2558074

back of the pack
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I had nothing exciting planned but that changed on friday night. I got a call from a friend I hadn't seen in 3 years. He qualified for the Canadian Highland games Championships (in Calgary this weekend) last minute due to other guys being injured. So I threw my hat in the ring too, On the field with the champs but different division. I placed 5th in a field of 8 having not touched ANY of my gear in 365 days. The rest of the evening and night is a bit blurry to say the least. Now I am VERY sore. I used a lot of muscles that hadn't been used in that way for a year and I think I may have hyperextended my elbow throwing 56 pounds 12 feet over a bar. Thank goodness I am just running for the next couple of months. Hope everyone has as much fun.
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