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2012-04-11 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4142490

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
copa2251 - 2012-04-11 12:16 AM

I did my 10k run before work this morning, beautiful morning, the air is getting nice and cool and fresh at that time now.

I'm doing the Don Fink marathon plan and these runs are meant to be zone 2 HR runs. My Garmin HRM has been going crazy at the start of a run which is annoying since I'm trying to stick to a particular HR so I need it to be telling me the truth.

This morning it said my HR was 200 as I started my run then dropped to 177 when I stopped and tightened the strap before dropping to 132 as I got a bit sweaty. Do you think it needs me to be a bit warm and sweaty before it picks up my HR reliably?

Talking of warm and sweaty, all the women on the MG liked Kevin's HM pic didn't they???

Yeah, it happens at the start of running or biking if I don't moisten the strap.  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't bother.  I don't pay too much attention to my heartrate until I'm past the first 5-10 minutes anyways.

2012-04-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4142558

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

SSMinnow - 2012-04-11 6:54 AM While someone is lazing in Hawaii, others are thinking about RACING!!!!  I know of at least two people toeing the line this weekend.  Are there others?  Raise your hands high and tell us about your strategy!!!


Don't we have some folks heading from Hopkinton to Beantown on Monday??? 


(This group is on FIRE.  I am about 5 pages behind at this point, but doing my best to catch up.  Kind of like my racing...)

2012-04-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4142160

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
SSMinnow - 2012-04-10 9:13 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 4:23 PM
SSMinnow - 2012-04-10 4:05 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 2:08 PM

Ok MG I am hoping you can assist me in creating my training schedule, I have “Anchor” workouts that I would like to build around. They are a coached brick workout on Thursday mornings, medium  group ride Tuesday mornings, Masters swim Wednesday & Friday Mornings, Coached speed workouts Wednesday evenings. I want to take advantage of the coached workouts provided by my club and masters (for the coaching and accountability motivation to show up).

So with that said that’s 2 swims, 2 runs, 2 bikes. The coached Bricks are only an hour long and are multi brick sessions, the speed workouts are usually about 20-30 mins of actually running after a dynamic warm up and some core work, masters sessions are 1 hour 2000 yds

I want to add a Long Bike, Long Run, Medium Run, and 2 Swims. My problem is the spacing of the workouts. I would prefer long rides on Saturdays and Long runs on Sundays


Monday: (AM)________, (PM)________

Tuesday: Group Ride (6AM), (PM)__________

Wednesday: Masters Swim (6-7AM), Speed Run Workout

Thursday: MultiBrick (6-7AM), (PM)_________

Friday: Masters Swim (6-7AM),(PM)__________



I am thinking Swim Monday and Tuesday, Long run Sunday, Medium run Thursday evening, Long bike Saturday




First question, what distance are you training for?  when you say long run and long ride what does that mean?

I agree that doing your long ride and long run back to back can be fatiguing AND will compromise the quality of the run.  I also don't see a rest day each week?  where does that fit in?  Finally, I ASSUME there will be some sort of three week build, followed by a recovery week, right?

Haha I am training for a Half iron in September, and the program generator here does either a 2 week build with week 3 recovery or 3 week build with week 4 recovery. i am going with the 3 week build option.

The long run can be moved to during the week but the bike has to stick on the weekends. And yea I dont have a rest day. I figured a monday swim day would be rest/recovery ish enough

Uhm, NO!  The body needs a day to recoup the benefits of all of your hard work.  Even a swim takes energy.  I know you are young and viral (visualizng that running photo), but don't short change your progress by being an idiot (said nicely!).  If it is not every week, insert a rest day every other week.  Signed, the old lady of the group who used to work out 360 days a year, but has made way more progress with RECOVERY Days.

PS. I like the three week build.  That fourth week is a blessing on so many levels.

x2 on rest days!  Big fan.  I believe they are really important to the long term goal and to help avoid  injury.  I sometimes have two just for fun (and to recover). 

2012-04-11 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

I seem to be going against the group here but personally I did my IM training (under the direction of a coach) with a long run/bike weekend schedule and it worked fine.  It was designed that way b/c that is what worked for my family commitments.  He made sure that my week day workouts were very goal specific (for examples, brick sessions, form drills, tempo runs) and then the weekend was long slow endurance runs.  To me it made sense b/c on race day you will be running on tired legs so might as well learned how to do it. 

We did have conversations about what was more important, the bike or the run. Depending on which was the more critical goal (the bike goal or the run speed/distance) then I would do that event on Saturday.   And of course those complete "day off" rest days were golden.  I got one a month with and followed a 3 week build one week recover schedule.

I guess the point is it will be finding a balance with your fitness goals and your personal schedule, but be sure to incorporate proper build/recovery and rest days are mandatory!!!  AND BE SURE TO PROPERLY HYDRATE AT ALL TIMES AND EAT PROTEIN WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF A WORKOUT!!!!

2012-04-11 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN


2012-04-11 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4141777

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
kt65 - 2012-04-10 5:02 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 1:38 PM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-10 3:13 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 3:08 PM

Ok MG I am hoping you can assist me in creating my training schedule, I have “Anchor” workouts that I would like to build around. They are a coached brick workout on Thursday mornings, medium  group ride Tuesday mornings, Masters swim Wednesday & Friday Mornings, Coached speed workouts Wednesday evenings. I want to take advantage of the coached workouts provided by my club and masters (for the coaching and accountability motivation to show up).

So with that said that’s 2 swims, 2 runs, 2 bikes. The coached Bricks are only an hour long and are multi brick sessions, the speed workouts are usually about 20-30 mins of actually running after a dynamic warm up and some core work, masters sessions are 1 hour 2000 yds

I want to add a Long Bike, Long Run, Medium Run, and 2 Swims. My problem is the spacing of the workouts. I would prefer long rides on Saturdays and Long runs on Sundays


Monday: (AM)________, (PM)________

Tuesday: Group Ride (6AM), (PM)__________

Wednesday: Masters Swim (6-7AM), Speed Run Workout

Thursday: MultiBrick (6-7AM), (PM)_________

Friday: Masters Swim (6-7AM),(PM)__________



I am thinking Swim Monday and Tuesday, Long run Sunday, Medium run Thursday evening, Long bike Saturday



thoughts... i think you're crazy.  but lets get back to that in a bit...


here's what i see in the above and your 2012 race schedule. tell me where i'm wrong. give me (us) some more input please...

  • working out twice a day everyday.  the schedule above is already at 10 hours a week NOT including the long run and ride on saturday and sunday. 
  • what do you mean by long bike and run (miles or time) - Peak in September at 57.1 miles bike and 17.5 miles run
  • first 70.3 in september
  • an OLY 4 weeks before the 70.3 - This is still up for debate, I just like racing
  • 2 sprints on the horizon.
  • what are "multi-brick" sessions? - We have a Multi loop park (3.35 mile loop and a 2.5ish mile loop) in the hour we wold do multiple bike run efforts so either a small or big loop then a short run and repeat.
  • when does your 70.3 plan start? - Starts May 6th with "A" race September 30th


I use the Gold custom plans on this site and generated my current plan using 4/3/3 schedule with 4 swims since thats my weakest discipline. My thougts were to switch to a 2/2/2  and add in the Masters swims to replace 2 swims, the Bricks and speed work to replace the short bike and short run in my current plan.

Here are the current total monthly distance/time for the plan that I am currently going to follow

                             BIKE                                            RUN                                             SWIM

May 150.60 Mi - 8h 54m 
46.50 Mi - 6h 11m 
18500.00 Yd - 10h 18m 
June 189.90 Mi - 11h 12m 
73.40 Mi - 9h 42m 
22700.00 Yd - 12h 51m 
July 282.90 Mi - 16h 42m 
90.60 Mi - 11h 58m 
25500.00 Yd - 14h 23m 
August 337.90 Mi - 19h 57m 
115.70 Mi - 15h 18m 
29200.00 Yd - 16h 32m 
September 313.10 Mi - 18h 48m 
119.00 Mi - 16h 04m 
23550.00 Yd - 13h 46m 


THIS IS THE EXACT REASON I TOLD MY GIRLFRIEND TO LET ME PAY FOR A COACH!!! haha, she did let me, but will let me have one for my 1st Ironman

Hey Andre!  That's a LOT of training, but hey, training's fun and you are young.  You mentioned a lot in your post.  I just want to touch on the Long Ride/Long Run on back to back days being not so ideal?  I personally found that doing a Wed or Thursday long run left me more fresh for my long ride on the weekend, not just physically but also mentally.  Is there a way you can split that up? 

Are the mini-bricks something you want to do from a club-social aspect?  If so, then it sounds like fun.  Again, speaking from personal experience, I don't do really any bricks except for race-specific stuff the month before my races...and maybe a short T run after some of my long bikes.

Re: Oly 4 weeks before HIM, that can work out pretty well.  Some people say to treat it as a training day, but I've raced mine like a regular Oly the past 3 years and thought it was great prep for my HIM's, and helped me work out some kinks in my transitions and mental stuff.

Good luck with the planning!!

ok cool.  you are crazy, just like most of us.  AND i think a few of us might be showing up at augusta to drink beer and race.  if i don't race i'll try to show up and throw my empties at you.  that's a fun race, for sure.

i'm sure people have had success with the plan generator but the few times someone has posted the plans up here they kinda get picked apart by us, with all the best intentions though.

i don't understand how or why they come up with the numbers they do... 150.6 miles of riding in may?  .6, really?   more importantly though, if your logs are accurate, your may run mileage is right about where your yearly total is.  then you increase the may mileage by 63% for june. looks like some big jumps in % the remaining months. (suz feel free to jump in here)

the bike monthly mileage (time) seems a bit low at first too.  (this coming from me hahahahahaha!!!!!)  and its kinda hard to gauge the max ride at 57.1 miles.  that seems light but there are a bunch of differing schools of thought these days on longer z2 rides or shorter z3/4 rides.  not sure what you plan has you doing, but if its longer z2 rides then i'd sugest that number most definitely needs to be higher by 15-20 miles.   

kim and i agree on a lot of things... like boobs, but i'm not a fan of the the oly 4 weeks out (2 weeks is awesome), particularity for your first 70.3.  that's one of the last big volume weekends and a good opportunity to get the nutrition dialed in.  i don't think there is anyone up here that will underplay the mental discipline of long course racing.  you should be dialing this in now as well.

totally agree with kim on the social aspect of those multi-brick deals.  go for it!  

something else to keep in mind, you mentioned you want to work on your swimming as its your weakest event... i swam a 29 at augusta.  i haven't broken 40 yet on any other 70.3 course. its a fast swim. 

here is a link to the first of nine videos documenting the bike course. 




2012-04-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4142418

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
gotta run - 2012-04-11 12:08 AM

And here's an oldie but goodie from the interwebs (for John):

2012-04-11 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4142902

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
tahrens - 2012-04-11 6:40 AM



That is AWESOME news, Tracy!!!!

2012-04-11 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4142475

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
RoniS - 2012-04-11 1:38 AM

This is an old photo from 09, but my goal is to get back in that shape. I lost 55lbs and have put 30 of it back on over the last couple years. I'm heading in the right direction again though.

Julia- you can still use the url from facebook. You just have to click "view image" before "view image info" then get the url. I was just checking to see if it worked.

i see its a bit cooler in the shade.  where's that pic of tracy, trev?

2012-04-11 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4142897

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
tahrens - 2012-04-11 9:38 AM

I seem to be going against the group here but personally I did my IM training (under the direction of a coach) with a long run/bike weekend schedule and it worked fine.  It was designed that way b/c that is what worked for my family commitments.  He made sure that my week day workouts were very goal specific (for examples, brick sessions, form drills, tempo runs) and then the weekend was long slow endurance runs.  To me it made sense b/c on race day you will be running on tired legs so might as well learned how to do it. 

We did have conversations about what was more important, the bike or the run. Depending on which was the more critical goal (the bike goal or the run speed/distance) then I would do that event on Saturday.   And of course those complete "day off" rest days were golden.  I got one a month with and followed a 3 week build one week recover schedule.

I guess the point is it will be finding a balance with your fitness goals and your personal schedule, but be sure to incorporate proper build/recovery and rest days are mandatory!!!  AND BE SURE TO PROPERLY HYDRATE AT ALL TIMES AND EAT PROTEIN WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF A WORKOUT!!!!

i did too.  and maybe that's why i didn't do fine!!!!!    glad to hear about the run last night!!!

2012-04-11 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4142902

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
tahrens - 2012-04-11 9:40 AM



Super news Tracy!

2012-04-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4142558

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

SSMinnow - 2012-04-11 5:54 AM While someone is lazing in Hawaii, others are thinking about RACING!!!!  I know of at least two people toeing the line this weekend.  Are there others?  Raise your hands high and tell us about your strategy!!!

I feel like runnin'... my strategy is to channel my inner Forrest and just run...hopefully find that 'zone' and cruise.  My first attempt at anything past 26.2, so I have no expectations of 'racing'.  First two goals... have fun with it & finish!  If I can somehow finish around the 4:30 mark I would be super pumped.  I have been feeling really good between the 8:00-8:30 pace, so I am excited to see what Saturday brings.

Take a few days to recover and then it's time to get serious about my third and FINAL trip to Lubbock for the Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 (fatty's favorite!)

2012-04-11 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 = Kevin
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin
  35. sdalessio = Samantha
  36. Tobey91 = William

Edited by JustWood 2012-04-11 9:59 AM
2012-04-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4142954

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-11 9:54 AM
tahrens - 2012-04-11 9:38 AM

I seem to be going against the group here but personally I did my IM training (under the direction of a coach) with a long run/bike weekend schedule and it worked fine.  It was designed that way b/c that is what worked for my family commitments.  He made sure that my week day workouts were very goal specific (for examples, brick sessions, form drills, tempo runs) and then the weekend was long slow endurance runs.  To me it made sense b/c on race day you will be running on tired legs so might as well learned how to do it. 

We did have conversations about what was more important, the bike or the run. Depending on which was the more critical goal (the bike goal or the run speed/distance) then I would do that event on Saturday.   And of course those complete "day off" rest days were golden.  I got one a month with and followed a 3 week build one week recover schedule.

I guess the point is it will be finding a balance with your fitness goals and your personal schedule, but be sure to incorporate proper build/recovery and rest days are mandatory!!!  AND BE SURE TO PROPERLY HYDRATE AT ALL TIMES AND EAT PROTEIN WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF A WORKOUT!!!!

i did too.  and maybe that's why i didn't do fine!!!!!    glad to hear about the run last night!!!

Gah! All this talk of breaking up the long bike and long run have me second guessing the plan...  again.  I'm using Fink (intermediate) but, as you know I'm not a strong runner, feel I need more than the plan dictates.  I know most used a coach (which is not in the budget) but would you mind sharing what your long runs maxed out as?  Fink has only one 2 hr run in the 10 week build (most are 1:15 hr) and one 3 hr run in the 10 week peak (most 2 hr). Just curious. Thinking about adding 15-30 min to a couple runs a week. thoughts?

Also, for those who have read CLEAN (roni and suzy, anyone else?) I've been mostly following his elimination diet but would love to try the "detox".  Thoughts about training while following that diet? 

2012-04-11 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4143017

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

Awesome!  TY!  Although I am disappointed its not alphabetized.  I thought all triathletes were type A.  :P

Welcome newbies! 

2012-04-11 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4142955

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Terps421 - 2012-04-11 8:55 AM
tahrens - 2012-04-11 9:40 AM


 Super news Tracy!

Yes, very good news indeed. 

2012-04-11 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4143044

User image

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
mighty mom - 2012-04-11 8:16 AM
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

Awesome!  TY!  Although I am disappointed its not alphabetized.  I thought all triathletes were type A.  :P

Welcome newbies! 

ya, and why are you 15th and me 21st?

Is this a ranking system? How did this order get done?

2012-04-11 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4143061

User image

metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
TrevorC - 2012-04-11 10:19 AM
mighty mom - 2012-04-11 8:16 AM
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

Awesome!  TY!  Although I am disappointed its not alphabetized.  I thought all triathletes were type A.  :P

Welcome newbies! 

ya, and why are you 15th and me 21st?

Is this a ranking system? How did this order get done?

Ha!  If it were a ranking system all the ladies would be on top.  Right????

2012-04-11 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4143017

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

sdalessio = Samantha

2012-04-11 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4123816

User image

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Impromptu weekend trip in San Fran caused by hurricane Irene cancelling our flight from San fran to Philidelphia on the way home from South Korea. This was a pic I took this summer while biking over the Golden Gate bridge, had a great time. San Fran is ridiculously hilly!


GoldenGate.jpg (70KB - 22 downloads)
2012-04-11 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4143077

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

Tobey91 = William

2012-04-11 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4143069

User image

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
mighty mom - 2012-04-11 8:22 AM
TrevorC - 2012-04-11 10:19 AM
mighty mom - 2012-04-11 8:16 AM
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

Awesome!  TY!  Although I am disappointed its not alphabetized.  I thought all triathletes were type A.  :P

Welcome newbies! 

ya, and why are you 15th and me 21st?

Is this a ranking system? How did this order get done?

Ha!  If it were a ranking system all the ladies would be on top.  Right????

Awesome. That's what she said.

2012-04-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4142928

User image

Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-11 9:46 AM
gotta run - 2012-04-11 12:08 AM

And here's an oldie but goodie from the interwebs (for John):

Tommy got that in his Easter basket (the book, not the burger & beer).  Love it!

2012-04-11 9:34 AM
in reply to: #4143017

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-11 10:08 AM

Here is the list I have.... feel free to edit or CORRECT.  With the exception of a few peeps, everyone in this group is new to me.  If I missed an old and/or new join ~ Welcome again.

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 =
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin

klove13 = Kevin

2012-04-11 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4142909

User image

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-11 8:42 AM
kt65 - 2012-04-10 5:02 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 1:38 PM
fattyfatfat - 2012-04-10 3:13 PM
GrapeJuice - 2012-04-10 3:08 PM

Ok MG I am hoping you can assist me in creating my training schedule, I have “Anchor” workouts that I would like to build around. They are a coached brick workout on Thursday mornings, medium  group ride Tuesday mornings, Masters swim Wednesday & Friday Mornings, Coached speed workouts Wednesday evenings. I want to take advantage of the coached workouts provided by my club and masters (for the coaching and accountability motivation to show up).

So with that said that’s 2 swims, 2 runs, 2 bikes. The coached Bricks are only an hour long and are multi brick sessions, the speed workouts are usually about 20-30 mins of actually running after a dynamic warm up and some core work, masters sessions are 1 hour 2000 yds

I want to add a Long Bike, Long Run, Medium Run, and 2 Swims. My problem is the spacing of the workouts. I would prefer long rides on Saturdays and Long runs on Sundays


Monday: (AM)________, (PM)________

Tuesday: Group Ride (6AM), (PM)__________

Wednesday: Masters Swim (6-7AM), Speed Run Workout

Thursday: MultiBrick (6-7AM), (PM)_________

Friday: Masters Swim (6-7AM),(PM)__________



I am thinking Swim Monday and Tuesday, Long run Sunday, Medium run Thursday evening, Long bike Saturday



thoughts... i think you're crazy.  but lets get back to that in a bit...


here's what i see in the above and your 2012 race schedule. tell me where i'm wrong. give me (us) some more input please...

  • working out twice a day everyday.  the schedule above is already at 10 hours a week NOT including the long run and ride on saturday and sunday. 
  • what do you mean by long bike and run (miles or time) - Peak in September at 57.1 miles bike and 17.5 miles run
  • first 70.3 in september
  • an OLY 4 weeks before the 70.3 - This is still up for debate, I just like racing
  • 2 sprints on the horizon.
  • what are "multi-brick" sessions? - We have a Multi loop park (3.35 mile loop and a 2.5ish mile loop) in the hour we wold do multiple bike run efforts so either a small or big loop then a short run and repeat.
  • when does your 70.3 plan start? - Starts May 6th with "A" race September 30th


I use the Gold custom plans on this site and generated my current plan using 4/3/3 schedule with 4 swims since thats my weakest discipline. My thougts were to switch to a 2/2/2  and add in the Masters swims to replace 2 swims, the Bricks and speed work to replace the short bike and short run in my current plan.

Here are the current total monthly distance/time for the plan that I am currently going to follow

                             BIKE                                            RUN                                             SWIM

May 150.60 Mi - 8h 54m 
46.50 Mi - 6h 11m 
18500.00 Yd - 10h 18m 
June 189.90 Mi - 11h 12m 
73.40 Mi - 9h 42m 
22700.00 Yd - 12h 51m 
July 282.90 Mi - 16h 42m 
90.60 Mi - 11h 58m 
25500.00 Yd - 14h 23m 
August 337.90 Mi - 19h 57m 
115.70 Mi - 15h 18m 
29200.00 Yd - 16h 32m 
September 313.10 Mi - 18h 48m 
119.00 Mi - 16h 04m 
23550.00 Yd - 13h 46m 


THIS IS THE EXACT REASON I TOLD MY GIRLFRIEND TO LET ME PAY FOR A COACH!!! haha, she did let me, but will let me have one for my 1st Ironman

Hey Andre!  That's a LOT of training, but hey, training's fun and you are young.  You mentioned a lot in your post.  I just want to touch on the Long Ride/Long Run on back to back days being not so ideal?  I personally found that doing a Wed or Thursday long run left me more fresh for my long ride on the weekend, not just physically but also mentally.  Is there a way you can split that up? 

Are the mini-bricks something you want to do from a club-social aspect?  If so, then it sounds like fun.  Again, speaking from personal experience, I don't do really any bricks except for race-specific stuff the month before my races...and maybe a short T run after some of my long bikes.

Re: Oly 4 weeks before HIM, that can work out pretty well.  Some people say to treat it as a training day, but I've raced mine like a regular Oly the past 3 years and thought it was great prep for my HIM's, and helped me work out some kinks in my transitions and mental stuff.

Good luck with the planning!!

ok cool.  you are crazy, just like most of us.  AND i think a few of us might be showing up at augusta to drink beer and race.  if i don't race i'll try to show up and throw my empties at you.  that's a fun race, for sure.

i'm sure people have had success with the plan generator but the few times someone has posted the plans up here they kinda get picked apart by us, with all the best intentions though.

i don't understand how or why they come up with the numbers they do... 150.6 miles of riding in may?  .6, really?   more importantly though, if your logs are accurate, your may run mileage is right about where your yearly total is.  then you increase the may mileage by 63% for june. looks like some big jumps in % the remaining months. (suz feel free to jump in here)

the bike monthly mileage (time) seems a bit low at first too.  (this coming from me hahahahahaha!!!!!)  and its kinda hard to gauge the max ride at 57.1 miles.  that seems light but there are a bunch of differing schools of thought these days on longer z2 rides or shorter z3/4 rides.  not sure what you plan has you doing, but if its longer z2 rides then i'd sugest that number most definitely needs to be higher by 15-20 miles.   

kim and i agree on a lot of things... like boobs, but i'm not a fan of the the oly 4 weeks out (2 weeks is awesome), particularity for your first 70.3.  that's one of the last big volume weekends and a good opportunity to get the nutrition dialed in.  i don't think there is anyone up here that will underplay the mental discipline of long course racing.  you should be dialing this in now as well.

totally agree with kim on the social aspect of those multi-brick deals.  go for it!  

something else to keep in mind, you mentioned you want to work on your swimming as its your weakest event... i swam a 29 at augusta.  i haven't broken 40 yet on any other 70.3 course. its a fast swim. 

here is a link to the first of nine videos documenting the bike course. 




That combined with the fact that I have family in Columbia, SC and Augusta is the exact reason I chose this to be my 1st half!!

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