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2018-04-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Success in March

Originally posted by leatherneckpa

BUT, I did not let that stop me from squeezing my workouts.  I finished March exactly on pace.  I had never followed a plan before and the idea of a "recovery week" was total anathema to a hard charging Marine, even an old one.  But I think I could learn to appreciate those weeks.

Hey Mike,

It sounds like you're figuring this out but thought I'd chime in nonetheless.  It's counter-intuitive to think that backing off and "recovering" can make you stronger.  However, the reality is, we don't get stronger and faster while we are working out.  In reality, the workouts tear our bodies down.  During recovery, the body rebuilds itself.  The amazing thing is the body anticipates it may have to work harder "the next time" so when it rebuilds itself, it rebuilds itself just a little bit stronger.  When we time proper amounts of training stress (workouts) with recovery, we force the body to adapt and become stronger (and faster).

That's a lesson some athletes NEVER learn so good job figuring it out!

2018-04-06 7:49 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Success in March

Originally posted by leatherneckpa

For all of March I only got to get my bike out for two real road rides.  Can somebody explain something to me?  How is it possible, on an out and back course, to have to work against a headwind BOTH ways!?

I heard somewhere this has to do with quantum physics.  It's the same phenomenon that forced our parents to walk to school, uphill, both ways in knee deep snow!

2018-04-07 3:05 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Success in March
If you continue the challenge, I’d like to join. I don’t need to lose weight (anymore) but would like to maintain, and it’s one way to keep motivated.
2018-04-08 11:59 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: YOGA!
Ok, I'm making a public declaration. I'm going to finally get off my stiff, old, lazy behind and start taking Yoga classes at my gym.

Every time I've see a sports doc or a physical therapist over the past few years the comment I ultimately get is something along the lines of ""wow, you're stiff." I guess 40 years of running straight ahead hardwired my my lateral movement, quads and hips. I'm just frozen for moving straight ahead. I really think it's now impacting stride length, extension and even foot plant when running.

The major roadblock for me has been limited time. With lots of work travel, family stuff and a solid training schedule I just haven't been willing to set aside the time. No more.

I'm in. I hit two classes last week. If I can keep that up or even get to three a week, I should have some measurable results to report later this summer.

Anyone else do YOGA? If so, your feedback and suggestions will be appreciated. Or maybe a website that is focused on YOGA for runners/triathletes that you use?


2018-04-08 11:05 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: YOGA!

I too have been challenged to take up Yoga but so far I've resisted (kicking and screaming).  I'm sure I would benefit but I just haven't found the motivation to do it.

As for the weight loss challenge I'd like to continue.  I just like keeping the focus.  For some reason I haven't been able to shake off my winter "insulation".

Looking forward to a swim and a run tomorrow.

2018-04-09 8:47 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Thoughts for a Monday
An interesting blog post about a 50-54 AG athlete who suffered a heart attack at the Duathlon Nationals this past weekend. Spoiler alert: Not a sad ending.

Have a good week everyone.


2018-04-09 10:25 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Thoughts for a Monday
let us know about the yoga Steve!

Got my bike out for the first time this year! oh! Joy! it was really nice, even if only a short one.

2018-04-09 3:42 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: YOGA
Originally posted by Rollergirl

let us know about the yoga Steve!

Got my bike out for the first time this year! oh! Joy! it was really nice, even if only a short one.

Natalie/George--my early report after two classes and one 30 minute session at home following a "Yoga for Runners" youtube video is I have managed to make my hips exceeding the sore! I don't know if that's an indication of actual progress, but it is an indication that I did something different from the norm.


Edited by lutzman 2018-04-09 3:47 PM
2018-04-09 4:26 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: YOGA!

Originally posted by lutzman Ok, I'm making a public declaration. I'm going to finally get off my stiff, old, lazy behind and start taking Yoga classes at my gym. Every time I've see a sports doc or a physical therapist over the past few years the comment I ultimately get is something along the lines of ""wow, you're stiff." I guess 40 years of running straight ahead hardwired my my lateral movement, quads and hips. I'm just frozen for moving straight ahead. I really think it's now impacting stride length, extension and even foot plant when running. The major roadblock for me has been limited time. With lots of work travel, family stuff and a solid training schedule I just haven't been willing to set aside the time. No more. I'm in. I hit two classes last week. If I can keep that up or even get to three a week, I should have some measurable results to report later this summer. Anyone else do YOGA? If so, your feedback and suggestions will be appreciated. Or maybe a website that is focused on YOGA for runners/triathletes that you use? Best, Steve

Steve - if you want some short yoga videos that are easy to work into a tight schedule but still challenging, check out  Abi has lots of different types of videos for different types of athletes.  It is a subscription type service (monthly or you can pay once for a set of videos).  I've been using some of them for the last couple of months and they're pretty good.  I like that they're only 15 min each so I can get them in first thing in the morning or before I go to bed.  And if you want longer than 15 min, just do a couple of them back to back.  I'm still about as flexible as a steel rod, but it's calming and I feel like I'm making some progress, just slowly .  


2018-04-10 9:27 AM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: YOGA!
Originally posted by soccermom15

Originally posted by lutzman Ok, I'm making a public declaration. I'm going to finally get off my stiff, old, lazy behind and start taking Yoga classes at my gym. Best, Steve

Steve - if you want some short yoga videos that are easy to work into a tight schedule but still challenging, check out  Abi has lots of different types of videos for different types of athletes.  .  


Thank you, Janet! I appreciate the suggestion. I definitely need to get after this so I'll give it try. I may be slightly more flexible than a "steel rod", but I often feel like if I bend over too far there's a pretty good chance that I might just snap in half!



Edited by lutzman 2018-04-10 9:27 AM
2018-04-11 11:30 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Boston Marathon Bombing Documentary
As many of you know, we're coming up on the third Monday of April, AKA Patriot's Day...originally set to commemorate the first battles of the Revolutionary War at Lexington and Concord, now better known for the running of the Boston Marathon.

I've been lucky enough to qualify and run the Boston Marathon three times. It is a special race and if you ever get the chance through qualification or even a charity entry, do not miss it.

I mention this because I was channel scanning on Sunday night and discovered an HBO Documentary on the terrorist bombing at the marathon in 2013. Somehow I missed this when it debuted in 2016.

It is very moving and provides an in depth look at the bombing, the many people directly touched by the bombing and how long and difficult their road to recovery will be.

You can see the trailer here:

If you have HBO I highly recommend it. Grab a box of tissues. You'll need it. It's a really good film.


2018-04-12 8:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: ---
double post

Edited by lutzman 2018-04-12 8:37 PM
2018-04-12 8:36 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: April Weekend coming...anyone riding outside yet?
So we're coming up on a weekend. Hopefully it's starting to warm up for you. We're finally supposed to get over 60 this weekend...but with rain. That's likely to kill any outdoor riding for me. More fun on the indoor trainer I guess.

Anybody riding outside yet?


2018-04-12 11:46 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: April Weekend coming...anyone riding outside yet?

I think our weather is coming north from you.  Supposed to be pretty heavy rain Saturday and Sunday.  We've had a few really nice days to get outside recently and some of our roads have been swept of sand and gravel so I'll be outside as soon as the rain passes.

2018-04-13 5:37 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: April Weekend coming...anyone riding outside yet?
After a long Winter, Spring has finally made it to Sweden (South). Already managed 2 shorts rides on my bike and that's got to be one of the best feelings in the world, (on par with hanging the laundry outside for the first time. lol)

Next, open water swim! (although I may have to wait a little longer for that, the ice has only just melted)
2018-04-13 1:38 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: April Weekend coming...anyone riding outside yet?
Natalie--you're ahead of me. Good you're able to get a couple rides outside, even if they are short. So far, zero for least around here. I got in some wonderful rides in Hawaii, but back here in the frozen north, nothing yet. But I'm not going near the lakes here until June!

George--yeah, it doesn't look good for the weekend. I'm looking out my window right now and the mountains are totally actually looks like snow up there. The rain is supposed to sweep through any time now. So if this front is moving through toward BC, you'll likely get hit in the next few hours. The highway teams have swept our roads of the gravel and sand, so all we need now is a nice day and we'll be in the bike business.


2018-04-14 11:06 AM
in reply to: 0

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Hi All, ran my first race (and only non tri) of the season last Saturday. I’ve been using a 2 min run/30 sec walk plan
for my long runs in training- I can keep my HR under 150 this way but just wanted to run the Half without walking.

South Shore Half Marathon, Milwaukee WI
Conditions, 30 Degrees and Windy
Held 8:55 to 9:00 min pace for the first 10 miles, started out feeling good but
the last 2 miles weren’t fun. Finished in just over 2 Hours

This was a good benchmark for me, with 2 things jumping out- my HR was really high (around 178-180)
which I know won’t be sustainable in my IM, and my neck/lats started to cramp - I’m trying some PT exercises, but
this always seems to be an issue.

I’m racing my first Olympic in 3 weeks and still haven’t been outside on my bike- I’m looking forward to warmer weather!

Edited by Turner100 2018-04-14 11:08 AM
2018-04-15 9:59 AM
in reply to: Turner100

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Turner100

Hi All, ran my first race (and only non tri) of the season last Saturday. I’ve been using a 2 min run/30 sec walk plan
for my long runs in training- I can keep my HR under 150 this way but just wanted to run the Half without walking.

South Shore Half Marathon, Milwaukee WI
Conditions, 30 Degrees and Windy
Held 8:55 to 9:00 min pace for the first 10 miles, started out feeling good but
the last 2 miles weren’t fun. Finished in just over 2 Hours

This was a good benchmark for me, with 2 things jumping out- my HR was really high (around 178-180)
which I know won’t be sustainable in my IM, and my neck/lats started to cramp - I’m trying some PT exercises, but
this always seems to be an issue.

I’m racing my first Olympic in 3 weeks and still haven’t been outside on my bike- I’m looking forward to warmer weather!

Hey Rob:

Congrats on your half marathon. That's a nice accomplishment under your belt early in the year. You didn't exactly have the best weather, so good job persevering on a day that was less than ideal.

You got a good taste of what the end of the marathon will be like with your last two miles, which in your words, were "not fun." That's pretty much how I felt in the last five miles of every marathon I ran...the last miles are just tough. That's just a fact of life. You've probably got a good training plan and that program will no doubt continue to ramp up your longer runs to keep building your conditioning to endure the full 26.2.

For me, pacing was critical to a successful marathon. It was always so easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of the race and go out too fast in the first few miles....and then the bill comes due at the end for pushing the pace early. I literally had to concentrate on keeping my pace down early.

What worked for me was running negative split races, where I would train to an overall pace goal but focus on running the first third of the race at a slower pace than the last third at a slightly faster pace. It didn't always work out that way but it helped keep me from over-running the early miles.

I also found it effective to really nail my race paces in training runs, working every week on knowing the "feel" of the correct pace even without looking at my watch. And then follow the plan in the race. As Scott likes to say, "Nothing new on race day."

Good luck with your Olympic race. Should be fun! Let us know how it goes.


2018-04-15 1:32 PM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Well done on your race Rob.

Today I have signed up for a sprint duathlon on May 12th in a town 2 hours drive from here.
Nothing extraordinary you may think but for me, it is. I have been doing 2 sprint tris a year for the last 4 years: one local (12 miles from my home) in May and one very local (500 yards from here) in August.
This year, the local one is not happening and the very local one still hasn’t been announced (although the organisers told me in a mail that it would be on).

So, what is a girl to do if she want to race? Yes, I have to get out of my comfort zone and get my a s s on the road. With a 10:30 am start, I have decided to go drive there the day before rather than getting up early. Hotel is booked too.
I have been saying that I was going to do it for weeks but I didn’t really believe it! Lol! I surprised myself today by actually signing up!

Gave me a boost and I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Edited by Rollergirl 2018-04-15 1:33 PM
2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!


2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!



2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!


2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!


2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!


2018-04-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: First Race- South Shore Half Marathon
Originally posted by Rollergirl

I did a sprint duathlon today (with shorter runs and longer bike) instead of the long ride I had planned.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Good on you Natalie for finishing the Du. Those are surprisingly difficult races with that second run off the bike.

I saw a shirt a couple years ago that on the front side said something like, "I hate Duathlon". On the back of the shirt it said "I'd rather drown once than run twice." Pretty much sums it up!


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