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2010-03-08 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2712556

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Artemis - 2010-03-07 10:52 AM I ran 4.56 miles this morning.  I've got a bike/run scheduled for this afternoon with my duathlon training team.

That means the headache must be better.  Yeah!

2010-03-08 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2712809

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
billsorg - 2010-03-07 3:02 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-07 3:54 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-06 2:25 PM I went for a ride today with some people from my tri club. I fell behind before we had even gone a mile. There was no way I could hang with them and they left me in the dust. I did only 20 of the planned 32 miles. It wasn't any fun at all.

My legs have felt terrible for several months now, always tight, no spring.

When I posted this yesterday I didn't spell out the fact after I fell off the group nobody came back to check up on me. Later in the afternoon I got an email from one of the other gals on the ride. She said that they didn't realize that they had lost me and that when they realized, they thought I was with someone and that all was OK, and only much later realized I was alone. She concluded by saying she felt bad about this, a rather weak apology. I responded by saying that I had a terrible ride, wouldn't have wanted to hold the group back, but that it would have been nice to have someone check on me.

Today, people are posting on the group email list that they enjoyed the ride, etc, but are not mentioning what happened to me. I'm thinking about posting:

Hmm, it wasn't much fun for me when I got left behind. I wouldn't have wanted to hold the group back but it would have been really nice for someone to have checked up on me. I'm an experienced rider, quite able to take care of myself on a solo ride, but I didn't think I was out on a solo ride. What if I had been a beginner out on a ride with you all? What if something HAD happened to me? Not cool!

Should I post it?

Thanks for letting me vent a bit here.

Post it, Nicole!!!  There's safety in numbers on a bike ride and they left you out there hanging.  You said it perfectly... "NOT COOL!"

I too would post it.  And if the groups says they don't leave riders behind who can't keep up, then it would be a good reminder to them.
2010-03-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2714546

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
kns57 - 2010-03-08 2:19 PM
Artemis - 2010-03-07 10:52 AM I ran 4.56 miles this morning.  I've got a bike/run scheduled for this afternoon with my duathlon training team.

That means the headache must be better.  Yeah!

Yep!  It was better Sunday morning after a lot of sleep.
2010-03-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2713291

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
ceilidh - 2010-03-07 9:23 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-07 5:36 PM
Artemis - 2010-03-07 4:10 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-07 3:54 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-06 2:25 PM I went for a ride today with some people from my tri club. I fell behind before we had even gone a mile. There was no way I could hang with them and they left me in the dust. I did only 20 of the planned 32 miles. It wasn't any fun at all.

My legs have felt terrible for several months now, always tight, no spring.

When I posted this yesterday I didn't spell out the fact after I fell off the group nobody came back to check up on me. Later in the afternoon I got an email from one of the other gals on the ride. She said that they didn't realize that they had lost me and that when they realized, they thought I was with someone and that all was OK, and only much later realized I was alone. She concluded by saying she felt bad about this, a rather weak apology. I responded by saying that I had a terrible ride, wouldn't have wanted to hold the group back, but that it would have been nice to have someone check on me.

Today, people are posting on the group email list that they enjoyed the ride, etc, but are not mentioning what happened to me. I'm thinking about posting:

Hmm, it wasn't much fun for me when I got left behind. I wouldn't have wanted to hold the group back but it would have been really nice for someone to have checked up on me. I'm an experienced rider, quite able to take care of myself on a solo ride, but I didn't think I was out on a solo ride. What if I had been a beginner out on a ride with you all? What if something HAD happened to me? Not cool!

Should I post it?

Thanks for letting me vent a bit here.

Is it advertised as a no-drop ride or in a certain mph?  Either way, I think it would have been nice for them to check on you and it's what I would have done.

I've cooled down (again) and decided that I'm best off discussing this with the club president:

Hi ,

I'd like to let you know about something that happened on Saturday's group ride. About 8 of us met at Centennial to ride a loop of the Half Full bike route. Before the ride we talked about trying to maintain a 15-17 mph average. As it turned out, I was having a terrible ride and fell off the group before we'd even gone a few miles. I wouldn't have wanted to hold the group back, but nobody even realized they had lost me until very much later so nobody came around to check on me. I'm an experience rider, familiar with most of the roads we were riding, and well capable of taking care of myself on a solo ride so I was never in any danger. However, what if I had been an inexperienced rider unprepared to take care of myself, thinking I was on a group ride? We had never discussed if this was a no-drop ride or anything and I don't think anyone was really leading the ride. Still, from my view there was a real failure of responsibility. From a perspective, I think there needs to be some sort of expectations for group rides to protect the . On every ride organized "publicly" through the group email list somebody needs to be in charge and everyone needs to know the rules for the ride before wheels start rolling. I feel like I'm tattling to the teacher, but I thought that you should be aware of this for the good of the .

Thanks, Nicole

Nicole. I think this post is great. I am basically a beginner and what happened to you is the reason I do not go with group rides around here. What if something happened to you? That is the POINT of group rides, being in a GROUP. Send it!

I'm with Robin on this.  I don't ride with a new group unless I've been guaranteed that I won't be dropped and I don't try to ride with a group that is so far faster than me that I would ruin their ride.  On that note, I won't ride by myself where I am because the roads arent' safe.  So I would hate to be part of a group and get left behind.  The email needs to be sent.
2010-03-08 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Okay, all caught up.

I did not get the training in today that I planned.  Instead I spent 4 hours out in the yard, raking, pulling weeds, spreading mulch.  I'm sore!  So, taking a well earned break until I go dancing tonight.
2010-03-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Nicole - sorry to hear about your experience with the group ride.  Good thing you didn't wipe out and that's why you dropped off.  I agree with the others that you should say something.

Kudos on the new bike, Kathy.

I was lazy all weekend.  Okay, I was busy on Sat with exam and friend's birthday and then Sunday I was feeling a little "under the weather..."..ahem

So, back on track for this week.  Must get in 3 swims by the end of the week and at least 1 strength.  I'm supposed to be starting my training plan this week for my June 5th tri, so I may have to alter it a bit to accomplish my challenge goals.  It's 7°C here (45F) and is supposed to relatively mild and sunny the next couple of days.  Hoping to dust off the bike!

Edited by dermoski 2010-03-08 1:41 PM

2010-03-08 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Nicole - Sorry to hear about your group ride experience.  That's one of the main reason's I don't generally do group rides, is that I'm very likely to get dropped (though the ones I've gone to specifically said they aren't no drop, so they tell us to bring a map if you're not familiar with the area).  It's no good if they promise a no drop ride and don't adhere to that!
2010-03-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Hi Team!  Looks like there was a lot of activity over the weekend and I need to catch up on some reading Wink  But I did notice that we're officially leading after week 1 (sorry muck raker bill!) so keep up the good work everyone! 

Yesterday was just a short recovery run for me.  My legs were kind of tired from Saturday's long run.  Tonight I'm running with a group again, and I haven't decided whether to to intervals, or just take another easy run day.  We'll see how I feel when I get there!  Afterward, I'll probably go over to my friend's house and lift with him for a little bit after our run.
2010-03-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Hey all - just a little drive-by posting.  I'm at work so no time to get caught up on the thread.  Hope everyone had a fab weekend.  I got a chance to get outside and enjoy some nice weather.  I got in lots and lots of running but, sadly, didn't manage an outdoor ride.  It's looking like rain for much of the week here but hopefully I'll get a rain-free window on one of my days off to get some actual road miles in on the bike.  I'm about sick of the trainer!
2010-03-08 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2714685

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2010-03-08 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2714725

Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-08 2:14 PM
yogachic - 2010-03-08 3:00 PM Hi Team!  Looks like there was a lot of activity over the weekend and I need to catch up on some reading Wink  But I did notice that we're officially leading after week 1 (sorry muck raker bill!) so keep up the good work everyone! 

Yesterday was just a short recovery run for me.  My legs were kind of tired from Saturday's long run.  Tonight I'm running with a group again, and I haven't decided whether to to intervals, or just take another easy run day.  We'll see how I feel when I get there!  Afterward, I'll probably go over to my friend's house and lift with him for a little bit after our run.

It is how you finish the race not start - keep that in mind!  Plus we passed you post slackers already also!

True, true.  Good thing we started strong and will finish even stronger! Tongue out 

As for post slacking. . . Guilty as charged Embarassed 

2010-03-08 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2698010

West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
I got in my 5 mile run at lunch... OUTSIDE!  What a beautiful day.  Spring can't get here fast enough!!!!
2010-03-08 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2713898

Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

MDHillSlug - 2010-03-08 10:19 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-08 10:06 AM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-08 9:56 AM Good Morning!

I'm still in a bit of a funk. Getting dropped by the group and forgotten was bad but the worst thing about this ride was that, group or not, I had an awful ride and this is a continuation of how I've been feeling for weeks now. My running has been cr@p and my riding has been a struggle and Saturday's ride has me questioning my body, my training, and my goals. I've taken a blow to my confidence.

I did send that second email to the club president but I haven't heard anything back yet.

Nicole -


I'm glad you sent the email and that you took some time to cool off and gather your thoughts.  I never ride with a group because I don't believe I am fast enough.  Stories like yours lead me to continue with the solo riding. I really hope you get the response you deserve. 

I think a massage is in order and I hope the funk you're in will soon disappear.


2010-03-08 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Bronze member
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Got my long run in today. Glad that is over. Back to work in the am. I am very glad I got to enjoy today's weather.
Nicole, I am not a good source for expert advice  but I taking a rest or cutting back and those massage sessions sound like really good ideas. That and try not to be so hard on yourself, you are a wonder woman. I have seen you go!
2010-03-08 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Bronze member
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
BTW, Way to go bEASTies! I LIKE being on top!
2010-03-08 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2698010

West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Quick post before I have to go back to work.... I did get a short swim in....was supposed to be long but sushi with friends won.... Tonight I teach 3 water classes. I hope I sleep good tonight!

*fly by reply TOPpage*

Edited by kimk 2010-03-08 4:38 PM

2010-03-08 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Never got outside for my run today... the darn boss was hovering ALL afternoon. It was like he could read my escape-planning mind! Off to the dreadmill for me...
2010-03-08 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2715172

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
rnihill - 2010-03-08 7:02 PM

Never got outside for my run today... the darn boss was hovering ALL afternoon. It was like he could read my escape-planning mind! Off to the dreadmill for me...

Done with that! Now off to clean up the kids mess, some laundry, and who knows what else. Hopefully bed soon too.
2010-03-08 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
16.72 miles on the trainer during cycling class tonight.  I'm beat!
2010-03-08 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2715326

Haddam, CT
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

Hi, Beasties...slow start to the month, but fear not.

2010-03-09 5:12 AM
in reply to: #2698010

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Good morning bEASTies!

My planned 30 mile ride last night ended up being only 7 miles. I had bike problems from the beginning. Hopefully I got everything fixed last night.

Planning on 13-15 mile ride tonight and a 5ish mile run.

Should be another beautiful day here in PA. The rain isn't supposed to start until Thursday I believe.

2010-03-09 5:13 AM
in reply to: #2698010

Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
What a horrible day yesterday.  I didn't get a darn thing done as far as training goes.  I am hopeful that today will be brighter.  Nice weather again today!
2010-03-09 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2698010

West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Blew off my morning drainer ride... alarm went off at 5:30 and I laid there "for a minute or two" to try and muster up the energy to head down to the basement.  Next thing I knew, it was 6:40.  So I'll head to the Y for a spin class at lunch.  Tomorrow morning is my 10 mile run and I'm actually looking forward to that.
2010-03-09 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2715818

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
billsorg - 2010-03-09 8:51 AM

Blew off my morning drainer ride... alarm went off at 5:30 and I laid there "for a minute or two" to try and muster up the energy to head down to the basement.  Next thing I knew, it was 6:40.  So I'll head to the Y for a spin class at lunch.  Tomorrow morning is my 10 mile run and I'm actually looking forward to that.

I know EXACTLY how that "minute or two" thing goes! That is my story every morning I try to tell myself I am going to get up early. I am just SO not a morning person. I envy those that can function that well before a pot of coffee!
2010-03-09 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2698010

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Hoping to get a swim in this afternoon after a meeting and before I have to get this kids. It has been way too long since I smelled that chorine... Also have a 20 mile trainer ride planned for tonight. Not sure yet if I get to ride along with my hubby and Jack Bauer or a chick flick.
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