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2012-04-13 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4144348

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriRx - 2012-04-12 5:56 AM

Janyne - thanks for posting the stretching vids!  Bad News though: the pain isn't gone!  Didn't sleep a wink last night because every time I'd move, the pain would wake me up!  I didn't run yesterday and didn't bike today (wasn't planning on swimming at all this week).  Went to PT again today but it doesn't seem to really help too much- i'm still super sore!!    Hopefully this resolves itself soon - I'm stretching as much as i can and doing the strengthing moves they told me...but it seems like the injury becomes pissed off while i sleep...  I'm super sad and really bummed that I'm missing workouts...  I feel like i could probably run or bike through the pain, but I"m scared that I'll worsen it...  Anyone have any experience with injury and having to take time off during a scheduled training period????

bum deal, man.

So manatees, I hope your day is going better than mine.  Thanks for the geography lessons everyone - I'm much smarter about the location of Bali now!!  hehehe  Happy training!!

Flaps of fins all around!!

This is 100% dependent on what type of shoulder (or seemingly shoulder, or shows up in the shoulder as pain) injury you have. What was the diagnosis that got you sent to PT, what's the PT's opinion, and what kind of therapy are you doing/having there and what have they recommended you do during the week?

2012-04-13 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4147568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-12 10:55 PM


Well it's Greek Easter so lots of food will be consumed!  Tonight while Artemis and Fotis are at church I will be doing a 90min run followed by a 1200m swim.

Saturday - 45min swim, 2hr ride, 30min run - dreading all of that!  If I've energy in the afternoon may do swim squad to loosen up!

Sunday - just a 30min run then hit the Greek BBQ!!!  Yum!  KALO PASCA!

Happy Greek Easter!  You are really a training machine, aren't you!?  Swim squad - isn't that the insane cult you go to that swims 3k-4k on the regular??? Surprised But really, thank you for sharing, it's inspiring - I am chronically lazy when it comes to getting weekend workouts in!  Must...emulate...Jo...

2012-04-13 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4147933

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:42 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 7:36 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:27 PM

I just came back from a masters swim where we did a boat load of IM kick drills.  We were not allowed to use fins, so I was pretty pathetic.  In fact, there were a few times where I seemed to be kicking like a fool while staying in one spot!  My backstroke  and breaststroke kicks are ok, but the fly and free really stink.  If anyone has any tips, pass them along please!

Tomorrow I will do a test run to see how my hamstring is and then another masters swim.  Sunday is a 2 hour hilly bike ride.

Happy Friday (or Saturday?) all

1. Good on you for doing it! IM kick is no joke, so I always admire anyone who tries ...

2. No kickboard, either.

3. Point your ankles, so that it SEEMS like you're pointing your toes, but the toes are actually relaxed.

4. Try this one in the deep end: with your arms relaxed in the water, stay vertical using a freestyle kick. The only way to do this is with a proper freestyle kick. Experiment until you find a kicking technique that will keep you upright.

As for dolphin (fly) kick ... that's a whole other can o' worms. I actually prefer to teach it in shallow water using dolphin dives first. (In short--do an S-shaped dive where you dive down, curling your back, and then quickly come back up, arching your back.) Eventually, as you tighten that up and make the S flatter and much shorter, with a kick to initiate the first bend down and another to initiate the second bend up--that is exactly what the butterfly position is.

Thanks for the tips.  I don't think I actually know how to point my ankles though! We did have a kickboard, but I realized that my kick was better if I held it out at arms length with my head in the water.  My lower back really felt the dolphin kick - guess I need to work on those muscles.

Not knowing how to point your toes using your ankles (in some cases, how to do it at all) is very common among late-onset swimmers, and particularly runners (somewhat less so, but still, bikers too).

Hold your foot up so your toes are pointing up to the ceiling. Without using your toes or toe muscles at all--just moving the ankle joint--get your toes to point to the wall.

If you can't get your foot-toes to at least a 45-degree angle (from either ceiling or wall, I guess!), there's some ankle-flexibility stretches and work you can do that will really help with putting your feet in position for good swimming -- streamline and kicking.

2012-04-13 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4147480

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-12 9:53 PM

Got my swim in at lunch today.  I wasn't really looking forward to it, because the plan called for a continuous 30 minutes.  I wasn't sure I could do that.  I decided to try the breathing to one side thing today; I usually breath every 3 strokes and often feel/sound like I am gasping.  What a difference.  I did 200m warm up, then decided I had time to swim for 25 min.  Usually it takes me 5-700m before I start to feel 'in the groove'.  Today, I was there from the word go.  I breathed to the right on the way down and to the left on the way back.  No issues with feeling out of breath, felt really comfortable.  I swam the entire 25 minutes (approx 1100m, didn't count lengths) without feeling as though I needed to stop.  Not fast by any stretch of the imagination, but I was able to do the whole time.  I think I will start dreading my swim sessions every time, because it seems like when I do, I have a breakthrough of sorts.  I felt like my stroke was more 'even' as well, as though I completed my rotation on both sides.  I'll get another chance to practice at Masters tomorrow morning at 5:45am.  Ick.  I can't believe I paid to get up that early Wink

I do the same thing - I pay for coached cycling workout at 5:30 am!!! It's torture, but it's the only time I can fit it in.  Good for you on the break through - isn't it awesome!? I have them most frequently when I ride horses, I switched disciplines after 27 years and it's like learning a new lanugage. But when I get the right feeling, it is amazing (especially when you feel the horse respond!).  For me, I've been really working on breathing normal - I used to PUSH air out under water and GASP air in when I surfaced.  I focus on breathing out through my nose mostly until it clears the water surface, it seems to really help.  I'm an every right strike breather, but I've been working on left side too.  I hear it's a good skill for OW.

2012-04-13 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4148021

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-13 9:25 AM

Try 1 gel or equivalent every hour, since 2+ per hour seems to be way too much for you. That should be enough to prevent a bonk, even if it may not be quite enough to keep you going at optimal levels. Remember that gels/blocks/gummies/etc. should always be taken with plain water. Remember: you can always take more, but the only way to take less is to barf and that costs you on both calories, hydration, comfort, etc. It's just unpleasant!

Something for all of us to remember

2012-04-13 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Today was 6:15am triathlon bootcamp strength training:

4 x 40 secs each:
hands to elbows
leg raises in plank
moutain climbers
push ups (wide, narrow)

4 x 40 sec each:
hip raises
side to side
roll up
leg extensions

deadlift 10 each led; 10 step ups; 10 side step raises; 40 jumping jacks x 2; 10 x 4 around the world med ball; 40 secs each w/5 lbs shoulder press, front raise, side raise; 2 x 15 burpies.

We haven't had a workout that hard in about a month! I think my arms AND abs will be crying tomorrow.  I'm also hoping to get on my bike for my FIRST outdoor ride on it (my first road bike, first ride with the clipless pedals...ayayay) since it is FINALLY nice around here Cool The whole weekend should be great, but a little too warm for the Boston runner on Monday...I would be pissed if after all this cold, raw weather the sun and warmth finally shows up for marathon Monday.  But more often than not, that's the way it goes. Welcome to New England, people.

2012-04-13 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4145865

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 11:51 PM

Nice to see you are all now up and ready for the day.

Here in the UK its late afternoon and i am finally commiting to my first Triathlon as they just took my money. On the plus side, the swim is 100m les than i thought. The downside is the bike is 4k longer!Scared already and its only been 6 minutes.

Also going to see the stop smoking service in 45 mins which might help with the breathing once it kicks in.

Still not got my training sesh in but will get running after tea. (chilli chicken, ribs and homemade wedges. Oh and salad, cos i am soooo focused)

No, really i will.


Really, like marriage and surgery, it's the commitment and the waiting that's the scary part. You will be AWESOME the day of!

I got you on tea. I actually said that to someone in CoJ the other day, and then realized they probably thought I meant actual tea. Heh.

2012-04-13 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4148081

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ArielLIlB - 2012-04-13 9:43 PM

I do the same thing - I pay for coached cycling workout at 5:30 am!!! It's torture, but it's the only time I can fit it in.  Good for you on the break through - isn't it awesome!? I have them most frequently when I ride horses, I switched disciplines after 27 years and it's like learning a new lanugage. But when I get the right feeling, it is amazing (especially when you feel the horse respond!).  For me, I've been really working on breathing normal - I used to PUSH air out under water and GASP air in when I surfaced.  I focus on breathing out through my nose mostly until it clears the water surface, it seems to really help.  I'm an every right strike breather, but I've been working on left side too.  I hear it's a good skill for OW.

It is a critical skill for OW and very important in creating a balanced stroke. In my opinion, learning to breathe predominantly with any specific pattern is not that important (e.g., every 3 strokes).

Focusing on breathing in swimming seems to have beneficial effects on all the aspects of swimming in training, and, as Salty referred to with "yoga breathing", is extremely helpful in keeping calm in OW race situations.

P.S. That strength routine looks OWIE--well done!

Edited by TriAya 2012-04-13 9:14 AM
2012-04-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: #4147771

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

enders_shadow - 2012-04-13 6:35 AM Hey all - peekaboo...been a crazy couple of days... Tuesday, when I tried to run, my knee hurt - boo! Wednesday, my husband's uncle died; long expected & not terribly sad (given his state), but it turned the week into kind of a whirlwind, trying to get him back to Michigan and cover all of the other activities here at home with 1 parent...our lives are not well-scheduled for single parenting! Last night was a celebration dinner for my getting tenure (at the university with the deans, provosts, etc.) - the food was gross, the only thing worth eating was the dessert, and I had a little too much wine - came home with an awful belly-ache (I assume because I'd been staying off the grain & sugar & last night that was most of what I ate!) Maybe this is a good way to get my knee rested (because I'm not terribly patient) - I won't be able to get my long run in until Tuesday morning (vs. Sunday) and my short runs are going to be sketchy until hubby gets back.

Congratulations on tenure!!  There should be some kind of rule that dinners should be good.  I'd expect more from your university! Isn't that what all the tuition is for? 

Sorry to hear about Sugar Daddy's (are we still allowed to call him that?) uncle.  Hope he has a safe trip back to Michigan and you survive with the girls.

2012-04-13 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4147897

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-13 8:28 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:21 PM

That's pretty amazing.  I only have about 3200 posts to go and then we'll be even.

Dengue, typhoid, and chikungunya ... in just a few protracted dread diseases, you, too, can be BT's top poster!

You're like a text book on crazy infectious diseases!

2012-04-13 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Glad today is Friday, but I am so exhausted.  Really hope I can catch up on sleep this weekend.  I got maybe 6 hours of sleep? (Warning: possible TMI baby talk ahead) Went to put E down last night at midnight, then she pooped.  Changed her, then she pooped again.  Then she peed on her clothes while I was changing her.  By the time she was all changed and back to sleep it was like 1:00 am.  Cycle started again at 7:30 this morning.  I made her daddy get up with her.

2012-04-13 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4148214

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-13 10:16 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 8:28 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:21 PM

That's pretty amazing.  I only have about 3200 posts to go and then we'll be even.

Dengue, typhoid, and chikungunya ... in just a few protracted dread diseases, you, too, can be BT's top poster!

You're like a text book on crazy infectious diseases!

BLECH indeed.

I am now (I suppose not so secretly) confessing I've been pretty sick the last two days ... don't even want Pop Tarts, which means I should have called an ambulance yesterday.

I'm terrible at seeking medical help when appropriate ... I'll see how it goes tomorrow. But anyway, that's why I haven't been posting much of late ...

2012-04-13 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4148223

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Artemis - 2012-04-13 10:18 PM Glad today is Friday, but I am so exhausted.  Really hope I can catch up on sleep this weekend.  I got maybe 6 hours of sleep? (Warning: possible TMI baby talk ahead) Went to put E down last night at midnight, then she pooped.  Changed her, then she pooped again.  Then she peed on her clothes while I was changing her.  By the time she was all changed and back to sleep it was like 1:00 am.  Cycle started again at 7:30 this morning.  I made her daddy get up with her.

As it should be!

Yikes. I can't even imagine the exhaustion that comes along with having and caring for a new baby ...

2012-04-13 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4148069

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-13 8:40 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:42 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 7:36 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:27 PM

I just came back from a masters swim where we did a boat load of IM kick drills.  We were not allowed to use fins, so I was pretty pathetic.  In fact, there were a few times where I seemed to be kicking like a fool while staying in one spot!  My backstroke  and breaststroke kicks are ok, but the fly and free really stink.  If anyone has any tips, pass them along please!

Tomorrow I will do a test run to see how my hamstring is and then another masters swim.  Sunday is a 2 hour hilly bike ride.

Happy Friday (or Saturday?) all

1. Good on you for doing it! IM kick is no joke, so I always admire anyone who tries ...

2. No kickboard, either.

3. Point your ankles, so that it SEEMS like you're pointing your toes, but the toes are actually relaxed.

4. Try this one in the deep end: with your arms relaxed in the water, stay vertical using a freestyle kick. The only way to do this is with a proper freestyle kick. Experiment until you find a kicking technique that will keep you upright.

As for dolphin (fly) kick ... that's a whole other can o' worms. I actually prefer to teach it in shallow water using dolphin dives first. (In short--do an S-shaped dive where you dive down, curling your back, and then quickly come back up, arching your back.) Eventually, as you tighten that up and make the S flatter and much shorter, with a kick to initiate the first bend down and another to initiate the second bend up--that is exactly what the butterfly position is.

Thanks for the tips.  I don't think I actually know how to point my ankles though! We did have a kickboard, but I realized that my kick was better if I held it out at arms length with my head in the water.  My lower back really felt the dolphin kick - guess I need to work on those muscles.

Not knowing how to point your toes using your ankles (in some cases, how to do it at all) is very common among late-onset swimmers, and particularly runners (somewhat less so, but still, bikers too).

Hold your foot up so your toes are pointing up to the ceiling. Without using your toes or toe muscles at all--just moving the ankle joint--get your toes to point to the wall.

If you can't get your foot-toes to at least a 45-degree angle (from either ceiling or wall, I guess!), there's some ankle-flexibility stretches and work you can do that will really help with putting your feet in position for good swimming -- streamline and kicking.

Oh, I can do that - i thought you were trying to teach me some super-duper flexible thing that actually had my ankles pointed somewhere rather that using my ankles to point my toes.  I feel much better now

2012-04-13 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

I'll have to try pointing the ankles rather than my toes during my swim set this afternoon. Perhaps that will alleviate some of the cramping...


2012-04-13 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4148299

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
rrrunner - 2012-04-13 10:44 PM

I'll have to try pointing the ankles rather than my toes during my swim set this afternoon. Perhaps that will alleviate some of the cramping...


It should. The dealio is that you want the foot to be elongated, but still a bit floppy--in fact, exactly like a fin. And the only way to do that is to point from your ankles ... not your toes. Like a ballerina, that makes your toes rigid so you could stand on them.

And LOL to Ann-Marie!

2012-04-13 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4148239

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-13 10:22 AM
Artemis - 2012-04-13 10:16 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 8:28 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:21 PM

That's pretty amazing.  I only have about 3200 posts to go and then we'll be even.

Dengue, typhoid, and chikungunya ... in just a few protracted dread diseases, you, too, can be BT's top poster!

You're like a text book on crazy infectious diseases!

BLECH indeed.

I am now (I suppose not so secretly) confessing I've been pretty sick the last two days ... don't even want Pop Tarts, which means I should have called an ambulance yesterday.

I'm terrible at seeking medical help when appropriate ... I'll see how it goes tomorrow. But anyway, that's why I haven't been posting much of late ...

Yanti, you not wanting PopTarts is a very bad sign.  Also, it is Friday, which means you will probably not see a doctor until next week.  Is there anyone you can see over the weekend?

2012-04-13 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Wow, be away from this thread for a day and look what happens, it goes nuts. So I am trying to catch up and reply wherever I can. In no particular order:

1) My morning beverage is coffee, black, one sweetener. It has been this way since I owned a diner a lifetime ago. 6 months ago I was introduced to the Java Chip Frappacino. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Yea, a little frozen heaven in a cup. I try to limit my intake of these treats, especially after reading the calorie content.
2) Adrienne, you do some really nice work. The inside of those stores really does set a mood and put the customer in a certain frame of mind.
3) Felicia, I hope the weather is as nice as can be hoped for on the weekend. The fact that there are rules stated for the race in the event of tornados, well that's crazy talk right there.
4) Church attire - I occasionally wear running gear under my church clothes and then run home afterward. Just an idea for those that are so inclined.
5) Melanie - Any time spent on the kayak is time well spent. Enjoy, I am jealous.
6) Race Nutrition - please take this with a grain of salt, I am not the most experienced. My current ride nutrition for anything over an hour is Fig Newtons. 2 of them are 90 calories and they keep me going for another hour or so (sort of). Gummy bears for any run over an hour. They travel well in my Amphipod. YMMV And agreed with Jo on the pre race. Water and pasta for me as well.
7) Kirsten - Congrats on the swim breakthrough! More to come, I'm sure.
8) Jo - Congrats on the run. Negative split = Positive run! Enjoy your Easter celebration!
9) Kristen - I am so sorry for your family's loss. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers. And resting the knee has never been a bad idea. I had about a month off in Dec this past year just to get that squared away. Spent time recharging the batteries and riding the bike a bit. That was less stressful on the knee for me, but I also think I caught it before it turned into an issue. Congrats on the tenure as well.
10) Yanti - Congrats on 39,000 more post then me. You have given me more stuff to think about when I am in the water, toe pointing! I already swim with a mental picture of your avatar to remind me to rotate my body. It is a wonder I don't drown with all the work that my brain is doing And please try to see a medical professional before you get more ill.

I got in 6 miles of trails this morning, ran past a eagles nest that has a mom and babies in it. I am soooo blessed to live where I do. The mid point of the run is a dock that juts out into the bay. Fish jumping, birds flying, the whole nine yards. Just beautiful.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Grab a hold of every opportunity you have to smile, for that makes you and everyone around you happy!
2012-04-13 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4148450

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

cdban66 - 2012-04-13 8:33 AM Wow, be away from this thread for a day and look what happens, it goes nuts. So I am trying to catch up and reply wherever I can. In no particular order: 1) My morning beverage is coffee, black, one sweetener. It has been this way since I owned a diner a lifetime ago. 6 months ago I was introduced to the Java Chip Frappacino. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Yea, a little frozen heaven in a cup. I try to limit my intake of these treats, especially after reading the calorie content. 2) Adrienne, you do some really nice work. The inside of those stores really does set a mood and put the customer in a certain frame of mind. 3) Felicia, I hope the weather is as nice as can be hoped for on the weekend. The fact that there are rules stated for the race in the event of tornados, well that's crazy talk right there. 4) Church attire - I occasionally wear running gear under my church clothes and then run home afterward. Just an idea for those that are so inclined. 5) Melanie - Any time spent on the kayak is time well spent. Enjoy, I am jealous. 6) Race Nutrition - please take this with a grain of salt, I am not the most experienced. My current ride nutrition for anything over an hour is Fig Newtons. 2 of them are 90 calories and they keep me going for another hour or so (sort of). Gummy bears for any run over an hour. They travel well in my Amphipod. YMMV And agreed with Jo on the pre race. Water and pasta for me as well. 7) Kirsten - Congrats on the swim breakthrough! More to come, I'm sure. 8) Jo - Congrats on the run. Negative split = Positive run! Enjoy your Easter celebration! 9) Kristen - I am so sorry for your family's loss. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers. And resting the knee has never been a bad idea. I had about a month off in Dec this past year just to get that squared away. Spent time recharging the batteries and riding the bike a bit. That was less stressful on the knee for me, but I also think I caught it before it turned into an issue. Congrats on the tenure as well. 10) Yanti - Congrats on 39,000 more post then me. You have given me more stuff to think about when I am in the water, toe pointing! I already swim with a mental picture of your avatar to remind me to rotate my body. It is a wonder I don't drown with all the work that my brain is doing And please try to see a medical professional before you get more ill. I got in 6 miles of trails this morning, ran past a eagles nest that has a mom and babies in it. I am soooo blessed to live where I do. The mid point of the run is a dock that juts out into the bay. Fish jumping, birds flying, the whole nine yards. Just beautiful. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Grab a hold of every opportunity you have to smile, for that makes you and everyone around you happy!

Hee hee.  I do the same thing...

2012-04-13 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4148432

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-13 11:26 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 10:22 AM
Artemis - 2012-04-13 10:16 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-13 8:28 AM
amd723 - 2012-04-13 8:21 PM

That's pretty amazing.  I only have about 3200 posts to go and then we'll be even.

Dengue, typhoid, and chikungunya ... in just a few protracted dread diseases, you, too, can be BT's top poster!

You're like a text book on crazy infectious diseases!

BLECH indeed.

I am now (I suppose not so secretly) confessing I've been pretty sick the last two days ... don't even want Pop Tarts, which means I should have called an ambulance yesterday.

I'm terrible at seeking medical help when appropriate ... I'll see how it goes tomorrow. But anyway, that's why I haven't been posting much of late ...

Yanti, you not wanting PopTarts is a very bad sign.  Also, it is Friday, which means you will probably not see a doctor until next week.  Is there anyone you can see over the weekend?

Oh dear. I see new motherhood has not affected your razor-sharp perception anyway ... I was hoping to slink under the radar with that ...

Yes, there are people I can see over the weekend, although you're right, I probably won't. Also, it's twice as expensive. But I really really will go if I need to. I promise. Okay, I probably needed to today, but ... sigh. I won't let the money dictate whether I see a doc tomorrow, okay?

Thank you for caring ... really ... and I needed the flipper thwack on the azz, because you know how I am about going.

2012-04-13 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4147742

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-13 3:03 AM

OMG - 12km run - now i'm not fast by any stretch and I use the Jeff Galloway method, so I run 2mins and walk 1min - so i did the 6km out in 45mins and the 6km uphill back in 40mins - love those negative splits.  My quads screaming in agony coz I ran too far last night...then I had to jump in the pool and crank out 3x400m - and now my calf muscles have joined the screaming chorus! 

I am absolutely exhausted.Tongue out

OMG Jo, you are a machine!!

2012-04-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4148472

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-13 11:42 PM

cdban66 - 2012-04-13 8:33 AM 10) Yanti - Congrats on 39,000 more post then me. You have given me more stuff to think about when I am in the water, toe pointing! I already swim with a mental picture of your avatar to remind me to rotate my body.

Hee hee.  I do the same thing...

Awwwrrr shucks ... shuffles feet ... grinning and pink

And DubSix ... I live in paradise, for sure (one side of where I live is bordered by an eco-preserve) but your place really does sound like paradise too!

2012-04-13 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4126290

User image

Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Kristin, congrats on tenure!  Sorry for your family's loss as well.

Yanti, I hope you are feeling better and that it is nothing serious (again...)

Masters swim was good this AM.  About 2000m total.  Man, I DO NOT like kicking drills.  My legs scream the whole time.  Guess that means I should be doing more of them, huh?

Beautiful sunny day here--hoping it hangs around for the race on Sunday.  Have a great weekend everyone!

2012-04-13 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4148490

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-13 10:46 AM
bcraht - 2012-04-13 11:42 PM

cdban66 - 2012-04-13 8:33 AM 10) Yanti - Congrats on 39,000 more post then me. You have given me more stuff to think about when I am in the water, toe pointing! I already swim with a mental picture of your avatar to remind me to rotate my body.

Hee hee.  I do the same thing...

Awwwrrr shucks ... shuffles feet ... grinning and pink

And DubSix ... I live in paradise, for sure (one side of where I live is bordered by an eco-preserve) but your place really does sound like paradise too!

When I swim I also use the mental picture of Yanti in the water but mainly to remind me to look super sexy. Wink

*I do not live in paradise

2012-04-13 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4148472

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-13 9:42 AM

cdban66 - 2012-04-13 8:33 AM Wow, be away from this thread for a day and look what happens, it goes nuts. So I am trying to catch up and reply wherever I can. In no particular order: 1) My morning beverage is coffee, black, one sweetener. It has been this way since I owned a diner a lifetime ago. 6 months ago I was introduced to the Java Chip Frappacino. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Yea, a little frozen heaven in a cup. I try to limit my intake of these treats, especially after reading the calorie content. 2) Adrienne, you do some really nice work. The inside of those stores really does set a mood and put the customer in a certain frame of mind. 3) Felicia, I hope the weather is as nice as can be hoped for on the weekend. The fact that there are rules stated for the race in the event of tornados, well that's crazy talk right there. 4) Church attire - I occasionally wear running gear under my church clothes and then run home afterward. Just an idea for those that are so inclined. 5) Melanie - Any time spent on the kayak is time well spent. Enjoy, I am jealous. 6) Race Nutrition - please take this with a grain of salt, I am not the most experienced. My current ride nutrition for anything over an hour is Fig Newtons. 2 of them are 90 calories and they keep me going for another hour or so (sort of). Gummy bears for any run over an hour. They travel well in my Amphipod. YMMV And agreed with Jo on the pre race. Water and pasta for me as well. 7) Kirsten - Congrats on the swim breakthrough! More to come, I'm sure. 8) Jo - Congrats on the run. Negative split = Positive run! Enjoy your Easter celebration! 9) Kristen - I am so sorry for your family's loss. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers. And resting the knee has never been a bad idea. I had about a month off in Dec this past year just to get that squared away. Spent time recharging the batteries and riding the bike a bit. That was less stressful on the knee for me, but I also think I caught it before it turned into an issue. Congrats on the tenure as well. 10) Yanti - Congrats on 39,000 more post then me. You have given me more stuff to think about when I am in the water, toe pointing! I already swim with a mental picture of your avatar to remind me to rotate my body. It is a wonder I don't drown with all the work that my brain is doing And please try to see a medical professional before you get more ill. I got in 6 miles of trails this morning, ran past a eagles nest that has a mom and babies in it. I am soooo blessed to live where I do. The mid point of the run is a dock that juts out into the bay. Fish jumping, birds flying, the whole nine yards. Just beautiful. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Grab a hold of every opportunity you have to smile, for that makes you and everyone around you happy!

Hee hee.  I do the same thing...

ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

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