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2011-01-06 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3282326

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED

GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 9:51 AM
Triathlynne - 2011-01-06 11:42 AM

Hello gang.  Thanks for all the replies, and there were many.  I went for a 40 minute run last night, ate a good dinner and got enough sleep so I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER!  I also treated myself to a new swimsuit. 

  This morning I registered for The Warrior Dash on July 16th in North Bend, WA.  It's a 5K with obstacles included. My 1st official race of the year. WOOT!

 PLUS I'm 30 minutes away from booking my flight to Scotland.  Leave in 7 weeks.  It's all about putting things into perspective (And getting outside.)

I love the suit!!!  Nice and bright and funky. 

Outside is my favorite place


When I saw the suit colours yesterday I immediately thought of Irn Bru:

Scotland's national soft drink.  Same colours. hehe

2011-01-06 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3256268

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
Hi all!
Compression socks: I've used them for recovery after long runs.  Seems to help my calves.  Didn't think about it for shin splints, which I fear I may be developing in my right leg.  I hope not.  I want to try running in the compression calf sleeves, that way I can wear my favorite socks.  Haven't tried them yet, but may now that I'm getting some pain in the shin.  I do wear a boot at night on my left foot to keep the plantar facsitis (I know spelling) at bay.  

Music:  Am I the only the only one who does not listen to music when running?  I used to, but when I was training for my first IM I stopped.  Wanted to get used to running sans music since you can't during tri's and also on long runs the ear phones would really start to bother me.  Now I really enjoy running without music.  It's trickier on the treadmill, but doable. 

2011-01-06 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3282418

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
suzimmer - 2011-01-06 12:23 PM Hi all!
Compression socks: I've used them for recovery after long runs.  Seems to help my calves.  Didn't think about it for shin splints, which I fear I may be developing in my right leg.  I hope not.  I want to try running in the compression calf sleeves, that way I can wear my favorite socks.  Haven't tried them yet, but may now that I'm getting some pain in the shin.  I do wear a boot at night on my left foot to keep the plantar facsitis (I know spelling) at bay.  

Music:  Am I the only the only one who does not listen to music when running?  I used to, but when I was training for my first IM I stopped.  Wanted to get used to running sans music since you can't during tri's and also on long runs the ear phones would really start to bother me.  Now I really enjoy running without music.  It's trickier on the treadmill, but doable. 


I have been weaning myself off my music for the same reason...I do some long runs without it, but like to do hill workouts, intervals, etc. with it.
2011-01-06 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3282418

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
suzimmer - 2011-01-06 12:23 PM Hi all!
Compression socks: I've used them for recovery after long runs.  Seems to help my calves.  Didn't think about it for shin splints, which I fear I may be developing in my right leg.  I hope not.  I want to try running in the compression calf sleeves, that way I can wear my favorite socks.  Haven't tried them yet, but may now that I'm getting some pain in the shin.  I do wear a boot at night on my left foot to keep the plantar facsitis (I know spelling) at bay.  

Music:  Am I the only the only one who does not listen to music when running?  I used to, but when I was training for my first IM I stopped.  Wanted to get used to running sans music since you can't during tri's and also on long runs the ear phones would really start to bother me.  Now I really enjoy running without music.  It's trickier on the treadmill, but doable. 

I don't listen to music either.  I am on call for 2 months at a time for work, so I had to stop using the ear phones so I could hear the phone.  At first it was hard, but now I can't imagine running with music. 

2011-01-06 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3282878

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2011-01-06 3:11 PM
suzimmer - 2011-01-06 12:23 PM Hi all!
Compression socks: I've used them for recovery after long runs.  Seems to help my calves.  Didn't think about it for shin splints, which I fear I may be developing in my right leg.  I hope not.  I want to try running in the compression calf sleeves, that way I can wear my favorite socks.  Haven't tried them yet, but may now that I'm getting some pain in the shin.  I do wear a boot at night on my left foot to keep the plantar facsitis (I know spelling) at bay.  

Music:  Am I the only the only one who does not listen to music when running?  I used to, but when I was training for my first IM I stopped.  Wanted to get used to running sans music since you can't during tri's and also on long runs the ear phones would really start to bother me.  Now I really enjoy running without music.  It's trickier on the treadmill, but doable. 


I have been weaning myself off my music for the same reason...I do some long runs without it, but like to do hill workouts, intervals, etc. with it.

I generally only use music during TM runs, not outside and never during races.  I'd miss too much that way - and I've seen a lot of instances where runners didn't hear cars coming on open courses, even with horns blowing.  It's just not worth it to me. 
2011-01-06 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3282418

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
suzimmer - 2011-01-06 12:23 PM Hi all!
Compression socks: I've used them for recovery after long runs.  Seems to help my calves.  Didn't think about it for shin splints, which I fear I may be developing in my right leg.  I hope not.  I want to try running in the compression calf sleeves, that way I can wear my favorite socks.  Haven't tried them yet, but may now that I'm getting some pain in the shin.  I do wear a boot at night on my left foot to keep the plantar facsitis (I know spelling) at bay.  

Music:  Am I the only the only one who does not listen to music when running?  I used to, but when I was training for my first IM I stopped.  Wanted to get used to running sans music since you can't during tri's and also on long runs the ear phones would really start to bother me.  Now I really enjoy running without music.  It's trickier on the treadmill, but doable. 


I don't either.  But then I only run outside and not on a treadmill so need to be able to hear the cars.

2011-01-06 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3281753

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2011-01-06 10:13 AM You know I've thought about compression socks, but with my short little legs I'm afraid they'll come up over my knees half way up my thighs and I'll look like a hooker runnin' from her pimp!  Tongue out

WOW, now how do I get that crazy picture out of my head???
Ha,ha,ha.. but, I can soooo relate!! I'm only 5'3. 
I think I'm going to get some to wear after runs.
2011-01-06 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3281749

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Del Rio, TX
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2011-01-06 9:10 AM
IceManScott - 2011-01-06 8:41 AM Folks, I'm serious.  I am very musically challenged these days.  Share your favorite workout songs with me please.  I'm too into classic rock!

Have you ever used  I love, love, love this site.  All of the music is mixed to particular bpm so you can choose how fast or slow to go.  The downloads are also free.  It's awesome, check it out if you haven't. 

Thanks!  Excited to look at that site and pick some out! 
2011-01-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3282157


Near BigD
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED

Take Wabash's list and add Breaking Benji, Three Days Grace, and now my daughter has me listening to My Chemical Romance.....and always add in Green Day! 

2011-01-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3256268

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New user

Eastern Iowa
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
Was debating going to the gym tonight but decided I would and got in a good swim.  Did 600 yards but the first 500 were done in sub 20 minutes for the first time. I mixed it up between pull bouy, hand paddles didnt do more than 25 yard stretches but each time in the pool is feeling better.  After the workout stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff and lucked out. 2 pound bags of wild caught salmon and cod for $5.99.  13 bags later I was a happy man.
2011-01-06 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3256268

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

2011-01-06 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3281721

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
zee744 - 2011-01-06 9:01 AM
laurak11 - 2011-01-06 9:42 AM
zee744 - 2011-01-06 9:33 AM Lots of people with compression socks, sweet! Looks like I'll have to grab a pair. Now the tricky part, finding some that are affordable!! Thanks for the reviews!

I got mine from Amazon (love this site), but I think they were onlly $40, compared to like $55-60..

Awesome, I'll check it out. Will I look like a total tool wearing them to the gym? How about if I just wear one on the problem leg?

Yes you will look like a tool if you only wear one.  Both... not so bad
2011-01-06 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3283575

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Breaking two miles without walking and signing up for an actual race.
2011-01-06 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3282239

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-01-06 11:23 AM Excellent gang.  Thanks.  If there are more, keep sending. 

I love to run and ride outside without noise too.  But the trainer is a different story.   I need some headbanging stuff to keep the pain in my head and out of my legs

Even though I love training, I gotta admit that I think running is the one of the most boring ways to spend time known to mankind.  Music gets so boring to me, that I am almost better off without it. has free downloads of any kind of audio book you can think of.  I get so into the books sometimes that I go a little longer than I plan just so I can get to a good stopping point in the book.  Makes the time fly by.
2011-01-06 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3281721

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
zee744 - 2011-01-06 10:01 AM
laurak11 - 2011-01-06 9:42 AM
zee744 - 2011-01-06 9:33 AM Lots of people with compression socks, sweet! Looks like I'll have to grab a pair. Now the tricky part, finding some that are affordable!! Thanks for the reviews!

I got mine from Amazon (love this site), but I think they were onlly $40, compared to like $55-60..

Awesome, I'll check it out. Will I look like a total tool wearing them to the gym? How about if I just wear one on the problem leg?

Ooohh my ...... Embarassed
2011-01-06 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3283575

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

I lived to tell the story about my first snowboarding lesson... lol  Seriously, Maria and I have signed up for our big race in July and I just hired a coach that has layed out my first two weeks schedule starting tomorrow.

2011-01-06 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3283575

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 10:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Still loosing weight, learned to swim, haven't killed the dog for pee'ing on our christmas tree, (oops, sorry I got side tracked) and spinning more. 
2011-01-06 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3283610

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 10:40 PM
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Breaking two miles without walking and signing up for an actual race.

Great start, I'm doing the exact same thing.  I'm still working on the two mile mark. 
2011-01-06 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3283663

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Peoria Heights
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
Ree - 2011-01-06 10:05 PM
GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 10:40 PM
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Breaking two miles without walking and signing up for an actual race.

Great start, I'm doing the exact same thing.  I'm still working on the two mile mark. 

You have such a great attitude I know you will get there
2011-01-06 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3283673

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 10:09 PM
Ree - 2011-01-06 10:05 PM
GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 10:40 PM
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Breaking two miles without walking and signing up for an actual race.

Great start, I'm doing the exact same thing.  I'm still working on the two mile mark. 

You have such a great attitude I know you will get there

You guys both rock!
2011-01-06 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3283575

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PMWe're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 
I have been sugar free for 6 days! I have hit all of my scheduled training workouts & I've already learned a ton from this fabulous mentor group!

2011-01-06 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3256268

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
You guys are awesome!  I haven't hit any great training milestones yet this year, but I signed up for a bike maintenance class that starts on Monday.  I just got my bike last March and I've been afraid to adjust things on it for fear of messing the whole thing up.  I'm hoping this class gives me a lot more confidence, which will in turn get me out on longer rides.

Also a quick note about the compression socks:  I'm only 5'3 and the socks fit me just fine.  They stop below the knee. 
2011-01-06 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3283610

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Del Rio, TX
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
GmrGirl - 2011-01-06 9:40 PM
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PM We're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 

Breaking two miles without walking and signing up for an actual race.

I'm with you on that one...signing up for my race is the first success of the year! 
2011-01-06 10:55 PM
in reply to: #3283694

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Del Rio, TX
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2011-01-06 10:25 PM
McFuzz - 2011-01-06 9:17 PMWe're a week into 2011.  What are your successes so far? 
I have been sugar free for 6 days! I have hit all of my scheduled training workouts & I've already learned a ton from this fabulous mentor group!

6 days huh?!!!  Awesome!  Now you have to let me in on your trick for doing that.. ;
2011-01-06 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3283725

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group 2011 - CLOSED
I've been white sugar, white flour free since 2005.  Had to be to lose that much weight.  Off that sugar roller coaster.

Biggest accomplishment this week, I've done all my prescribed workouts and cut time in the pool.  That can't be bad. 
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