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2008-03-13 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Shaun: Glad to hear your son will be there for your race. He must be really proud of you! I bet he brags about his dad to all his friends. You're gonna do awesome on race day!!!

Sarah: nice to see you back and feeling better. I like eating for entertainment too, but I don't like the consequences. You're doing great, and look at how many goals you've already made. I see a tri bike in your near future! Keep up the good work!

Steve: Sounds like some really tough times at your place, hope everyone is on the road to recovery now. Get yourself well so you can get back to training, even if that means you need to take some time off.


2008-03-13 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1269689

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

owl_girl - 2008-03-13 10:31 AM Man, I'm tired!  This night owl is having a hard time switching to being an early bird!  It feels like I'm overtraining but I think it is a scheduling problem.  How is everyone else doing this week?

I started my intermediate Oly plan this week. I'm not intermediate, but liked the plan so decided to do it anyway. I'm glad I duplicated the first 5 weeks to start earlier because I'm definitely going to have to ease into this. I'm exhausted! I also think I need to increase my calories a little to keep up with these workouts because I just don't seem to have the energy. Anyway, that's my plan is to increase my calories a couple hundred and do just the time on the workouts for the first 5 weeks instead of the specifics (hill intervals, speed drill, etc). Also, really excited about getting my new bike! It's nothing fancy, but will be tons better than the hybrid I'm currently riding.

2008-03-13 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Roni -- wooohoo!!!! Congrats on getting a new bike!! Post photos when you get it! I may have to poke around for a new bike for my boyfriend. He's put up with me buying bikes and gear and entry fees and he is still riding his old steel 1970s road bike. It even has the shifters down below.

And on the note of the boyfriend, his car was stolen from our driveway last night. Can you believe it?!? We woke up at 12:30am to someone pounding on the front door. It turned out to be the police looking for the owner of a silver 4Runner. A silver 4Runner that was no longer parked where we had left it... He had just pulled it over a couple of miles away and found 4 drunk gang dudes inside. Actually, 3 of them took off running, but they found them hiding in a nearby garage. It's crazy since we live in a safe neighborhood, on a main road, directly under a streetlight, with a motion sensor floodlight out front! Anyway, I'm super exhausted this morning and may have to make this my "off day" and get some sleep after work.

On the upside, at least it wasn't my car with my bike and tri gear inside!!
2008-03-13 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i have to much buit up ! i had to go for a run this morning then i got out the bike and was running over things with it . getting on and off mostly but did do a quick 4 miles . i got up today at 3:30 and couldnt sit still i started packing and repacking . hell i even cleaned the house before the sun came up . im wound tighter then a snare drum right now !!!
but i think the whole thing is this time change . yea its cool later with the sun staying out but the morning s are really tossing me for a loop .

roni i seen that and was wondering if you were gonna jump on it . glad to see ya did there was some good prices . and there you went and got 2 !! cant beat that .

well the only good thing i got planned is here in about a half hour im taking a ride down to the beach for a nice little relaxing open water swim.. cant beat it heck it is 81 out there right now my butt should have been down there a few hours ago anyway sucking on some brews if it was not so close to race day ..
2008-03-13 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
you know roni im smack in the thick of a 1/2 IM plan . i have a 2:30 bike/30min. run brick on there today but i got to skip it . oh i would have loved to do it i was running so good today fast i was and it felt like i was walking . but then i just found another Oly next month im thinking about but one good thing is its almost at the end so it will be close to taper for the 1/2 IM . but it is getting down to jam time . and besides i think you are intermed. why would you say your not ? even if your not or dont think your are TELL YOURSELF YOU ARE !! . hell i tell myself im at least a amature wworking on pro . am i NO but it works mentally.
2008-03-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1270159

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
roni_runnw - 2008-03-13 11:30 AM

owl_girl - 2008-03-13 10:31 AM Man, I'm tired!  This night owl is having a hard time switching to being an early bird!  It feels like I'm overtraining but I think it is a scheduling problem.  How is everyone else doing this week?

I started my intermediate Oly plan this week. I'm not intermediate, but liked the plan so decided to do it anyway. I'm glad I duplicated the first 5 weeks to start earlier because I'm definitely going to have to ease into this. I'm exhausted! I also think I need to increase my calories a little to keep up with these workouts because I just don't seem to have the energy. Anyway, that's my plan is to increase my calories a couple hundred and do just the time on the workouts for the first 5 weeks instead of the specifics (hill intervals, speed drill, etc). Also, really excited about getting my new bike! It's nothing fancy, but will be tons better than the hybrid I'm currently riding.

Yeah!  A new bike!!!  How exciting!!!!  You're gonna love it!!!!

2008-03-13 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1270208

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-03-13 11:42 AM Roni -- wooohoo!!!! Congrats on getting a new bike!! Post photos when you get it! I may have to poke around for a new bike for my boyfriend. He's put up with me buying bikes and gear and entry fees and he is still riding his old steel 1970s road bike. It even has the shifters down below. And on the note of the boyfriend, his car was stolen from our driveway last night. Can you believe it?!? We woke up at 12:30am to someone pounding on the front door. It turned out to be the police looking for the owner of a silver 4Runner. A silver 4Runner that was no longer parked where we had left it... He had just pulled it over a couple of miles away and found 4 drunk gang dudes inside. Actually, 3 of them took off running, but they found them hiding in a nearby garage. It's crazy since we live in a safe neighborhood, on a main road, directly under a streetlight, with a motion sensor floodlight out front! Anyway, I'm super exhausted this morning and may have to make this my "off day" and get some sleep after work. On the upside, at least it wasn't my car with my bike and tri gear inside!!

Oh my goodness!!!  At least he got his car back!!!  Was anything missing?  My car was stolen out of my folks driveway while I was a college.  My Dad walked outside to go to work, turned around and walked back inside and ask my Mom where she parked my car?  It was recovered about 2 weeks later.  It was trashed (cosmetically) but still ran just fine.  Thank goodness for car insurance!

2008-03-13 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Hey Roni, where did you get your plan? I have several books that I've been browsing (for that "Pie in the Sky" goal of IM) and came across a book called "The Woman Triathlete". She has 2 Oly plans in there. One for beginner and one for intermediate. The intermediate one looks a little tough, but the beginner one is maybe too easy. I'm so new at this, I wonder if meshing the two together would be good or not. Do you mind sharing your plan?

Right now I'm just kind of going to the gym and doing my thing with no real plan. I have a sprint in a few weeks and then will be 12 weeks out from the Pacific Crest olympic. Time to get started!
2008-03-13 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1270229

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-13 11:51 AM i have to much buit up ! i had to go for a run this morning then i got out the bike and was running over things with it . getting on and off mostly but did do a quick 4 miles . i got up today at 3:30 and couldnt sit still i started packing and repacking . hell i even cleaned the house before the sun came up . im wound tighter then a snare drum right now !!! but i think the whole thing is this time change . yea its cool later with the sun staying out but the morning s are really tossing me for a loop . roni i seen that and was wondering if you were gonna jump on it . glad to see ya did there was some good prices . and there you went and got 2 !! cant beat that . well the only good thing i got planned is here in about a half hour im taking a ride down to the beach for a nice little relaxing open water swim.. cant beat it heck it is 81 out there right now my butt should have been down there a few hours ago anyway sucking on some brews if it was not so close to race day ..

My house needs to be cleaned, too!!!

2008-03-13 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1270310

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-03-13 12:15 PM Hey Roni, where did you get your plan? I have several books that I've been browsing (for that "Pie in the Sky" goal of IM) and came across a book called "The Woman Triathlete". She has 2 Oly plans in there. One for beginner and one for intermediate. The intermediate one looks a little tough, but the beginner one is maybe too easy. I'm so new at this, I wonder if meshing the two together would be good or not. Do you mind sharing your plan? Right now I'm just kind of going to the gym and doing my thing with no real plan. I have a sprint in a few weeks and then will be 12 weeks out from the Pacific Crest olympic. Time to get started!

Check out the plans on this site.  I'm using one with a few tweaks.

2008-03-13 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
It's more of the same old same old for me, but right now the swimming and running feel great, everything clicking where it should be (makes me wish I had a 5k coming up soon). The early week weather report had Saturday as a washout and Sunday as a blowout, but right now Saturday is looking pretty good for a bike ride. Woo hoo! Before that I've got to do a run with DD, WeeBeast

2008-03-13 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
The plan I'm using is from this site, it's the 21 week intermediate Olympic plan. There are lots of good plans on this site and as Tracy said you can tweak them to fit your needs. If your a silver member (I'm not sure about bronze) you can upload them directly into your training plan and add/delete/move things as needed. The reason I said I'm not intermediate is because this plan is for someone who already has a year of Olympic experience who wants to get faster, and this will be my first Oly, but I love a challenge I think the mental angle is important though, and it's certainly working for Shaun, so OK I'm intermediate then going on elite  
2008-03-13 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!


Glad you got your boyfriends car back quickly, and all your tri gear was still safely inside your car Scarey stuff!

2008-03-13 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
there you go roni thats the way you say it i had to use it over at the beach just a bit ago . i was standing there in the water and almost didnt go cause the waves were at 2 feet . i even wwent out past the white water a ways and they were still bad . hell a few times i felt like i did a belly flop while taking a breath i would just fall off the wave . but i swam way to fast i wanted to swim 20 min. but i never swim that far in that time (i wish i could ) but hey i got done what i wanted to out of the pool and into the real stuff just to be a bit more calm for the race .
im using a plan off of ontri and i will use my next one off of here i have looked at them and like them but i was already using the other . i do like how you can have them put into your log .

hey tracy while i was out swimming i was thinking of your RHR . i need to do mine to so tomorrow morning thats gonna be my workout cause i am done!! till sunday well all but i have planned on riding my bike to work tomorrow but thats it.

hey speaking of RHR anyone mind sharing . i did that real age test and it said mine was low to have it looked at . but i dont think they take in account for us just them normal people . i mean i understand how it works with the MHR and the zones but i just dont see anyone put it in there log or does anyone check it i try to at least once a week depending on training .
2008-03-13 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
RHR=Resting Heart Rate? Mine's in the middle 40's. Before I started biking, running and swimming it was in the low 60's.
2008-03-13 10:58 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
If you're talking about resting heart rate, I do check mine a few mornings each week when I wake up. If it starts to elevate, then I need an extra rest day. It's typically in the low 50s when I wake. When I'm just sitting at my desk at work it's around 62.

What I really need to find out is my true AT and Max HR. But the tests sound brutal, so I think I'll wait! :-)

2008-03-14 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
this morning i was at 44 RHR
you dont want to do a AT test which one are you talking about . or i guess what do you have to do .cause a while back i was gonna go to the National Training Center here in fl to have my Vo2 tested for its max . then i found a chart where you can do it off a 10k . and it was to be close without the cost . the only thing is you have to not only run the 10k but RUN like the fastest you can go . at that time i did like a 45min and then my vo2 was like a 7:30 pace then you can train at it or under that pace to improve your vo2 and it think it has really worked i should do it again to see but i will take a look around and see if i can find it again but it was only for running cause we all know its diff. for all 3 sports
2008-03-14 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I had a great run this morning! I did 4+ miles for the first time ever and still improved my pace over Tuesday's 3.7 miler. My running is feeling great right now.

I expect to get out for another run with my daughter tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be able to go for a nice bike ride afterwards.

Edited by MDHillSlug 2008-03-14 10:03 AM
2008-03-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

RHR is 46 this morning. Usually is somewhere between 44 and 48 in the morning. I've been thinking of doing the Vo2max testing also. If you can find how you do it from a 10k, Shaun, I'd love to try it.

I'm still struggling with having no energy. Yesterday was a rest day and I still feel wiped this morning. I've also been battling a bad headache that comes and goes the last few days (I've been making sure to drink alot). Some of it could be stress too. My youngest daugther 17 just moved out last week. A few months ago my oldest daughter, 20, moved out. I've actually been looking forward to them being out on their own, but the house is very empty nonetheless (clean though ). It is going to take some adjusting too.


2008-03-14 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Roni, how are you even old enough to have a 20yo?!? Sometimes I wonder how I'm old enough to have a 16yo and I've got years on you!
2008-03-14 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1271867

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-14 9:01 AM

I had a great run this morning! I did 4+ miles for the first time ever and still improved my pace over Tuesday's 3.7 miler. My running is feeling great right now.

I expect to get out for another run with my daughter tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be able to go for a nice bike ride afterwards.

Congratulations, Nicole! Awesome run!!!!

2008-03-14 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1271954

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-03-14 9:37 AM Roni, how are you even old enough to have a 20yo?!? Sometimes I wonder how I'm old enough to have a 16yo and I've got years on you!

started young I had my oldest when I was 17

2008-03-14 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Yeesh! I was still a virgin at 17!

My youngest (11yo) won't be out of the house for 6+ years. By then the oldest should be moving back in, right?

2008-03-14 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1270894

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-13 4:34 PM there you go roni thats the way you say it i had to use it over at the beach just a bit ago . i was standing there in the water and almost didnt go cause the waves were at 2 feet . i even wwent out past the white water a ways and they were still bad . hell a few times i felt like i did a belly flop while taking a breath i would just fall off the wave . but i swam way to fast i wanted to swim 20 min. but i never swim that far in that time (i wish i could ) but hey i got done what i wanted to out of the pool and into the real stuff just to be a bit more calm for the race . im using a plan off of ontri and i will use my next one off of here i have looked at them and like them but i was already using the other . i do like how you can have them put into your log . hey tracy while i was out swimming i was thinking of your RHR . i need to do mine to so tomorrow morning thats gonna be my workout cause i am done!! till sunday well all but i have planned on riding my bike to work tomorrow but thats it. hey speaking of RHR anyone mind sharing . i did that real age test and it said mine was low to have it looked at . but i dont think they take in account for us just them normal people . i mean i understand how it works with the MHR and the zones but i just dont see anyone put it in there log or does anyone check it i try to at least once a week depending on training .

That swim sounds like fun!  Is the water clear?  I've never been to Florida before so I have no idea.  My experience with swimming in clear water is Fiji!  I think I got spoiled!

Forgot to do my RHR this morning.   Mine is usually in the low to mid 50's.

I did the Real Age thing a long time ago.  (It did say that I was younger than my real age!)  Anyway, yes it is geared toward "average" people, not athletes.  Heart rates lower than 50 usually get flagged as a circulatory system problem that require tests.  Athletes are different.  That is why we need to find doctors that are familiar with athletics.  They will know if the low heart rate is due to a problem or a result of increased fitness.  I'm not a doctor but I've been doing a lot of research on this subject.  It is really fascinating!

2008-03-14 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1271082

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-03-13 6:21 PM RHR=Resting Heart Rate? Mine's in the middle 40's. Before I started biking, running and swimming it was in the low 60's.

Wow!!!  That's low for a girl!!!  Even your unfit state was low!  Good for you!!!

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