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2008-09-05 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Well here is a weather update for you folks not in the Mid-Atlantic. TS Hanna has changed my Oly to a du...and sorry but I'm not driving 6+ hours (round trip) and spending a few hundred bucks for a du. So, I'm now working to find another race in the next few weeks...

On a positive note, I feel great. My body feels good, a few of my lingering injuries have gone away and my energy levels are as high as they've been in a month. Now I just need to find a way to get a race scheduled and all will be right in my world.

I'll keep ya'll updated! Oh and one more thing, I got off easy...they also canceled the HIM that was scheduled for tomorrow. I know a bunch of BTers were using that race as their first HIM so they are likely totally bummed ;-(

Have a great weekend, guys.


2008-09-07 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1653610

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about the change of plans.  Hope you can find a good substitute.  Its always good to back off from time to time to recover.  These hurricanes are messing with a lot of people's training, even here in the Midwest there is a lot of rain and wind.  Certainly a lot of peoples lives are having more than their training messed up.  I hope these hurricanes die out without causing too much damage.

Best wishes in your hunt for a new A race and hope you've had a good weekend anyway. 

2008-09-08 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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New user

Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Hey if anybody gets a chance, my son Max (White_Fang) completed his first duathlon on Saturday.

It was a lot of fun for him.  I'll get him swim lessons for next years competition.

The event company also did an absolutely horrible job in producing race results for the kids.  They treated me and my wife, and the rest of the parents very poorly.  What they did is very hard to believe, but I encourage anyone to read his race report and comment about it.

Edit:  Oops.  I posted this under his account.  I'll post below to make all clear.



Edited by White_Fang 2008-09-08 2:04 PM
2008-09-08 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

The kid above is my son.  We've been extremely busy over the summer but managed to get Max trained for the race.  He did a pretty good job.  The first place kid was amazing.

The race company could not have been more unprofessional and rude.

From Max's point of view, he had fun and only knew that the race people goofed up.  He'll be happy to do more races next year, and I'll be happy to find a company that can treat customers with respect and do their best to provide quality results.


2008-09-08 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1658588

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I have run into an event where the timing company messed up pretty bad, but the race directors did everything they could and were very good about it (it was their first tri).  I am sorry for your son, but hopefully you can get him to another one.  His having fun is key and the fact that you took the time to help him learn how to train and the time you shared will be something he will remember most.
2008-09-09 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1659081

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Thanks for you comments Greg.  My wife and I truly are reasonable parents but we had a big problem with the flat refusal to correct any mistakes.  (note that numerous other kids would also have been mis-awarded what they worked hard to earn).  We also had a big problem with congratulating Max on "winning", when everyone knew nobody said he won.  It was the old "let the babbies have there way" type of comment.  I will be forever flabbergasted to understand why that particular company is so loose with race results.

Max did have fun.  Yes, that was most important (heck the whole family had fun too).  And nothing took place to harm Max other than the man shaking his hand and making him feel stupid for being congratulated on "winning".  I do get a sense the feels weird about having a first place trophy displayed when he knows another kid really won.

It all could have been avoided if HFP had a culture of good results and good customer service.


2008-09-09 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1660607

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
The crew is silent, what's going on guys?  Any big events coming?  A lot of good running races going on this time of year.  I am trying to decide whether to do my first 40K time trial - last cycling TT around here for the year and it would be nice to have that as a gauge for next year.  Alternatively there is a non USTA event this weekend about an hour and a half from here (500 swim, 18 bike, 4 mi run).  I need to make decision, I guess I ought to check the weather forcast.  If it is windy there will be no reason to TT.

Edited by rc63413 2008-09-10 7:19 PM
2008-09-12 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1661636

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
been a bit busy getting into a new job for the fall.

My last big race before my IM is sunday, doing the toyota challenge half IM. not great with the distance stuff so far but i want one more longer race before i do the full. going to give the distance once last shot before i focus on short course next season, and am hopping for a 4:40 or so. i've never raced a flatter half course though so i have NO idea what i can really do, and am not great at the distance anyway. so this should be an interesting weekend.
2008-09-13 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1671561

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Of course use this as a learning experience.  You have the speed so it is really a matter of your endurance.  If you have gotten in some reasonably long runs and rides, you will be golden.  Stuff happens and when it does, its about how you manage your way through it.  You never have control over the weather and sometimes even over your body.  I think the greatest reward is coming away knowing you gave it your best effort.  I think you will do really well.   Have a great race.


2008-09-13 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1672047

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
this will deff be a learning experince.

this is the first time i am going to "race" the bike in a longer race like this. i am planing on taking the first loop (three loop course) just above tempo pace and try and slowly increase by 15-20 watts per loop.

run i just want to hang on and leave whatever is left out there.

i guess we'll see how much short course speed carries over!

good luck in training and racing tomorrow to all that are going out.
2008-09-14 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1653610

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
race did not end well, here is the email i just sent my coach:
Yeah christiana and i both raced a half today, pretty much ended horribly for both of us.
i hurt my knee pretty bad at rockman and TTT, this was an old rowing injury, now that i
think about it has been an issue in all my long races.
we had some crazy wind today (made rockman seem calm), got ROCKED on the swim, there were
waves just smalling people around. i rode 215 watts for the course and ave under 17mph
(rode half the course last week at that pace and it put me with training wheels over 22).
knee started hurting at about half way and just went downhill, by the end of the ride i
could hardly move it. thought i would still try and get in the run, that it would loosen
up. instead it just got worse. i dropped out at mile 4 of the run when i could not even
bend it.
she had a much worse day, came out of the water and up to her bike, and i guess her rack
had blown over and stood back up. she went to get on her bike, stood on the shoe, but i
guess her chain was jammed between the frame and the crankset, and she ate it, put 3 BIG
holes from the chainring in her ankle, and badly sprainded it. still rode 20 miles with
it bleeding all over before dropping out.
we just spent the last 5 hours at the ER and then driving all over columbus trying to
find an open pharmacy (there are trees down everywhere and no power to most of the city

2008-09-15 3:35 AM
in reply to: #1673785

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Yeah, the weather was terrible yesterday.  There were trees down all over our neighborhood.  Who would think that Ike would affect areas so far away from where it hit land.  Sorry to hear about the knee.  Living to fight another day is a good choice, though you probably should have bagged it sooner.  I'll give you credit for even starting it.  Hopefully you and Chrisitana heal up OK and get back to the training soon.

 My training was going very well until I crashed (just laid down on my side as the wheels came out from under me-wet roads) last week and got the worst road rash I have ever had.  My shoulder has been very sore and every step hurts, though I have been able to get some training in, the pain from road rash on the hip gets tolerable after a few minutes running.  All in all I was fairly lucky, it could have been a lot worse.


2008-09-15 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1673974

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
haha sounds like a good week all around for us. im very much reevlauating my plans for the full right now, so we'll see how this goes. :-)
2008-09-15 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1674662

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I forgot which one you were planning on doing.  I have a friend driving down to Florida for one on Oct 25th.  Hope you heal up quickly so you can get back on track.  That Iron distance is certainly one to be respected.  Though I haven't yet done one (I am not certain I ever will), it appears that all mistakes made w.r.t. training, nutrition, and or hammering too early on the bike rear their ugly head in the marathon.  I am certain, however, the feeling of accomplishment after one well done must be amazing.
2008-09-17 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about everyones trouble.  I was at the Toyota Challenge with David and wished him luck before the race, little did we know then was would come later.  I did the same course in June and wasn't pleased with my time, then on Sunday I did a horrible 4:11 slower than June. 

On a good note I just sucked.  No knee trouble, no crash and road rash, no knocked down rack with an ankle injury. (actually I knocked down my own rack, and fussed around with putting it back together - it would not have been Christiana's rack though, plus I made sure I got it put back together.

Good luck with your training and healing.


2008-09-17 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1679091

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Tom, sounds like they could use some new racks!  Anyway, that was a tough weekend so I think we can chalk it up as solid training - just another brick in your training base- and move on.  Anyone got any plans in the near future?  I have a couple of running races, but nothing too important.  I am going to run a 5K at the corporate challenge (I am not too fast at the short stuff but duty calls)  I also have a half marathon in mid October to kind of tune up for the HIM in Nov.  I am looking forward to that one.  Its kind of a hilly course, but I really like that distance.

2008-09-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1681008

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i have either a 20k or 20 mile road race weekend after this i think, then just more training leading up to the IM where survival mode kicks in! then some off time and then building the running base all winter that i lack now!

2008-09-18 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I'll do some 5K or 10K races this fall.  I hope to do at least 3 by December.  Then keep it going from January to April with 4 or 5 more.



2008-09-18 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1681213

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I agree with you on the survival mode.  I am starting to lose motivation.  There is less and less daylight, increasing demands of job as year approaches end, my kids are back in school and gymnastics season gearing up.  The weekend that this HIM in Clearwater is happening coincides with my son's Future Stars National Gymnastics competition at the Olympic Training center in Colorado - so I am going to miss that (he will have one more year to do that again).  I am questioning my spending so much time training relative to the other stuff that is going on.  Besides that, I am just tired of training! 

Sorry to chime in with a negative post, but I really need to regroup and push through the funk I am in.

2008-09-18 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1682366

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Sounds like we've all got some sob stories. I think I posted that the Oly I'd planned was changed to a Du as a result of TS Hanna. So, I found a smaller race in Southern PA and lined up two friends to do it with. We drove up on Saturday and checked it out. I got up Sunday morning and got ready as planned...left at 5:01, one minute late but not bad. Within minutes I hear a "thump, thump, thump"...yup, I got a flat. It took me forever to change it and by the time I did I couldn't make the race start driving on a little donut of a spare tire. Maybe I should practice changing car tires and not bike tires from now on ;-)

So, my season ended on a really low note. I made up for it by going on a really long run, which helped ;-) Now I'm in off-season mode...currently taking time off to recover and heal, then I start back using a BT maintenance plan. It is actually really nice to see the fatigue and soreness go away for the first time in months! One thing is for sure, next year I'll build in several off weeks to let my body recover after races!

Hope everyone is well and sorry to hear about the injuries, bike crashes, etc. Oh and has anyone heard from Scott? I check his log every day but it hasn't been updated all month and I haven't heard back on the Inspires I've sent along.

2008-09-18 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1682366

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-09-18 1:37 PM

I agree with you on the survival mode.  I am starting to lose motivation.  There is less and less daylight, increasing demands of job as year approaches end, my kids are back in school and gymnastics season gearing up.  The weekend that this HIM in Clearwater is happening coincides with my son's Future Stars National Gymnastics competition at the Olympic Training center in Colorado - so I am going to miss that (he will have one more year to do that again).  I am questioning my spending so much time training relative to the other stuff that is going on.  Besides that, I am just tired of training! 

Sorry to chime in with a negative post, but I really need to regroup and push through the funk I am in.

Good luck working out your time.  We enter these things to "have fun" and somewhere along the line obligation kicks in because of our competitive natures.  The only thing I can suggest you consider is:

1) Duathlons.  You are already a really good runner and you could take greater advantage of that and ease up the trainging obligation of swimming.

2) Sprint Races:  More speed work and less extra long stuff helps to save some time.

I hope you find your balance.  Competition can be an ugly thing.  I only train 200-300 minutes per week and feel tired (mentally) of it all.  But then I think about how good I "could be" if I just trained more.  We end up feeling like we are training too much (from a family point of view) but not enough to be as good as we know we can get - that leaves us unhappy in both worlds.

Again, good luck Greg.



2008-09-18 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1682810

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I think it is time to regroup. I have been targeting around 15hrs per week as my goal and I think I am getting a little tired. I can't wait till it is just training for fun without any formal obligations. I do like the relaxed part of off-season training, though I do tend to pick up a few pounds. The limited amount of light has made it harder for me to get my biking in. I bought a really nice light for my bike and am going to change things up a bit and start riding into work. The guys I usually ride with in the evenings through the week haven't been showing up much so I guess might as well do it on my own and save a little gas money in the process.  Just one more solid month of this!

Chris, that is kind of a stinky way to end a season-sorry to hear about that.  There are a lot of good running races in the fall.  I know its not the same as a triathlon, but man I love running in the fall.  Its marathon time!  I still have my Chicago entry but it happens only two weeks before the HIM, but boy am I tempted!  I really love that race.

Edited by rc63413 2008-09-18 6:07 PM
2008-09-18 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1683079

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i totally forget now, what level is future stars?

my middle brother was a gymnast up to level 1 (before they switched the guys over) and trained with the Hamm twins a bit and with rajh (was in the olympics this time).
2008-09-18 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1683237

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Yeah my boys would love to go to Ohio State, actually their coach Mile Avery was in the gym (scouting one of the older kids) and working with them this past Saturday.  We've met Raj and the Hamms a few times, Men's gymnastics is a small world.  In fact we went to the olympic trials in PA this year.  It was fun. 

They have switched the levels around to make it more similar to the ladies.  My boys are both level 9.  There are competitive levels 4-10 and then elite.  My boys are 11 and 13 years of age.  You can only participate in future stars up until you are 12.  So it is my 11 year old going to Future stars Nationals this year.  He made the national team last year.  Those boys practice 21 hours per week.  Pretty crazy how much discipline kids can have at such a young age.  We get a lot of time together while we travel to the various meets around the country, so what I miss while they are practicing in many ways I get back in their meets.

How has your recovery been? 

2008-09-26 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1683380

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
hope all is well with you guys.

I am thinking of bagging the last race of the season. i ahve not been able to get ANYWHERE near the training in the past few weeks that i would like, and have been lacking motovation to train at all. I am heading out for a planned 4-5 hour ride on sunday and we'll see how that goes before i make the choice, but i think if i cant get through that comfortably right now there is no way i should be doing this last race.

time to start some easy running to get a better base built up for next year and take some time and do things not triathlon related!
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