BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-05-19 9:06 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

So, I kinda chickened out in some ways.  It was hard mentally to wrap my head around hammering for 80 miles for a couple reasons.  This was the longest ride I have ever done for one, and two I had a 2:15 run on the schedule the following day.

So, I felt pretty good actually, but decided to just start low 200 watts and build from there.  Eventually got my average up to 212 before the legs started burning and I just wanted to get off the bike.  Managed about 73-74 miles at 208NP (low Z3) which is about 10-15 watts below HIM effort.

The legs on the run really felt it about mile 10 but hung tough.  It was hot and humid too but nutrition was pretty good.  Mostly just leg fatigue.

Big weekend for me.  I have a tough brick today and then I think things will wind down a touch with an Olympic Sunday.

2015-05-19 2:34 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Ryan, that mental aspect can be so tough! But good job on getting out there. 80 miles is no joke even if you didn't quite do exactly the workout that was prescribed. 

I had a good weekend. I went out with a couple of friends for a ride on Saturday. We went out to a hilly area and took on some climbs.  One real jerk of a hill where I was cursing the entire time. The F word just kept coming out of me. hahahaha!  We went down a super twisty one that scared the wits out of me - and our one riding buddy went back up. But, I did not. My race is not hilly so i did not need to do that to myself and frankly i was not descending it again!

I logged a two hour run on Sunday mid-day so i am feeling good. I haven't put together a super strong training cycle but I should be able to do at least what I did last year in terms of time for my race. I won't be upset with that. 

I again, have Friday booked off so i can go tackle a long ride - probably solo out in the boonies. 

I can't believe it is May already

2015-05-19 2:35 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Oh and I did my first bike commute of the year today! I cruise it in - no need to be a hero on big city streets. I just want to enjoy not being crammed on transit. 

2015-05-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

First triathlon of the year coming up on Sunday - an Olympic.

Feel like I am primed for a good bike-run but will be interesting to see where my swim is at.  Certainly not at my peak swim fitness last year but also not too far off.  Looking forward to it though!!

2015-05-26 7:52 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

My first triathlon of the year went pretty well.  I finished 4th OA and 1st AG in what is always a competitive field at this race.  Standing at the start line I was wondering if I would even be top 10.

I have started to be really aggressive at the start of the swim and get good positioning which has really paid off.  I got on the feet of the 'would be' 1st swimmer out and by the first turn about 3-4 of us were together.  I drafted well and a 3 person pack formed and I was eventually 5th out of the water, the last in that train, as the top 2 separated.  Only 90 seconds back out of the water.

On the bike I pushed about 10 watts harder than last year and knew coming off the bike it  may affect my run.  I made up one spot on the bike and moved up to 4th.  Bike was at 242W or 90%FTP.

I came off the bike and the first few miles were terrible.  I usually come off flying but this did not happen.  I could see 3rd right up the road and we were running about the same pace.  Eventually, by 2.5 miles I felt better and started getting faster and negative split the run by about 30 seconds which never usually happens.

The telling thing for me is I finished ahead of some fast guys by 2+minutes that smoked me pretty good last year at this race.  So, a good start to the year.  3 weeks to my first HIM of the year and 2 tough weeks of training.

2015-05-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

My first triathlon of the year went pretty well.  I finished 4th OA and 1st AG in what is always a competitive field at this race.  Standing at the start line I was wondering if I would even be top 10.

I have started to be really aggressive at the start of the swim and get good positioning which has really paid off.  I got on the feet of the 'would be' 1st swimmer out and by the first turn about 3-4 of us were together.  I drafted well and a 3 person pack formed and I was eventually 5th out of the water, the last in that train, as the top 2 separated.  Only 90 seconds back out of the water.

On the bike I pushed about 10 watts harder than last year and knew coming off the bike it  may affect my run.  I made up one spot on the bike and moved up to 4th.  Bike was at 242W or 90%FTP.

I came off the bike and the first few miles were terrible.  I usually come off flying but this did not happen.  I could see 3rd right up the road and we were running about the same pace.  Eventually, by 2.5 miles I felt better and started getting faster and negative split the run by about 30 seconds which never usually happens.

The telling thing for me is I finished ahead of some fast guys by 2+minutes that smoked me pretty good last year at this race.  So, a good start to the year.  3 weeks to my first HIM of the year and 2 tough weeks of training.

Nice work, Ryan! 

Your hard work is paying off, clearly! 

Are you using this race to set targets for your HIM?

2015-05-26 12:25 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Great race, Ryan!  Looking forward to hearing about your HIM!

What do you think caused the first few miles of the run to feel terrible?  Was your pace slower than you'd planned / expected at that point, or was it just feeling bad?

2015-05-26 1:40 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Great race, Ryan!  Looking forward to hearing about your HIM!

What do you think caused the first few miles of the run to feel terrible?  Was your pace slower than you'd planned / expected at that point, or was it just feeling bad?

The run course is flat but I have never ran it well.  It just felt like I pushed the bike too hard.  The course has two difficult climbs to navigate where it is impossible to get over it without spiking watts.  I just checked my VI and it was 1.03 which is not too bad really.

My splits were







I thought I would be in the 6:20-6:25 pace average so it was a little disheartening at the start. 

2015-05-26 1:45 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

My first triathlon of the year went pretty well.  I finished 4th OA and 1st AG in what is always a competitive field at this race.  Standing at the start line I was wondering if I would even be top 10.

I have started to be really aggressive at the start of the swim and get good positioning which has really paid off.  I got on the feet of the 'would be' 1st swimmer out and by the first turn about 3-4 of us were together.  I drafted well and a 3 person pack formed and I was eventually 5th out of the water, the last in that train, as the top 2 separated.  Only 90 seconds back out of the water.

On the bike I pushed about 10 watts harder than last year and knew coming off the bike it  may affect my run.  I made up one spot on the bike and moved up to 4th.  Bike was at 242W or 90%FTP.

I came off the bike and the first few miles were terrible.  I usually come off flying but this did not happen.  I could see 3rd right up the road and we were running about the same pace.  Eventually, by 2.5 miles I felt better and started getting faster and negative split the run by about 30 seconds which never usually happens.

The telling thing for me is I finished ahead of some fast guys by 2+minutes that smoked me pretty good last year at this race.  So, a good start to the year.  3 weeks to my first HIM of the year and 2 tough weeks of training.

Nice work, Ryan! 

Your hard work is paying off, clearly! 

Are you using this race to set targets for your HIM?

I have a pretty good idea of targets for the HIM prior to this race although this is good information to have.  For the HIM, I am probably looking to target 225 watts for the bike and run 7:00 pace.  Conditions will determine how aggressive I am with that.  If it is hot, I will back down both those targets.

Last year, 218 watts got me 2:26 bike split at this race.  Trying to keep time goals out of my head but I really want sub 4:30 .

2015-05-29 9:48 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

What does everybody have on tap for the weekend?

I have a 3 hour ride Saturday and my longest run ever on Sunday of 20 miles eeeeeeek!

2015-05-29 10:03 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

We've had a lot of storms rolling through recently (about 30 minutes north of me has had some major flooding), but it looks like we have a 2-3 hour window tomorrow morning, so we're starting at 6:30 and hoping to get a solid ride in.  If it's bad, I'll stick with the trainer.

Swim was canceled this morning due to lightning (we swim in an outdoor pool.....full disclosure: they did move to the indoor pool, but the last time I swam in it, I ended up with a gnarly sinus infection, so I won't swim in it anymore), so low volume swim week for me.  Hoping to get in an hour run tonight and a couple shorter runs this weekend as well.

Best of luck for your 20 mile run!  What's your pacing and nutrition strategy going to be?  How much further is this than your previous longest run?  FWIW, I do NOT envy you!

2015-05-29 11:29 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

I'm in Hawaii at the moment. Have been here since last Sunday. Early in the week was a bit cooler than I expected. Around 26-27C max and cloudy. Last couple of days have been sunny and hot!!! Getting a nice tan

Bike is racked and I'm all set (mostly). Just got to pack my bike/t1 bag, have dinner and get my race number tattoos on.

Looking to go 40mins for the swim (I've swum in the bay now a couple of times - there's a bit of swell but not horrible. Not sure exactly what the current is doing.)

Bit of an uphill run to T1.

Bike goal is 3 hours at 165W (75%FTP). Knowing that most of the first half of the ride (or at least the 2nd quarter up to Hawi) is mostly uphill, I'll probably go over that, but I'm surely going to cap it at 175, knowing that I'll most likely be under 165 coming back down the hill.

Run is on the golf course of the Fairmont Orchid resort. 6miles of it is on grass which should be interesting. The course is rolling also. Goal <2 hours.

All in all I'm happy with under 6 hours total, but based on my tentative time goals, <5:45 would be awesome!

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

You can check me out on if you like - I'm number #1986. Starts at 644am local time.
2015-05-30 7:50 AM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Awesome. Have a great race Stuart!
2015-05-30 7:53 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ligersandtions

We've had a lot of storms rolling through recently (about 30 minutes north of me has had some major flooding), but it looks like we have a 2-3 hour window tomorrow morning, so we're starting at 6:30 and hoping to get a solid ride in.  If it's bad, I'll stick with the trainer.

Swim was canceled this morning due to lightning (we swim in an outdoor pool.....full disclosure: they did move to the indoor pool, but the last time I swam in it, I ended up with a gnarly sinus infection, so I won't swim in it anymore), so low volume swim week for me.  Hoping to get in an hour run tonight and a couple shorter runs this weekend as well.

Best of luck for your 20 mile run!  What's your pacing and nutrition strategy going to be?  How much further is this than your previous longest run?  FWIW, I do NOT envy you!

Feel terrible for you guys in Texas. Hopefully things are getting better.I have run 16-17 a few times in the last few months. I will just be running easy at the low end of z2 probably. It is going to be quite cool temperatures so probably just 3 gels and water should be enough I hope.
2015-05-30 8:50 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

What does everybody have on tap for the weekend?

I have a 3 hour ride Saturday and my longest run ever on Sunday of 20 miles eeeeeeek!

How'd the 20 miler go? That's my longest too, but that was for marathon training. Was wrecked after.
2015-05-30 9:33 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
RACE REPORT (long post ahead - sorry!)

Wow! What a race! I have to say, this is the best I have ever raced. Pushed myself to the limit and stuck to the plan, and a result that I am very happy about. PR at HIM distance (by 2mins), best bike time, best run time, best AG finish (20/61).

Pre-race: got a shuttle bus from the Fairmont Orchid (host hotel) to the race start (10mins drive max). I got there about 5:15 and got on the first bus that arrived. At T1/swim start there were heaps of cars trying to park, but very limited car parking. Totally recommend not driving if you ever do this race.

Swim: 40mins (bang on target). Barely any swell and no noticeable current. Great conditions! Very congested for first half of swim at least. I guess that's what happens when you are an average swimmer, that a heap of other people are around you too.

T1: had to pee, used portaloo. Got sunscreened up by volunteers and a short uphill run to bikes. Couldn't get my bag open (knot tied too tight?) but luckily had a big enough hole to get my socks and gels out of.

Bike: goal 3 hours @ 165W. Time: (official 2:54:36) - my power 163NP, 152AP. IF0.75 (perfect!) and VI 1.07 (almost perfect). TSS 160. Goal (according to some evidence/information somewhere - possible Endurance Nation or Joe Friel - says that there should be a max of 180TSS on the bike to still be able to run). Garmin 510 didn't pick up power meter at the start, despite being left on. It would appear to me as though once it loses the Vector, you need to turn the 510 off, then on again to pick it up. I did this after a couple of k's and it worked. (Didn't get a chance to calibrate though, but I had earlier in the morning so one assumes that it keeps the same result).
Kept pretty steady power the whole way. This being my first time here, I can't comment on the wind compared to previous years, but it really wasn't too bad, so if someone said it was an easy bike year, I'd believe it. Found myself getting a bit carried away on the way back from Hawi on the decent, pushing the power too high (I was excited about the speed I was getting!)
Nutrition good, hydration good. Very hot. Average 28C/82F, max 33C/94F. Nice breeze which kept it cool.

T2: racked bike, grabbed T2 bag. Helmet and shoes into bag. Run shoes on, grabbed visor and belt.

Run: pfew hot hot hot! Avg temp 31C/88F. Goal <2 hours. Official 2:02:05. Heaps of this run (6miles) is on grass on the golf course, which made life tough. Very humid. Lots of very little sharp up and down hills too on the golf buggy carts. Overall a tough course. Lots of out and backs. Plenty of aid stations (each mile - pretty standard). I used heaps of ice and sponges to keep cool, but it was tough when the black lava just reflected the heat and sapped your energy. Overall kept well hydrated and energy/nutrition intake.
there is one part of the course which I've heard nicknamed the 'highway to hell' or one guy said as he ran past me 'Dante's inferno'. A straight hot section of road with no shade and plenty of lava. I prepared for this to be 1 mile out and 1 mile back (as per some race reports, but it was more like 1.4miles/2.25km EACH WAY! That was tough!
I had some Garmin issues early on. My Fenix2 froze and didn't record distance for a little while. this made keeping track of overall distance and time a bit tough, but using the km markers on course I could do the maths and keep my mind occupied.

Post race - sat under a tree on a chair to gather myself. Collected swag. Got a free (included) burger, 3 beers, hat (never got a hat before), medal and shirt. It was a really cool atmosphere. There was live music and heaps of stuff happening. Super-chilled and relaxing. Now I'm back at our town house relaxing and will probably have a nap soon.

Thanks for all of the support in this mentor group over the last few months! It has been awesome to be somewhat accountable to some people. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's race reports once you are done!

2015-06-01 9:28 AM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Well done Stuart! 

That is a tough race to set a PR at.  Sounds like you executed your plan very well.

The heat and me do not get along .

2015-06-01 9:32 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Great weekend of training for me.

I had a 3 hour ride scheduled Saturday but it rained all day and had to break it up.  Did 2 hours on the trainer during the day and then followed up at night with a harder sweetspot ride for the last hour.

The 20 mile run Sunday went great.  The conditions were perfect - 60 degrees and nice cool wind off the lake.  The miles just clicked off.  I made a major fumble with nutrition though.  the bike shop was closed sunday so could not get gels.  I had to grab a snickers at the half way point (along with my 1 gel).  I definitely needed some more fuel but luckily it did not cause any big issues.

Last tough week of training before taper!!

2015-06-03 8:12 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Anybody racing in the next 2 weekends?

I have my HIM on June 14 and feeling pretty confident at this point.  Definitely looking forward to it.

I will be really happy when this week is over as this build is starting to take its toll!!

2015-06-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

I've got a sprint on the 14th and a 40k TT on the 20th.  Unfortunately, my power meter is acting up and I may need to send it back to Quarq -- if I don't have it back before the 40k, I may bail on that race altogether.  I don't know that I can truly pace a TT well without my PM, and I also would like to use the race as a true test of my FTP -- without my PM, I don't know that I really want to put myself in that much pain...

2015-06-03 10:18 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Hey guys\gals.  I'm back.  I had to sideline Gulf Coast 70.3 because my mom could never recover from her brain aneurysm and passed away.  It's been hard and training came to halt.  I've gained weight because everybody wants to feed you when you are grieving.  I'm 17 weeks out from Augusta 70.3.  I have to lose about 15 pounds, get more efficient in the water, increase FTP and get faster on the run.

2015-06-04 8:22 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by GAUG3

Hey guys\gals.  I'm back.  I had to sideline Gulf Coast 70.3 because my mom could never recover from her brain aneurysm and passed away.  It's been hard and training came to halt.  I've gained weight because everybody wants to feed you when you are grieving.  I'm 17 weeks out from Augusta 70.3.  I have to lose about 15 pounds, get more efficient in the water, increase FTP and get faster on the run.

First of all, very sorry for the loss.  I am sure that was and still is very difficult.

I would say that 16-20 weeks of focus is enough to allow you to still have a good race at Augusta.  My advice would be to not try to ramp up too quickly, especially with the run.  If you are anxious, increasing bike volume would be your best bet as bike fitness carries over nicely to your run (but not vice versa).

Glad to have you back.

2015-06-04 10:48 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by GAUG3

Hey guys\gals.  I'm back.  I had to sideline Gulf Coast 70.3 because my mom could never recover from her brain aneurysm and passed away.  It's been hard and training came to halt.  I've gained weight because everybody wants to feed you when you are grieving.  I'm 17 weeks out from Augusta 70.3.  I have to lose about 15 pounds, get more efficient in the water, increase FTP and get faster on the run.

First of all, very sorry for the loss.  I am sure that was and still is very difficult.

I would say that 16-20 weeks of focus is enough to allow you to still have a good race at Augusta.  My advice would be to not try to ramp up too quickly, especially with the run.  If you are anxious, increasing bike volume would be your best bet as bike fitness carries over nicely to your run (but not vice versa).

Glad to have you back.

Also so very sorry for your loss. It's never easy but to lose your mom ... you're in my thoughts.

As Ryan said, you can definitely have a good race - here's hoping you find some relief in training. I know in so many circumstances just getting moving makes me feel so much better and give some good time for reflection. 

2015-06-04 10:51 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

My race is coming up too. It is on the 14th. I definitely have not put in the bike time i need to feel confident that I could PR but I know i'll be fine. it is what it is and I can't change it now. I should be able to do about the same as last year, I hope

I am tired and cranky though. Looking forward to a nice break from training after this. We're getting ready to get a huge home reno underway and it will give me time to focus on that! 

2015-06-11 9:09 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Plan for my race is pretty much in place, just need to execute and nail my nutrition.

Swim:  Go out hard the first couple hundred and try to find some good feet to follow.

Bike:  Range is 225W to 235W.  I will likely start at 225 and assess how I feel and hopefully build from there.  218W last year got me a 2:26 bike split so depending on conditions should be faster.

Run: Likely working in the low 160s heart rate range which should be well under 7:00 pace but again conditions will dictate.  

Sounds simple right .

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