BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-09-09 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Tony--I told you that big mileage was in your future.  One day, you will think 51m weeks are part of your taper! 

Chris-Congrats on the article.  I had no idea that was your job.  No wonder you are always on your feet!  Must be great to be a super triathlete and golfer.

Nick--Good luck on your race. Given your field I guess I won't complain about a mass swim start of 200 athletes!

Rob--if you have time, get a massage tomorrow to work out any last minute kinks.  My legs are a little tired too and I haven't done much. I have one on the books in the afternoon.

Janet--rest up and I am sure you will do well on the half! Good luck! Be strong!

Reuben--I agree with Kim.  I eat light before my long run (usually a 1/2 bagel or piece of toast).  Too much in my gut and I am a distaster.  Running at night is out for me.

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-09-09 8:36 PM

2009-09-09 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2397909

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Sorry Chris I had missed that post.  That is very cool.
2009-09-09 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2396427

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-09-09 9:34 AM Ok, it is that time again.....Who's racing this weekend? goals?  We want details!!!!

I might sign up for a 5k on Sunday just to prove to myself that I can do it...  Last weekend's tri was a brutal on the old self confidence... 

2009-09-09 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2395776

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

ashort33 - 2009-09-08 8:52 PM

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-09-08 8:25 PM Check this out everyone.  It's me....................

Too cool!! - Where do I send the check?

No, really...  Where do I send the check?

Edited by ashort33 2009-09-09 9:52 PM
2009-09-09 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Not sure if I can post it or not ,but here goes nothing.......pic of my girls(4,2) after their 1st race. It was funny, after the received their medals, my wife said she wanted to take their pictures. This was the pose they came up with. On their knees and holfing their medals.


IMG_1107.JPG (94KB - 16 downloads)
2009-09-09 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'm off to the PT tomorrow. My left leg has been bothering me for a while.  Not sure if its from overuse from not being a runner in the past. Knee,Shins,calves the whole bit. Not sure if it is from my old hockey injury from when I was a teenager or what. We'll see tomorrow I guess.

2009-09-09 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

RR from Monday is finally up.  Sorry so quiet out here, but work and family keeping me busy since school has started back up...  Seriously impacting the training as well.  Time to HTFU... 

2009-09-09 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2398053

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-09-09 10:05 PM Not sure if I can post it or not ,but here goes nothing.......pic of my girls(4,2) after their 1st race. It was funny, after the received their medals, my wife said she wanted to take their pictures. This was the pose they came up with. On their knees and holfing their medals.

Nice - cute girls you got there!  My daughter reminds me daily that she "just needs to work on swimming" and she will be ready for a triathlon!

2009-09-10 5:50 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Trev--good luck at the doctor.  Make sure you take your shoes with you so the doc can see the wear pattern.  A good health care provider will be able to tell a lot from them.  Your kids are so cute....and so serious!

Andy--glad to see you back. One tough race does not define an athlete.  Take the things you learned, modify the strategy and repeat often!

One little 3m stride run left this morning and then its time to get my stuff together.  I'm off to find a head lamp since we will be setting the transition at 5am in total darkness. Heading to Lake Geneva tomorrow afternoon.  I'm ready--race strategy is in place--got the same great advice from Steve and Gordo on how to handle each section and it looks like the weather will cooperate too.  After that, volunteering at IM MOO on Sunday, signing up on Monday and then probably will scratch my head and wonder what the heck to do next.Undecided
2009-09-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good luck to everyone racing ...  Suzy, Rob, Nick, Janet and did I forget anyone?

I'm excited that the weather is going to be great this weekend, my son has his first dualthon and Tony and I are going out Sat. for his birthday.  Woo Hoo night out on the town!

Happy Thurs. everyone - it's almost Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-09-10 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Trevor AWESOME Image!  Give us some details about the race! 

Andy.  Don't stress it brother, its all good!   Check out Chris' site.  There is a number for a woman named Nancy you can call.

Suzy. What to do when you are done?... get drunk, get naked, post pics!  Thats the only way to celebrate.

Oh man back to class for me.... its been a boring few days.  No internet.

edit.... Geez I read Sams and realized its Thursday.   Good luck all you racers.  Its a big weekend for the MG!!!!   KICK SOME A$$!!!!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-10 7:27 AM

2009-09-10 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2398053

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-09-09 10:05 PM Not sure if I can post it or not ,but here goes nothing.......pic of my girls(4,2) after their 1st race. It was funny, after the received their medals, my wife said she wanted to take their pictures. This was the pose they came up with. On their knees and holfing their medals.

Great pics - they look very proud and serious about their medals!
2009-09-10 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I had the most crappy run this morning of the year...I think.  Got up at 4:30 to get a 2 hr run in this morning.  Thinking 12 miles.  Should have been my longest last run befor taper for the 27th.  HR was out of control.  Even doing the shuffle, it seemed like I couldn't get it in the zone.  Just felt like a struggle the whole way.  I have had a slight low grade headache the last couple days...I think sinus related.

Anyway, I managed to shuffle my way home at only 8 miles, of which I probably walked a mile.  I am feeling kinda defeated this morning.  But on a good note, my legs felt good and my knee (ITB) felt like it was good to go.  I may try to throw another long run in next week sometime to get some confidence back.

Off to Atlanta today for a meeting, and Shawna is coming up after work so that we can have a night out for our Anniversary.  Maybe I can get her drunk enough to spring an Ironman or something like that on her  (like Chris did)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. 
2009-09-10 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2398339

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-09-10 7:58 AM I had the most crappy run this morning of the year...I think.  Got up at 4:30 to get a 2 hr run in this morning.  Thinking 12 miles.  Should have been my longest last run befor taper for the 27th.  HR was out of control.  Even doing the shuffle, it seemed like I couldn't get it in the zone.  Just felt like a struggle the whole way.  I have had a slight low grade headache the last couple days...I think sinus related.

Anyway, I managed to shuffle my way home at only 8 miles, of which I probably walked a mile.  I am feeling kinda defeated this morning.  But on a good note, my legs felt good and my knee (ITB) felt like it was good to go.  I may try to throw another long run in next week sometime to get some confidence back.

Off to Atlanta today for a meeting, and Shawna is coming up after work so that we can have a night out for our Anniversary.  Maybe I can get her drunk enough to spring an Ironman or something like that on her  (like Chris did)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. 

I'm not sure if you need to be more worried about your run or Chris springing an Ironman or something like that on Shawna. 

Oh.... you meant on his wife.  Oh ok never mind.  ;-)

Great news your legs felt good.  Stay positive man... you'll be just fine.  

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-10 8:35 AM
2009-09-10 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2398339

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-09-10 7:58 AM I had the most crappy run this morning of the year...I think.  Got up at 4:30 to get a 2 hr run in this morning.  Thinking 12 miles.  Should have been my longest last run befor taper for the 27th.  HR was out of control.  Even doing the shuffle, it seemed like I couldn't get it in the zone.  Just felt like a struggle the whole way.  I have had a slight low grade headache the last couple days...I think sinus related.

Anyway, I managed to shuffle my way home at only 8 miles, of which I probably walked a mile.  I am feeling kinda defeated this morning.  But on a good note, my legs felt good and my knee (ITB) felt like it was good to go.  I may try to throw another long run in next week sometime to get some confidence back.

Off to Atlanta today for a meeting, and Shawna is coming up after work so that we can have a night out for our Anniversary.  Maybe I can get her drunk enough to spring an Ironman or something like that on her  (like Chris did)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. 

Don't worry about the run.  We all have bad workouts.  Glad the leg is feeling good - that's the most important thing.

Have a nice dinner and Happy Anniversary!
2009-09-10 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2398339

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-09-10 8:58 AM I had the most crappy run this morning of the year...I think.  Got up at 4:30 to get a 2 hr run in this morning.  Thinking 12 miles.  Should have been my longest last run befor taper for the 27th.  HR was out of control.  Even doing the shuffle, it seemed like I couldn't get it in the zone.  Just felt like a struggle the whole way.  I have had a slight low grade headache the last couple days...I think sinus related.

Anyway, I managed to shuffle my way home at only 8 miles, of which I probably walked a mile.  I am feeling kinda defeated this morning.  But on a good note, my legs felt good and my knee (ITB) felt like it was good to go.  I may try to throw another long run in next week sometime to get some confidence back.

Off to Atlanta today for a meeting, and Shawna is coming up after work so that we can have a night out for our Anniversary.  Maybe I can get her drunk enough to spring an Ironman or something like that on her  (like Chris did)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. 

yep they happen.  Good to hear ITB is holding up.  So long as you mix in some good runs with the bad ones I think that is ok.  (at least that is what I keep telling myself)

2009-09-10 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2397885

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-09 9:22 PM Ready for a good laugh?  I decided I needed to do another tire change and actually fill it with a CO2 cartridge. I pulled out my handy little inflator and tried to pop in the threaded CO2 cartridge.  NOPE!  The entire season I was carrying around threaded CO2 cartridges when I need unthreaded.  WHAT A DOPE!

So here is my question.  How do you know how much to put in the tire?  I ride with 100PSI and short of pressing on the tire to see if it is hard enough, I don't know what to do.  How much does a standard 16 g CO2 cartridge hold?

Suzy, buy a file and carry it too so you can "unthread" your cartridges.

My LBS told me 12g is good for appr. 95psi and a 16g is good for about 120psi.
I just found this on for a 16g cartridge.
  • 700x23-130 PSI
  • 700x25-120 PSI
  • 650x20- 180 PSI
  • 650x23-170 PSI

  • Here's the same thing form trisports for a 12g cartridge
  • 700x23 - 94 PSI
  • 700x25 - 90 PSI
  • 650x20 - 125 PSI
  • 650x23 - 110 PSI

  • Therefore I suppose my LBS was pretty accurate.

    You'll have to adjust those figures based on your tire size.

    Edited by BigReub 2009-09-10 9:24 AM
    2009-09-10 9:24 AM
    in reply to: #2398546

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    Charlottesville, Virginia
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    If anyone is interested, the tour of Missouri is online on  Rest day for vuelta so no coverage today for tour of Spain.
    2009-09-10 9:26 AM
    in reply to: #2398053

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    Seymour, IN
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    TrevorC - 2009-09-09 11:05 PM Not sure if I can post it or not ,but here goes nothing.......pic of my girls(4,2) after their 1st race. It was funny, after the received their medals, my wife said she wanted to take their pictures. This was the pose they came up with. On their knees and holfing their medals.

    I assume those pretty little girls got their looks from mom.  Wink
    Nice picture.  Is there anything better than watching your kids do something totally awesome?
    2009-09-10 10:03 AM
    in reply to: #2071255

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    Apex, north carolina
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    Trevor - beautiful!   You should be very proud.

    Suzy - so you are going to race your guts out at the HIM and then STAND ALL DAY as you volunteer for the IM?  WOW!!  Don't fall over on any of the athletes as you hand them water.

    Nick - good luck and have fun!

    Reub - thanks for that info.  That was very helpful.

    I did an ows practice last night and think too much dirty lake water went up my nose for now I have a massive sinus headache and a fever?  WTH?!  This should feel really good for my 14mile run on the ironman couse Friday night with the 2 mile swim the next day. Maybe if I inhale enough salt water it will clear out my sinuses.  At least I am not following the swim with a 95mile bike ride like the rest of my training group. Those people are animals!! 
    2009-09-10 10:55 AM
    in reply to: #2398669

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    Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    tahrens - 2009-09-10 10:03 AM Trevor - beautiful!   You should be very proud.

    Suzy - so you are going to race your guts out at the HIM and then STAND ALL DAY as you volunteer for the IM?  WOW!!  Don't fall over on any of the athletes as you hand them water.

    Nick - good luck and have fun!

    Reub - thanks for that info.  That was very helpful.

    I did an ows practice last night and think too much dirty lake water went up my nose for now I have a massive sinus headache and a fever?  WTH?!  This should feel really good for my 14mile run on the ironman couse Friday night with the 2 mile swim the next day. Maybe if I inhale enough salt water it will clear out my sinuses.  At least I am not following the swim with a 95mile bike ride like the rest of my training group. Those people are animals!! 

    Tracy--Did you use saline solution when you got out of the water?  If not, still go and do it.  Rinse whatever crap you can out of your sinuses.  I do it after every OWS and it helps a lot.  The fever and potential GI issues are another story. After one OWS in a gross lake, I had issues for 5 days.  I still was able to do everything, just less efficiently if you get my drift.

    Reuben--thanks for the info.  I am off to look for 12g since I have 650 wheels (no surprise there, right?)

    The town is crazy, brimming with very fit attractive people!  I love IM Weekend!!!!

    2009-09-10 11:34 AM
    in reply to: #2397909

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    Guelph, Ontario
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

    SSMinnow -
    Rob--if you have time, get a massage tomorrow to work out any last minute kinks.  My legs are a little tired too and I haven't done much. I have one on the books in the afternoon.

    Thanks Suzie. I was trying to book a massage but waited too long. NOw everyone seems to be booked up. I am going to get some accupuncture done to relieve the glut. I did a 20 minute bike 20 run and 20 min swim last night and although not a bad pain it is nagging.

    2009-09-10 12:58 PM
    in reply to: #2398906

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    Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    Redknight - 2009-09-10 9:34 AM

    SSMinnow -
    Rob--if you have time, get a massage tomorrow to work out any last minute kinks.  My legs are a little tired too and I haven't done much. I have one on the books in the afternoon.

    Thanks Suzie. I was trying to book a massage but waited too long. NOw everyone seems to be booked up. I am going to get some accupuncture done to relieve the glut. I did a 20 minute bike 20 run and 20 min swim last night and although not a bad pain it is nagging.

    Isn't that want the spouse is for?
    2009-09-10 1:09 PM
    in reply to: #2071255

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    Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
    Racing Oly on Saturday.... REALLY unprepared, but:

    Good goals:
    sub 30 swim
    sub 1:15 bike
    sub 50 10k

    26 min swim
    1:10 bike
    47 min run

    In the end... Just happy to race--- Whatever the day brings.  Haven't raced since June 5th, so a little rusty/and lazy !
    2009-09-10 4:09 PM
    in reply to: #2397891

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    Pittsford, NY
    Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

    Co2 is meant to be used in an emergency, you just have to guess, tire pressure isn't really an exact science, most people over inflate anways. 

    LOL, with the other 19 miler on Sunday I will end up with 51 miles for the week, whew...

    Great job on the 51 miles.  I am sure this week's 19 miler will be much better.
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