General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-10-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Hope everyone has a great race and the winds don't pick up til your heading back along 421 a tailwind there would be nice!

2011-10-28 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3742181

Lewis Center, Ohio
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

I wish I knew it was you Jonathon.  Have a great race tomorrow.

- Mark

2011-10-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Ok, kids... We're there.

Best of luck to all, especially our first timers..! Crossing the finish line at your first IM is one awesome feeling. Enjoy the day.

2011-10-28 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Kodiak, AK
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Good luck to one and all! I'll see you on the road.

2011-10-28 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3260445

Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Last minute question.  Cant make up my mind to put on wet suit in the hotel or wait until the beach.  I am doing the half and riding the shuttle at 5:30 .  Opinions...  Good luck everyone.


2011-10-28 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3743088

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

I've seen people do both. Put it on early is one way to stay warm. On the other hand, if it is really tight, might decrease circulation.

Good racing everyone!

2011-10-29 2:46 AM
in reply to: #3743088

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Dix Hills
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Dont forget that you have to get body marked. Unless you mark yourself you'll have to take off wetsuit to get marked at T1 anyway
2011-10-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Looks like the race must have started 20-25 minutes late.  Online tracking is working so far.

Ben came out of the water in 42 minutes, bettering his 2009 time of over 49 minutes.  The current is in full effect.

51 degrees with fog/mist and winds out of the west 8-10 at this point, steady rain just off shore but may stay away as it looks to be riding from SW to NE and along the coast on the NWS site.

2011-10-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Yup just looked at Nate's swim and it looks like 23mins somewhere in that 20-25mins late.  And the current is ripping fast!!
2011-10-29 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
What's the link for the stats?
2011-10-29 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3743497

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

JMMauldwin - 2011-10-29 11:49 AM What's the link for the stats?

2011-10-29 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3743497

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

JMMauldwin - 2011-10-29 11:49 AM What's the link for the stats?

Depends on what race your looking up, the link provided is for the full, there's another link for the half.  It's right on there homepage if you need the other one.

2011-10-29 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

IM and thanks for the link!

2011-10-29 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Anyone else noticing a lag between when the athlete has crossed a timing point and when it actually is posted on the tracking site?

Shows Ben crossing the first run point 3:06pm put it didn't post until after 3:50pm.  Similar thing happened with his bike split, thought he may have had a mechanical or been blown away by the wind gust.

2011-10-29 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3743687

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
rottieguy - 2011-10-29 4:15 PM

Anyone else noticing a lag between when the athlete has crossed a timing point and when it actually is posted on the tracking site?

Shows Ben crossing the first run point 3:06pm put it didn't post until after 3:50pm.  Similar thing happened with his bike split, thought he may have had a mechanical or been blown away by the wind gust.

yes... about 30-40 minute delay it appears

2011-10-29 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3260445

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Interesting day on the weather front: Ranged from miserable to ideal. We all knew the swim was going to be fast but that current was screaming....I went 46mins which apparently means I'm as fast as Andy Potts. Who knew?

I hope others will check in with their thoughts on the wind but personally, that was the strongest wind I've ever raced in. Temps on the run were in the low 60's and the sun came out, so it really doesn't get a lot better than that. One of those, if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes kind of days.

I had a good day but right now I hurt. Bad.

Hope everyone had the day they wanted!

2011-10-29 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3260445

Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Hey all,

I agree on a couple of things.  First off, the current was screaming- I went 42 and change in the swim, and usually average around 1:02- 1:05 for that length in open water with a wetsuit or a pool swim.  The winds were horrendous.  I mean, I honestly thought by mile 50 that I may put down a 6:30 bike time, but, we did get a cross/ tailwind for the last 35-40 miles.

In the end, I think I really cooked myself fighting the winds, rain, and SLEET for the first 60- 70 miles on the bike.  I finished in 11:16:32.  I think given the conditions I could have went sub 11 with some longer bricks and more consistent run training.  

All in all, I am happy with my time.

Congrats Alltom1, Nate, etc.- great times in some tough conditions.   



2011-10-30 4:41 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Congrats to everyone!

Those were some tough conditions out there!  Timewise, I had a good swim, but I could have done better.  I was confused about where I should be the majority of the time and wasn't sure which side of the buoys I should be on.  I think doing the full course before hand would have helped, but the map online doesn't show the buoys so I was a bit confused.

COLD and windy on that bike!  My hands were killing and I felt like a 90 year old woman with arthritis out there.  I dropped bottles 2 bottles at aid stations and had to actually stop at 2 aid stations to refuel which definitely wasn't planned.  The wind just kept coming, but I was expecting that.  It sure was fun riding that last 30+ miles with the tailwind.

The run was great for me, except for forgetting my Garmin on my bike!  The gusts on wind really sucked sometime, but the cool temperature really helped me keep my heart rate down. 

Overall, I extremely happy with how my race went.  I finished in 9:27.  I did end up in the med tent after, but it was worth it!  Smile

2011-10-30 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Wow, a great day on a great course!  All those good North Carolina folks along the course were very supportive and the event was well organized.

Practice swim taught me to look for the big Blockade Runner hotel, the channel markers, then the big SeaPath marina condos tower. Yes, ripping tide.  I'm a 1:40/100 swimmer and I swam 51 minutes, including the jog to T1.  Wetsuit strippers were great.  Cute, strong girl who helped me looked like she was wrestling seals.

 Yes, the first 40 miles of the bike were cold, wet, and into a headwind, but with plenty of clothes, good areo position, and riding to HR, I was fine.  The final 35 miles with mostly tailwind was awesome.   I was areo, on target HR and at max cadence on the 53x11, or sitting up and sailing.  Glad I added a plastic bag under my bike jersey.  Glad I brought a rain shirt which I put on about 20 miles into the ride and wore till about mile 65.  Glad I wore toe covers, helmet liner cap and long gloves.  Temp was 50 and wet.  I was dressed for 40's.  Eventually the sun came out.  Bike hand ups were great - water and Heed.  Does Heed make one pee more?  Or is it because it wasn't hot enough to sweat much? I stopped 3 times on the bike and 3 times on the run to pee.

Yes, the strong gusty wind was tough on the run, but I finished after sunset and the wind finally died down.  I was drafting on the run! Whenever we turned into the wind, I looked for a big guy and get right behind or just off his shoulder.  Generally a flat course, but I walked the aid stations and the 5-6 places where the road turned up for 50-100 yds.  Aid stations every mile and double out and back meant there was plenty of fuel and you knew where it was.

Hi to fellow Atlantans Palmer, Micheal, and the two guys wearing Reality Bikes kit.

2011-10-30 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3260445

Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Nice work everybody!  That swim was ridiculous.  I didn't realize how fast the current was until I passed the first buoy with a full head of steam.  It was about 10' in front of me, and then 2 or 3 strokes and it was behind me, crazy.  The bike was super cold, but once you made the turn around mile 75, life got good with the sun and tailwind.  I took the run out too fast, and paid for it a bit, but still finished strong.  Ended up with 10:08, really happy with that, but my whole body hurts now.  Couldn't sleep last night because I was so sore.


Anyone else going to the athlete cruise?  We should meet up there.



2011-10-30 6:06 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Man you guys are fast. After a DNF at IMKY; my first iron distance race; I feel redeemed with a 12:21. The bike was cold...and windy I dressed for what I thought would be warm; base layer, jacket, leg warmers; but no gloves. I could not manipulated my fingers. Old lady arthritis is so on. My feet felt like bricks I'm not sure when I was able to feel them again. I saw a bunch out there in just a tri-suits that must have been cold.At mile 75 where we turned right and the wind was finally at our backs...that was heaven. That begining of that road was newly paved and was like glass. I'm not a fast biker and was hitting 22 to 26mph with ease.Congratulation to all.

2011-10-30 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3744041

Lewis Center, Ohio
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Yup, a congrats to everyone for dealing with those wonderful conditions.

Gotta admit I was on the verge of a DNF 2-and-a-half hours in.  I had completely underestimated the cold -- forecast expected 56, actual am temps never topped 50.  And those wind gusts on the bridge at the end of the freeway portion?  Wow!  My tri top, plastic bag liner, arm warmers and gloves were not adequate.  At the first bike aid station there on 421 (?), I stopped to try adjusting the plastic to cover me more.  Wasn't much better.  My teeth started chattering and I was heading towards hypothermia for sure.

Some spectators saved my race.  I stopped just north of that aid station and asked the foursome if I could use their phone.  Called the wife to bring warm clothes.  These folks literally gave me the clothes off their backs.  If you saw me on the bike (which you probably didn't because you were all ahead of me!) I was wearing a tight, girl's, white hoodie.  I probably looked ridiculous, but I didn't care, I was going to finish my first IM.

Finished in 11:32, well ahead of my goal. 

And I owe it all to goodness of strangers.  And that includes you all, who were generous with your advice beforehand.  Thanks to all!

Now it's back in the car for the long drive back north to OH.  Enjoy the cruise if you're going!


2011-10-30 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3260445

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Did anyone get stopped by the train crossing at Second Street? There must have been 75-100 runners waiting for that thing to slowly get past. The gods were smiling on me at that moment because the gate went up when I was about 100 yards away. .

2011-10-30 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3744060

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread


I was in the same boat, although I had a nylon windbreaker instead of plastic--and was way behind you. Was in the beginning stages of hypothermia by the time I got to bike SN. Stayed put until I was dry, not shaking and had more layers. (Thanks to the angel that gave me her spare pair of dry socks).

For the last couple of months I've been consistently biking 6-6:30 for 100-112. Did yesterday's bike in 7+. The swim did not make up for the bike!

Congrats on getting a great time, and safe journey back to OH.

2011-10-30 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3260445

Subject: RE: Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

What an adventure for the half.  It was great to see everyone Cheer and clap for the full people as they swam by.  The best applause though was saved for the kayakers and the Coast Guard Cutter that stood by as the half contestants started their adventure.

When they started the 55 plus group fog had descended on Banks Channel and I could not see my hand in front of my face.  I got away from the pack which was the plan and then could not find any landmark to get a bearing on.  A kayaker paddled over and pointed in the correct direction.  I  could not find the turn buoy until I was right on it.  Sea Patch marina popped out of the fog about 500 yards out, until that time I swam blindly.  I probably added 5 minutes or more to my swim time.  Volunteers were great at T1 Thank you.

Bike was a grand adventure 20 mph head wind, rain, cold, no sun, sleet. I had no idea that was what Jeremy meant when he said we would suffer.  At the turn around things improved with a very fast ride back into town.  T2 volunteers were so good.  They got my bike faster than I could get my cell phone out of the seat bag.  Oh well. Thanks again.

My walk run went well.  I enjoyed the rent a johns the entire course.  I did pass one without stopping but all of the rest of them were well maintained.  Probably due to the lack of sweat. At the finish I was excited to see my great wife and to put on warm clothes.  Volunteeers pointed me to my race medal and shirt.  Thank you.

Thanks to everyone.  I enjoyed my first half.

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