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2015-01-28 4:44 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by Sillygal

So when I look at my training log I have 21 days and oops I forgot how many hours. Did I miss an update somewhere? Should I modify my number to match my log or leave it be?

You should always fix your numbers if they are incorrect. Just don't forget that this challenge started on Jan 3. That always messes me up.

Next month will be easy...Feb. 1st start date.

2015-01-28 7:03 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Planned to do 1:00 TR "Ericsson" but my legs were worked from heavy squats and a long ride on Monday plus 3 hours of snow removal yesterday. Did 32' of easy spinning and cadence work instead.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 23 25:30:00
Dennis 22 23:48:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 27:44:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 20 20:15:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 10 13:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-28 7:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Forgot to share the following from my ride this morning.

Those who have done rides on trainerroad are familiar with the horizontal green bar and the vertical line. When the green bar grows far enough to right and meets the vertical line you are at your target power. Late in my ride this morning I became convinced that I was mentally willing the green bar to grow to meet the vertical line. The more I concentrated on making it grow the closer I got to my target power level. Almost like a Jedi Mind Trick of cycling.

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-28 7:13 PM
2015-01-28 7:23 PM
in reply to: smack

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New user
Los Angeles County
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by smack

I have few questions that hopefully the group can answer:

1) has anyone used the beginner triathlete HIM 20 week bronze plan? If so, how did you feel about it?

2) nutrition for a HIM, did you bring your own, rely on what is on the course -- or do a bit of both?

3) how much should I eat/drink on the bike during the HIM?

Thanks for any help.

Looking forward to the tour of Sufferland -- need to buy more videos

1) I've not done the HIM 20 week bronze plan
2) Every person's body works and reacts differently, and every person's body is different from day-to-day. Another person gave me some really good advice when it came to this question. He mentioned that your training is not all about physical strength/endurance, it's also about learning what foods/drinks/nutrition work best for you. With that said, it would be my recommendation to know what foods upset your system and which foods don't; this should be tested under different stresses like cold weather compared to hotter weather. If you're not familiar with what is available while on the course, I would stick with making sure you have what you need and use the course food/drink should they provide items that work with you.
3) The amount of food/drink to consume is based on numbers. You're wanting to replenish your calorie intake based on your depletion. This holds true for other nutrients; hotter days will require a much higher electrolyte intake than it would be on a cooler day cause you are not sweating as much of the salts/electrolytes out of your system.

Experiment during training and not during your event. Don't want to find yourself sick half way through your event.

Hope this information helps =)
2015-01-28 7:29 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 23 25:30:00
Dennis 22 23:48:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 27:44:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 20 20:15:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-28 7:38 PM
in reply to: mbanddv

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New user
Los Angeles County
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by mbanddv

I have a question about brick workouts.

When doing a brick, do you try to structure it like a transition and get off the bike and into your running shoes quickly? If so, what do you do with your bike? The car? Garage?

Or, do you not rush moving from biking into running, perhaps taking a few minutes or more to get ready to run after finishing the bike?

I live in an apartment and it takes me a good bit of time to get my bike up to my place after a ride, so I am not completely sure how I will plan to do a brick. Any tips for how to make this work would be great!

Not sure if somebody has already helped you with your questions...
[my two cents]

Because of logistics, you might need to work on two or three different types of brick workouts/training.
1) the "main" brick workout is meant to get your body used to going from one discipline to another, so if you are too slow with your "transition", it will not help you as much as it's needed. with that in mind, i've seen people carry a bicycle lock and running shoes in a backpack. they would then ride around an area where there is access to a park long enough to get their "bicycle" legs. they would then lock their bicycle, but on their running shoes, and run long enough to the point of getting their "running" legs. These workouts are not extremely long and do not work on your endurance, but will get you familiar with how you will feel during an event.
2) the "transition" brick workout is meant for you to quicken up your transition time. this can be done at a park or a big parking lot or just about anywhere. you are not riding your bicycle for miles or anything. you are simply getting on your bicycle, ride a couple yards, transition, and run a couple yards. make sure you experiment with different layouts to find out what works best for you.
3) find a friend... you can ride to a friends house/apartment. he/she will watch your bicycle while you transition and run.

2015-01-28 7:40 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Adding in 32' swim after 60' CSI Class again. Looking to change up my training so I think I'll throw some 2-A-days in in the coming weeks to spice things up. This would also allow me to get back to swimming 5 days a week which I really like.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 23 25:30:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 27:44:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 20 20:15:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-28 7:58 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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New user
Los Angeles County
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

Originally posted by killingtime1229[/

I need some advice guys and gals situation is this
first ever sprint tri is early june either the 7th or 13th depending on the race i choose. I can run anytime got a local track plus great sidewalks and roads here in east tenn when the weather is decent treadmill coming asap been running around 2 miles regularly anyway. Cycling on a trainer now till end of march then i will hit the roads wide open for my normal cycling season doing charity events, training rides special races etc i usually average close to 80-150 miles a week and close to 2000+ on the year! My main issue is the swim i will have to commute 30min in the opposite direction of home in the evenings after working and pay to use the aquatic center. The swim portion of my tri is around 400-600m again depending on the race. The one on june 7 is just 300m i am so limited on the amount of time i have in a week to get to the pool. I was wondering if i could start swimming at around mid February or march and do one swim per week till june and build enough of what it takes to do a decent sprint tri. I have 2 other races this season later in the summer but in summmer our local outdoor pool opens up and i can use it and the lake after june 1st

Based on what I could glean from your bio and what does not appear to be a lot of recent swim experience, I'd say this plan is not advisable. Not withstanding the short distances, you need to be comfortable in the water and be safe. Have you had experience in the open water? Building a strong swim base will not only build fitness, but will increase the chances of you have a good/enjoyable/safe race. If you haven't swim in open water with a dozens of your closest friends, it is experience you will not soon forget. 2x week is the minimum and 3x is advisable. Unless I have misunderstood you experience, my advice would be to get strong and comfortable in the pool, get some open water experience prior to the race and try to build upon the experiences you are having. While not apropos for those of us not at the fron of the pack, the following rings true in all tris - you can't win the race on swim, but you can definitely lose it.

Not knowing all of who you are and your fitness levels, I have to agree with Joe. It's risky to do what you are suggesting. To potentially help you out with some of your limitations with pool access, keep these things in mind:

* with the bicycle and running, you are only working your lower body while swimming will require your upper body, so make sure that you are doing some sort of upper body workouts during the times that you cannot get to the pool.
* the days you make it to the pool, you'll need to work on "comfort" more than endurance/speed. if you are swimming efficiently with smooth strokes, the distance will not be a factor for a sprint triathlon. your just making sure that you can complete the distance regardless of effort.
* once you have the ability to get into open water swim workouts, take the chance immediately. open water currents are completely different from lake and especially ocean. you will need to rebuild your "comfort" and get familiar with not only swimming with a wet suit, but also swimming in water that isn't as clear.
* you can then take advantage of more access to a pool/lake/ocean to start working on your speed/endurance. make sure you can survive the swim with the prior steps and then work on being more competitive

Good luck =)
2015-01-28 8:51 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I'm going to go double count my workouts and update my totals. But I wanted to share with the group the start of my treadmill run tonight. I just got to the gym and was laying out all my clothes to change into when a dude walked into the locker room. This is not the first time, in fact I'm pretty sure this is the third time. I don't know why, but they never catch me in a state of undress, I feel like I'm missing out on something here. Anyway I looked at him and he clearly wasn't catching the idea, so I had to say, "I think you're in the wrong locker room" and he looked embarrassed and then walked out. Last time, the guy stopped to explain how this gym was opposite of his regular gym and I had to tell him that he was STILL in the women's locker room. Does this happen to you guys?
2015-01-28 9:02 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
adding in my 5 mile run and the mystery workout that got lost. it must have been a 30 minute.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 23 25:30:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 27:44:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-28 9:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Local hero 1:25 legs fell apart early and started to get really hot. drank lots of water and had 2 fans running but still very hot. Note to self; peperoni sticks, while very tasty, are inappropriate for a preride snack.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 27:44:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by DaveL 2015-01-28 9:13 PM

2015-01-28 10:24 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Adding in my 30 minutes on the trainer tonight. The workout was to play with cadence, keeping it above 80 rpm throughout, while maintaining my heart rate in zone 2. Fun ride! Had the Notre Dame/Duke game on while riding, and as a Domer, I was quite pleased with the outcome (we aren't supposed to be good at basketball!). Although the game probably contributed to a few spikes in HR.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 14 19:02:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-29 3:40 AM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
1:35 run this afternoon with 3 hills.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 24 25:33:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by markz 2015-01-29 3:42 AM
2015-01-29 5:26 AM
in reply to: markz

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Stage 6 in the books. Never did Local Hero before, would do it again, but not necessarily on consecutive SF days. That was real hard - especially the road race laps. Think I missedd most of those targets, but held it together for the sprints and pyramids.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 25 27:28:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 20 25:41:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20
2015-01-29 6:42 AM
in reply to: 0

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
I took off on Wed as my knees got even worse during the day. All was better by this morning so rest was the right move. Today I got in 1:05 on the trainer (main set 4 X 12' @ Z3) and then 1:20 in the pool (1650 meters).

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 25 27:28:17
Mitch 24 20:51:30
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 21 28:06:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by dcon 2015-01-29 6:44 AM
2015-01-29 7:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Stage 6 done as well. Completely impressed by the other guys doing the ToS and their ability to keep hitting the targets. My legs were doing everything they could to hit 90% level of targets. I finished strong though and crushed Cipollini at the finish. Today was the first day I was audibly swearing at the computer as it told me to attack/sprint.

By my calcs and from a time perspective we are 58% done. That's great, but flip side is in three days we do almost half of the entire ToS!

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 25 27:28:17
Mitch 25 22:17:00
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 23 24:20:00
Dan 21 28:06:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-29 7:09 AM

(ToS Progress.JPG)

(ToS Local Hero.JPG)

ToS Progress.JPG (75KB - 4 downloads)
ToS Local Hero.JPG (76KB - 4 downloads)

2015-01-29 7:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-29 7:09 AM
2015-01-29 7:06 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Updated ToS Tracker through Stage 5

(ToS Tracker.JPG)

ToS Tracker.JPG (84KB - 3 downloads)
2015-01-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by trisuppo

Today was the first day I was audibly swearing at the computer as it told me to attack/sprint.

We interrupt this tread for an important public announcement:


Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Adding in this mornings swim workout which was my longest swim to date. I swam for 1:15 for a total of 3300yds, or 2 miles. Yup that's right 2 miles, no typo here! I set out to swim for an hour to see what effect swimming that long would have on me physically. I was a little disorientated for a minute or so coming out of the water but from what I have read that's normal. Could I have rode a bike 56 miles after? Uh NO! But with more frequent long swims I hope to come out of the water with more energy for the ride and run. How often should I incorporate long swims to better prepare myself for my first HIM in November?

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 25 27:28:17
Mitch 25 22:17:00
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 24 25:36:00
Dan 21 28:06:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 19 20:04:37
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-01-29 8:12 AM


3300m-set.jpg (135KB - 4 downloads)
2015-01-29 8:20 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

User image

Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
ToS Riders - If you don't own the Rookie - get it! Best of vids I have seen and at this point the only one I haven't done is Half is Easy in the whole library.

Thoughts of Revolver and Violator have me sickened. I absolutely hated Violator last year (final vid of the tour), but I bought this year to see if it would be any better with video. Highly doubt it!
2015-01-29 8:23 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by trisuppo

Today was the first day I was audibly swearing at the computer as it told me to attack/sprint.

We interrupt this tread for an important public announcement:


Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Adding in this mornings swim workout which was my longest swim to date. I swam for 1:15 for a total of 3300yds, or 2 miles. Yup that's right 2 miles, no typo here! I set out to swim for an hour to see what effect swimming that long would have on me physically. I was a little disorientated for a minute or so coming out of the water but from what I have read that's normal. Could I have rode a bike 56 miles after? Uh NO! But with more frequent long swims I hope to come out of the water with more energy for the ride and run. How often should I incorporate long swims to better prepare myself for my first HIM in November?

Awesome job! Everything I've been told and read...but never put into practice says swim as often as possible and swim long too. Same concept as time in the saddle. As long as your shoulders are tolerating it keep doing it.

2015-01-29 8:25 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

ToS Riders - If you don't own the Rookie - get it! Best of vids I have seen and at this point the only one I haven't done is Half is Easy in the whole library.

Thoughts of Revolver and Violator have me sickened. I absolutely hated Violator last year (final vid of the tour), but I bought this year to see if it would be any better with video. Highly doubt it!

I have resolved not to touch the effort slider but to give all I have on every stage. Sort of like Dory in Finding a Nemo...just keep swimming...just keep swimming. I'm looking forward to the Super Bowl. We're having pizza for my soon to be 5 year olds birthday. That and some beer and lots of chips, etc. will be awesome!
2015-01-29 9:10 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
1:25:21 Local Hero

Kudos to you early risers who get up every morning to get your workout in. I can honestly tell you, IT SUCKS! I hate getting up early and exercising. I feel lousy, I suffered the entire time, beyond the normal suffering. I have regained my appreciation for the runch. I love and miss the runch. Fortunately, I do arrange my schedule for the mid day workout and I hope I don't have to do this again. Joe, Mitch and Dave, I do not know how you get up every morning for the ToS. I would have quit Monday if I had to do this every morning. Thank God the my schedule allows me to finish at a normal and more civilized time.
Local Hero just shredded my legs too. The pyramids were horrible, wretched and painful.
One more thing, on Trainer Road the progress graph on the left reminds me of Bart Simpson's head, or I become delusional during these efforts.

Jackie 24 30:30:52
Joe 25 27:28:17
Mitch 25 22:17:00
DaveL. 24 27:00:00
Dennis 24 25:36:00
Dan 21 28:06:34
Melissa 21 28:14:30
Kate 19 20:54:46
Beth 22 21:50:00
Patrick 18 11:57:00
Jim 20 21:29:28
Gabe 16 25:58:45
Mark Z. 15 20:37:00
Dave C. 14 16:26:00
Mark H 11 8:33:00
Brian 11 14:25:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 34:34:00
Kevin 4 2:12:00
Ellen 3 1:56:20

Edited by JBacarella 2015-01-29 9:28 AM
2015-01-29 10:10 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by trisuppo[/b

Adding in this mornings swim workout which was my longest swim to date. I swam for 1:15 for a total of 3300yds, or 2 miles. Yup that's right 2 miles, no typo here! I set out to swim for an hour to see what effect swimming that long would have on me physically. I was a little disorientated for a minute
or so coming out of the water but from what I have read that's normal. Could I have rode a bike 56 miles after? Uh NO! But with more frequent long swims I hope to come out of the water with more energy for the ride and run. How often should I incorporate long swims to better prepare myself for my first HIM in


You only need to swim 1.2, so that 56 mile ride is that much easier.

Long continuous swims like that are good for only one thing - confidence. Now that you know you can swim that far if needed, I'd suggest that you don't need a continuous swim of greater 1500 yds (go to 2000 yds if you like). The reality is that the longer you swim the more your form breaks down - so what's the value in practicing bad form? You'd be better off swimming 6 x 500yds than 1 x 3000 yds. Volume is key though.
2015-01-29 10:45 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by trisuppo[/b

Adding in this mornings swim workout which was my longest swim to date. I swam for 1:15 for a total of 3300yds, or 2 miles. Yup that's right 2 miles, no typo here! I set out to swim for an hour to see what effect swimming that long would have on me physically. I was a little disorientated for a minute
or so coming out of the water but from what I have read that's normal. Could I have rode a bike 56 miles after? Uh NO! But with more frequent long swims I hope to come out of the water with more energy for the ride and run. How often should I incorporate long swims to better prepare myself for my first HIM in


You only need to swim 1.2, so that 56 mile ride is that much easier.

Long continuous swims like that are good for only one thing - confidence. Now that you know you can swim that far if needed, I'd suggest that you don't need a continuous swim of greater 1500 yds (go to 2000 yds if you like). The reality is that the longer you swim the more your form breaks down - so what's the value in practicing bad form? You'd be better off swimming 6 x 500yds than 1 x 3000 yds. Volume is key though.

Great overview Joe!
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