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2008-11-27 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Champaign, Illinois
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Thanks for the input, everyone...

2008-11-28 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
AM workout with the great folks at CrossFit NW Tucson...
Warmup: 5min jumprope,
WOD: 500m row, 30 rep 35lb db swing, 30 pushups, 100 squats, 20 rep 185lb DL, 20 ring dip, 400m run, 10 rep 95lb Clean, 20 pullups, 500m row...19:05
2008-11-28 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1829661

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

oldpueblotriguy - 2008-11-28 3:34 PM AM workout with the great folks at CrossFit NW Tucson... Warmup: 5min jumprope, WOD: 500m row, 30 rep 35lb db swing, 30 pushups, 100 squats, 20 rep 185lb DL, 20 ring dip, 400m run, 10 rep 95lb Clean, 20 pullups, 500m row...19:05


way to go pueblo, that looks like a murderer

2008-11-29 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Another great WOD today:
10 rds
10 rep; 65 lb thruster
10 pullups
10 situps

This AM also got in a 70 min tempo run; 7.5miles...intentionally kept pacing at next weeks marathon pace.
2008-11-29 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1830521

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
oldpueblotriguy - 2008-11-29 8:09 PM

Another great WOD today:
10 rds
10 rep; 65 lb thruster
10 pullups
10 situps

This AM also got in a 70 min tempo run; 7.5miles...intentionally kept pacing at next weeks marathon pace.

Great job Pueblo!
2008-11-29 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I got in a little workout this morning. I am very happy to do so. My back still hurts though and that scares me. Today's workout was a lightweight Grace. 30 clean and jerks with 95 lbs for 10:46.

I warmed-up with jump ropes and my calves were feeling it. It came back to haunt me during the cleans.

Afterwards I did some flyes and abs. I finished off with flipping the tractor tire and jumping through it.

2008-11-29 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Todays WoD

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Set1: 315lbs

Set2: 325lbs

Set3: 330lbs

Set4: 335lbs

Set5: 345lbs

Not what I used to be able to do for reps, but not bad considering I weighed today and was hovering at 167


2008-11-30 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Warmup: 2 rounds (150 jumpropes/10 ring dips/10 situps)/1000m row/150 jumpropes/10 ring dips/10 situps/500m row

WOD: Clean and Jerk 5x5
112/132/152/162/167x1 152x4

Steve, great to see you back!
2008-12-01 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Solid on the C&J's Pueblo

Todays WoD 7x1 Overhead Press

All 7 sets ended up at 140 or 145lbs... still upsets me at the amount of weight i've lost from my max ohp.

Afterwards 3x4 A2G Squats, 225lbs

2008-12-03 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster


Finished in 5:08... off my pr by almost a minute! Argg the strength i'm losing doing my tri training is killing me!

2008-12-03 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

I don't know her name... but she is sure a beetch...

5 rounds of the following... 

20 pullups

30 pushups

40 situps

50 squats 

2008-12-03 10:40 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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In limbo
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Hey everyone.  Just discovered this thread and I'm really excited.  Crossfit is my new addiction since my brother's girlfriend opened a gym, but I'm not sure about how to combine it with my regular tri training.  I'm loving the improvements I'm seeing after just a month though.

My latest problem is that I'm no longer living in my brother's area so I have to face joining a new gym where I don't know everyone.  I get horribly self-concious working out in front of others, and I was just getting over that with the ppl I know at the other gym.  And I'm hoping Santa will buy me a membership, because not knowing the owners makes crossfit WAY more expensive!

Anyway I'm glad to meet other crossfitters and I'd love to hear from you all about how crossfit fits in w/tri training.

2008-12-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

after fran I've decided its time for me to go back to old school training, so a break from crossfit is in order

New workout plan. 2on-1off

Day1 - heavy loads, aiming for 12-18 total reps through all sets, 3 exercises 

Day2 - hypotherapy, aiming for 35-50 total reps through all sets, 4 exercises

Exercises i'll be rotating through (and variations of each when i get bored)


Power Cleans

OH press

Bench Press


Pull Ups




And some others that are eluding me at the moment...

we'll see how that goes. Good luck to everyone still hitting the WoD's hardcore.

2008-12-06 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

So I'm very interested in adding some Crossfit into my training - especially over the next couple months before I start an IM plan.  The local CF gym is not close to me so I'd like to incorporate as much of this as I can at home.  Couple Questions:

  • What is the key equipment I'll need?  I have a full set of dumbells, no pullup bar
  • Where do I find out how to do some of the routines properly?  
  • Is it safe to do on your own?  I've read about Rhabdo etc.  I think I know when I'm pushing myself too hard but would like some input. 
  • Is getting orientation at the CF gym the only way to really do this correctly or are there other options? 

 Thanks for your help!

2008-12-07 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1842283

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
TeeCris - 2008-12-06 7:54 PM

So I'm very interested in adding some Crossfit into my training - especially over the next couple months before I start an IM plan.  The local CF gym is not close to me so I'd like to incorporate as much of this as I can at home.  Couple Questions:

  • What is the key equipment I'll need?  I have a full set of dumbells, no pullup bar
  • Where do I find out how to do some of the routines properly?  
  • Is it safe to do on your own?  I've read about Rhabdo etc.  I think I know when I'm pushing myself too hard but would like some input. 
  • Is getting orientation at the CF gym the only way to really do this correctly or are there other options? 

 Thanks for your help!

Of course there is no substitute for having a qualified trainer, however:

A lot of these questions can be answered on the CrossFit website. Take some time to really explore it. There are links to video demos, a FAQ section which includes substitutions (ie: what if I don't have ).

If I don't have access to a certain piece of equipment, I try to do some type of exercise that works the same group of muscles (ie: pushups for bench press)

Consider starting with some scaled workouts. There is a link to the forum section of where they have the WOD scaled. With the Tri disciplines we started slow and built up. I treat the WOD as prescribed like the 4 hr marathon; a good goal but not at my current ability. Even with doing some of the scaled workouts, I've noticed an improvement in fitness level.
2008-12-31 1:24 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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In limbo
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I got a new deadlift PR today.  And it was the women's gym record.  250 lbs.  Woohoo!

2008-12-31 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1879169

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lil_turtle - 2008-12-31 2:24 AM

I got a new deadlift PR today.  And it was the women's gym record.  250 lbs.  Woohoo!

250... that's great!
2009-01-01 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
It's OK to drink it everyone... it's made with splenda. lol.

(Crossfit Kool-Aid.jpg)

Crossfit Kool-Aid.jpg (4KB - 24 downloads)
2009-01-02 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2009-01-02 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1369702

New Mexico
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Spent the week moving - so no shortage of intense "natural movement" with lots of resistance in the areas of squats, cleans, presses, etc - so opted for something a little different than prescribed.

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
25 stair steps (18" step)
15 situps
15 back extensions

Completed 5
2009-01-11 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2009-01-12 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1901632

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2009-01-11 11:46 PM

Did "Murph-ish" today.  Murph is supposed to be: Run 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squat, run 1 mile.  I subbed inverted burpees for the pull ups b/c of arm injury and subbed dips for push ups b/c of same.  Time was 58:50.  Last time I did real Murph was 5/10 and time was 47 minutes. 

Side note...inverted burpees are NOT equal to pull ups.  Ugh.

Great job. It took me 55 minutes the time I did Murph. It's quite nuts to work at that intensity for that long.
2009-01-12 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I like Nicole Carroll's description of crossfit from the website last week.

"Crossfit is functional movements... moving large loads long distances quickly. They generate power, power is intensity, and intensity is where hte results are. And then variance is bascially what puts us in the realm of being ready for the unknown .... constantly varied, functional movement, executed at high intensity . . . ."

"Crossfit is the sport of fitness."

"Wow this works."
2009-01-12 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1901857

Subject: ...
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2009-01-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1901632

In limbo
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2009-01-11 8:46 PM

Did "Murph-ish" today.  Murph is supposed to be: Run 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squat, run 1 mile.  I subbed inverted burpees for the pull ups b/c of arm injury and subbed dips for push ups b/c of same.  Time was 58:50.  Last time I did real Murph was 5/10 and time was 47 minutes. 

Side note...inverted burpees are NOT equal to pull ups.  Ugh.

What are inverted burpees?  That sounds like two words that should never be placed next to each other!

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