General Discussion Triathlon Talk » TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness) Rss Feed  
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2008-03-26 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1295547

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
i146q - 2008-03-26 8:34 PM

Ho hum...!

Last 189.8 or .6 not sure
today: 192

I'm getting a little sea sick with all this up and down crap. On a lighter note, almost done with the 90 day boot camp. I think next fiday is day 90 or so. I'll have updated pix by then. Though, I'm not sure there's going to be much difference from day 60 pix. I certainly can't tell. One thing I have noticed is, within the last two wks I'm taking more and more days off vs. doing 6x/days/wk. It's more like I'm doubling down or tripling down on 3-4 days/wk, to make up for lost time, increasing the likelihood I'll take off more in wks to come. I need to get back to shortening the training instead of burning out from it...

I know I'm the one in Team Skinny who gets disappointed with myself by every 0.01 up on the scale and probably shouldn't be preaching but maybe it's time to relax a bit. Visualising your goal is a great technique to go through tough times but maybe it would help to look at yourself and say "I'm looking good. I'm confident and I'm doing something absolutely amazing with my life- trainng for Tri- I'm a very lucky person". Bunch of cliches I know but it helps me.

2008-03-26 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1294143

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
sappho96 - 2008-03-26 1:53 PM

not posting my weight today as had a 24 hour migraine yesterday and been throwing up amongst other things.

hope everybody else does well

I know what you're going through- been having migrenes like that for as long as I can remember- just rest and hope you'll feel better soon
2008-03-26 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1295767

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
kfcallahan - 2008-03-26 9:50 PM

231 last week.

230 this week.

Startin' slow.

Good news from the doc though; cholesterol is 97. Record low for me.

Well done!!
2008-03-26 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1295530

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brummie land
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
- 2008-03-26 7:28 PM
sappho96 - 2008-03-26 5:53 AM

not posting my weight today as had a 24 hour migraine yesterday and been throwing up amongst other things.


hope everybody else does well

GROSS! Drink water! Um, I woulnd't have been such a big person about it PUKE= weight loss


excatly why i didn't post - don't think a 3 lound loss in one day counts...sadly

2008-03-26 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1295505

Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Down 2.1 for the month -- goal was two

Very pleased -- especially after a few too many beverages in Vegas over the weekend.
2008-03-26 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Thanks Josh.

How come all (okay 3 so far) my skinny's come to Vegas and I have yet to meet one?  hmmm.....I swear I take a shower every month. 

2008-03-26 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
last week 208
this week 206.5. me be happy camper. cant remember last time i was 206. wheeeee
2008-03-26 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1296112

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-26 6:12 PM

Thanks Josh.

How come all (okay 3 so far) my skinny's come to Vegas and I have yet to meet one?  hmmm.....I swear I take a shower every month. 

maybe you should try taking one every other week. whether you need it or not
2008-03-26 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Every other week?  Now that is an idea.
2008-03-26 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1294290

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Whatmomwants,  If I may suggest an idea.  Cut 1 of your runs to about 1.5 miles and do intervals (run hard, slow, run hard, slow)
2008-03-26 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
I'm annoyed my weight was 206 the last 2 days but it bumped up today to 208 just for this weigh in. (sigh) Blah.

2008-03-27 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Ideal,  It happens quite a bit here.  Weight is down and them Wed comes and whammo.  Relax and enjoy the ride.

If anyone wants to post a Monday EOM weight I will be happy to track it.  You still have to weigh in on Wed though...

2008-03-27 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1296801

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-27 7:31 AM

If anyone wants to post a Monday EOM weight I will be happy to track it.  You still have to weigh in on Wed though...

not me, i am on vacation starting today. i am going to the coast and probably gain weight, i will try not to but you know that damn fried fish that got me last time is calling my name.
2008-03-27 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1296112

No excuses!
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-26 7:12 PM

Thanks Josh.

How come all (okay 3 so far) my skinny's come to Vegas and I have yet to meet one?  hmmm.....I swear I take a shower every month. 

That da#$ town. I went there the beginning of this month. Spent two solid days eating crap and slouched up against the mighty craps tables. Now granted it was a  very profitable trip ($3000 or so) but as a result we have traveled to the local casino a half dozen times since then.

I have been on a very good roll. Up another $2000 since then but it is not good for my eating to be playing craps and hitting the buffett.

So we went last night and said it is the final time for a while. It is tri season now and time to shed those unwanteds again.


2008-03-27 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1246819

No excuses!
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Can I get one more "get out of eating good" pass tonight? Tarheels, beer, and pizza. What a beautiful thing!
2008-03-27 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1296801

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-27 1:31 PM

Ideal, It happens quite a bit here. Weight is down and them Wed comes and whammo. Relax and enjoy the ride.

If anyone wants to post a Monday EOM weight I will be happy to track it. You still have to weigh in on Wed though...

I'll post my weight on Monday - I have to be less than 70kg even if it means 69.99kg.

Other than that it was an absolutely beautiful morning- sunny, warm and no wind which doesn't happen too often here. I went for a run outside. According to my programme (16weeks to Sprint) I was supposed to run for 29mins today. I managed (with a massive effort) to do 23 mins which means I walked the last part of the route And to make me feel even less adequate I saw a real runner girl- she must have been doing this since she was 1 or something. She was wearing cool bright-coloured clothes and she was HAPPILY running FAST and even smiled at me. Funny thing though as I was leaving the flat I kinda had a feeling today's workout is not gonna go as smoothly as I imagined.

Now I'm preparing my classes for the rest of the week and looking at my Easter egg leftovers and I'm trying so hard not to eat it. So far I'v had nealry 1,5l of water and it wasn't so bad but there's only that much one person can take. If the egg was still wrapped then I wouldn't have any problems ignoring it but it's not. Awwww...........

2008-03-27 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Sorry I totally forgot to post yesterday...
Last week 200.2
This week 198.8

I'm pretty pumped about my weight and how I am starting to look. Thanks for all the encouragement!
2008-03-27 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Extreme Veteran
Lethbridge, AB
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Hang in there cead.  We were all there at one point or another.  I've never been an athlete, but now my students call me runner girl and when I see them in the gym they tell me what an inspiration I am.  So, you'll get there, keep at it!!  Baby steps... even though sometimes it seems like we'll never run more, faster or lose enough weight. 

Oh....and take a bite of the Easter egg stuff and then chuck it.  I can't keep that stuff around or I will eat it sooner or later. 

2008-03-27 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1246819

Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
So after I complained to you all about how my weight isn't moving at all, and you guys were so great at supporting me my body goes and drops 1.8 pounds over night for no reason at all.

Weight in this morning: 151.8. My lowest weight in a while, maybe even for 2008. It makes no sense. Yesterday I had to stay at the office working until nearly 11 pm. Although I had not touched a single Easter Candy prior to that, at the late hour I cracked and had two chocolate covered almonds. Also because I worked so late, I only did one workout morning yesterday instead of morning and night.

So how did I suddenly lose weight???

Either I can conclude that I should stop working out and eat more chocolate...

or maybe I just had a delayed reaction of the previous week of tough workouts.

Anyway, I will try to weigh in again at end of month, but I will be in LA this weekend for my best friend's wedding, so I am not optimistic with the scale. If you don't hear from me I guess I will happily take the 151.8, even though my goal was AGAIN 150, we'll see.
2008-03-27 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1246819

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Did anybody else get chocolates for Easter? I was doing great until they came along... And now there just sitting there in my room and I can't stop thinking that I want to eat them all...

The logical thing to do would be to give them away considering they are haunting me, but then again, these were gifts so I feel bad giving them away... I don't know what to do! But again, it's not like I have to tell anyone that I gave their gifts away (I am a terrible liar though, so they would probably know if they asked haha)

I guess I'm just ranting here! lol
2008-03-27 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Fone:  Isn't it fricking' amazing how that happens.  I can almost guarantee that some point this weekend I will be 148, but NOT on a Wed.

Steph:  SHARE!!!  Get some friends together and share that way you are being nice and considerate WITHOUT eating it all. 

2008-03-27 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1298343

Sydney Australia
2008-03-27 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1246819

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
I think I'll bring some to school tomorrow and the rest I'll bring to work on Saturday... I'm going crazy trying not to stuff my face with it!!
2008-03-27 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cead - maybe runnergirl smiled at you cause she was exactly where you were 5 years ago and wanted to show encouragement (it's happened to me)  And you DID do your 29 minutes - so what if you walked some of it?  Just keep doing your best.  Not every day is going to be stellar. 

Oh - and take One Long Savoring bite of the Easter Candy and then throw the rest away.  It's really the first bite that's the best anyway.  That is seriously what I have to do.  If it's there I will eventually eat it and then feel disgusted with myself.

Trey - congrats!  Nice weigh in!

Fone  - scales are funny that way.  I think they have a conspiracy going.  And, it might just be that resting for a day let your body let go of the weight.  You need the rest as well as the working out - it's figuring that out all together that makes you insane.

Steph - Do you have a freezer?  An idea would be to stick them in there, and then you could pull them out a bit at a time.  I don't know, for me having stuff in the freezer works a lot better than just in my room or whatever.  OR as saling said  - share them out with your friends.  Eat one or two yourself and that way you can tell the people who gave them to you  that you really enjoyed them.  You don't have to tell them you didn't eat them all.

I think chocolate Easter Candy is from the devil.  I swear, you see stuff at Easter that is just not there any other time of the year and it is GOOD stuff. 

2008-03-27 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1295547

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

i146q - 2008-03-26 12:34 PM Ho hum...! Last 189.8 or .6 not sure today: 192 I'm getting a little sea sick with all this up and down crap. On a lighter note, almost done with the 90 day boot camp. I think next fiday is day 90 or so. I'll have updated pix by then. Though, I'm not sure there's going to be much difference from day 60 pix. I certainly can't tell. One thing I have noticed is, within the last two wks I'm taking more and more days off vs. doing 6x/days/wk. It's more like I'm doubling down or tripling down on 3-4 days/wk, to make up for lost time, increasing the likelihood I'll take off more in wks to come. I need to get back to shortening the training instead of burning out from it...


As you're finding balanced training with effort/calories/days off is hard to do.  FWIW, I think you are doing really great.  The boot camp thing has made DEFINITE changes in your body.  I'm sorta thinking that if you want to really lose more, you might want to go get a professional BF% test done and if possible your RMR.  I'd bet you're getting close to or under 20% based on your last pix.  And, are you tracking your food at all?  Maybe food journaling for a week or so would help to nail down any trouble spots in your diet.

I'm just sorta throwing ideas out here... 

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