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2008-03-27 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cad:  I agree with you "The Devil" makes Easter candy and Chocolate chip cookies and.....

Ceade:  It wasn't long ago that IF I could "run" 1 mile it was because I walked 1/2 of it.  I still walk across almost every street.  What the heck no one is paying me to do this and I don't lose a birthday if some one catches me walking,  so I run as long as I can take 4 steps per breath I run if it gets less then that I walk for a few seconds or a minute.  Bottom line is pick a spot or a time that you want to run and do it "walk/run" or "run/walk".  You will get better just push yourself a little more every week. 

2008-03-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1298467

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-27 3:18 PM

Cad: I agree with you "The Devil" makes Easter candy and Chocolate chip cookies and.....

AND he owns stock in Ben and Jerry's that's for sure. 

2008-03-27 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1298343

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
stephlari - 2008-03-27 10:39 PM

Did anybody else get chocolates for Easter? I was doing great until they came along... And now there just sitting there in my room and I can't stop thinking that I want to eat them all...

The logical thing to do would be to give them away considering they are haunting me, but then again, these were gifts so I feel bad giving them away... I don't know what to do! But again, it's not like I have to tell anyone that I gave their gifts away (I am a terrible liar though, so they would probably know if they asked haha)

I guess I'm just ranting here! lol

I specifically asked not to be given chocolate for Easter but got it anyway and it's only today I finished my Eggs. Not feeling too great about it becasue I'm seriously worried my war with chococholism will have to start all over again but Easter eggs are gone so time to get down to work.

Edited by Cead_Mille_Failte 2008-03-27 5:35 PM
2008-03-27 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1298467

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-27 11:18 PM

Cad: I agree with you "The Devil" makes Easter candy and Chocolate chip cookies and.....

Ceade: It wasn't long ago that IF I could "run" 1 mile it was because I walked 1/2 of it. I still walk across almost every street. What the heck no one is paying me to do this and I don't lose a birthday if some one catches me walking, so I run as long as I can take 4 steps per breath I run if it gets less then that I walk for a few seconds or a minute. Bottom line is pick a spot or a time that you want to run and do it "walk/run" or "run/walk". You will get better just push yourself a little more every week.


Thanks for all the support- really needed that today as the whole day seemed to be against me.
2008-03-27 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1298431

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
cadreamer - 2008-03-27 11:03 PM

Cead - maybe runnergirl smiled at you cause she was exactly where you were 5 years ago and wanted to show encouragement (it's happened to me) And you DID do your 29 minutes - so what if you walked some of it? Just keep doing your best. Not every day is going to be stellar.

Oh - and take One Long Savoring bite of the Easter Candy and then throw the rest away. It's really the first bite that's the best anyway. That is seriously what I have to do. If it's there I will eventually eat it and then feel disgusted with myself.

Trey - congrats! Nice weigh in!

Fone - scales are funny that way. I think they have a conspiracy going. And, it might just be that resting for a day let your body let go of the weight. You need the rest as well as the working out - it's figuring that out all together that makes you insane.

Steph - Do you have a freezer? An idea would be to stick them in there, and then you could pull them out a bit at a time. I don't know, for me having stuff in the freezer works a lot better than just in my room or whatever. OR as saling said - share them out with your friends. Eat one or two yourself and that way you can tell the people who gave them to you that you really enjoyed them. You don't have to tell them you didn't eat them all.

I think chocolate Easter Candy is from the devil. I swear, you see stuff at Easter that is just not there any other time of the year and it is GOOD stuff.

Cad- thanks for your support- had a feeling the whole day was working agianst me. I ate the chocolate- once it's in the flat and is opened there's no way I'll stay away from it. but it's a new day tomorrow so back to work on fitness and war agains chococholism is back on.
2008-03-27 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Just wanted to share a moment with all of you......last night after my Brick (1.5 hours of eCycling followed by 45 minute) I was famished!!!  I got back to the gym after my run outside and gulped my recovery drink.  (Vanilla flavored, by Clif, pretty tastey if anyone is looking for a recovery drink)  I'm stretching on the mats thinking, "i have to shower and drive home 30 minutes before I can eat!"  Then i head to the locker room and when I open my gym bag, I find an apple!  I have never been so excited to see an apple in my entire life.  I literally yelled outloud in the locker room, "YES!"  Thankfully the lock-room was empty, no idea what people would have thought about someone getting that pumped over an apple.



2008-03-27 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1298548

Sydney Australia
2008-03-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1298481

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-27 6:31 PM

stephlari - 2008-03-27 10:39 PM

Did anybody else get chocolates for Easter? I was doing great until they came along... And now there just sitting there in my room and I can't stop thinking that I want to eat them all...

The logical thing to do would be to give them away considering they are haunting me, but then again, these were gifts so I feel bad giving them away... I don't know what to do! But again, it's not like I have to tell anyone that I gave their gifts away (I am a terrible liar though, so they would probably know if they asked haha)

I guess I'm just ranting here! lol

I specifically asked not to be given chocolate for Easter but got it anyway and it's only today I finished my Eggs. Not feeling too great about it becasue I'm seriously worried my war with chococholism will have to start all over again but Easter eggs are gone so time to get down to work.

I asked my parents not to give me chocolate but it was too late because they had already bought it...

Good luck with beating chocoholism! We should start a CA group... I'll start:

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am a chocoholic.
2008-03-27 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

You know you are a Triathlete when....An Apple is a "YES!!" moment...LOL.

I am okay with candy UNLESS it is sitting right there on the counter,  calling my name  "Go ahead Brian it is only a little chocolate.  You can run an extra 20 miles tomorrow to work it off".  Cookies on the counter are the same way....THE DEVIL I SAY!!!  BACK SATAN!!!  okay what the heck,  20 miles isn't that far.

2008-03-27 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1298733

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Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-27 5:51 PM

You know you are a Triathlete when....An Apple is a "YES!!" moment...LOL.


Or when you can sit at your desk in the office and eat a Gu packet and not be disgusted by it, yep guilty as charged.   It was a very sad day for my taste-buds. 

2008-03-27 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Thanx for the precious insight guys. I've decided to take the rest of the wk off, to get back to default settings starting on Monday. Besides, I read if a plateau is in works aside from kicking it up a notch another sensible thing is to step back. Since, I've been kicking it up like dust I'm settling down to help recovery.

On another note, had the most _od awful hangover this morning. Thought I'd go and watch the Ohio st vs. Dayton game (Basketball) last night, ended up doing shots of 151 and a whole bunch of draught beer (they were only $1 for 16 oz.), can you imagine being sh_tfaced after only $15...

2008-03-28 6:14 AM
in reply to: #1298723

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
stephlari - 2008-03-28 1:44 AM

Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-27 6:31 PM

stephlari - 2008-03-27 10:39 PM

Did anybody else get chocolates for Easter? I was doing great until they came along... And now there just sitting there in my room and I can't stop thinking that I want to eat them all...

The logical thing to do would be to give them away considering they are haunting me, but then again, these were gifts so I feel bad giving them away... I don't know what to do! But again, it's not like I have to tell anyone that I gave their gifts away (I am a terrible liar though, so they would probably know if they asked haha)

I guess I'm just ranting here! lol

I specifically asked not to be given chocolate for Easter but got it anyway and it's only today I finished my Eggs. Not feeling too great about it becasue I'm seriously worried my war with chococholism will have to start all over again but Easter eggs are gone so time to get down to work.

I asked my parents not to give me chocolate but it was too late because they had already bought it...

Good luck with beating chocoholism! We should start a CA group... I'll start:

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am a chocoholic.

Fantastic idea

Hi, my name is Jo and I'm a chococholic and to a considerable degree a sweetocholic.
2008-03-28 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Just came back from a great swim workout- 1125m in 29:23 which seems to be my PB at the moment. Anyway, I think my belly (that I quite recently called "the bloody thing") seems to be smaller than in the last 2 weeks :) I know it was because I was right after swimming, before breakfast and I was more than likely hallucinating but if so I love those hallucinations ;)

Also I can't imagine not to be doing all that - swimming, cycling and running :)

Edited by Cead_Mille_Failte 2008-03-28 6:26 AM
2008-03-28 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

What a group.  We have oenophiles, chocoholics,  $15 drunks, people that get "excited" over an apple and a person that eats GU at their desk.  We have ladies with Glocks and at least one that doesn't eat or drink for 2 days and wonders "Why was that run so bad?". 

Yeppers,  This is the best weight loss group of Triathletes I have ever heard of and it sure sounds like a country song...

2008-03-28 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1298936

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Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

i146q - 2008-03-27 8:55 PM Thanx for the precious insight guys. I've decided to take the rest of the wk off, to get back to default settings starting on Monday. Besides, I read if a plateau is in works aside from kicking it up a notch another sensible thing is to step back. Since, I've been kicking it up like dust I'm settling down to help recovery. On another note, had the most _od awful hangover this morning. Thought I'd go and watch the Ohio st vs. Dayton game (Basketball) last night, ended up doing shots of 151 and a whole bunch of draught beer (they were only $1 for 16 oz.), can you imagine being sh_tfaced after only $15...

JOsh-you're a cheap date, something to be proud of!  Although 151...esshhh.  Were they flaming 151 shots or just straight up?  Nothing says, druken stupidity more than lighting your drink on fire and then gulping it down!  Been there, done I get exicted over apples and Gu shots at my desk, how life changes!

So I hopped on the scale this morning, shock there I've been between 138-140 since January!  Oh, except for the week I came back from a business trip of junk eating, drinking and little exercise I was 137 for a few days (of course not on a wednesday!).  I don't understand that, my body just likes f-in with me I think!  Happy Friday all, go Michigan State!!


2008-03-28 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Last week: 225.5
This week: 222.5
Total: -3

So, unless I receive a miracle, I won't make my goal this month, but I'm ok with that. It was a very bad week workout wise and had tons to drink Wednesday night. I'm surprised I did as well as I did. All in all, not a bad month

2008-03-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1246819

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Ok, so this is kind of personal and I hesitate to mention it because I am new here, but I really need to find a solution to this because it's really not a good feeling... I've noticed that when I eat only my alloted number of calories without stuffing my face on junk, that emptiness (loneliness) in me that I've been trying to shut up with all that crap food that is now making me have to diet kind of comes back to the surface and I feel like crap/depressed a lot... So that this week I've basically had one good day and then a bad day because I come home and feel like and rely on my old "emptiness stuffer"... Any ideas what I can do about this?

ETA: This is also a rather stressful time of the year as there are 2 weeks left to my semester and I am starting to freak out because of finals and lets just say that the material you see at the end of the semester is SO much harder than what you see at the beginning!!

Edited by stephlari 2008-03-28 2:49 PM
2008-03-28 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1300391

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
stephlari - 2008-03-28 2:47 PM

Ok, so this is kind of personal and I hesitate to mention it because I am new here, but I really need to find a solution to this because it's really not a good feeling... I've noticed that when I eat only my alloted number of calories without stuffing my face on junk, that emptiness (loneliness) in me that I've been trying to shut up with all that crap food that is now making me have to diet kind of comes back to the surface and I feel like crap/depressed a lot... So that this week I've basically had one good day and then a bad day because I come home and feel like and rely on my old "emptiness stuffer"... Any ideas what I can do about this?

ETA: This is also a rather stressful time of the year as there are 2 weeks left to my semester and I am starting to freak out because of finals and lets just say that the material you see at the end of the semester is SO much harder than what you see at the beginning!!

That's a good question! But if you take the emotional piece out of'll feel more "full" if you eat smaller meals more often...I literally eat about every three hours! I graze like a cow...LOL...Try to eat more protein and fiber...I just googled it and found foods that help boost you up. I'm sure BT has forums on this as well.

Don't worry...we ALL get that way! You just have to find ways to build up your self esteem and it literally takes BABY STEPS to do this since we are unfortunately very self critical of ourselves. I'm in school too so I know what you mean! eekkkk
Just remember to take time out to self reflect but not too much because than those old habits creep back in...scheduled "me" time. That helps.

Good luck!!
2008-03-28 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1300422

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
aidana - 2008-03-28 3:55 PM

stephlari - 2008-03-28 2:47 PM

Ok, so this is kind of personal and I hesitate to mention it because I am new here, but I really need to find a solution to this because it's really not a good feeling... I've noticed that when I eat only my alloted number of calories without stuffing my face on junk, that emptiness (loneliness) in me that I've been trying to shut up with all that crap food that is now making me have to diet kind of comes back to the surface and I feel like crap/depressed a lot... So that this week I've basically had one good day and then a bad day because I come home and feel like and rely on my old "emptiness stuffer"... Any ideas what I can do about this?

ETA: This is also a rather stressful time of the year as there are 2 weeks left to my semester and I am starting to freak out because of finals and lets just say that the material you see at the end of the semester is SO much harder than what you see at the beginning!!

That's a good question! But if you take the emotional piece out of'll feel more "full" if you eat smaller meals more often...I literally eat about every three hours! I graze like a cow...LOL...Try to eat more protein and fiber...I just googled it and found foods that help boost you up. I'm sure BT has forums on this as well.

Don't worry...we ALL get that way! You just have to find ways to build up your self esteem and it literally takes BABY STEPS to do this since we are unfortunately very self critical of ourselves. I'm in school too so I know what you mean! eekkkk
Just remember to take time out to self reflect but not too much because than those old habits creep back in...scheduled "me" time. That helps.

Good luck!!

I've actually scheduled myself a massage tonight, I hope it helps at least with the stress... But it's not really something I can afford to get too often!
2008-03-28 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1300391

Sydney Australia
2008-03-28 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1300453

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
- 2008-03-28 4:09 PM

stephlari - 2008-03-28 12:47 PM

Ok, so this is kind of personal and I hesitate to mention it because I am new here, but I really need to find a solution to this because it's really not a good feeling... I've noticed that when I eat only my alloted number of calories without stuffing my face on junk, that emptiness (loneliness) in me that I've been trying to shut up with all that crap food that is now making me have to diet kind of comes back to the surface and I feel like crap/depressed a lot... So that this week I've basically had one good day and then a bad day because I come home and feel like and rely on my old "emptiness stuffer"... Any ideas what I can do about this?

ETA: This is also a rather stressful time of the year as there are 2 weeks left to my semester and I am starting to freak out because of finals and lets just say that the material you see at the end of the semester is SO much harder than what you see at the beginning!!

I think we've all been there. But you are making the right choice in not allowing yourself to eat for emotional reasons. Which leads you to have to deal with the emotional issues at hand that are driving you to eat. You can replace the motion with something else, ab workouts or a quick run.. But in the end you will have to deal with the emotions. At the end of it all you will be a happier healthier more adjusted person. And we are all here to help you through that!

big hugs


Thank you

I know I have to deal with it I'm just not sure how to go about it... I guess I better figure it out sooner rather than later

2008-03-28 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Well Steph we are all here for ya if we can help.  My words of advice:

 1)  Get over it.....okay that was sarcastic

 2)  Depressed over something in particular or just in general?

 3)  List positive things you have done.  (Okay write 4 more).  You may be amazed at the things that are good in your life when you list them.

 4)  Fake positive thoughts and smile,  If you fake feeling good you will feel good.

I am not a shrink,  I just play one on Team Skinny. 

2008-03-28 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1300894

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-28 8:37 PM

Well Steph we are all here for ya if we can help.  My words of advice:

 1)  Get over it.....okay that was sarcastic

 2)  Depressed over something in particular or just in general?

 3)  List positive things you have done.  (Okay write 4 more).  You may be amazed at the things that are good in your life when you list them.

 4)  Fake positive thoughts and smile,  If you fake feeling good you will feel good.

I am not a shrink,  I just play one on Team Skinny. 

I've been generally depressed for a long time I guess I'm just getting sick of it. But I guess (according to suggestion 4) that I'm all better now and the world is wonderful and I couldn't be happier to be where I am today (it does kinda help to fake it a bit! lol)
2008-03-28 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

There ya go kid.  I would never steer you wrong.

Good things that I know of:

Losing weight

Attending College (not every one can, How lucky are you)

Improving your health by Triing which most people cant or wont do.

You became Part of Team Skinny

You could have grown up in Iraq

You could be ill

See there are many many things to be glad about.  We are here for you. 

2008-03-28 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1300993

No excuses!
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-28 10:02 PM

There ya go kid.  I would never steer you wrong.

Good things that I know of:

Losing weight

Attending College (not every one can, How lucky are you)

Improving your health by Triing which most people cant or wont do.

You became Part of Team Skinny

You could have grown up in Iraq

You could be ill

See there are many many things to be glad about.  We are here for you. 

Enough said!

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