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2009-05-13 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2148400

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Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS

Zilla - 2009-05-13 12:47 PM
Fatdoggy - 2009-05-13 7:40 AM

Zilla - 2009-05-13 9:53 AM
Fatdoggy - 2009-05-13 6:24 AM

Apparently wife and I are in the minority as we thought Kristen looked like a train wreck.  Anything is better then the skunk look she had but she just cannot get it right.  It's like she is trying to distract you from the fact that she still has a ton of weight to lose.

A TON?  Kristen's hair reflects her personality.  She has fun with it.   She is a little bit funky .. so what?  She has her own style .. good for her.  Thank god we don't all look the same.  But to say it looks like she is trying to distract people from the fact that she has a TON of weight to lose?  That's just mean. Compared to where she started ... She has lost a LOT of weight in a relatively short period of time and that is a pretty big accomplishment.  Tsk Tsk.

I'm all for people having their own style.  IMO her latest style looks more awful then her previous three.  I expect you'll now accuse others in this thread who have criticized some of the contenstants who did not do as well as others of being "mean" as well, or is it just me?

My point ... poorly stated apparently ... was the use of a "ton of weight to lose".  I hardly think that 25 or so pounds to lose is a ton of weight.  There are a lot of people on BT, men and women, that are her size or larger and I am just getting tired of some of the comments that get made that make it sound like there is something wrong with someone if they are not a certain size. I don't even know you so I have no idea if you are "mean" or not.  The comment was mean.

Well I do not think I'm "mean" or that my comment was "mean." Of all the comments on here for you to single out as being out of line this strikes me as odd.  I was just commenting that my wife and I thought she looked awful.  No biggie.  If Kristen is happy with her current weight, God Bless her.  I'm sure she could give a Rat's a$$ what some stranger on a message board thinks.

2009-05-13 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2148683

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Zilla - 2009-05-13 1:32 PM
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 10:59 AM
NoTrebleAtAll - 2009-05-13 12:52 PM
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 12:50 PM Why is everyone saying Helen threw her daughter under the bus? I admit I don't have the best memory, but I did watch that episode and even in the recap last night they played the part about the daughter saying they BOTH made that decision together, they thought Helen would do better at the ranch, etc. Which is something every other team did when one had to go home but not the other. Guess I don't get the gripe.

I dunno, I could have it completely wrong.  But, in my mind, mom is mom.  A mom will do anything for their kids.  It's supposed to be instinctual.

But, on the episode I watched, Shanon (being the dutiful daughter) said selflessly, "Mom, you are my inspiration and whatever you think is right is okay with me."  And then Helen said, selfishly, "Yes, my offspring, I need this more than you. Go home and deal with reality while I hang out here."

She threw her daughter under the bus so she could continue on the show.  Not a motherly quality, if you ask me.

I sorta understand the motherly thing. Sorta. But if it had gone the other way, we could just as easily say the daughter was being selfish for staying and threw HER OWN MOTHER under the bus - gasp - her own mother, how dare she. I still don't see it being any different from any of the other couples who had to make a similar decision. One person's gotta go home and if you call that throwing someone under the bus... well I disagree.

Just guessing you might feel differently once you have a child of your own.   Something just kicks in and you'd do anything for your kids.  I'd do anything for my daughter .. however I am pretty sure she would throw me under the bus because kids are selfish .. just like I am toward my mom.  LOL!!!!

Interesting... cause I'd do anything for my mom, and I'm sure she'd do anything for me. It doesn't only work one way.
But I don't have kids, so my comments are null and void.

2009-05-13 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2148598

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
NoTrebleAtAll - 2009-05-13 12:52 PM

lisac957 - 2009-05-13 12:50 PM Why is everyone saying Helen threw her daughter under the bus? I admit I don't have the best memory, but I did watch that episode and even in the recap last night they played the part about the daughter saying they BOTH made that decision together, they thought Helen would do better at the ranch, etc. Which is something every other team did when one had to go home but not the other. Guess I don't get the gripe.

I dunno, I could have it completely wrong.  But, in my mind, mom is mom.  A mom will do anything for their kids.  It's supposed to be instinctual.

But, on the episode I watched, Shanon (being the dutiful daughter) said selflessly, "Mom, you are my inspiration and whatever you think is right is okay with me."  And then Helen said, selfishly, "Yes, my offspring, I need this more than you. Go home and deal with reality while I hang out here."

She threw her daughter under the bus so she could continue on the show.  Not a motherly quality, if you ask me.

I have to agree. I didn't understand how a Mom could feel OK with sending her daughter home before her. It came off as very selfish.

2009-05-13 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2148646

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Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
tcovert - 2009-05-13 12:14 PM
Nelg - 2009-05-13 10:23 AM
phillybarb - 2009-05-13 7:52 AM
gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 6:46 AM Did Dane and Blaine really do a half marathon, full marathon and half iron in three weeks?  Is that what I heard him say??? 

Agree on Helen looking sickly.  I think her final week was made up of laxatives and a grape for nutrition.

Somebody wrote on another thread that they did the County Music Marathon & Wildflower HIM.  I don't know what half-marathon they completed.

I completely agree about Helen.  She looked so unhealthy.  That is a problem I have with this show; as the show is all about dropping pounds and not about becoming healthy.
It cracks me up on people commenting on how Helen looked sickly or too skinny. Have you even seen what the 45 year old + IM AG winners or people that do events like Race Across America look like? What about pro cyclists that we all look up to? Hell, some of the super fast skinny folks here may look unhealthy to those that don't know what they do as a lifestyle. To me it looked like her body simply transformed to that of a pretty serious endurance athlete. The part that made her look unhealthy was all the extra skin that used to cover all the fat. As long as she hasn't developed an eating disorder, I say bravo Helen!

Exactly the comment I made to my wife when Helen came out on stage.

Well, that and "Helen and Tara have both obviously been hitting the diuretics pretty hard."  Helen, to me, looked starved for fluids, actually.  Neither of them will probably stay long at the minimum weight they were at for the finale (though Tara probably has a better chance, IMO).

When I think back to the first duathlon relay my wife and I got talked into doing when we had first lost weight and the women who got the podium finishes in the over-40 AGs, they looked pretty much like Helen did last night, frankly.

Sorry Tara didn't win, but my wife called it the moment she saw Helen.

Agree that she looked like an IM finisher poduim +40AG etc.....I'm all good with that if that is what she is. But, she isn't. She's a women who peed like a jockey for the last few weeks to get down to her dehydrated weight.

Edited by TrevorC 2009-05-13 2:09 PM
2009-05-13 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2148784

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Barrington Area, IL
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
TrevorC - 2009-05-13 2:09 PM

tcovert - 2009-05-13 12:14 PM
Nelg - 2009-05-13 10:23 AM
phillybarb - 2009-05-13 7:52 AM
gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 6:46 AM Did Dane and Blaine really do a half marathon, full marathon and half iron in three weeks?  Is that what I heard him say??? 

Agree on Helen looking sickly.  I think her final week was made up of laxatives and a grape for nutrition.

Somebody wrote on another thread that they did the County Music Marathon & Wildflower HIM.  I don't know what half-marathon they completed.

I completely agree about Helen.  She looked so unhealthy.  That is a problem I have with this show; as the show is all about dropping pounds and not about becoming healthy.
It cracks me up on people commenting on how Helen looked sickly or too skinny. Have you even seen what the 45 year old + IM AG winners or people that do events like Race Across America look like? What about pro cyclists that we all look up to? Hell, some of the super fast skinny folks here may look unhealthy to those that don't know what they do as a lifestyle. To me it looked like her body simply transformed to that of a pretty serious endurance athlete. The part that made her look unhealthy was all the extra skin that used to cover all the fat. As long as she hasn't developed an eating disorder, I say bravo Helen!

Exactly the comment I made to my wife when Helen came out on stage.

Well, that and "Helen and Tara have both obviously been hitting the diuretics pretty hard."  Helen, to me, looked starved for fluids, actually.  Neither of them will probably stay long at the minimum weight they were at for the finale (though Tara probably has a better chance, IMO).

When I think back to the first duathlon relay my wife and I got talked into doing when we had first lost weight and the women who got the podium finishes in the over-40 AGs, they looked pretty much like Helen did last night, frankly.

Sorry Tara didn't win, but my wife called it the moment she saw Helen.

Agree that she looked like an IM finisher poduim +40AG etc.....I'm all good with that if that is what she is. But, she isn't. She's a women who peed like a jockey for the last few weeks to get down to her dehydrated weight.

I think the phrase is "peed like a racehorse".
2009-05-13 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2148804

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS

I just hope that we don't start seeing thinner and thinner final contestants and eventually get a male winner who weighs 115 lbs (unless they are really small, like 5 feet tall).  I think it was  bit extreme, although totally within her rights and a good game play.

I think that Allison was also surprised that Helen won and had nothing to say to her!  The ending was rather abrupt.

The 3 hours was ridiculous, especially since they never showed the final 3 at home.  In the past, they show more about what they do to deal with weight loss on their own.  I suppose they didn't need to bother, with all of the previous coverage of them at home leading up the marathon. But that's the part I always like - seeing more about the final 3.   There was way too much coverage of the other folks.

Regarding Aubrey and her lack of weight loss in general... I am not impressed by the "I have 5 kids" problem.  I'd think that chasing after them, playing, doing activities, etc would be a great way to lose weight!  One problem I have with this show is the focus on long grueling hours the gym being the only way.  Normal, healthy life can be enough.  She clearly had enough time to eat   Why not make it healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle?  Oh, of course that'd be silly.

I hated Kristin's new do, personally.  She is really pretty and the new cut/color during the makeover was classy.  This overdone look just adds her to harsh Midwestern unsophisticated look, and wouldn't be what I would chose.  But if that's her ideal image, then that's up to her.

2009-05-13 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2148396

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 12:46 PM
jldicarlo - 2009-05-13 12:02 PM
I thought Helen looked WAY better in the last episode before the finale than in this one.  If I remember correctly she weighed 147ish in that previous episode?  And I thought she looked good running the marathon that way.  She was TOO thin for the finale. 

I think she also took "How to standlike a supermodel" lessons, too.  The entire show she stood there with one knee relaxed (always the one closest to the camera) and her shoulders thrown way back.  It drove me nutso.

I couldn't hardly watch her because how posed she looked.  She was so fake. 
2009-05-13 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2147313

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I jumped in 1 1/2 hours into the show, but a swear Allison kept calling Jerry "Gary".  Anyone else catch that?
2009-05-13 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2149123

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Not a fan of Helen winning.  And I don't care what else people are saying, she looked terrible.  And that f-cking "pose" just had to go!!  Made it even worse.  Yes, she did play the game and throw he daughter under the bus.  Parents don't do that .... kids do ... but parents don't.  And it IS different when you have kids - no matter how much someone believes they understand and can relate because they are a son/daughter ..... you really DON'T and will not until you have kids.  Totally serious, almost every single person thinks the same thing and then when their first kid comes along they instantly get it and say "Oh my gawd, you were so right about that."

I've been around top level amateur cyclists, runners and triathletes for most of my adult life.  While some look skinny and are often "too thin" they are still muscular and fit.  Helen looked like something dragged out of the frickin cemetery and had some skin thrown on.  Jerry didn't look much better.

I thought Tara looked great and healthy.  Same with Mike.  But because of Tara's height I knew there was no way she was down below 130 .......
2009-05-13 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2149164

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2009-05-13 4:27 PM
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2009-05-13 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2149185

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Spokes - 2009-05-13 4:27 PM
Sooner or later, someone is going to croak or get seriously ill in the game, but I doubt that NBC will let it be shown.

Are you serious? That would generate the best ratings EVER for NBC. They'll pump it up for 3 weeks, show it, and drag it out into a 3-hour episode.
2009-05-13 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2149164

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2009-05-13 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2149207

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2009-05-13 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2149211

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Daremo - 2009-05-13 2:21 PM Not a fan of Helen winning.  And I don't care what else people are saying, she looked terrible. 

Yeah, terrible!

2009-05-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2149226

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
She looks fine. What looked terrible was her saggy skin, the same goes for Jerry.

Look people, they are older, they lost 100's of pounds... their skin is going to be saggy, wrinkled and it's going to cover up some of their muscle tone... especially in their arms!

lisac957 - 2009-05-13 4:51 PM

Daremo - 2009-05-13 2:21 PM Not a fan of Helen winning.  And I don't care what else people are saying, she looked terrible. 

Yeah, terrible!

2009-05-13 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2149226

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2009-05-13 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2149236

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2009-05-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2147313

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Hair, make up, spray on tan, proper angles and good lighting will do wonders!

She didn't have all that on the show last night and flat out looked like sh-t.  And it wasn't just the skin hanging off her arms.  That happens when you lose too much weight too fast.  It was the complete package.

Just my opinion.

Here is something interesting from E - she definitely was out to win outright and nothing else:

How to lose 140 pounds, or 54.5 percent of your total weight:

Step One: During her time home after the show's last taping, Helen literally made losing weight her new full-time job. She had already quit her job at Macy's to be on Biggest Loser, and when she returned home, she didn't return to her job. Instead, she says, she let her husband's job at Chrysler take care of the family. By not having to work, she says it helped her "stay focused when I got home. I didn't want any distractions."

Step Two: She hired not one, not two, but three personal trainers from her son's high school to take the place of her Biggest Loser on-set trainer Jillian Michaels. "It kind of went back to the old-school type of training," she says. "I was running up and down bleachers. I would get up at 4:30 every morning and hit the gym—two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon and two hours in the evening." She lost 32 pounds on her own at home in the final stretch of the show.

Step Three: Block out all distractions, including friends. "My girlfriends wanted to go out a lot, but I told them no. If you want to come join me, I'll be at the gym at this time and that time," she says.

Step Four: Learn to love veggies, fish and stevia (a natural substitute for sugar). "I started an herb garden, and I'm growing my own stevia. It's crazy," she says. She also says she learned to enjoy foods she didn't know much about, such as almond milk, whole wheat pasta and fish such as halibut, tilapia and orange roughy. "I really never ate vegetables before; now my body craves broccoli," she adds.

Step Five: Make fitness your life. After planning to take her hardworking, supportive husband to the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas for a vacation, Helen says, "I plan on getting into health and fitness now—motivational speaking. I'm hoping that my daughter and I can open up a spin wellness center in Michigan." (Her daughter, Shanon, was also on the show but went home weeks earlier than her mom.)

2009-05-13 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2149245

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2009-05-13 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2149253

Barrington Area, IL
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Spokes - 2009-05-13 5:08 PM

In the endgame, she took winning a quarter of a million more seriously than anyone else on the show did.

Most people don't have the *time* in their lives to do what she did (unless their spouse makes a lot of $$$ or they have a trust fund) fitness-wise.

But, she obviously wanted to win and did what it took.

Daremo - 2009-05-13 3:03 PM Hair, make up, spray on tan, proper angles and good lighting will do wonders!

She didn't have all that on the show last night and flat out looked like sh-t.  And it wasn't just the skin hanging off her arms.  That happens when you lose too much weight too fast.  It was the complete package.

Just my opinion.

Here is something interesting from E - she definitely was out to win outright and nothing else:

How to lose 140 pounds, or 54.5 percent of your total weight:

Step One: During her time home after the show's last taping, Helen literally made losing weight her new full-time job. She had already quit her job at Macy's to be on Biggest Loser, and when she returned home, she didn't return to her job. Instead, she says, she let her husband's job at Chrysler take care of the family. By not having to work, she says it helped her "stay focused when I got home. I didn't want any distractions."

Step Two: She hired not one, not two, but three personal trainers from her son's high school to take the place of her Biggest Loser on-set trainer Jillian Michaels. "It kind of went back to the old-school type of training," she says. "I was running up and down bleachers. I would get up at 4:30 every morning and hit the gym—two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon and two hours in the evening." She lost 32 pounds on her own at home in the final stretch of the show.

Step Three: Block out all distractions, including friends. "My girlfriends wanted to go out a lot, but I told them no. If you want to come join me, I'll be at the gym at this time and that time," she says.

Step Four: Learn to love veggies, fish and stevia (a natural substitute for sugar). "I started an herb garden, and I'm growing my own stevia. It's crazy," she says. She also says she learned to enjoy foods she didn't know much about, such as almond milk, whole wheat pasta and fish such as halibut, tilapia and orange roughy. "I really never ate vegetables before; now my body craves broccoli," she adds.

Step Five: Make fitness your life. After planning to take her hardworking, supportive husband to the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas for a vacation, Helen says, "I plan on getting into health and fitness now—motivational speaking. I'm hoping that my daughter and I can open up a spin wellness center in Michigan." (Her daughter, Shanon, was also on the show but went home weeks earlier than her mom.)

I really don't know why ALL the finalists on the show don't do what she did.

It's only another 30 days and they already have missed over 3 months of work.

From what I understand they all get paid at minimum union acting rates per show - and most of them more than that. That is pretty standard for all the "reality" shows.

2009-05-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2149255

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2009-05-13 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2147313

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS

It seems Tara and Mike had the opportunity Helen did.  They both live at home so they aren't paying a mortgage.  I actually thought it would be harder for Helen but knowing she didn't have to work it seems the playing field was pretty even.  Tara and Mike could have worked out that hard and lost more.

I simply wish there was more emphasis on HEALTH rather than the SCALE.

Best case scenario she does some interviews where she mentions how important it is to find BALANCE.


2009-05-13 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2149306

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2009-05-13 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2149245

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS

How to lose 140 pounds, or 54.5 percent of your total weight:

Step One: During her time home after the show's last taping, Helen literally made losing weight her new full-time job. She had already quit her job at Macy's to be on Biggest Loser, and when she returned home, she didn't return to her job. Instead, she says, she let her husband's job at Chrysler take care of the family. By not having to work, she says it helped her "stay focused when I got home. I didn't want any distractions."

Step Two: She hired not one, not two, but three personal trainers from her son's high school to take the place of her Biggest Loser on-set trainer Jillian Michaels. "It kind of went back to the old-school type of training," she says. "I was running up and down bleachers. I would get up at 4:30 every morning and hit the gym—two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon and two hours in the evening." She lost 32 pounds on her own at home in the final stretch of the show.

Step Three: Block out all distractions, including friends. "My girlfriends wanted to go out a lot, but I told them no. If you want to come join me, I'll be at the gym at this time and that time," she says.

Step Four: Learn to love veggies, fish and stevia (a natural substitute for sugar). "I started an herb garden, and I'm growing my own stevia. It's crazy," she says. She also says she learned to enjoy foods she didn't know much about, such as almond milk, whole wheat pasta and fish such as halibut, tilapia and orange roughy. "I really never ate vegetables before; now my body craves broccoli," she adds.

Step Five: Make fitness your life. After planning to take her hardworking, supportive husband to the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas for a vacation, Helen says, "I plan on getting into health and fitness now—motivational speaking. I'm hoping that my daughter and I can open up a spin wellness center in Michigan." (Her daughter, Shanon, was also on the show but went home weeks earlier than her mom.)

Sounds strangely familiar! Like... uhhh... triathletes.
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