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2008-05-19 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

I don't mean to laugh, but the way you tell it made me laugh out loud.     I have, by the way, done the same thing.  How was the rest of your work out?

I raced this weekend and had a ball, although I took it way too easy for way too long.  Oh well, that too is part of the game.

All right everybody how was your weekend? and how was last week? 

2008-05-19 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1410635


Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

Go ahead and laugh,  I'm sure everyone else did.  The workout was actually good, I'm adjusting pretty well to being back in the water.  I'm by no means fast, but seems like the distance isn't bothering me at all.  I signed up for a class tonight for "stroke refinement."  I don't think my form is horrible, but I don't think my left arm does as well as my right.  Going to try to get in a ride before I go but I'll have to see what time I finally make it home. 

2008-05-23 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Swimming question: I'm getting much better but I still have a problem breathing. If i try and keep my head down where I know it should be and turn to get some air, I end up with a lot of water (especially on the left side which is another problem because i know I'm not symetrical but ... one problem at time). I have to lift my head a little to get a good breath, which I know slows me down. Any tricks here or just keep trying little changes until I figure something out?

Have my first tri comin up on June 21st so I'm driving out to the site tomorrow to get the lay of the land and ride the bike course and some of the running route.

I also ordered my first wetsuit today after I found a great semi-local new bike/tri shop. I'll have the next couple of weekends to try out some open water swims before the event.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
2008-05-23 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1421868

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

Hi Adam, Good luck with your race on the 21st. My first one is that day as well!

As for the air intake(or water intake in this case), I have found that the key is to not only twist my head to the side, but more importantly, to rotate my entire torso along the axis so that my shoulder points skyward. This allow my head to come up to the side at a higher angle so I don't suck water in. The other thing it does is to streamline the body in the water during that moment of air intake. The drag profile at that moment is theoretically lower, since a sideways position cuts like a knife through the water.

This is easier said than done, and I am still practicing it. The biggest thing is you'll tend to over rotate and almost flip over to your back. It's all about finding the right amount of twisting effort to balance your body in the water during the roll.

Hope this helps!


Edited by mabisia 2008-05-23 1:30 PM
2008-05-23 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1421868

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

x2 what Marvin said.  I concentrate on making sure my hip is rotated.

Be sure you practice transitions with your wetsuit.

Edited by jashac 2008-05-23 2:29 PM
2008-05-26 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1422127

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Thanks guys! I'll give it a shot in the morning when I hit the pool.

2008-05-27 11:01 PM
in reply to: #1356783

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

Hi Everyone!

Need your help, comments, feedback on something that I have started experiencing on a regular basis these days.  About 1.5 miles into my runs, I start to get nauseous.  It goes away if I switch to walking for a few minutes, but as soon as I run, it's not very long before the nausea returns.

 I don't eat anything for two-three hours prior to my runs.  15-20 minutes prior, I may have a GU gel and 8 oz of water, but that's it.

 Has anyone experienced this, and how have you handled it?



2008-05-30 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1427688

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Any chance that you're too hungry? Wish I could be more help but I've never had this problem. Might want to try posting this in the general forum.

Good Luck!
2008-05-30 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
That sounds reasonable.  I'd try eating something light and easy to digest ~1/2 hour before you run. 
2008-05-30 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Jen is out with a kidney stone.  OUCH! 
2008-05-31 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1433925

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
OUCH is right!

Good Luck with your recovery Jen! Hope to see you back soon.

2008-06-01 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1435038


Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Thanks for your thoughts, things are getting better.  I did a short 10 mile ride today to see how it would go, no pain but I don't think my body's quite back to normal yet.  10 miles pretty much wore me out.  Hopefully things will improve as the week goes by.  Thanks again for everything!
2008-06-01 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1436700

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Hi Jen!  Good to see that you're back in the game!  We're all praying for you to get back to 100% right away!
2008-06-02 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1427688

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Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists


I've had a problem with the nausea ever since I started running.  It seems to increase in the summer, so I try to run either indoors, or outdoors early in the morning, before it gets too hot.  Also, the carbohydrates in the gel might be too hard on your stomach that soon before a run.  The rule of thumb is to eat 30 min before a workout, but I find that I have to wait 1-1.5 hours after a meal to feel totally comfortable.

Dehydration can also be a cause of nausea, and over exerting yourself can cause it, too.  Good luck getting rid of it and I hope some of this helped!

 And as for Jen-Good luck getting back in the game!  Hope you are feeling better!


2008-06-13 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
So, what's up guys?  Still training?  When is your next race?  Are you still enjoying this swim, bike, run stuff?
2008-06-13 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1464665

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

I'm loving it! Got over the nausea bit. No GUs 15 minutes prior to running! I gotta step it back to 1 hour prior, just like Chem Nerd suggested!  I realized my gut hates working on anything during a run...except for water or gatorade!

First tri coming up in 1 week. I have two more heavy workouts this weekend, then 5 days to taper.

Can't wait!

Edited by mabisia 2008-06-13 11:26 AM

2008-06-13 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1464665

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
It's fantastic! Still chugging away and getting maybe a little too into it (according to my wife, obsessed may be a better word.) Also getting ready for my first tri next weekend. Got the confirmation email and particulars today. I have to admit that I'm getting a little nervous and excited.

Had my first OWSs last weekend in the new wetsuit. First day was tough, I had trouble catching my breath and felt really constricted around the lungs. Second try was much better and much more relaxed. I'll be going again this weekend at least once, hopefully twice.

It's finally getting warm enough around here to ride the bike before work so I'm getting more milage on the bike and recently got properly fitted to the bike as well. Signed up for an Oly in late August so I'm using one of the training schedules from the site to ramp up to that.

Marvin, I'm glad that you figured out your stomach issue. Hope everyone else is doing well!
2008-06-16 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1465445

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Chris, I had the same experience with the wetsuit and OWS.  Both races in the wetsuit felt very constricted and I had trouble breathing.  But in the pool it was ok.  The last race was better but it still felt tight.  That afternoon I went to another lake and swam in the wetsuit and everything was fine.  So I'm thinking my strategy for my race in two weeks is to swim a bunch in the pool in my wetsuit, the week before, and the day before swim in the race lake a couple of times. 
2008-06-18 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1356783

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Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

I consider myself a pretty healthy eater-no fast food (except the occasional slice of pizza), no sugary desserts, water only.  I cook all of my meals myself, and I do a good job balancing them, but after increasing my workouts, I seem to be decreasing my meal sizes.

 I DON'T need to lose weight, so obviously I need to be eating more.  Has anybody experienced loss of appetite with an increased workout schedule?  If so, how did you overcome it (besides forcing food down your throat)?  I feel that I may not be gaining the strength and endurance that I would like to build due to this issue.  Any suggestions?


2008-06-18 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1473596

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
Definitely had this problem about a year ago when I started running more. Now I eat six or seven times a day. Dinner is my only real sit down meal. A lot of Power Bars / Clif Bars / Yogurt / Fruit / Cheese. Things that I an bring in the car in a cooler with me since I travel for work. On a normal day, I eat breakfast after a morning workout at about 7:00am, then a 10:00 am snack, 12:00 lunch, 2:00 snack, 5:00 dinner, 7:00 pm snack. It's the only way I could keep my calorie count up high enough to increase workload and not feel like a lead balloon after eating.

Hope this helps!
2008-06-18 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1473596

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

Krystle, I have the same thing after a work out, but my appetite usually returns with a vengance.  Usually about 3:00 in the morning.

If you are not hungry any time during the day, but feel like you are running a calorie deficit, you might try adding calories to what you are already eating.  Fat has the most calories per volume.  You probably already know to keep the fats healthy - olive oil, nuts, etc - lots of omega 3 fatty acids. Besides salads, a little olive oil on vegetables is good, I cook an egg in olive oil in the morning for breakfast.  It sounded like a horrible idea when I first tried it, but the oil is healthy and I needed it.  You can add some chopped walnuts to vegies, rice, beans, cereal - almost anything.    Are you eating six times a day?  Are you actually loosing weight?

Another thought - are you getting enough salt in your diet? 

Your question would be a good one to post on the forums, either under triathlon talk, or in Nutrition Cafe.  Lots of folks with knowledge there.

When all else fails, add cookies

ps. Any luck with the shin splints?

2008-06-19 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

I'll definately try the meal/snack plan, and see if I can make that work.  I don't snack at all between meals right now, except for some salted popcorn in the evening.

I eat tons of great fats from nuts, avocados, olive oil, and fish, so I'm probably getting enough good fat.  I've never actually counted my calories, so I guess I may have to start doing that.  I eat TONS of beans and rice-probably my favorite combination of all time!  But I stay pretty far away from dairy and sugars (even cookies)-they don't settle well in my stomach.  However, I have developed a little more of a sweet tooth since I've started exercising more, so maybe I'll have to start pleasing it.  I get PLENTY of salt-everyone but my doctor thinks I get too much. ; )

Thank you so much for your suggestions!  My shin splints are gone for now.  I think doing the brick workouts made them hurt.

Have a wonderful week everyone, and happy training!


2008-06-19 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1477122

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

What different ways do you do beans and rice?

2008-06-21 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1477143

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Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists

I can go into the specifics or just give you the dishes.  I'll list the dishes below and if you want to know more, I'll give you the recipes.

Simple corn tortillas w/ black beans, brown mexican rice, guacamole, and cheese

layered dip with refried black or pinto beans (or both!), rice, veggies, cheese, guac, and any meat

roasted chicken, beans, and rice cassarole

white chili w/ wild rice

quinoa and bean salad (not rice, but much healthier)

There's probably more, but I can't think of them now.  Yum, now I'm getting hungry!

2008-06-26 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1480004


Subject: RE: jashac's group Full of scientists
I make a chicken and wild rice casserole that's off of the food network but changed up a bit.  It has boneless chicken breasts cut into chunks, fresh or frozen green beans, wild rice, mushrooms (I use the baby bellas), a can of 98% fat free cream of chicken soup, and one or two spoonfuls of low fat sour cream.  You can add cheese to taste, and that's the one place I add some calories since I absolutely love extra sharp cheddar. 
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