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2008-05-01 2:46 AM
in reply to: #1368509

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Penn Valley,
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
jsnowash - 2008-04-29 3:45 AM 

Wlcome Lisa! We certainly have room! Congrats on your entry into the world of triathlon, and your awesome success in taking the weight off so far! If you can find a swimming instructor you like, a few swimming lessons would be a good idea, or seriously look into buying or borrowing the Total Immersion swimming book and/or DVD. Your swim will be so much easier on you if you can get to the point where you can swim with your face in the water. Too bad the Master's coaches weren't more helpful to you... Welcome to the group!

Thanks Jenny.

I would love to get some swimming lessons, I just don't want to spend a fortune and I'm not sure where to go for them.  I may need to break down and buy the Total Immersion program.  But, I looked at their website once and was little overwhelmed with all the different DVDs/programs they offer.  My gosh, where do I start.  Also, I'm not sure how I will do watching a DVD and then having to go out to the pool and try to remember what I watched.  That's why I haven't done it.  I've printed a few pointers from other places but sometimes it's hard to understand what they mean.  I'm much better one on one.  

2008-05-01 5:26 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED
WOO HOO!! Looks like we've got a GREAT group!

A big welcome to our new members, Linda, pole_dancer, and Tracy!

If you're not doing so already, I encourage all of you to use BT's fabulous training log feature to log your workouts. That way, when you have questions about your workouts, we can take a look and see what you're doing. I also encourage you to use the "Inspire Me" feature on the logs to keep each other encouraged. We all hit bumps in the road when we're doing this kind of training, and a little encouragement from our mentor group friends goes a long way!

Have a great day, everybody!
2008-05-01 5:34 AM
in reply to: #1373840

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
ARDENT - 2008-04-30 8:47 PM

Hey, everyone! Happy to report that the bike skills are improving: able to take a drink from water bottle while pedaling. Was distracted thinking about how great it would to to share the news with y'all when I missed the cage and dropped the bottle in the road. More humble pie for post work-out!
Do your bikes have names? I haven't named mine, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure if it's a "he" or a "she."

Ha! Been there.... done that... I think we all have! You would be surprised at how many water bottles you see lying by the side of the road in a race - so you're definitely not alone! But congrats on your new skill! That's one that takes a while to develop!
2008-05-01 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1373856

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
esnackpack - 2008-04-30 8:57 PM

Trying to motivate myself to get moving -- my husband has been home at night the last couple nights (he normally works 6 PM - 4 AMish) so I've been trying to spend time with him but it hasn't been good for my workouts. Last night's run happened this morning and I was hoping to get my swim in tonight but that's not going to happen. I'm trying to convince myself to get up at 5AM for the swim tomorrow (tonights workout) and then do my run workout in the evening. Or maybe just do both workouts in the evening. I am not a morning person!

ehh - don't seat it too much. A missed workout here or there will not throw off your whole program. Sometimes life hands us other priorities, and our workouts have to take a back seat. Enjoy the time with your hubby - that's more important than one missed swim or run session in your whole training plan!

Oh, and when I have 2 workouts scheduled in one day, they often end up being more or less back to back - it's just more time efficient for me that way. I would probably get "better" workouts in each discipline if I could split them up, but it often just doesn't work for me. We gotta do what we gotta do!
2008-05-01 5:49 AM
in reply to: #1373888

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
starrlinda - 2008-04-30 9:10 PM

Hello Jenny and group!

My name is Linda and I am 51 years young.  I would like to join your group.  I have been using BT since last June or July. I log my workouts daily and nutrition most of the time.  I have found that I eat better when I am logging all my food.  I have lost about 60 pounds over the past year and a half.  I have about 10 more pounds I would like to lose. I started losing weight while I was training for a black belt in karate.  I was required to run 2 miles in 18 min to qualify for my black belt.  And so, my new running career was born.  Initially, I hated running, but have grown to love it over the past two years.  Over the past two years I have run two marathons and several 1/2 marathons.  Last weekend I successfully accomplished my goal for 2008 of running a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon.  I ran 1:58:59 at the Lehigh Valley 1/2 Marathon in Allentown, PA.  This race is now my favorite!!!  I am also running Broad Street on Sunday.

I joined BT at the suggestion of a friend who was using it as she was training for her first tri last summer.  She said it didn't really matter that I am not training for a tri.  I have used the site for lots of stuff even though I have not made any plans to do a tri. The real reason I have not made any plans to do a tri is because I am not a cyclist.  I think I last rode a bike about 30 years ago!  I did add swimming last year as another form of exercise.  This winter, I did some indoor biking on the recliner at the gym.  Lately, I have been thinking about my next set of goals and believe I would like to train for a tri.  Obviously, my weakest event would be the bike.  I keep trying to remember that only 2 years ago I didn't think I would ever enjoy running, much less run a marathon.  I would like the support of a mentor group because all my workout friends are waaaay beyond me with the biking.  I could not possibly hang with them.

Personally, I am a single mother of a 13 year old son.  He also has a black belt and is currently training for his second triathlon in August.

All of my planned races are runs:  Broad Street 10 miles, run relay team member at Timberman 1/2IM, 1/2 marathons at VA Beach and Philly Distance.  I will either run a full or 1/2 marathon at OBX in November.  I would like to consider adding a sprint, if I can work out this thing called riding a bike!

Any assistance and words of wisdom are appreciated.  I am happy that this group is a little more mature than some of the others!!

Hi Linda! Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss! A Black Belt in Karate! Impressive! I've often thought I would like to take up a martial art some day... just haven't found the time for that yet...

My DH grew up in Allentown, and we lived there for several years when we were first married. Now we're outside of Philly. I'm guessing you must live somewhere in my neck of the woods, considering some of the races you're doing. I'll be at Broad Street on Sunday, too! I won't have tapered any, though, and it will pretty much be a training day for me (I'll actually probably skip it if it rains -- yeh, call me a wimp...). I'll probably do the Distance Run as well, and maybe Philly Marathon in November. (One of my goals is a sub-2:00 half-mary, too!)

You could TOTALLY do a triathlon. With your fitness base from all your running, you'd be able to handle the bike leg, no problem. Your bike might not be fast at first, but I bet you would pick it up quickly! Do you have a bike? Can you borrow a bike? If so, try to find some bike trails that are closed to traffic, or some very lightly traveled residential streets, and just get out there and practice! It's like when you started running -- start out with short rides, and add a little time/distance each week. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
2008-05-01 5:51 AM
in reply to: #1374135

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
tlj - 2008-04-30 11:42 PM

Any room left in your group?
I am a 36 year old women who is currently training for IM Penticton. I am fairly new to triathlon although I have done alot of long endurance events in the past. I might have bitten off more than I bargained for but I am confident I can survive the event. I am using the beginner IM plan from BT and we are on week four of twenty.
I look forward to chatting and learning from everyone.

Seconding Carol's sentiments -- IM?!? Kudos to you! I'm thinking, maybe, possibly, but certainly not definitely, I MIGHT consider thinking about an IM in maybe 2010... How's THAT for commitment?!?

2008-05-01 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1374255

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
is anyone doing any of the open water swim sessions sponsored by CGI Racing out at Lake Wenonah in NJ. I am planning on going tonight, weather depending. Has anyone done one before?

2008-05-01 5:58 AM
in reply to: #1374222

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
TeamWin75 - 2008-05-01 2:46 AM

jsnowash - 2008-04-29 3:45 AM 

Wlcome Lisa! We certainly have room! Congrats on your entry into the world of triathlon, and your awesome success in taking the weight off so far! If you can find a swimming instructor you like, a few swimming lessons would be a good idea, or seriously look into buying or borrowing the Total Immersion swimming book and/or DVD. Your swim will be so much easier on you if you can get to the point where you can swim with your face in the water. Too bad the Master's coaches weren't more helpful to you... Welcome to the group!

Thanks Jenny.

I would love to get some swimming lessons, I just don't want to spend a fortune and I'm not sure where to go for them.  I may need to break down and buy the Total Immersion program.  But, I looked at their website once and was little overwhelmed with all the different DVDs/programs they offer.  My gosh, where do I start.  Also, I'm not sure how I will do watching a DVD and then having to go out to the pool and try to remember what I watched.  That's why I haven't done it.  I've printed a few pointers from other places but sometimes it's hard to understand what they mean.  I'm much better one on one.  


Between my 1st & 2nd season of triathlon, I purchased one of the TI "bundles". I got the "Triathlon Swimming Made Easy" book, and "Freestyle Made Easy" DVD and drill cards. For me, I found the DVD and drill cards the most helpful. I had a hard time picturing what I was supposed to do from the written description of the drills in the book, but the DVD expains the drills, and shows you examples of people doing the drills. The waterproof drill cards sort of summarize the drills, and have pictures to help remind you of what you're supposed to be doing. I spent a couple of weeks pretty much doing nothing but TI drills every time I was in the pool, and I think it really helped improve my balance in the water. You could also check the TI web-site and see if they have any workshops in your area. I think they're pretty pricey, though...
2008-05-01 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

Made it thru nightshift 1/3 and heading out to bike. Woohoo! Wind blowin' like the Wizard of Oz.

Jenny, what's with the peeps in the BT'er's pics? Was this a challenge or something? Just curious.

Lesley, OWS sounds like fun, but must be cold in NJ now. Wetsuit??? I can't seem to get organized enough right now to get someone out with me on an OWS. May try on Sat if weather OK. You have me challenged and inspired.

Lisa, I was cheap on the swim thing, and I'm still slow, so probably not the best advice. I live an hour from lessons, so that's out. I read the book on TI and practiced drills this winter, with some improvement. Best improvement was when I swam with a wetsuit, probably because my technique is otherwise so poor. Was following plan on for 6 week to one mile with great improvement, until rec. pool closed for repairs. I really like her approach and she has some cool art. I really don't sweat the swim anymore. I've discovered more anxiety is put on the swim, and it accounts for a small fraction of the tri. Very little anxiety is put on the bike and it's the bulk on the time, so I switched my focus. Maybe I'm just doing what I like, too.

Outta here. Will catch ya'll tonite!


2008-05-01 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1374380

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
twylite148 - 2008-05-01 7:28 AM

Jenny, what's with the peeps in the BT'er's pics? Was this a challenge or something? Just curious.

Yep... this was the result of a biking challenge in March. The "penalty" for the loosing teams was to change our avatar's to something with peeps in them for the month of April. I guess now that it's May, I can change to something else!
2008-05-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED
Okay group, here's a table with all of our Mentor Group members. There are a couple of you I don't have "real names" for (esnackpack & kt_grl11), so if you'd like to post your real names, I can add them to the table. You can copy this table and put it in your blogs if you like so you'll have easy links to everyone elses blogs:

jsnowash's Mentor Group

jsnowash - Jenny
kofian - Margot
lmscozz - Lynn
teash - Leticia
ARDENT - Arden
TeamWin75 - Lisa
twylite148 - Carol
lesleyann - Lesley
tri4mom - Tania
starrlinda - Linda
pole_dancer - Shelley
tlj - Tracy

Our Mentor Group Thread

To copy this table to your blog, here's what you need to do:

1) Click on "quote" as if you were going to reply to this message.

2) Copy the code for the table.

3) Go to your own training log, and click on the control panel.

4) Click on the "Goals" tab, and paste the code into the goals section.

5) Click Apply Settings, and you're done!

2008-05-01 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Has anyone had experience with "team in training"? I was thinking about going to an informational meeting this weekend.
2008-05-01 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1374866

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
lesleyann - 2008-05-01 10:07 AM

Has anyone had experience with "team in training"? I was thinking about going to an informational meeting this weekend.

I don't have any direct experience with the program, but it seems to me, if your willing to do the fundraising component, it would be a good way to get some coaching (provided training sessions fit with your schedule - which usually isn't the case for me...) You could try posting this question over on the Triathlon Talk board, I'm sure there are plenty of folks in the broader BT community who could share their experience with TNT...
2008-05-01 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

My real name is Erin.

 I haven't personally done Team In Training, but I've joined in on some of their group runs and helped out for a season -- it's good if you're just starting out and don't know how to proceed -- as long as you're fine with the fundraising. It's generally a pretty big chunk of money. The nice part is you get a coach, a training plan, and organized group runs.

2008-05-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1371359

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
twylite148 - 2008-04-30 5:05 AM

I know what you're training conditions are like. The good thing is you can train year-round, unless you're stuck up in the panhandle.

HAHA, yeah I'm stuck up in the panhandle A couple more hours south would be ideal... but oh, well.

Oh, BTW my real name is katie (for the table)... who would have guessed from my screen name?

Edited by kt_grl11 2008-05-01 12:45 PM

2008-05-01 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1375472

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
kt_grl11 - 2008-05-01 12:43 PM

twylite148 - 2008-04-30 5:05 AM

I know what you're training conditions are like. The good thing is you can train year-round, unless you're stuck up in the panhandle.

HAHA, yeah I'm stuck up in the panhandle A couple more hours south would be ideal... but oh, well.

Oh, BTW my real name is katie (for the table)... who would have guessed from my screen name?

DOH! Guess I should have been able to figure that out...

Anyway, here's an updated table with everyone's names:

jsnowash's Mentor Group

jsnowash - Jenny
kofian - Margot
lmscozz - Lynn
teash - Leticia
ARDENT - Arden
esnackpack - Erin
TeamWin75 - Lisa
twylite148 - Carol
kt_grl11 - Katie
lesleyann - Lesley
tri4mom - Tania
starrlinda - Linda
pole_dancer - Shelley
tlj - Tracy

Our Mentor Group Thread

2008-05-01 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Weekly Goals
Gooood evening ladies! Hope you've all had a lovely day. I got a run in this morning, and was planning to swim this afternoon, but decided I should mow the lawn instead. Oh - joy... Well, at least it's done....

I was thinking one thing that might be good for the mentor group to do is to state some weekly goals at the beginning of each week. These can be training goals, nutritional goals, life goals - whatever matters most to you any given week. So, be thinking over the next few days what your goals might be for next week, and we'll begin posting goals on Monday.

If you need direction on what your training goals should be - this is a great place to ask! We have a nice mix of beginning and more experienced triathletes in this group, so it's a great place to seek and offer advice.

I'll also be offering occasional random training and racing tips I've learned from my experience. I know we have a number of people in the group with quite a bit of experience as well, so I would like to encourage any of you to offer your own random tips to the group.

Have a great evening, everybody!
2008-05-01 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1375872

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Random Triathlon Racing tip from Jenny...

In a race, during the swim, put your goggles on underneath your swim cap. That way, if your goggles get jostled during the swim by some flailing arm or leg, you won't loose them completely.
2008-05-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
You mean there is a good chance I am going to get smacked in the head. This open water swim thing freaks me out .!
2008-05-01 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
LMAO! Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out! Chances are you're NOT going to get smacked in the head during a race, but your goggles could get knocked off inadvertently by an arm brushing past you... If you're worried about bodily contact during the swim, just start to the back, and outside (i.e., if you are supposed to pass the swim bouys on your left, stay to the right a bit -- the more competetive folks will try to line up close to the bouys). Open water used to freak me out a bit too, but I've actually come to really enjoy open water swimming. I wish I could do it more! To me it's so much more enjoyable than back & forth lap swimming...
2008-05-01 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Extreme Veteran
Horsham, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Hi team....

I am having some difficulty copying the group to my log.  Where do I get the "code"?  When I hit "quote", the whole table remains and doesn't copy.  I also tried to delete my April challenge table.  I was able to erase all the names, but a small orange square remains. Help!!!

Concerning the Team In Training....I have a very good friend who did TNT last year for her first tri.  The training, coaching and organization to/from the race was great.  The biggest problem was the fundraising.  The amount is huge.  I think her requirement was $2500!  If you are not able to raise all the money, you don't get the rest of the benefits.

Happy training everyone.  I am working on some new goals for next week!


2008-05-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1374253

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Extreme Veteran
Horsham, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open

jsnowash - 2008-05-01 6:49 AM
starrlinda - 2008-04-30 9:10 PM
Hi Linda! Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss! A Black Belt in Karate! Impressive! I've often thought I would like to take up a martial art some day... just haven't found the time for that yet... My DH grew up in Allentown, and we lived there for several years when we were first married. Now we're outside of Philly. I'm guessing you must live somewhere in my neck of the woods, considering some of the races you're doing. I'll be at Broad Street on Sunday, too! I won't have tapered any, though, and it will pretty much be a training day for me (I'll actually probably skip it if it rains -- yeh, call me a wimp...). I'll probably do the Distance Run as well, and maybe Philly Marathon in November. (One of my goals is a sub-2:00 half-mary, too!) You could TOTALLY do a triathlon. With your fitness base from all your running, you'd be able to handle the bike leg, no problem. Your bike might not be fast at first, but I bet you would pick it up quickly! Do you have a bike? Can you borrow a bike? If so, try to find some bike trails that are closed to traffic, or some very lightly traveled residential streets, and just get out there and practice! It's like when you started running -- start out with short rides, and add a little time/distance each week. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

hey Jenny....

My plan is to borrow my son's bike.  He has a hybrid bike which he used for his training and first tri last year.  I got him a new Trek road bike for his birthday, so now he rides and trains on that.  So, one of my new goals is to get a helmet this weekend and ride with my son.  We live right next to a trail, so I will start with some short rides on that.  Thanks for the tips and encouragement!  : )

I think the weather for Sunday is just clouds and a "chance" of, you can probably run Broad Street.  It was almost exactly the same weather last Sunday and the weather was perfect for the 1/2 marathon. I am also planning to just run and not race.  It is so crowded in this race that it is hard to really race it. Besides, I am happy with last weeks results, so I can just have fun with this one!  I live in Horsham. 

2008-05-01 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1376818

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - Open
Congrats on your PR in the 1/2 Linda. I ran my second 1/2 last week and my time wasn't so great, but I felt good finishing my second such race/run of the year. You are very inspiring to me, especially since you're 51 years young. It's a great example for what we can do regardless of age.

Looks like we'll have a great group. Thanks Jenny. I'll be thinking of my goals for next week. I have a sprint on Sunday. This will make events 3 Sundays in a row and I'm getting pumped up for it, but will be glad for a break in events for a month after this.

A lot of you have lost some lbs, too! I lost 30 in 2001 with Weight Watchers and my biggest thing was to stay the same weight over time -- so 7 years later I'm still down that 30. I even work for WW part time now just 2 days per week. It's great to see people reach their goals and watch them bloom!

I have an injury question, Jenny (or anyone else) and I may post it on the injury thread as well. My calf (mostly my right) soleus muscle gets really sore and tight and almost knotted after I've run about 3 to 4 miles. I have been using compression for it and have had some PT and I'm icing it and rolling it with foam roller and tennis/golf ball. I'm just wondering why my soleus and if anyone else has had this issue and if so, what was it caused by and what was the resolution? Thought maybe some of the runners in the group might have dealt with this before. I'm close to going to the sports doc just because it's really frustrating. Thanks ya'll --
2008-05-01 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
So I broke down and bought a membership to the local rec center (for access to the pool), so now I can start swimming. I am also not the greatest swimmer in the world, and there is no masters swim club where i live that i know of? I read suggestions (above) for books on swimming? Someone may have already asked this, but are there any good DVD series on swimming technique (i'm pretty terrible about getting around to reading books, they sit on my table for months). Also, what would be a fairly acceptable lap time for a 25 yard pool (1 full lap= 50yards)?

Along the same lines, i'm considering doing a local sprint triathlon in may. But I know the lake is gonna be cold (probably 50% chance that its cold enough to use a wet suit). Anyways, i'm not really feeling like forking out the money for a wet-suit right now.. and thus am wondering if there are any alternatives (that may be a little warmer). I know that they make thermal rash guards (for surfing), assuming temp is low enough are these allowed for the swim portion?

2008-05-02 1:34 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Early good morning to you all! The rec. pool is back up, so after 2 weeks (ouch!) I get to swim today. Oh, the pain! Anyway, I'll sleep well.

Thanks so much Jenny for putting together a great group. Oh, and I like the peeps! Will have to think about goals.

Katie, my father grew up in Borger, TX...we'd make the trek annually out there. I'm one of the few who really loves the panhandle. You can find the rules for the swim at I couldn't check your specific question because my computer won't allow downloads at work. You can also rent wetsuits at the tri, so you may check that out. I'm 20-25% faster in a wetsuit, mainly because I'm such a poor swimmer, so there may be an advantage for you there.

Sorry, Lynn, no thoughts on the soleus thing. Was pleased to know there is at least one injury I have not experienced, though.

Tania, I actually like having everyone around me in the OWS. Makes me feel more secure.

WTG on the bike, Linda!

Arden, you jinxed me. I dropped my bottle on the bike today. Had to stop, drop the bike and run back down the hwy (in spandex of course), much to the amusement of the local rednecks at the Citgo!

Gotta go. Ya'll sleep well and I'll catch ya later.....Carol

Edited by twylite148 2008-05-02 1:38 AM
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