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2008-12-18 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

If there is still room, I would like to join this group.  My name is Barry (44), and I have been training for about 3 months.  I have a cycling background of about 4 years, but wanted to add a little variety and have always been inspired by the Ironman.  So I thought I would give triathlon a try and see what happens.

Family: I am married and have a 4 year old and 20 yr old step son and a black lab (Bella)

Training and 2009 races:  Currently, I am trying to build a base for running and swimming.  I feel pretty comfortable on the bike and have completed several centuries etc. but my running and swimming are starting from scratch.  I have been swimming with a masters group at the university and have been trying to build some running mileage.

In 2009 I am planning a couple of sprints with the ultimate goal set for a HIM in Augusta GA.  


2008-12-18 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- FULL

Holy MACKERAL!!!  Ok what a crew we have... I just filled it up!  I feel like we have a good mix of people, and a lot to look forward to!!!!  It is going to be a great year for all.... 

Here is who I have listed in the group:


















HAMMEROZ-- I don't think I got your real name either, but no worries

tryin01- Same thing.. Not a problem but welcome






lilturtle-missed the name I think. Sorry


Edited by swbkrun 2008-12-18 8:15 PM
2008-12-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

Oh my goodness.... After sitting and reading everyone's stories I feel guilty for not working out today!  What a group we have!  Lot of people with the same goals... We have good runners, people with cycling backgrounds, people that aren't afraid of the water, and people like me who aren't "GOOD" in anything but LOVE TO TRY EVERYTHING.... WE ARE ALL GOING TO ROCK THIS YEAR!

A couple things to get started.... If you missed early on there are a few people that have come from the last mentor group with me because I love them, we love each other, they can teach us all, and THEY ARE EXTREMELY EASY TO MAKE FUN OF !!!!

I love looking at pictures, I love hearing about people's success (even if it means that you were able to pop a zit that has been nagging you for a couple days), I love to hear about people's failures!  This will actually make you stronger.  If you have an issue throw it out here.  YOU WILL ALWAYS GET AN ANSWER!  Sometimes I have to be a smartass (it's in my nature), but of the 24 people in this group.... SOMEONE WILL HAVE AN ANSWER!  This group is for education, MOTIVATION, and FUN!  I am looking forward to getting to know you all over the next several months and into the TRI SEASON!

If you don't do it already (and you don't have to if you don't want to!!) please start logging your workouts in the "training log."  Not for everyone to see how FAST you are, but more so we can comment, motivate, encourage, congratulate each other!  Trust me you get a couple blank days in there (like our friend tahrens- she always gets a hard time!) we will start making sure you are still breathing!  All in a fun and ENCOURAGEMENT! 

Remember- THERE ARE NO EXCUSES (although I am pretty good at trying to come up with them!)

If you care who this guy is that will be joking you through the triathlon season I have posted a picture right below to put a name with the face (feel free to do the same if you wish):



Victory.jpg (37KB - 11 downloads)
2008-12-18 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

Wow we've got quite the party goin' in here!  Here's my intro:

NAME: lil_turtle/Lacey

STORY:  I'm a 24 year old recent college graduate turned nomad.  I pretty much take random jobs wherever I find them doing whatever sounds interesting.  In the last 18 months I've lived in 8 different states (Colorado, Montana, California, Mississippi, Alabama, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Utah where I am now).  I'm currently working as a children's ski instructor, though this season is off to a slow start so there hasn't been much work yet.

I got into tri's almost 2 years ago when I decided I wanted to get in shape.  Actually, I read an article about a couch to 5k program that said "anyone" could complete the program and run a 5k.  I decided to challenge it thinkin they hadn't seen my lazy and I could prove them wrong.  So I googled couch to 5k and ended up finding the one here on BT.  Started following it...the conservative plan....and lo and behold discovered I actually enjoyed working out.  I discovered that when the workouts were doable I actually enjoyed doing them and looked forward to more.  I reached the point where I hated to miss a workout.  Not long after that running actually started feeling good (rather than the HUGE struggle it was just to run for a minute my first time trying) and I sorta ditched the plan and just started running.  Bad move.  Gave myself shin splints and couldn't run at all.  But i'd been reading this site, and figured biking and swimming might be good cross training until I could run again.  As it got closer to summer I started thinkin' more about the tri thing and talking to lots of ppl about it.  I finally decided to go for it and did the Danskin that July.  I was scared to death goin in, but as soon as I finished I was hooked!  I'd actually done something athletic and finished it!  Not only that but I'd finished well below my goal time and far from last (which had been my fear going in).  After that I was totally hooked.  I did 3 more tri's that season....another sprint, a longer, almost oly length sprint, and an oly as part of a relay (did the swim and bike).  I didn't do any races this last summer because I was working as a wildland firefighter and spent most of my summer out in the woods.  Once I got back I considered doing a race but it'd been so long since i'd done any training I decided against it.    

FAMILY STATUS: As single as it gets.  Moving a lot is not condusive to relationships.

CURRENT TRAINING: As I said in my original post, I just can't wrap my head around this whole winter training thing.  Last winter I lived in Mississippi and Alabama so it wasn't an issue, but this winter i'm somewhere cold and snowy.  I'm looking in to getting a bike trainer but haven't done that yet.  I've done a couple of outdoor runs but usually I look at the weather and wuss out.  I finally found a swimming pool here, so hopefully I can get back to that.  For now though most of my training has been through crossfit.  I decided to join a crossfit gym rather than a regular gym because I feel I get a lot more out of it.  It has definitely helped my overall fitness level.  I ran one of the best 5k's of my life on Thanksgiving though I've done almost no running lately.  I can tell i'm getting stronger and building endurance through it, but I want to get back to some tri-specific stuff too.  I do stay pretty active....I ski almost every day, play hockey once a week, and I'm hoping to get back in to playing tennis.   

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I did very few races this year....I ran a 5k on Thanksgiving and prior to that I sorta accidently ended up running a half-marathon.  Yes you read that right.  I did an Outward Bound program ( that had a surprise "challenge day" at the end.  Turns out the challenge was a 13 mile run.  I hadn't trained for that at all....aside from the training I had gotten from spending 50 days walking and carrying a huge pack on my back.  I finished in just under 3 hours which I was VERY happy with all things considered.  I'm excited to see what I could do if I actually trained for one.  I'm not fast by any stretch of the imagination (hence the turtle name) but I love challenging myself and accomplishing new things.          

2009 RACES: No definite plans so far, since I don't know where I'll be living come racing season, but I'd like to do an oly.  I know I can now, since before running was what was holding me back but now I can clearly complete a 10k.  I'd also like to do a half-mary at some point...with some actual training behind it.  My longterm goal is to do a HIM, but with the way things are going right now I don't think that's very practical for 2009. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost a total of 40lbs since I began my efforts to get in shape.  My initial goal was to lose 30 lbs and get back to my highschool weight, which I have done and then some.  I need to lose another 30 lbs to get into the healthy weight range for my height, so I'm still working on that but it's not the priority now.  I really don't focus on weight loss too often because it tends to happen on it's own when I do everything else well.  (When I train hard and eat the stuff that makes training work for me...the weight drops on it's own).  I also find that the more I train, the more I crave healthy food over junk. 

Well I guess that's it....Probably more than you ever wanted to know about me!  lol  I do like to "talk".  Learning to be concise has been a listed goal of mine since I came to BT.  Clearly it hasn't happened yet!  lol 

2008-12-18 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN
Okay, a time for a quickie!

Name: Kim/kt65 born in 65

Story: Started triathlons last summer (2007) by signing up for a super sprint tri training group, where I had to learn to swim. It was tons of fun and I got hooked. Prior to that I had been trying to stay in shape by going to the gym 2x/week for spin class and weight training. I was leery of running much because of an old plantar fasciitis injury back in 2001 after running my 2nd marathon. Anyhow, didn't reinjure anything training for the tri, so in 2008 I decided to do an olympic distance (Auburn, CA) and 2 sprints. Things went really well, except for a few bike mishaps but I am in one piece still! And didn't drown.

Family status: Partnered, with one dog and one cat, both SPCA rescues...Ripley is in my avatar

Current training: Mostly swimming and running these days, half marathon coming up in Feb, my first.

2009 Races: Kaiser Half marathon, Vineman 70.3 in July and hopefully a sprint and oly in between.

Anyhow, would love to be a part of a group since I mostly train alone, but love giving and getting encouragement! I love BT!

2008-12-19 6:41 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

wow, what a crew.  looking forward to chatting with everyone over the upcoming months.  I have a job where I am bored a good part of the day waiting for meetings to start so I will be here all the time : )

Steve, don't forget to change the title of the thread to CLOSED.

2008-12-19 6:59 AM
in reply to: #1856701

New user

Verdi, Nevada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

Name: Todd Keckley, Sparks, Nevada

Family Status:  We (Nancy & I) will celebrate our 25th this June.  Nancy has two kids from a previous marriage, a girl Rachel, age 34 a boy Chad, age 36.  We have two kids together, Paul 23, a firefighter for the US Forest Service and a girl, Margaret 19, starting Nursing School at George Fox University this Spring.

Current Training: Riding my bike up to 100 miles per week (weather dependent).  Swimming 8,000 to 10,000 yards per week and just getting the running restarted after an achilles tendon strain.

2008 Races: Did my first sprint in Sparks, NV at the Marina and followed up with the sprint at the Golden State Triathlon. 

2009 Goals: I have several races on the radar.  I will start by doing a duathlon on January 3rd.  My big goal this year is the Donner Lake Triathlon.  I know I can do the sprint but I hope I will be ready for the full deal.

The biggest challenge at my age (55) is to avoid injury.  My heart is willing to push harder than my body can endure.

Weightloss: I have dropped from a high of 228.5 to 201.5 - feeling good.  I would like to eventually get down to 165.

The group is a great idea.  I have found everyone in this sport to be very friendly and supportive.



2008-12-19 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN
HI gang me again. I still don't have my bio up yet but I will get it done today. Having a major snow storm moving in so I want to get to the gym for my run today before it gets too heavy. See you later.
2008-12-19 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1862940

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

Ok, have a question for everyone.

As some of you know I am in the process of building up my new bike. Well actually I haven't started the actual build process since the frame is a christmas present, but I am buying all the parts now as I find deals here and there.

When it comes time for the fit my plan is to get the headset on, not cut the steerer tube and put on a cheapie stem.  My thought is that during the fit process I want them to be able to choose a stem to put on based on the fit + I would be afraid to cut if my fit needed me to be a bit higher for some reason.  Once I get the fit right they would cut the steerer tube for me.

Does this make sense?  Also I really don't want to do the cutting myself so I would just have them do it.

2008-12-19 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Small Town
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN
2008-12-19 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1863029

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN

Is there a way for me to modify the headline so that the most recent thread pops up?  When I insert it into my log it comes up as an error when clicked on.

Edited by SSMinnow 2008-12-19 10:00 AM

2008-12-19 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Ok, we are under way!  I think I changed it to closed?  Not sure, but anywho....

Suzy, I think you might be able to copy/past into your blog area?

I am no computer wizard, so this is all just a guess.

2008-12-19 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey all, Looks like a great group! Can't wait to get started training again!

I'm officially done all my Air traffic control training so life can continue! My logs might be a bit sparse the next couple weeks as I'm going home to spend xmas with the family for the first time in 4 years! Can't wait. But big things in the new year!


Shawn: I actually work for NavCanada, the Canadian air traffic services provider. I'll be working out of Northern Alberta to start.... yay winter!! How long was the training for your brother? I wonder how the courses/application process compares.

2008-12-19 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1863180

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN
SSMinnow - 2008-12-19 10:47 AM

Is there a way for me to modify the headline so that the most recent thread pops up?  When I insert it into my log it comes up as an error when clicked on.

Don't think you can do that.  Would be cool though.

2008-12-19 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Tony, give it a shot.  It worked for me.... Just copy/paste in your "GOALS SECTION" I think... Then you can just click on a name and their training log pops up!



2008-12-19 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Ya'll will have to bear with me I am terrible with this whole "blogging" thing as well as not very good at keeping my log filled in...but the good news is that i usually do all of the workouts!

2008-12-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1863334

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

LTRAIN - 2008-12-19 10:48 AM Ya'll will have to bear with me I am terrible with this whole "blogging" thing as well as not very good at keeping my log filled in...but the good news is that i usually do all of the workouts!

 Ditto.  I do what I gotta do but not very good at putting it down on paper......this might make for a good New Year resolution - keep up with training log!  Smile

2008-12-19 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

2 Reasons good to put on paper....

1.) It shows your signs of improvement....

2.) It will encourage you not to have "blank days!"

2008-12-19 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1863332

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2008-12-19 8:47 AM

Tony, give it a shot.  It worked for me.... Just copy/paste in your "GOALS SECTION" I think... Then you can just click on a name and their training log pops up!



I think Tony was referring to having the link go to the most recent post rather than the first page.  And another thanks to Jeremy - awesome.

I had a nice run in the blast freezer this morning.  It was 16* with 15-20 mph winds when I left the house.  Still better than the dreadmill



2008-12-19 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Fill out those logs! :-)

I realized this year just how cool it is to have that log... I didn't do much running or training until the start of 2008, and it feels so cool to look back and think I ran probably 20M in all of 2007, but 306M this year. No swimming 2007 but 103KM this year. A very cool feeling.

Plus it's always nice to have people write little "inspire" notes on your log entries! 

2008-12-19 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

someone else posted a photo, so I thought I'd try and put one up here too! Hope it's not TOO huge!

This is a photo of me in agony coming up to the finish line of leg two of Canadian Death Race. 28 KM with two mountains to climb and descend 1st was around 6400ft and second I think just under 7000 as well. Most challenging thing I've ever done physically, but an incredible race! Can't wait to go back for 2009!! Hope to do the whole race someday (125 km!!)


2008-12-19 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

oops, sorry yeah I was referring to not being able to link to the latest page. 

I can't stress enough how valuable the logging here has been for me.  I load my current workout into the calendar and have my nice little charts on the side showing me my actual vs planned minutes.  

Great motivator to see what I have planned for the day and knowing that others are checking out my logs, it compels me to make sure I get the workout in.

Last year I started out with one of the free sprint workouts, finished that and about that time I upgraded to the silver membership and went with the sprint -> olympic plan, actually finished it and started over again.  For winter I imported one of the free olympic plans and superimposed my runnersworld plan.  The freebie plans don't offer you any details other than workout time amount but this one fit best with my running plan so I try to go in weekly and update my plan with specific workouts.



2008-12-19 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1863502

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Finally here's my intro...

Name: Andy

Story: I'm a 35 year old "clydesdale." So I guess that makes me a giant horse best known for pulling around a beer wagon? I'm 6'7 and currently 230#. I've always been involved in sports. I played basketball in high school and college. And have continued to play rec b-ball and softball (which is not really a sport - but more of an excuse to get out of the house w/friends and have a couple of beers).  In May of '07, I started running because I was unhappy with my weight but I had no idea what I was doing. I had a pair of running shoes and I was occasionally running around the neighborhood because I was FAT. In June '07, I was introduced to the multi sport world and BT by a high school friend and I was hooked immediately. I love training - ESPECIALLY the running. Everytime I'm out I'm competing against myself - trying to beat a previous distance, time, pace, course, etc. I enjoy swimming, too but find it difficult to make time to get in the pool. And I am really working hard to find a way to enjoy biking. These will be my goals for '09 and of course, maybe signing up for that first tri event?

Family Status: Married (13 yrs). Two children - 5 yr old boy and 8 yr old girl.

Weightloss: Lost 35#. Target weight 220#.

Current Training: I've been setting monthly running goals. No treadmill. I enjoy being outdoors. However, winter is a challenge living in NE WI. 

This Years Races: A 5K in July and then my first half marathon in September! 

2009 Races: Again, maybe a tri event. High Cliff in June? I need more biking experience. What I'd REALLY like to accomplish is 26.2. The Fox Cities Marathon is in September.

I'm REALLY excited to be a part of this GIANORMOUS training group and I'm looking forward to the new year ahead!

2008-12-19 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Temecula, CA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Sorry about the private log.  I think I fixed it now.  I didn't see the check box that "over rides" the one above.  Please let me know if you can/can't see it now.  Looking forward to a great group.



2008-12-19 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1862844

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- OPEN
dalessit - 2008-12-19 7:41 AM

I have a job where I am bored a good part of the day waiting for meetings to start so I will be here all the time : )

My job on occasion is like this too!! We'll have to see who is here more!

Can't help you with the bike question, but I'm sure someone else here can... 


One general question.  Does anyone ever have problems with the logs?  For some reason I can't log my workouts from my home computer - the page always freezes and I have to restart my computer.  Any thoughts?


Scott - I can see your logs.  Good workouts!!


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