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2010-04-08 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2778133

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Brooke!  If you never listen to anything else I say, please don't ride without a helmet.  Take the rain as a sign to go to Target and buy one.  But, at the least, do not ride in the rain without it.  Drivers will be less aware and less able to stop, it's slippery, etc. 

2010-04-08 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2778136

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-08 4:46 PM Brooke!  If you never listen to anything else I say, please don't ride without a helmet.  Take the rain as a sign to go to Target and buy one.  But, at the least, do not ride in the rain without it.  Drivers will be less aware and less able to stop, it's slippery, etc. 

i don't ride on "real" roads.  just the bike path near the highway & around my subdivison.  i live in a golf course subdivisions so the drivers are slow enough to watch for crossing golf carts and we have speed bumps and everything.

but yes ma'am.  can i get a decent one at wally world or target in the $30 or less range?
2010-04-08 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2778158

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Yep, I know they have some in that range at Target at least.  I am sure Walmart too.

2010-04-08 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2778130

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-08 1:44 PM
carrie639 - 2010-04-08 4:40 PM

I never do anything outside in bad weather (total baby) . . . but since you already admitted to running in the rain, SUCK IT UP, its only 8 miles. Tongue out (I am riding on the trainer tonight)


Just be careful and don't get fancy.

P.S. I am not sure when I will do if I face a bad weather race.  Haven't so far . . .

Carrie the first thing that got me outside was my half marathon training - i had 8 miles to run.  7 miles on the treadmill and i almost died of bordom. 

now i just throw on a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes and get over it. 

i'll be extra careful since i don't have a helmet yet.

GO GET ONE!!  Pavement won't care that it was only a short ride or that you weren't going that fast. 
2010-04-08 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Crud,  I need to ride my bike but the weather sucks.  Not just rain but really gusty wind and 45*F.  I don't feel like bucking the wind.   Undecided    So I guess I will go run instead.  I'll check in when I get back. 
2010-04-08 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2778318

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I guess it just that time of year for crummy riding weather. 

It's beautiful here now, so I am going to pack up and head out on the bike ride home soon.  It will be cold again tomorrow morning, but at least I'll be ready.

2010-04-08 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Well, by the time I got ready to go, the rain stopped, the wind dried the pavement and then died down a bit, and the sun was peeking in and out.  So I went for a short ride! 

I have a new road bike that I am still getting used to so I kept it at about 45 minutes.  Then I went for a 4 mile run, and was quite pleased with my pace.  I am still a jogger but at least I am getting faster!  Smile

I notice that by the end of the bike ride I am feeling it a bit in my upper abdomen.  I am assuming that my core is working to keep my body in position, so this means that I am working the right muscles.  Anybody ever experience this?  I am used to riding a little more upright on a mountain bike.

Edited by deehtz 2010-04-08 7:45 PM
2010-04-08 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2778658

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
It is probably the new bike.  Any change in gear will change muscle memory.  I remember when I first got aero bars on my road bike last Sept. it took at least a month to get used to the new muscles used and being in that position.  My hip flexors were the first to notice the difference.  Then when I got my tri bike 2 months go, my hamstrings screamed at me for a couple of weeks. 

I get that same type of soreness if I run a little more (OK, jog) or up the pace because running is not my thing.
2010-04-08 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2778658

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Glad it worked out, Dee!  I think you're right on with the core muscle soreness.   As long as it doesn't keep happening, I bet you're just getting stronger.

2010-04-08 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2773539

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-07 9:21 AM

Dee - I see you've posted a fair amount on BT.  How long have you been using the site?  Where do you "hang out"?

Valerie - how about you, have you been using BT for long?

Hi Emily,

I found BT around Jan 2009, when I had just started training for my first triathlon which was June 2009.  I usually just am on TT.  Just am on in the evenings...far too much still!!  I noticed you are doing the Door County Half, I haven't decided if i am doing the Door County sprint again this year or not...I did a relay with my husband (a natural athlete, which I am not) last year.

2010-04-08 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I'm not sure yet what kind of bike I want. I was leaning towards a hybrid but now I'm tempted to just get a road bike. The reason I'm leaning towards a hybrid is bc my city is blessed to have hundreds of miles of nice dirt path/pavements so I need the bigger tires to ride on them. I rarely ride on concrete or asphalt roads.

However, the idea of a light road bike to race on while I train on my heavier mtn bike bike also makes sense to me. So I'm still up in the air.

My price is $500ish, not really wanting to make a huge financial commitment as I see no half or full ironmans in my future...just a sprint 1-2x a yr.

Anyone have any insight on this?


2010-04-08 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2778115

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2010-04-08 3:40 PM

I never do anything outside in bad weather (total baby) . . . but since you already admitted to running in the rain, SUCK IT UP, its only 8 miles. Tongue out (I am riding on the trainer tonight)


Just be careful and don't get fancy.

P.S. I am not sure when I will do if I face a bad weather race.  Haven't so far . . .

I always saw myself as a fair weather runner/biker/swimmer after being born and raised in Hawaii.  But, after jogging a measly 3 miles on the dreadmill, I decided it was outdoors or nothing.  Properly dressed/equiped, I started running outside this winter in anything down to 10 is actually so peaceful and you can catch snowflakes with your eyelashes!  How people can tolerate dreadmill running I will never know......but I take my (often frozen) hat off to those who can!

As far as racing in bad weather, your adrenaline will protect you!
2010-04-08 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Me:  Lacie, age 41, eastern Iowa, pediatric dentist

Story:  Never an athlete, other than swimming for two years in middle school.  A girlfriend and I turned 40 and decided to train for a triathlon last year...midlife crisis I guess, had never even run a mile...EVER, had to start with 30 seconds running, 2 minutes walking..........

Family Status:  Married to one of those naturally athletic types (aack) with 4 children, Emily 11, Carolyn 7, Jacquelyn 7, and T.J. 5, great dane Luca, cocker spaniel S'Mores, cat Miracle, and two Hamsters Tongue out

2009 Racing: Did 4 Sprints and 1 supersprint this summer, and my oldest daughter did her first triathlon this summer as well.  I am more of a finisher than a goal last summer was to finish each race without having to stop during swim or bike, and not walk during the run...was successful in all but first race when my training partner and I raced together and she needed breaks.

Focus for 2010:
Trying to run more to run faster, right now pretty snailike pace, build endurance in running and biking to increase to oly distance by the fall.  If I had to choose, I would say swimming is my "strongest" area (but not strong really),....but want to get faster there as well.  Have convinced 2 of my sisters in law to train to do the Chicago Triathlon oly in relay...i'll be swimming.  Hope to race 3-4 sprints in addition to the relay.  Would really like to do a half iron in 2 years, even picked one out, we'll see........

Current Training:
A very busy practice, crazy kids schedules make finding time to train a challenge, but I have made it a priority and am lucky to have my husbands support.  My former training partner is on and off now, which makes it more challenging for me.  Was just starting a new plan with each sport 2x/week then transitioning to 3x, swimming with master's group, but reinjured a shoulder, so took it easy for a bit.  Lost 25 pounds in process last year, and 25-30 more would be great.  Hired a trainer to run with me 3x/week and that has been good...slow but steady progress.

2010 Races (so far)

June 6        Pigman short course (sprint)
June 13      Naperville sprint
July            Minneman sprint (my husband will do this as his first tri)
August 28  Chicago Oly relay-swim
Maybe Door County sprint??

Happy to be part of this group!!!!

2010-04-09 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2778918

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

In response to all the outside running comments vs the treadmill . . . I am a big baby about weather first, so tend not to go outside until I can just wear a t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt.  More importantly, I had issues with having to go to the bathroom right around mile 1 or 2.  So most of all, I am terrified of being outside and having to go to the bathroom and not being near one.  The runs lately I have done outside, I have strategically changed my plan and done them right after the potty take advantage of timing.

I only like the treadmill  cuz I can watch tv. Other than that, I obsess over watching the mileage or clock --- am I there yet, how much more, etc.

2010-04-09 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

i decided to not do anything last night.  i did my weights class at lunch (nothing before work) and just went home and crashed on the couch.  I started a new book (nonfiction about dealing with insecurities) and since dinner was already cooking in the crockpot, just read until my husband got home.

i'm an obsessive personality so this is a rarity for me.  i normally workout twice a day then go home and clean house (we just moved into a new farm house so there is plenty of work to be done). 

don't worry i'm going to pick up the slack today and tomorrow though.  already got a swim in and will be biking after work.  then tomorrow joining a local running group for my "long" run of the week.  i'm pretty slow at running, so i usually don't join the group.  a friend of mine is going to be there and she's slow too so we'll run together.

then its clean, clean, clean once i get home. 

i seem to be the biggest newbie around here but i have a question about the swim - is it more important to work on bilateral breathing or keeping your head down and leading with the top of your head instead of your forehead?  or is it something i should practice a little of each on?

also i'll be going to the sporting goods store in K-town on Monday.  Anything that's a must for buying?  I'm going to look at water bottles that I can attach to my bike & swim caps.  and of course the helmet is at the top of the list. 

2010-04-09 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2778776

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - OPEN

I heard such nice thing about that race, and the beauty of the area, that I thought it would be fun.  It was hard picking my first HIM - lot of thought went into it

firstteeth - 2010-04-08 8:32 PM
Hi Emily,

I found BT around Jan 2009, when I had just started training for my first triathlon which was June 2009.  I usually just am on TT.  Just am on in the evenings...far too much still!!  I noticed you are doing the Door County Half, I haven't decided if i am doing the Door County sprint again this year or not...I did a relay with my husband (a natural athlete, which I am not) last year.


2010-04-09 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2778916

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey Lauren - that's a tough one... Are the trails like mountain biking trails (dirt, rutted, etc) or are they pressed gravel, mostly "smooth" (pebbly) but groomed?  If the former, then yeah it seems like the mountain bike is a good thing to have.  If they are groomed paths, you could get a road bike with appropriate tires. 

The reason I like a roadbike is that the way you sit on it's different.  Your weight distribution is different, it uses muscles a bit differently.  I would worry that a switch from the mountain bike to a road bike for racing only would be trouble.  Even when I switch from my road to my tri bike I can REALLY feel the difference, and it takes me a few rides to get back up to speed.

Of course the hybrids have more options in your price range.  And entry level road bike would be just $500 probably.  In that scenario I would recommend buying a second set of tires (racing slicks) for racing prep and racing.  They might run 50-100 for a modest set.  So, could quickly price you out...

My own story, quickly, which has a LOT to do with why I say this:  I was going to upgrade my hybrid, tried several models, wasn't happy.  Got on my road bike and felt like a million bucks.  Haven't looked back since.  Road bike was approx $200 more than the "cross" bikes I was considering. 

I don't see anyone regretting a road bike.  It's appropriate for all types of riding, running errands, etc.  But then again... I am BikerGrrrl

LaurenCO - 2010-04-08 10:06 PM Carrie,

I'm not sure yet what kind of bike I want. I was leaning towards a hybrid but now I'm tempted to just get a road bike. The reason I'm leaning towards a hybrid is bc my city is blessed to have hundreds of miles of nice dirt path/pavements so I need the bigger tires to ride on them. I rarely ride on concrete or asphalt roads.

However, the idea of a light road bike to race on while I train on my heavier mtn bike bike also makes sense to me. So I'm still up in the air.

My price is $500ish, not really wanting to make a huge financial commitment as I see no half or full ironmans in my future...just a sprint 1-2x a yr.

Anyone have any insight on this?


2010-04-09 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2778966

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Nice to really "meet" you!  Okay, I am confused.  I thought your name was Valerie.

I have found that the running gets easier and faster just with time.  You just need to believe in yourself.  If you always feel like your plodding, have you ever tried to run a bit faster just for brief stints?  I am not suggest anything fancy, necessarily, just picking up the pace to feel the speed.    I still really enjoy 2-mile runs because I can break away from the normal pace a bit.  Find a distance, even if it's a block, where you can really run.   Just a thought.

firstteeth - 2010-04-08 10:44 PM

Me:  Lacie, age 41, eastern Iowa, pediatric dentist....

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-09 9:06 AM
2010-04-09 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2779251

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That's cool - to each their own.  I have some friends who can happily run on the treadmill all day.  Me, on the other hand, will run in a blizzard   I do draw the line at ice, though.  It was an icey winter for us and I was inside a lot.

I know what you mean about the potty issues.  I struggle with morning runs in that way, and if I must do them I run a route near potties.  My first attempt at a morning run I had to go into the local grocery store, which was fortunaetly open at 6:30 am.  Of course I am the only customer (and the sweatiest!) trying not to make eye contact as I head for the back.  Now I only go out in the early evenings on weekdays, which are safe for me, or on the weekend after I have already gone. 

carrie639 - 2010-04-09 6:54 AM

In response to all the outside running comments vs the treadmill . . . I am a big baby about weather first, so tend not to go outside until I can just wear a t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt.  More importantly, I had issues with having to go to the bathroom right around mile 1 or 2.  So most of all, I am terrified of being outside and having to go to the bathroom and not being near one.  The runs lately I have done outside, I have strategically changed my plan and done them right after the potty take advantage of timing.

I only like the treadmill  cuz I can watch tv. Other than that, I obsess over watching the mileage or clock --- am I there yet, how much more, etc.

2010-04-09 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2779312

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Sounds like you just needed a rest day - good for you!

I think that bilateral breathing is a useful skill to have, in case you are in a situation with waves or other splashing.  Even if the lake is calm, you might be next to a group and you want to breathe away from them.  Of, if there's harsh sun.  So I think you should know how to do it and practice occasionally.  I don't think you HAVE to do it.  In a race, when I am stressed and working hard, I might breathing every stroke on the same side.  You do what you have to do.

I am not sure how that relates to your head position... so please elaborate. 

Happy shopping!  I feel there's always a lot I want to buy, but what's necessary... hmmm...  Do you have swim goggles?  How about sport sunglasses?  I wore the Ironman brand they sell at Target (around $20) for years before I upgraded to something snazzier.  They are a bit more comfortable than fashion sunglasses, esp when sweaty.   Bicycle pump and a small tool to adjust seat, etc.  Tire fixing supplies and spare tube(s).    Have you tried energy gels or other sports nutrition?  You might want to pick up a few gels now to taste test, you will want one for the race.

I'll be curious to hear what others think are good basics.

smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-09 7:25 AM

i decided to not do anything last night.  i did my weights class at lunch (nothing before work) and just went home and crashed on the couch.  I started a new book (nonfiction about dealing with insecurities) and since dinner was already cooking in the crockpot, just read until my husband got home.

i'm an obsessive personality so this is a rarity for me.  i normally workout twice a day then go home and clean house (we just moved into a new farm house so there is plenty of work to be done). 

don't worry i'm going to pick up the slack today and tomorrow though.  already got a swim in and will be biking after work.  then tomorrow joining a local running group for my "long" run of the week.  i'm pretty slow at running, so i usually don't join the group.  a friend of mine is going to be there and she's slow too so we'll run together.

then its clean, clean, clean once i get home. 

i seem to be the biggest newbie around here but i have a question about the swim - is it more important to work on bilateral breathing or keeping your head down and leading with the top of your head instead of your forehead?  or is it something i should practice a little of each on?

also i'll be going to the sporting goods store in K-town on Monday.  Anything that's a must for buying?  I'm going to look at water bottles that I can attach to my bike & swim caps.  and of course the helmet is at the top of the list. 

2010-04-09 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the response about the bike. I didn;t realize the body position difference, that will be something to consider. Our paths are pretty rough, I think w/ a hybrid I'd have to have a knobby set and a slick set to go from training to races.  I guess I'll keep shopping and when the bike is right, I'll know it.

PS Sorry I called you Carrie,lol. I was thinking of her weather post as I meant to type your name.

2010-04-09 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2779312

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-10 6:25 AM

i seem to be the biggest newbie around here

I think I'm a newer newbie than you Laughing 

But I can say this about the bilateral breathing....start now. It really is an important skill set to have. Emily is right about the waves/sun/people may be in your face on the breathing side.  I know when  I started breathing on both sides after always breathing to my right..the first time I switched tomy left I literally inhaled a huge amount of water and pratically drowned (an exageration but I did have to stop, stand up in the lap lane and cough for a few seconds, very embarrassing).


2010-04-09 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2779706

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
LaurenCO - 2010-04-09 10:17 AM
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-10 6:25 AM

i seem to be the biggest newbie around here

I think I'm a newer newbie than you Laughing 

But I can say this about the bilateral breathing....start now. It really is an important skill set to have. Emily is right about the waves/sun/people may be in your face on the breathing side.  I know when  I started breathing on both sides after always breathing to my right..the first time I switched tomy left I literally inhaled a huge amount of water and pratically drowned (an exageration but I did have to stop, stand up in the lap lane and cough for a few seconds, very embarrassing).


Mine was the first time I went to my right side...  Same sort of thing... Just keep practicing, I still have to think to breath on my right side during practice.

Another thing you might want to practice is sighting every 8 or so strokes.  Coming up straight in front to breath and spot your target.

Edited by otter_sh 2010-04-09 9:51 AM
2010-04-09 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2779657

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-09 10:04 AM

Sounds like you just needed a rest day - good for you!

I think that bilateral breathing is a useful skill to have, in case you are in a situation with waves or other splashing.  Even if the lake is calm, you might be next to a group and you want to breathe away from them.  Of, if there's harsh sun.  So I think you should know how to do it and practice occasionally.  I don't think you HAVE to do it.  In a race, when I am stressed and working hard, I might breathing every stroke on the same side.  You do what you have to do.

I am not sure how that relates to your head position... so please elaborate. 

Happy shopping!  I feel there's always a lot I want to buy, but what's necessary... hmmm...  Do you have swim goggles?  How about sport sunglasses?  I wore the Ironman brand they sell at Target (around $20) for years before I upgraded to something snazzier.  They are a bit more comfortable than fashion sunglasses, esp when sweaty.   Bicycle pump and a small tool to adjust seat, etc.  Tire fixing supplies and spare tube(s).    Have you tried energy gels or other sports nutrition?  You might want to pick up a few gels now to taste test, you will want one for the race.

I'll be curious to hear what others think are good basics.

it only relates because i'm not a confident enough swimmer to work on both at the same time!  when  i'm in the pool i pretty much only focus on one thing.  trying to bilateral breath AND keep my head down at the same time usually results in me doing neither properly!  i'm going to try and hit the pool 4 times a week, so i could easily have breathing days and head position days.

I toyed with gels when training for my half marathon, and i am a huge clif blocks fan. 

thankfully I won a $50 target gift card do these purchases won't hurt as badly as they could!  i've got pair of oakley's, but they slip off my head easily.  i'll check out the sunglasses to see if i could get a super cool string to secure them versus just breaking down and buying an inexpensive sport pair (my dad found the oakleys a few summers ago when he helping clean up the park)

<---cheapest person on the planet

okay now its time for lauren and i to battle it out for the title of newest newbie around!  Cool

2010-04-09 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2778308

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
deehtz - 2010-04-08 5:54 PM
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-08 1:44 PM
carrie639 - 2010-04-08 4:40 PM

I never do anything outside in bad weather (total baby) . . . but since you already admitted to running in the rain, SUCK IT UP, its only 8 miles. Tongue out (I am riding on the trainer tonight)


Just be careful and don't get fancy.

P.S. I am not sure when I will do if I face a bad weather race.  Haven't so far . . .

Carrie the first thing that got me outside was my half marathon training - i had 8 miles to run.  7 miles on the treadmill and i almost died of bordom. 

now i just throw on a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes and get over it. 

i'll be extra careful since i don't have a helmet yet.

GO GET ONE!!  Pavement won't care that it was only a short ride or that you weren't going that fast. 

I agree with this one...  worse drop so far was going slow, but reaching for a water bottle.  The lack of momentum took me to the edge and I went over.  Slow does not equal staying upright...  Or maybe I am just uncoordinated and should not drink and ride... 
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