General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-10-24 3:54 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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2013-10-29 6:23 AM
in reply to: Fred D

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2013-10-29 8:23 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I have been in serious maintenance mode just trying to keep my weight in check and stay fit. Thankfully I've been able to do that. I've been swimming 1 to 2 times a week and it's all been slow with a focus on technique. No speed or distance goals. I've been running two times a week and two trainer rides a week as well.

I've been keeping the run and trainer rides to no more than an hour. I also have been mountain biking once a week. I'd like to do that two days but the weekend has been my only chance to get out there. I'd like to do more trail running as well but it's the same deal like MTN biking. It has to be on the weekend. I'm still trying to mentally recover from the IM training from this past year. I probably won't start my outseason until January and then roll right into my IM training following that. I just need a break from the regiment.
2013-10-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Fred D

Bump! So I am planning on restarting swimming in November. My running is coming along nicely, but I'm trying to run really, really easy. How is everyone else doing with their winter maintenance/prep?

Other than the past few days dealing with a cold, I've been doing ok. I re-started 'serious' training/base building on October 1, and things are going well. Running is getting better in terms of pace and distance. Biking (indoors) is fine - trying to ride 'hard' to make sure the miles count. Swimming, not doing that much yet. Will probably get more swimming in once it's too cold for long outdoor runs, prob in another month or so. But all in all, feeling good about where I am right now.

292 days to go...
2013-10-29 1:05 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I have been real bad since my HIM the first weekend of the month. I haven't really done anything and its mainly due to work obligations (October is my busiest month) and two friends weddings. I plan on jumping back into S/B/R November 1 and doing 2 swims a week, 3 bikes and 2-3 runs and a little ST also.
2013-10-29 1:51 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Gettysburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Fred D

Bump! So I am planning on restarting swimming in November. My running is coming along nicely, but I'm trying to run really, really easy. How is everyone else doing with their winter maintenance/prep?

I'm gonna ride my off until the weather turns. October has been awesome. I have no idea what I'm training for right now but October has turned out to be one of my biggest months of the year. Probably a result of kicking up the run volume for winter and still trying to cram in a bunch of long rides because the weather is so nice. I hope November is the same.

Anyway, the plan for November is to transition to at least 4 swims a week. Need to work on swimming bad. Ride outside as much as possible but start to decrease bike volume a bit. (2 short/hard rides and one longer weekend ride). I like to avoid the trainer as much as I can until January. Run volume increase up to about 55 miles/week.

December is about the same with running in the 60-65 miles/week range. My thought now is to continue the run block until the mid January but it depends on how I'm feeling. Mid-January into February I'll start the suffer sessions in the basement and back off the running a bit so I'm ready to get outside on the bike in March.

I hate to plan too much...because if we have a bunch of warm weather...I'm biking as much as I can.

2013-11-11 3:01 PM
in reply to: rscheung

The Cold North
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Hi All,

I'm in for IMMT, which is IM#2 for me (LP 2013). I have ridden the IMMT bike course with my 50/34 12-25 gearing, but will likely leave my 12-27 Lake Placid gearing on for this one too. I'm currently working on building some run base, as I went into LP with a barely healed tibial stress fracture which forced me into a 1:1 run/walk marathon. I'm hoping for a much better day at Tremblant!
2013-12-02 1:39 PM
in reply to: erincs

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Hey all...8 months plus taper to go...

How's everyone doing? Anybody start their 'serious' training yet?

2013-12-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I don't plan on starting until January. For now my goal is to maintain my weight and to stay active. I've been swimming one to two times a week, running twice a week and biking two to three times a week with one or two of those rides being outdoors on the MTN bike. I'm doing enough so I don't get lazy but not too much to where I won't start the serious training and not be well rested.
2013-12-04 8:28 AM
in reply to: strikyr

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
My training plan (Finks Be Iron Fit) starts on 1/20/2013. This off season I have been working on ST and doing some Crossfit with my wife (I know, I know but I am not drinking the Kool-Aid so dont worry). I will start swimming and biking more come the end of the month to get back into the swing of things before my training plan starts. I just dont want to do too much now and get burned out during my training period. I am also working on keeping my weight down around 190lbs for race day which should help me on the hills. Super excited about this race and already nervous! I had a dream the other night the rim of my front wheel bent and I broke some spokes during the race and I woke up in a sweat! This is going to be a long training period lol. Did everyone enjoy their thanksgiving?
2013-12-04 9:34 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I started base training 2 weeks ago, but nothing super structured. Just building running mileage for a 50k in February and making sure I hit 3x/week in each sport. I start my plan the first week in March.

My plans to swim 5x/week fizzled and died with a sinus infection that took ages to go away, unfortunately.

2013-12-09 2:56 PM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Does anyone know of some really great trainer workouts for hills? Like 20min @ XX%FTP or whatever? I have Trainer Road and all the Sufferfests, just looking for the best use of my time!

Will be on the trainer during the week exclusively until about March, so want to spend that time wisely.

2013-12-15 5:58 AM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

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2013-12-15 5:12 PM
in reply to: Fred D

5,000 miles from home
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Hey everyone- how is training going?
I'm in for my 4th, 3 previous LPs.
I meant to retire from IM- , so not really sure if someone cast a spell on me or what because all of a sudden there I was registered for another event.
Last year's LP started with a torn left hamstring, then lost 2 toenails during the race making for a somewhat unpleasant run in the rain. So looking forward to a nice long training day in MT this year.
My official plan does not start for a while, but I am running the Myrtle Beach Marathon with a friend in February, so I'm putting in some decent run miles.
Looks like there are a bunch of Fink people in the forum, I enjoy reading about the various approaches to training. I did a Fink-ish program last winter, then switched to a traditional high volume program in the spring.
This year, I made up my own plan - it's basically a hodge podge of different things that worked for me in the past so hoping to have fun with it :-).
2013-12-24 7:35 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Waterford, MI.
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Just saw that the 2013 IMMT will be televised tonight, Dec 24th at 8:30 on NBC sports if anybody didn't know and wanted to watch it or DVR it.

BTW, in for MT next year. I'm really looking forward to it. I had some friends volunteer last year and couldn't say enough good things about the venue. We have 16 people from my Tri club doing it next year.

This will be my second IM. First was Louisville 2012.
2013-12-24 1:16 PM
in reply to: jdutton13

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by jdutton13

Just saw that the 2013 IMMT will be televised tonight, Dec 24th at 8:30 on NBC sports if anybody didn't know and wanted to watch it or DVR it.

BTW, in for MT next year. I'm really looking forward to it. I had some friends volunteer last year and couldn't say enough good things about the venue. We have 16 people from my Tri club doing it next year.

This will be my second IM. First was Louisville 2012.

Thanks for the info. Just set my DVR to record it.

Happy Christmas to all!

2013-12-26 6:19 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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2013-12-26 6:59 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

I have Texas 70.3 and IMCdA as a lead up to IMMT.  I start "officially" training on Monday.  That's 14 weeks to TX 70.3, then 12 weeks to IMCdA, then 7 weeks to IMMT.  Been very lazy since IMFL.

2013-12-26 10:35 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Fred D

BUMP. How's everyone's off season going? When does everyone start their training plan?

1/20/2014 is when my plan officially starts. Currently doing some crossfit and sporadic s/b/r to keep active but not burn myself out mentally. Looking forward to the training!

2013-12-26 3:27 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm starting my outseason on 1/6. I'll do a 13 week outseason and then roll into a 20 week IM training plan. For now I've been swimming once a week, running two to three times a week and biking two to three times a week. The running and biking vary. All low intensity stuff except maybe for the MTN biking I've been doing. I'm looking forward to getting started as I've had a nice long offseason following IMWI.
2013-12-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: strikyr

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Santa brought me a Garmin 910XT and I got myself a Wahoo Kickr trainer.  Time to start tri training again. 

The Ironman Tremblant special was great.  I just got my DirecTV back today so I could get Universal Sports, and get lots of swimming/biking/running televised events to keep me entertained while on the trainer.  Also bought wifey a smartTV and got Netflix which seems to have a small but decent collection of endurance sport-related movies. 

2013-12-27 5:15 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by Fred D

BUMP. How's everyone's off season going? When does everyone start their training plan?

I took August and September off and started semi-serious training again in early October. I don't follow a formal plan - I pretty much know what I need to do and then sort of do it. Not sure I would be able to be follow a strict plan given my work schedule anyway. I'll probably average 8-10 hours per week of training starting in February right through taper. Right now, I'm doing 5-7 hours per week and will gradually increase that starting in February. I won't be fast at IMMT, but I'm hoping to beat my IMFL time in any case.

Hope everybody is doing well.

2013-12-28 4:35 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Been running consistently. Back in the pool for about 3 weeks after a 2 month break, back up to 3x per week at 2500-3k yd per session. I've totally neglected the bike. I haven't ridden seriously for 4 months. Going to do a FTP test tomorrow, then will repeat in 1 month. I'm lucky to be with the "power" mentor group. I hope to learn a lot, and whip myself back into shape over the next few weeks.
2013-12-29 6:48 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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2014-01-10 7:40 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Ironman North American Championship Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Hi all,

Trish for IMMT and this will be IM #5 for me. Yeah, I'm addicted!

Raced my best IM last fall at IMAZ, partied HARD for two weeks, had surgery, ate ate and ate some more and am just now easing my way back into training. I am hoping to be able to train in earnest here in the next few weeks.

I am training with Endurance Nation for my second year (had fantastic success with the program last year) ...the out season started this week with testing, but I can't play just yet.

I'm in the same triclub as JDutton, and like him, got convinced (my phone blew up with texts about how awesome the venue was) to sign up last August. Since I hit a big pr goal last year in AZ, I haven't totally figured out what I am shooting for in MT, other than I really expect to improve on my IMLP time from 2011.

I've got a big bike week in NC planned early May as well as the Endurance Nation IMMT camp in July. I really like riding a course ahead of helped calm my nerves a LOT in Placid. I'm looking forward to NOT having a Long Course A race in November for the first time since I started this crazy!

Excited to race with you all!

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