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2014-01-03 11:06 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Name: Rachel

Story: I'm cheating slightly joining this group, but hopefully you'll understand and let me in. I've been doing triathlons properly for a little over 3 years. It started as an intended one-off and then just snowballed. I did my first IM in Switzerland 2012 and then did Outlaw (non branded iron-distance) in 2013. After outlaw my husband and I decided to start trying for a family and in November I fell pregnant. Unfortunately I had an early miscarriage at the end of November. Due to life getting in the way, and a decision that I'd prioritised training enough for the year and needed to focus on some other stuff (we've been working on the house) my training has been almost non-existent since around September.

I lost motivation further after the miscarriage and was just starting to get myself back in the game when Christmas happened. I work 24/7 shifts and with night shift all of Christmas week along with family commitments I landed up with a horrible cold which I've just managed to shake off.

The good news is that I've just found out I'm pregnant again. The bad news is that it's still VERY early so I'm holding my breath to see if this one sticks. In the mean time I don't want to lose any more fitness than I already have (I went for a run today and it was painfully slow!) especially if it turns out to be another false alarm... So although I don't fall into the new parents category I'm hoping you'll let me in and maybe be able to give me some advice on how to cope through what is hopefully going to be an interesting year.

Goals: Stay pregnant! Sadly that one's kind of out of my hands, so if it's not meant to be I have a couple of options of races up my sleeve. But fingers crossed no racing for me this year. My husband's looking at one of the full distance Challenge events, although I haven't actually broken it to him that if I've got my maths right it'll be the week after my due date. Interesting conversation in my future I think...

Obviously weight loss isn't on the cards which is a shame because I've managed to get my off-season weight up 8kg from last year's race weight! I guess that's a battle for another day. I try to eat reasonably healthy but it's a bit hit and miss. Work doesn't help because meal breaks are something that happen if circumstances allow. So grabbing chocolate on the run is a little more common than I'd like. When I was really focused before the race last year I was doing really well at taking healthy snacks to work, but that's something I really need to get back to.

What makes me a good mentee: I've been in various mentor groups for the past 3 years. I've picked up a lot of knowledge and have a bit of experience under my belt. I love to hear about other peoples experiences and tend to be an active participant in groups. I hope you'll let me in ;-)

Welcome! wishing you no racing this year because baby will be meeting ya! I kept active throughout my pregnancy and just listened to my body and didn't push was really good too that I had a midwife that really advocated being active so when I told her I was getting a ligament pain while running she didn't tell me to stop like most dr's would....instead she said use a support belt! it was great to have her understand. With my first I didn't even tell the doctor I was working out as he wouldn't have liked that...but I always just watched my heart rate and didn't take any chances!

2014-01-04 8:53 AM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Name: Rachel

Story: I'm cheating slightly joining this group, but hopefully you'll understand and let me in. I've been doing triathlons properly for a little over 3 years. It started as an intended one-off and then just snowballed. I did my first IM in Switzerland 2012 and then did Outlaw (non branded iron-distance) in 2013. After outlaw my husband and I decided to start trying for a family and in November I fell pregnant. Unfortunately I had an early miscarriage at the end of November. Due to life getting in the way, and a decision that I'd prioritised training enough for the year and needed to focus on some other stuff (we've been working on the house) my training has been almost non-existent since around September.

I lost motivation further after the miscarriage and was just starting to get myself back in the game when Christmas happened. I work 24/7 shifts and with night shift all of Christmas week along with family commitments I landed up with a horrible cold which I've just managed to shake off.

The good news is that I've just found out I'm pregnant again. The bad news is that it's still VERY early so I'm holding my breath to see if this one sticks. In the mean time I don't want to lose any more fitness than I already have (I went for a run today and it was painfully slow!) especially if it turns out to be another false alarm... So although I don't fall into the new parents category I'm hoping you'll let me in and maybe be able to give me some advice on how to cope through what is hopefully going to be an interesting year.

Goals: Stay pregnant! Sadly that one's kind of out of my hands, so if it's not meant to be I have a couple of options of races up my sleeve. But fingers crossed no racing for me this year. My husband's looking at one of the full distance Challenge events, although I haven't actually broken it to him that if I've got my maths right it'll be the week after my due date. Interesting conversation in my future I think...

Obviously weight loss isn't on the cards which is a shame because I've managed to get my off-season weight up 8kg from last year's race weight! I guess that's a battle for another day. I try to eat reasonably healthy but it's a bit hit and miss. Work doesn't help because meal breaks are something that happen if circumstances allow. So grabbing chocolate on the run is a little more common than I'd like. When I was really focused before the race last year I was doing really well at taking healthy snacks to work, but that's something I really need to get back to.

What makes me a good mentee: I've been in various mentor groups for the past 3 years. I've picked up a lot of knowledge and have a bit of experience under my belt. I love to hear about other peoples experiences and tend to be an active participant in groups. I hope you'll let me in ;-)

welcome rachel and sending you lots of sticky thoughts!
2014-01-04 8:57 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Originally posted by Daffodil

this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

Does the BOB come with the plastic rain cover? if there is a windchill out maybe try that......we have the chariot and it has a plastic piece that covers over the mesh and we throw in a couple blankets and the kids stay so toasty warm !!!

You can buy the cover, which I haven't done yet, but maybe I will look into it BTW, we are going to start sleep training tomorrow night. Last night was the worst night since our first night at home back in August. We have company coming this evening, so tonight is out.
2014-01-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
We got my son to sleep 12 hours at 9 weeks. We used the book the Baby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano. He's 13 months and we just switched him from 2 to 1 naps per day. I swear by that book. It was easy and you don't think it's going to work but at the end of the program, he just went 7-7.
2014-01-04 7:08 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Welcome Rachel!! Good luck with your pregnancy, I would do anything too strenuous until you get to a safer farther along point.

My wife ran for the first 3 months of her pregnancy then pulled a muscle in her groin and had to switch to the oliptical for the remainder.

Our son has never slept through the night, we do not believe in cry it out. He will go to bed between 7:30 - 8:00 and will usually wake up by 12 and usually we bring him into bed with us. Sometimes I am able to get him back into his crib.

we have a bike trailer that I can convert into a jogging stroller that I might try to get out and see if he will take the cold weather. we have 8 inches of snow on the ground and might get 6-10 Sunday into Monday. We live about a mile from the bike trail that goes all around Cleveland, about 100 miles of bike/running trails. Even 15 miles of Mountain bike trails and some horse trails.

Ran this morning with a group of people from the local running shop. 25 or so people turned out bitter cold, about 14 F with a wind chill of Neg 4.
got 8 miles in about 1:11:00

No idea what I am going to do tomorrow, hopefully swim and jump on the trainer.

I made my first batch of Kombucha tonight
pretty neat stuff, we also make Water Kefir.
Very healthy drinks.
2014-01-04 8:19 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hi All, sorry i've been MIA for a few days. Working out and keeping an eye but I need to catch up

Hi and welcome to Heather, Rachel and Seth! 

Laura, we got the rain cover for the Bob, it's a bit tricky to get on but i think its good for this weather - to feel a little better about going out in frigid temperatures.


2014-01-04 8:51 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Lots of good updates from everyone! 

Also, if you get a chance, i know we're all busy, stop by the training logs and inspire one another. It's easy to add friends now with the new site update - click on the person's picture and you should get a menu pop up - you can add as a friend right there and go to their training log ... 

Laura, good luck on the sleep training! Sleep is very important - and seeing it as a big area of concern for everyone.

So far, we haven't done sleep training per se - thankfully Felicity is an excellent little sleeper. She started sleeping largely through the night around 6 or 7 weeks. She responded really well to being swaddled. We have the book by Dr. Weissbluth but so far she's not fussy and does nap regularly - they aren't a consistent length but she's napping at least twice a day and since she's not fussy I am okay with it.  I think she's hit another growth spurt so she's been waking once or twice in the night to feed but falls right back to sleep.  She's 7 months today! I really can't believe it.

Rachel - congrats on your early pregnancy! I can totally understand your nerves. We are here for you. I found I got quite a bit of conflicting information on exercising during pregnancy - most of which now seems out of date. I ran a fair amount during my first trimester - even a 25k trail race before I realized I was pregnant!  but by the second it was cold and dark and I really didn't feel like it.  I figured I'd been active for so long that it wasn't the end of the world.  I kept swimming which felt really great. I was able to swim with my triathlon group which was nice - i felt like I was doing something normal for me. 

Thanks for the vote of confidence on asking for training time - i admit, I really have very little excuse! We have bike trainers, i have a treadmill, we bought the jogging stroller and my hubby makes sure he doesn't work late on my swim nights.  How's that for set up!  What's been our issue is that my husband got what is his dream job just a few months before Felicity was born but it's significantly more work and requires travel.  We have been trying to keep the lines of communication open - but it can be frustrating because he's tired from working and sometimes the day doesn't work out that I could fit in the training I want to do during his work hours. I feel some guilt, he feels some guilt.  We're working on it. But I know he supports me and I support him.  We are on the same team! 

The main thing is not to leave it to the last minute! And to try to get in my training before dinner. Leaving it to the end of the day doesn't work too well for me. 


2014-01-04 9:05 PM
in reply to: vball03umd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Traci! I almost missed you there! Happy new year and check in when you can! 

2014-01-04 10:06 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by rydergal

Originally posted by Daffodil

this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

Does the BOB come with the plastic rain cover? if there is a windchill out maybe try that......we have the chariot and it has a plastic piece that covers over the mesh and we throw in a couple blankets and the kids stay so toasty warm !!!

You can buy the cover, which I haven't done yet, but maybe I will look into it BTW, we are going to start sleep training tomorrow night. Last night was the worst night since our first night at home back in August. We have company coming this evening, so tonight is out.

Good luck and be strong! It will be worth it in the end in so many ways..... one example is this past new years- we put our kiddies down to sleep at our friends house that they had never been to before (they just moved) both went down no prob and not a peep so we were able to enjoy the rest of our night with our friends and when we went home we put them in the car and back into their beds and they went to sleep no problems again.

However there was another family there who's kiddo wouldn't go down and only screamed so the hubby ended up going home and the wife stayed at the party....not a good situation in my eyes ...another family their little guy wouldn't go down so they let him stay up till midnight, his mom kept saying to us oh man I wish we would have sleep trained, tomorrow is not going to be good with him being up so late..

Also with company over & travelling & quality time with the hubby makes it so much easier ...not to mention how much better it is for everyone's health to get a good nights sleep.
2014-01-04 10:15 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Welcome Rachel!! Good luck with your pregnancy, I would do anything too strenuous until you get to a safer farther along point.

My wife ran for the first 3 months of her pregnancy then pulled a muscle in her groin and had to switch to the oliptical for the remainder.

Our son has never slept through the night, we do not believe in cry it out. He will go to bed between 7:30 - 8:00 and will usually wake up by 12 and usually we bring him into bed with us. Sometimes I am able to get him back into his crib.

we have a bike trailer that I can convert into a jogging stroller that I might try to get out and see if he will take the cold weather. we have 8 inches of snow on the ground and might get 6-10 Sunday into Monday. We live about a mile from the bike trail that goes all around Cleveland, about 100 miles of bike/running trails. Even 15 miles of Mountain bike trails and some horse trails.

Ran this morning with a group of people from the local running shop. 25 or so people turned out bitter cold, about 14 F with a wind chill of Neg 4.
got 8 miles in about 1:11:00

No idea what I am going to do tomorrow, hopefully swim and jump on the trainer.

I made my first batch of Kombucha tonight
pretty neat stuff, we also make Water Kefir.
Very healthy drinks.

I've tried Kombucha a couple times it's definitely an acquired taste but seems to have so many good benefits from it. totally want to hear how it turns out! will you add any other stuff to it? the ones I've tried had flavors added.
2014-01-05 10:28 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Good morning! I am back and showered after a nice 16k (10 mile) run - it's running at this time of year that makes me feel tough.  It snowed a little overnight and being sunday morning there is very little cleared by the time I am out running. I am really lucky to have a great running buddy to chat with and make the time pass by so much more pleasantly! 

How are all of you dealing with adverse winter weather? It can be tough to keep going! 

2014-01-05 12:04 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
sleep the last few days has been horrible. I might have gotten 4 hours of highly interrupted sleep. Needless to say, I'm not working out today. too bad because the weather isn't too bad out there today. Hoping that the sleep training tonight goes well.

Back in October and early November, we were getting good sleep at night, we even had a few days where J went down in his crib. he would wake up once or twice a night, but go right back to sleep after nursing. for the last 7 weeks, it has been a steady decline to last night where J wouldn't go back down in his crib starting at 10:30. at 12:30, I finally gave up and brought him into bed. he woke up every 45 minutesuntil 8:10 and usually took some effort to get him back to sleep. If this doesn't work I don't know what we will do
2014-01-05 5:45 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

sleep the last few days has been horrible. I might have gotten 4 hours of highly interrupted sleep. Needless to say, I'm not working out today. too bad because the weather isn't too bad out there today. Hoping that the sleep training tonight goes well.

Back in October and early November, we were getting good sleep at night, we even had a few days where J went down in his crib. he would wake up once or twice a night, but go right back to sleep after nursing. for the last 7 weeks, it has been a steady decline to last night where J wouldn't go back down in his crib starting at 10:30. at 12:30, I finally gave up and brought him into bed. he woke up every 45 minutesuntil 8:10 and usually took some effort to get him back to sleep. If this doesn't work I don't know what we will do

Pretty much in the same boat as you, Our son usually comes to bed with us by 11-12 and wakes up every 45-60 mins then I try to put him back in his crib around 4-5am. sometimes It works, sometimes it doesnt.

When we have more kids, we plan on raising them the same way so I am already writing off sleep for the next 10+ years.

2014-01-05 5:52 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

How are all of you dealing with adverse winter weather? It can be tough to keep going! 

Pretty much the same way, I don't have a treadmill, although I could go run at the gym, but I really don't want to. I bike on my cycleops trainer. I usually don't have a problem running outside snow/rain or shine. Now tomorrow morning at 5am which I was going to run, the Wind chill is supposed to be negative 40 something, so think I will just jump on the bike again.

We ran on bike trails yesterday and did fine, most of the time 2 abreast.

Got a great swim in today, really think things are coming together,

Go check out my Swim on my training log

then came home and son was asleep so I jumped on the trainer for 40 mins, did 5 min intervals on the bike,
I don't have any of those dvd's people use. I just make stuff up and do it,

2014-01-06 10:12 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Good morning! It's definitely been an interesting winter so far.  I am sure I am noticing more because I am home but we got quite a bit of snow yesterday and it was really a pretty winter wonderland.  But then it melted some and today the temperature has dropped which has frozen quite a bit of slush. our driveway looks like an ice rink even after DH put down some salt.   Felicity is napping but I am wondering about getting a couple of errands done but I don't really want to walk and I don't particularly want to take the car out ... anyway, thankfully I have swimming tonight so my workout is built into the day.

I train with a triathlon swim group twice a week - coached by a local pro. I am one of the slowest swimmers there but I try not to let it get me down  - it's about getting out.  Everyone there is great AND I get to use my new Garmin Swim tonight too. It was pricey to join but i think it's been good to build two nights a week in where I have something outside of the house to do without the baby. 

I am thinking that i will bust out a little strength training dvd later this afternoon during felicity's afternoon nap.  I noticed it was kind of hunched when running yesterday and I need to get my core in order - as well as keep stretching and some good range of motion. Tri training is great but the motions are so repetitive. 

Laura, have you had a better night and day?  Those sleepless nights are the worst but maybe you got a couple of good naps in yesterday ... 

Todd, how is the kombucha? 

2014-01-06 12:56 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
yesterday I got in one nap, but then couldn't fall asleep last night. last night was interesting since J has been snacking all night and didn't have consistent feeding times, so he woke up hungry before the time I planned to feed him. it should go smoother tonight though as I now know what time he actually gets hungry at. Today naps have been non-existent. I'll try one more time, but if that doesn't work, I'll take him out for a drive. Nasty weather out there!!!

2014-01-06 1:47 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
No workout this morning (had niece and nephew over early) but got in 13 miles on the trainer yesterday doing intensity by distance intervals. Was only my second time on the trainer and I'm really liking it, plus I think it's going to get a lot of use this season as the weather in the northeast has been just awful. Tomorrow windchills are going to be well below zero so it'll be back on the trainer. i'm hoping to be able to run outside by Thursday as even getting to the gym in the morning is almost impossible in this cold. Friday should be my typical swim.

Does anybody have any 45-60 minute trainer workouts?

2014-01-06 4:15 PM
in reply to: #4923656

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hi guys.

Wanted to check in after a really busy few days at work.

I had a minor meltdown on Saturday after I was given some advice (personal trainer, not medical) that I shouldn't do ANY exercise other than walking for the first trimester due to my miscarriage. It didn't really sit right and was obviously overly-cautious, generic advice based on not getting sued more than anything else... But considering I had spent 5.5 hours actively walking (hills and stuff) at work, and my job can be quite physical, that freaked me out a little.

The good news is I contacted a friend from the tri club who is a doctor, who confirmed that it's really not necessary for me to treat this as anything other than a normal pregnancy and said that no level of exercise, or even getting injured (also a risk at work) could affect the outcome at this stage. Obviously the usual rules about not getting too hot etc still apply.

So panic over. I went to the tri club swim session on Saturday night, which was my first session in the water for a while. I love swimming but I find it hard not to work really hard, so I may have to move down a lane so that I don't push myself too hard. Pilates on Sunday after work (got to keep that core strong!) and then tonight I did an easy turbo session with my husband and his training buddies. We all set up in one guys garage which worked really well. I had to lend out my HR monitor as they were doing a lactate threshold test and one of the guys didn't have one, so I was just keeping perceived effort low and trying not to get hot. It was a lot if fun turboing in a group and they're making it a regular Monday night thing, so I'll try to join them when work allows.
2014-01-07 9:47 AM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

Hi guys.

Wanted to check in after a really busy few days at work.

I had a minor meltdown on Saturday after I was given some advice (personal trainer, not medical) that I shouldn't do ANY exercise other than walking for the first trimester due to my miscarriage. It didn't really sit right and was obviously overly-cautious, generic advice based on not getting sued more than anything else... But considering I had spent 5.5 hours actively walking (hills and stuff) at work, and my job can be quite physical, that freaked me out a little.

The good news is I contacted a friend from the tri club who is a doctor, who confirmed that it's really not necessary for me to treat this as anything other than a normal pregnancy and said that no level of exercise, or even getting injured (also a risk at work) could affect the outcome at this stage. Obviously the usual rules about not getting too hot etc still apply.

So panic over. I went to the tri club swim session on Saturday night, which was my first session in the water for a while. I love swimming but I find it hard not to work really hard, so I may have to move down a lane so that I don't push myself too hard. Pilates on Sunday after work (got to keep that core strong!) and then tonight I did an easy turbo session with my husband and his training buddies. We all set up in one guys garage which worked really well. I had to lend out my HR monitor as they were doing a lactate threshold test and one of the guys didn't have one, so I was just keeping perceived effort low and trying not to get hot. It was a lot if fun turboing in a group and they're making it a regular Monday night thing, so I'll try to join them when work allows.

That's great news! there is so much conflicting outdated information out there- its great when you can find a dr that is up with the times and can give you encouraging advice.

Some exciting news for me- I've been working on my degree for the past few years and am currently taking 2 courses...I had 3 left until yesterday! I found out the University is giving me 3 course credits from a certificate I did at work. this is such a weight off my shoulders financially ( work reimburses us after course completion but we have to front the $$) and just with my time during maternity leave. I can enjoy my summer camping with my family and now only have the focus of training w/o having to worry about school as well! (this was a concern of mine that I needed to ensure i had time for everything) My hubby is in the same boat so it's just as awesome for him! such a great way to start off the new year- half way through my courses and find out i'm actually going to be done my degree at the end of them! Now if only we could afford to go to the convocation ceremonies- In Australia!!!

Workouts are 6/31 for the month and I feel great! hubby and I went for the 'long' run yesterday with the kids in the chariot. Was great....hoping to hit up a pool tonight- trying to find one I like now that I have a few options. Wednesdays will be off days for me as I will do school work while my oldest is in preschool and the little one naps...I also have Wednesday evening commitments.....this will all change come Feb3 when i'm officially done school!!woohoo then I can add in a workout then!
Have a good day everyone!
2014-01-07 11:37 AM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
that is great news Tera! DH is working on his degree from Athabasca. We are hoping to be able to take a trip for his covocation.

Sleep was better last night. Got close to 8 hours for the first time in over a month. Took J 7 minutes to fall asleep! I think I'll run on the treadmill when he goes down tonight.

I think for now I will still nurse him three times a night which I am completely okay with.
2014-01-07 3:08 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by chapfallen Hi guys. Wanted to check in after a really busy few days at work. I had a minor meltdown on Saturday after I was given some advice (personal trainer, not medical) that I shouldn't do ANY exercise other than walking for the first trimester due to my miscarriage. It didn't really sit right and was obviously overly-cautious, generic advice based on not getting sued more than anything else... But considering I had spent 5.5 hours actively walking (hills and stuff) at work, and my job can be quite physical, that freaked me out a little. The good news is I contacted a friend from the tri club who is a doctor, who confirmed that it's really not necessary for me to treat this as anything other than a normal pregnancy and said that no level of exercise, or even getting injured (also a risk at work) could affect the outcome at this stage. Obviously the usual rules about not getting too hot etc still apply. So panic over. I went to the tri club swim session on Saturday night, which was my first session in the water for a while. I love swimming but I find it hard not to work really hard, so I may have to move down a lane so that I don't push myself too hard. Pilates on Sunday after work (got to keep that core strong!) and then tonight I did an easy turbo session with my husband and his training buddies. We all set up in one guys garage which worked really well. I had to lend out my HR monitor as they were doing a lactate threshold test and one of the guys didn't have one, so I was just keeping perceived effort low and trying not to get hot. It was a lot if fun turboing in a group and they're making it a regular Monday night thing, so I'll try to join them when work allows.

Glad to hear you were able to access more balanced advice! I got quite differing opinions from midwives and doctors when i was pregnant.  Some of the outdated 140 bpm heart rate guidelines and mostly the cautious kind of stuff. I didn't feel up to most 'hard core' stuff - but I do find it funny. Most health professionals do not encounter women like us who do so much exercise. They are usually advising people to do something - like walking over you know triathlons and long distance running ... just keep taking care of yourself. 

2014-01-07 3:12 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by sethjk No workout this morning (had niece and nephew over early) but got in 13 miles on the trainer yesterday doing intensity by distance intervals. Was only my second time on the trainer and I'm really liking it, plus I think it's going to get a lot of use this season as the weather in the northeast has been just awful. Tomorrow windchills are going to be well below zero so it'll be back on the trainer. i'm hoping to be able to run outside by Thursday as even getting to the gym in the morning is almost impossible in this cold. Friday should be my typical swim. Does anybody have any 45-60 minute trainer workouts? Thanks

The trainer is a great tool - especially for those us in these frozen lands! hahaha - though it does lose its lustre after a while. As for some good workouts, I don't have any off the top of my head - i usually follow a plan from this site (the winter maintenance plan or the half iron plan) and they have detailed bike workouts which you can do (and if you're ambitious and have one - program it into your garmin).

Other options - videos such as Sufferfest and Spinnervals and books like Indoor cycling workouts in a binder

The things you'll see - big gear intervals, one-leg drills, high-cadence intervals ... they all have a purpose and can really build strength if you have the wherewithal to do them.  


2014-01-07 3:13 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Laura! YAY for sleep! When people ask me about being home with the baby i always say how great it is when she sleeps (and then I sleep) because I feel so much more human! 

2014-01-07 3:19 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

So last night I did not go to swim. I do not usually 'weenie' out because of weather but the pool where I swim is usually quite chilly and it's in a high school and often there isn't warm water in the showers afterward so i just couldn't bear the thought of the -30C windchills and being chilly even in the car.

It turned out to be a pretty good decision, i think since we hadn't cleaned off (or gone anywhere in) the car since Saturday and when i did decide to go out for diapers it took about a half hour to get the car ready to go. It had quite a bit of snow on it that had a nice icy crust. (Aside, we have a nice garage where said car could go and i have asked hubby to make it so car could go int there but right now its his workshop - maybe by spring hahaha

2014-01-07 5:46 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Originally posted by Daffodil

this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

No idea, I had my little guy out yesterday here in Cleveland, 12 F and 8-10 inches of snow, Was only out for 20-25 mins and he didnt want to go inside. I wanted to go work out, so when I brought him back in he cried and cried.

I guess if you bundle em up nice and tight?

My wife wouldn't let me take them out in anything less than -5C or so. But I remember being caught in a horrible storm, I think the temperature dropped to -10C or so, and then the wind, kid didn't make a peep. I guess the thing is there is no windchill for the kid if the buggy has a windshield, which I always had. And it gets a little toasty in there too.

Regardless, I was always paranoid when running with the kid in the cold. They just sit there all bundled up. Fall asleep. Don't even move. I am like, HELLO ARE YOU STILL BREATHING??? Never much of a relaxing run.
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