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2015-01-07 8:52 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Ooops. My bad. Got turned upside down! Thanks, Jason.

This sounds like a reasonable approach. I had not thought about a goal pace. Looking at some recent data, I believe I've found an approximate race pace for a 30 min TT. I'll give that a try and see how it goes.



2015-01-07 9:02 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Edited by triguy1043 2015-01-07 11:26 AM
2015-01-07 9:11 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Originally posted by wannabefaster
Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Training Question!  I am using BT's Intermediate Ironman training plan (with some tweaks) to prepare for both my HIM in May and IM in June.   Some of the scheduled workouts are shorter than I'm used to doing.   In my regular train just to train life, I'll do a minimum of 60 minutes on the bike.  In these earlier weeks some of my weekly rides are 30 minutes or 45  minutes.  Any harm in bumping these shorter rides to 60 mins?  Same for running. My minimum run is 30 minutes but plans have 20 minute runs. 

I would say no harm at all in bumping up the ride and run lengths to match your current fitness. Like triguy says, just keep up your current volume until the plan catches up with you.


This is kind of what I'm thinking too.  Looking ahead the volume will catch up with me pretty soon.

I would also add some more high intensity workouts while you are ahead of the curve, because as volume starts to increase, most likely your opportunity for high intensity sessions will decrease.
2015-01-07 12:40 PM
in reply to: triguy1043

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by triguy1043
Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Originally posted by wannabefaster
Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Training Question!  I am using BT's Intermediate Ironman training plan (with some tweaks) to prepare for both my HIM in May and IM in June.   Some of the scheduled workouts are shorter than I'm used to doing.   In my regular train just to train life, I'll do a minimum of 60 minutes on the bike.  In these earlier weeks some of my weekly rides are 30 minutes or 45  minutes.  Any harm in bumping these shorter rides to 60 mins?  Same for running. My minimum run is 30 minutes but plans have 20 minute runs. 

I would say no harm at all in bumping up the ride and run lengths to match your current fitness. Like triguy says, just keep up your current volume until the plan catches up with you.


This is kind of what I'm thinking too.  Looking ahead the volume will catch up with me pretty soon.

I would also add some more high intensity workouts while you are ahead of the curve, because as volume starts to increase, most likely your opportunity for high intensity sessions will decrease.

You are totally right, I like this suggestion!  Thanks,  great advice.


2015-01-07 3:01 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

Ooops. My bad. Got turned upside down! Thanks, Jason.

This sounds like a reasonable approach. I had not thought about a goal pace. Looking at some recent data, I believe I've found an approximate race pace for a 30 min TT. I'll give that a try and see how it goes.



It is funny about goal paces/power.......

Really, we should be blind to the pace/power and just give a maximal effort and let the chips fall where they will. Unfortunately doing it tat way us really, really hard. If you can't see your pace the tendency is to start too hard and blow up long before the end of the test.

I usually will have a pretty good idea what ball park I should be in for my test based on my training leading up to it and that will give me goals to shoot for on the test. When my coach used to tell me that he expected at least pace/power X from a test, I would always work hard to at least hit those numbers. Some how the expectations would drive the test.
2015-01-07 4:08 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by wannabefaster
Originally posted by PsyTri Ooops. My bad. Got turned upside down! Thanks, Jason. This sounds like a reasonable approach. I had not thought about a goal pace. Looking at some recent data, I believe I've found an approximate race pace for a 30 min TT. I'll give that a try and see how it goes. Thanks. Gary
It is funny about goal paces/power....... Really, we should be blind to the pace/power and just give a maximal effort and let the chips fall where they will. Unfortunately doing it tat way us really, really hard. If you can't see your pace the tendency is to start too hard and blow up long before the end of the test. I usually will have a pretty good idea what ball park I should be in for my test based on my training leading up to it and that will give me goals to shoot for on the test. When my coach used to tell me that he expected at least pace/power X from a test, I would always work hard to at least hit those numbers. Some how the expectations would drive the test.

But we can't be completely blind to power/pace and just give a maximal effort.  You have to know how to pace yourself for the expected duration.  For example, my 5' maximal power is significantly higher than my 20' maximal power on the bike.  You either have to have a really good sense of what RPE can be maintained for x minutes....or have an idea of "last time I did 200W for 20 minutes and I feel that my fitness has improved, so this time I'll shoot for 210W". 

Also, it's much easier to correct if you go out too easy, rather than too hard.  Go out too easy and feel you could have done more?  Okay, instead of doing a 30 minute test, ignore the first 5 minutes and go for 35 minutes and take only the last 30 minutes into consideration.  Go out too hard?  Power (or pace) is probably going to fall off dramatically and the test may provide a lot of pain and not a lot of good feedback. 

2015-01-07 7:00 PM
in reply to: #5077893

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I was advised to pace my races similar to what has been discussed here. For example, I use the first 3 miles of my half marathon as a warm up and was 30-45 seconds below my goal pace (plus this keeps me from going out to fast). Overtime I ramp it up and then give everything I have for the last 3 miles. The push at the end almost always offsets the initial slowness, or at least it has up to this point. Obviously you can't warm up for 3 miles during a 20 or 30 minute time trial, but I think the same logic can be applied.
2015-01-08 11:47 AM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
This place is too quite lets get talking!!

As I sit here its -10 outside in Upstate NY and windchill of -30

So my question is what is everyone's favorite trainer sessions?

Here are two of my favorites

1 Hr ride
10 min WU
4x 10 (20 secs ALL OUT / 10 sec recovery) 5 mins total
4 mins of rest in-between each interval
10 min Best sustainable effort

1 hr ride
10 min WU
20min @ Threshold
5 min recovery
20 mins at Threshold
5 min CD
2015-01-08 12:02 PM
in reply to: #5080942

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
My favorite trainer sessions are Sufferfest. Any of them, as they all kick my trash. They make the time go fast and I feel like I get a kick ass work out as well. I am loving the new app that gives you access to all of them!

If people could share their fave dreadmill work outs that would be helpful too ??
2015-01-08 12:26 PM
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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I bought the Sufferfest videos as a Christmas present to myself before my teams 50% discount expired last month. Aside from the $10 I spend on Trainer Road each month, it's the best money I've spent on training yet! It's strange but I enjoy watching other people cycle while riding my bike much more than Netflix. For some reason the time goes faster. My wife says I also swear and talk smack (Suck it Cavendish! is one of her favorites).

I don't really have any treadmill workouts. I avoid it as much as possible b/c if I don't my running buddy makes a sad face (see below)

Edit to add that I am meeting with my coach for the first time in an hour... pretty stoked about that.

Edited by Toefuzz 2015-01-08 12:27 PM


IMG_4821.jpg (2591KB - 4 downloads)
2015-01-08 1:06 PM
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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
How cute! Do you just attach the dog's leash to your loose speed lace? That would not be pretty when your pal spots a squirrel and decides to take off into the underbrush! That would be QUITE a sufferfest in itself! Enjoy the coaching session. Let us know how it goes.

No trainer here. I've thought about it but climates here in Florida let me ride most of the year outside, which I enjoy. Although the roads around here can get pretty dangerous with the drivers and all.

That being said, I woke to very "blustery" conditions (don't ask - you might laugh yourselves to death up in the great white north) and decided to scuttle the time trial for today. It's all good. Will try again soon.

Edited by PsyTri 2015-01-08 1:07 PM

2015-01-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #5077893

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I have family in Alabama so I'm familiar with Southern cold and blustery conditions, or lack thereof . I just looked outside, it's 3 degrees with a windchill well into the negatives and I can't see across the street due to blowing and drifting snow.

As for the dog, he does reasonably well for being a puppy. I run with a leash in hand for now but want to get one of those waist thingamajigs come spring when we will run outside more.

Meeting with coach went well. We are on the same page for most things and he's an easy guy to get along with.

I met with a Dr for my hip pain and have a referral to see a PT, hopefully early next week. Decided to make the mature decision and take another day off to rest up so I can start fresh on Monday when my training plan kicks in. The downside of that is I am sitting around the house bored not knowing what to do with myself, therefore driving my wife nuts.
2015-01-08 4:41 PM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Love the doggies!  My Lola gives me that face too--her guilt face has driven me out to run so many times!


2015-01-08 6:44 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

How cute! Do you just attach the dog's leash to your loose speed lace? That would not be pretty when your pal spots a squirrel and decides to take off into the underbrush! That would be QUITE a sufferfest in itself! Enjoy the coaching session. Let us know how it goes.

No trainer here. I've thought about it but climates here in Florida let me ride most of the year outside, which I enjoy. Although the roads around here can get pretty dangerous with the drivers and all.

That being said, I woke to very "blustery" conditions (don't ask - you might laugh yourselves to death up in the great white north) and decided to scuttle the time trial for today. It's all good. Will try again soon.

I'm in Miami where are you located? I saw you were interested in the south beach tri so I'm assuming close. I borrowed a friends leg warmers and rode this morning. It was SUPER windy! Like you I stay away from the trainer as much as possible with the nice weather down here.
2015-01-08 8:00 PM
in reply to: #5081336

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I love the dog pic! My lab is too old for running anymore. As much as I hate treadmills, I am finding they are pretty nice for poor air quality days with our Northern Utah inversion and for speed work/hill repeats.
2015-01-09 6:21 AM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
How do you guys add strength workouts without it effecting your next workout?

2015-01-09 9:09 AM
in reply to: Lupy

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I have just started doing this, implementing strength training to tri training. I go 3x a week. I do legs at the beginning of the week as not to affect long rides/runs later in the week. I then do upper body on other days. The goal or fine line is doing lighter weights and higher reps, so as not to be so sore as to effect another work out. I heard that if you are sore afterward, you are doing too much. I am finally finding that happy place with sets where it is a challenge, but doesn't effect me more later. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I enjoy strength training, and want to still do it somehow while doing my IM training.

Ben, what do you recommend?
2015-01-09 10:18 AM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Hey guys sorry for my tartiness this week, I will be back online tonight, but was without a computer unexpectedly this week.
2015-01-09 12:23 PM
in reply to: bcagle25

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by bcagle25

Hey guys sorry for my tartiness this week, I will be back online tonight, but was without a computer unexpectedly this week.

NP, and WOW I was just looking at what you offer to the athletes you coach! They get an amazing deal.
2015-01-09 2:41 PM
in reply to: Lupy

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I know this is a very Florida-centric question, but is anyone racing this weekend?!?!

I'm running in a 5-miler on Sunday.
2015-01-10 11:07 AM
in reply to: Lupy

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by Lupy How do you guys add strength workouts without it effecting your next workout?

For me, my strength workouts are primarily body weight exercises.  Now that I'm back into an actual training schedule, I b/s/r first--that take priority.  Monday-Friday I have a 2:15 window to work with (I'm in my workout room by 4am-ish).  If my bike/run workouts last 1:30, I do a 30 minute strength routine. The time and reps vary, but usually centers on squats, lunges, pullups, pushups, some kind of shoulder exercise, and always core.  I try to fit this in at least three times a week.  This has served me well and doesn't seem to affect my next day's training.  However, if I know the following day is a hard or long run or bike session,  I won't go nuts on the squats/lunges. 

2015-01-10 4:30 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by PsyTri I know this is a very Florida-centric question, but is anyone racing this weekend?!?! I'm running in a 5-miler on Sunday.

Not this weekend, but next -- have a half marathon.  Hoping the weather will be decent....tomorrow's supposed to be in the 40's and rainy (i.e. a recipe for hypothermia); next weekend is calling for rain, but at least in the 50's to 60's!

2015-01-10 7:36 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Hi everyone I know its been a while since I been in to post but I do my best to get in and read whats going on. So I am here in Central Kansas (4degrees this morning plus windchill) and I still have not broke down to get a actual training plan. I am military and it seems that its always training time for them and I get thrown off on my training. I do almost everyday get out and do something TRI. So my goal is HIM this year sometime. I have no set date or race yet and I got to get that so that I got a goal and something I paid for that I have to do. With everyone's training experience what program would you suggest for someone that wants to complete a HIM. Like yesterday I got in a quick 500M swim in 17 mins, 3 mins of treading water, and to the house for a 30 min ride on the trainer (18MPH) and got 20mins in the Sauna. So I got a formation everyday at 0630 than have to be at work at 0900. Seems like a lot of time but travel time to the indoor pool from work and back home is 20min, plus to work from home is about 15 to 20min. So I would love some input on how maybe I should be training to get to my goal. My gym is in between the work and home location. I am on a military post so just a lot of traffic but things are close. Should I be doing like 1 event a day or just focus on my swim since its my worse disciple? Please any advice on how I should be training would be very grateful. Got outside this morning with TEAM Red, White, and Blue and got in a 5.25 mile run in very COLD temps.

So 1 more question for the group. In the morning I do a smoothie.
1/3 Cup Spinach, 1/3 cup dried oats, 1 scoop Whey Protein, 1.5 cups of mix berries, Light and Fit Greek yogurt and about 2 cups of water. This is everyday 5 days a week or more and a apple for snack between breakfast and lunch. I am trying to drop about 10lbs what can I do to make this breakfast better for my body and give me the energy for the day. I also drink about 20 to 24oz of coffee on a regular morning.
2015-01-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: kt2007

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

So 1 more question for the group. In the morning I do a smoothie. 1/3 Cup Spinach, 1/3 cup dried oats, 1 scoop Whey Protein, 1.5 cups of mix berries, Light and Fit Greek yogurt and about 2 cups of water. This is everyday 5 days a week or more and a apple for snack between breakfast and lunch. I am trying to drop about 10lbs what can I do to make this breakfast better for my body and give me the energy for the day. I also drink about 20 to 24oz of coffee on a regular morning. [/QUOTE

You don't include any fat source in that shake.  How about adding 1 tbsp of coconut oil?  Or 1/2 avacado?  Don't be afraid of the good fat.  What are you eating the rest of the day?  You mention wanting to drop 10 pounds--how does the rest of your daily diet look? 

2015-01-11 3:14 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
well I try to do the apple snack between breakfast and lunch than lunch is a Smart one meal. Than for dinner it just happens to be what ever the family is having for dinner. From that point I just try to control the portions. The worst part is we do still eat out a lot for dinner. I got a daughter in high school that is involved in EVERYTHING!! So we find our selves out kinda late several times a week and its grabbing junk to get home. I know i need to cut that part for sure.
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date : February 6, 2010
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.