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2006-11-21 2:16 PM
in reply to: #605417

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

running2far - Just bring a bottle on the plane....


My youngest son has the right to nurse from his mother when he is hungry, just as his brothers did, just as all children do. 

2006-11-21 2:19 PM
in reply to: #605417

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2006-11-21 2:22 PM
in reply to: #605301

Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

There are a few powerful groups in this country capable of organizing behind their strong belief in an issue.  Nursing mothers are one of them.  Delta didn't stand a chance.

For the guys people posting in this thread who aren't aware of the force behind this issue, it can be an eye opener.  Pun intended. 


2006-11-21 2:27 PM
in reply to: #605343

Parker, Co
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

"Gillette, who lives in Espanola, N.M., said she had taken at least two-dozen flights during which she breast-fed her daughter" - from the excerpt -
the child is 22 months old....my poor math says that is more than 1 flight a month...there has to be more to this story...no one travels that much with a child without good reason... do they live in the Airport aka Tom Hanks?
2006-11-21 2:27 PM
in reply to: #605301

over a barrier
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
I don't really care one way or other on the issue I'm just bored at the moment...but there are multiple solutions to every problem and actions can be taken to prevent problems.

I'm no expert, but breast milk can be put in bottles and stored. Regarding milk going bad, you have four hrs of food being in the 'danger zone' before you even need to start worry about break down. Have you seen the size of those diaper bags? I've seen mothers so prepared they have a solution to anthing in those bags. I'm pretty sure they carry a complete tool set at times.
2006-11-21 2:28 PM
in reply to: #605301

Sydney Australia

2006-11-21 2:29 PM
in reply to: #605450

Tampa, Fl
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

Bcozican - 2006-11-21 3:27 PM "Gillette, who lives in Espanola, N.M., said she had taken at least two-dozen flights during which she breast-fed her daughter" - from the excerpt - the child is 22 months old....my poor math says that is more than 1 flight a month...there has to be more to this story...no one travels that much with a child without good reason... do they live in the Airport aka Tom Hanks?

Figure each time she travels there is one layover. So thats 4 flights on one round trip. Leading to 6 trips in almost 2 years. Its not common, but still reasonable.

2006-11-21 2:29 PM
in reply to: #605452

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

running2far - 2006-11-21 3:27 PM

...but there are multiple solutions to every problem and actions can be taken to prevent problems.

The simple solution was for the flight attendant to follow corporate policy rather than instituting her personal policy.

2006-11-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #605301

Extreme Veteran
Greer, South Carolina
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
I think the simple solution is that if a breastfeeding baby offends you, DON'T LOOK.

2006-11-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #605453

Tampa, Fl
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

- 2006-11-21 3:28 PM If breast feeding is such an outrage, can I request that women cover up excesive cleavage?

Now that is an outrage.

2006-11-21 2:32 PM
in reply to: #605457

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
Renee - 2006-11-21 3:29 PM

running2far - 2006-11-21 3:27 PM

...but there are multiple solutions to every problem and actions can be taken to prevent problems.

The simple solution was for the flight attendant to follow corporate policy rather than instituting her personal policy.

Assuming she was aware of corporate policy at the time regarding this issue. Which, she very well may not have been.

2006-11-21 2:33 PM
in reply to: #605453

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

- 2006-11-21 3:28 PM If breast feeding is such an outrage, can I request that women cover up excesive cleavage?

I think the next time I see a guy with a comb-over head I'm going to ask the attendant to ask him to cover his head - it offends my good grooming sensibilities.

2006-11-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: #605301

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
I wonder why my sister gives my dad, (who is totally normal in every sense of the way), or any man in the room for that matter a heads up before she starts to breast feed in front of them. As in, "Dad, you may want to leave for a sec while I get situated here."?

I believe The flight attendent handled it wrong, but who is to say the lady was sitting next to an older man who was visibly uncomfortable? Could she not make a scrunched up blanket wall on her chest area, where the baby's head is not covered, but someone right next to her could not see directly.

Anybody who has breast fed or watched knows that it is rarely (especially as they get older)
*covered up breast
*momentarily exposed, baby latches
*baby nurses
*momentarily exposed while baby unlatches
*covered up breast

It's more like
*covered up breast
*expose breast while wriggly baby looks around, act not interested, then interested, then not, then ok, while you squeeze your nipple(which if you are not used to seeing a breast feeding nipple is HUGE) around in the baby's mouth, baby finally latches on.
*something distracts baby, exposed boob, latches back on...repeat several times.
*burp then repeat above steps
*baby finally done, and breast is then covered.

I don't know, maybe this lady just finally had enough of the anti breast feeding people out there and she just was not going to take it anymore. I guess I would of handled it differently, like take the blanket, with a glare and get on with it, a complaint at the end.

Edited by shadowfax 2006-11-21 2:38 PM
2006-11-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: #605403

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."


You haven't responded to my comment about having someone walk up to you in a restaurant and asking you to cover up, or to Jim's question as to whether you've tried to eat with a blanket over your head.

I can attest to that, I myself have tried to eat with a blanket over my head and I agree it gets hot down there... oh wait not the same, carry on...

2006-11-21 2:38 PM
in reply to: #605474

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

shadowfax - 2006-11-21 3:36 PM

The flight attendent handled it wrong, but who is to say the lady was sitting next to an older man who was visiably uncomfortable?

Had you read the OP or the article, you would see that she was sitting in the back of the airplane next to her husband. No reports that her husband was uncomfortable with his wife feeding his child.

shadowfax - 2006-11-21 3:36 PM  I don't know, maybe this lady just finally had enough of the anti breast feeding people out there and she just was not going to take it anymore.

Not going to take what anymore?

Edited by Renee 2006-11-21 2:42 PM
2006-11-21 2:39 PM
in reply to: #605453

Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

- 2006-11-21 3:28 PM If breast feeding is such an outrage, can I request that women cover up excesive cleavage?

"excessive cleavage."

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the concept... 

2006-11-21 2:40 PM
in reply to: #605301

over a barrier
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
"Had you read the OP or the article, you would see that she was sitting in the back of the airplane next to her husband. No reports that her husband was uncomfortable with his wife feeding his child."

No mention of comb overs either

2006-11-21 2:41 PM
in reply to: #605476

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
Renee - 2006-11-21 2:38 PM

shadowfax - 2006-11-21 3:36 PM

The flight attendent handled it wrong, but who is to say the lady was sitting next to an older man who was visiably uncomfortable?

Had you read the OP or the article, you would see that she was sitting in the back of the airplane next to her husband. No reports that her husband was uncomfortable with his wife feeding his child.

Yes I read the article, I guess so much info, speculation is flying around that I forgot. Which now makes it even weirder. I still would of took the blanket with a glare no less and complained. There still is that third seat, (I don't know, did they mention who was in the third seat, her daughter perhaps?).

Edited by shadowfax 2006-11-21 2:42 PM
2006-11-21 2:48 PM
in reply to: #605452

Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

running2far - ...but there are multiple solutions to every problem and actions can be taken to prevent problems.

Hayes, the problem here does not rest with the hungry child and her mother.

If there is discomfort with public breastfeeding, then it's the culture that has the problem, not the family.

Also, one important thing to remember about breastfeeding.  There's more going on than simply giving the baby nutrition.  There is a bonding happening, a bonding that is continually renewed everytime a baby nurses.  It's good for everyone else in the culture that this mother/child bonding takes place.  Everyone benefits from it.

Children are not pets.  They are not nuisances.  They are not burdens. 

They are us. 

They have particular needs, just like we all have particular needs. 

2006-11-21 2:52 PM
in reply to: #605489

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
dontracy - 2006-11-21 3:48 PM

running2far - ...but there are multiple solutions to every problem and actions can be taken to prevent problems.


If there is discomfort with public breastfeeding gay marriage, then it's the culture that has the problem, not the family.

Interesting edit, if I do say so myself...

Sorry Don, but I couldn't resist

Sorry for the hijack, folks. Carry on...

2006-11-21 2:53 PM
in reply to: #605467

Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
Renee -

I think the next time I see a guy with a comb-over head I'm going to ask the attendant to ask him to cover his head - it offends my good grooming sensibilities.


(following photo is from a photographic meditation on Thomas Aquinas' question:

Whether a man ought to love himself out of charity?




bald.jpg (24KB - 8 downloads)

2006-11-21 2:56 PM
in reply to: #605301

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
I think the only thing to do now is stone the flight attendant. That would set things to rights.
2006-11-21 2:56 PM
in reply to: #605501

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."

I'm not whining about balding - I'm whining about the comb-over and how I should be protected from it.

2006-11-21 2:57 PM
in reply to: #605301

Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
All I can say about this is that breasts are maddeningly difficult to admire with a baby latched to them. Maddeningly. Difficult.
2006-11-21 2:57 PM
in reply to: #605500

Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: "Breasts - Not just for selling cars anymore."
Chippy -

Interesting edit, if I do say so myself...

Sorry Don, but I couldn't resist

Sorry for the hijack, folks. Carry on...

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say that.

I'll save my response for another thread on another day, 'cause you know I got one.

Edited by dontracy 2006-11-21 2:57 PM
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