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2007-01-03 5:06 PM
in reply to: #641255

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Melbourne FL
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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

thebullmccabe - 2007-01-03 5:41 PM i am way out of my dept here. count me out of this group guys,but is it ok if i still tune in?


Please feel free to tune in.  If you have any questions related to triathlons or training please ask!  Why not condsider a Sprint trialthon at first and work your way up from there?  You'll get in pretty good shape and the amount of hours per week required for training can be greatly reduced.  Then you can be a triathlete & a powerlifter

2007-01-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Hey guys - I think I'm going to do a Run LT test tomorrow.  My plan is to do it on a mildly curvy 8/10 mile paved trail that I've been running on.  It has two inclines of 10-15 feet over 100+ yards each and one long decline of 20-30 feet.  I'm guessing that I'll probably do about 2 laps warming up and 6-8 laps during the test.  Pretty flat for around here unless I go out and run on the shoulder of the highway.  I'm worried about aggravating my ITBS by running on a track that long and that hard.

What do you think?  Will it work OK for a LT test?

2007-01-04 8:33 AM
in reply to: #641549

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

You can do an LT test anywhere that you don't have to stop for traffic or anything like that for 30'. If you are worried about injury, is there a treadmil you could use for the test?


2007-01-04 9:17 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I definately don't want to do it on a treadmill.  It's just that everything I read on that Mike Ricci thread kept mentioning a flat course or a track.  My trail isn't flat, but I prefer it over the track, big-time.
2007-01-04 9:49 AM
in reply to: #641939

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

run joe run - 2007-01-04 10:17 AM I definately don't want to do it on a treadmill.  It's just that everything I read on that Mike Ricci thread kept mentioning a flat course or a track.  My trail isn't flat, but I prefer it over the track, big-time.

Your course sounds fine, nothing is perfectly flat except maybe parts of FL!  Dreadmill, ack I'd rather run in bad weather

Let us know your results, your feedback, etc on doing the Run LT.

2007-01-04 11:33 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

I'd like to do LT TTs for the bike and run, but I'm in the middle of my IM training (yeah , I know I should have done them before I started, but what's done is done).  I'm training now by RPE and I'm in week 6 of the training.  Is it still wotrth it to goof up my schedule and do the LT TTs?  They sound pretty heavy duty. Triathlon Bible would say to go ahead and do the TTs each training period.

  If I decide to go ahead and est HRZs for my Garmin I'll need some way to get the zones.  I'm still undecided.

2007-01-04 11:53 AM
in reply to: #642175

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Bluejack - 2007-01-04 12:33 PM 

If I decide to go ahead and est HRZs for my Garmin I'll need some way to get the zones.  I'm still undecided.

What do you mean with "I'll need some way to get the zones"?

Personally I think you should the LT tests...


2007-01-04 6:48 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Hey Don - How's the back? 

I'm curious if the Inversion Table works good for you.  I've talked to a few people who have them and they are all thumbs up.  I am thinking about getting one for my wife for her b-day next month.

2007-01-04 9:58 PM
in reply to: #642219

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
DRM - 2007-01-04 11:53 AM
Bluejack - 2007-01-04 12:33 PM 

If I decide to go ahead and est HRZs for my Garmin I'll need some way to get the zones.  I'm still undecided.

What do you mean with "I'll need some way to get the zones"?

Personally I think you should the LT tests...


Yup I need to do the TTs and get my lactate threshold.  I'm just not sure how to fit them into my training schedule.  Any suggestions guys?

 I know the 30 minute TT LT test, Should I put it in on a speed day? How hard is it on you? Will it mess up my w/os for the rest of the week?

Edited by Bluejack 2007-01-04 9:59 PM
2007-01-05 8:08 AM
in reply to: #642941

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Yup I need to do the TTs and get my lactate threshold.  I'm just not sure how to fit them into my training schedule.  Any suggestions guys?

 I know the 30 minute TT LT test, Should I put it in on a speed day? How hard is it on you? Will it mess up my w/os for the rest of the week?

If you have a speed day, that would be a good day. Just use it like a hard tempo/threshold run. It is hard, but it is only 30' so it shouldn't mess up workouts the next day. If biking the same day, do the run first and a very easy bike later in the day. Same thing for bike test. I found the bike test to be hard when I did it, but I recovered easily from it the next day.

2007-01-05 10:08 AM
in reply to: #642790

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
run joe run - 2007-01-04 7:48 PM

Hey Don - How's the back? 

I'm curious if the Inversion Table works good for you.  I've talked to a few people who have them and they are all thumbs up.  I am thinking about getting one for my wife for her b-day next month.

Back is fine, IT and stretching and I was able to self align it, thanks for asking!

I love the Inversion Table. I bought mine at a local Play-It-Again-Sports store for $220 as it was the only place I could check one out and get it the same day.  It is not a high end unit but it works just as well.  My chiropractor endorsed that I get one with all the pounding my body takes with training.  I had a really bad ski accident in 2002 and ever since my back & neck have had issues.

2007-01-05 10:22 AM
in reply to: #643116

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Bluejack - 2007-01-04 10:58 PM

Yup I need to do the TTs and get my lactate threshold.  I'm just not sure how to fit them into my training schedule.  Any suggestions guys?

 I know the 30 minute TT LT test, Should I put it in on a speed day? How hard is it on you? Will it mess up my w/os for the rest of the week?

You can look at your training schedule a do it in two areas in a 4-5 week cycle, during your last build week right before the recovery week or after the recovery week when you should be fresher.  It really shouldn't hurt you that much  Like TitanIV stated it's only 30 min!  Just make sure you are really hydrated before doing this otherwise your result will be skewed a bit.  Also if it is warmer and more humid that usual wait for another day as your body will also be fighting acclimation issues.  My run this AM (I still don't like AM runs) was like this, very warm and very humid, well above normals and I was fighting it the whole way.

I did my last Run LT during a 5k race which I did rode my bike to, then did a solid 10 min warm up run, had ~ 2 min to stretch some and the race was off.  Mike Ricci stated that I should take 3-5 bpm off the race HR average which lined right up with my previous run LT test that I did.


2007-01-05 12:26 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Ok, time for group feedback on my training schedule

Right now, my training is as follows:

Mon - Rest day

Tues - 1 hr on indoor bike. This is usually done at the hotel. Right now I do level 10 which puts my HR around the 150s.

Wed - Run day. I'm working up my mileage. But these days are 2-3 miles. If its raining or very cold, these will be done on the treadmill. However, if it's nice out, I have already mapped out some runs and there is a 1.3 mile loop right at the hotel.

Thur - Another bike day. 1 hr. Level 10 again.

Fri - Run day in morning. Again 2-3 miles. Swim day at night. Usually 30 mins which allows me to get in 1000 yards. I'm following the swim workouts from here: but I double the mileage.

Sat - Long ride. Right now, its usually around 1.5 hours and 18 miles. If the weather is bad, I have a Cyclops which I can use.

Sun - Long run day. Again, since I just started running, my mileage is low (this weekend is a 3 miler). But this spring I will start my LSD buildup for the Oct Chicago Marathon (esentially following Jeff Galloway's plan). For now, I'm trying to add .5 mile per run to work up to 6 miles by the beginning of March. Also, I go for a swim in the afternoon. Again, usually 30 mins.

Here are the races I'm doing:
March - 10k race
May - Sprint Tri
June - Oly Tri (maybe)
July - 10k race
August - Sprint tri
Oct - Marathon

I plan to taper my training hours/miles by 20-30% the week leading into the race for each. I also plan on doing a couple of bike/run bricks per month starting in mid/late March.

Most of the training plans I looked at have 2-3 weeks of building and 1 week reduction which I can also due. I usually let life dictate extended rest days/weeks though (for example, wife and I are going away during the weekend of 1/12 so there will be no biking or swiming that weekend.

I feel like this plan will allow me to reach my goals (which is simply to finish the events listed above - we can worry about PRs next year) this year. I ran Cross Country in college so I'm pretty familier with training concepts, mileage buildup, etc. This will allow me to get in 5-7 hours of training this year which is doable given work/family/etc.

2007-01-05 2:53 PM
in reply to: #643615

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL


This is NOT a pro speaking, as the upcoming sprint will be my first.  This said, if you don't have a swim background, my local tri friends and everything I've read indicate the need to get in pool time at least 2x (if not 3) per week.  It seems with your running background that you could flip things around a bit - do less running and spend a bit more time in the pool.

Again, newbie-central here, so add a few tbsp of Morton's and see what the others offer.


2007-01-05 5:03 PM
in reply to: #643615

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL


Overall it seems like a good starting plan.  For a taper possible a bit more reduction would be ideal for tri's.  The focus changes from quantity to quality in the taper so even look at doing a 2 week taper plan for the tri's.  On the 10k's you can swap swimming for running and biking as long as you don't over do it.

Bricks starting in March would be good, it's a different world for the legs when that starts. Gosh I remember my first brick like it was yesterday, what awful issues I kept having with my calf's back then.

I too let life more or less dictate training, have too with my hours, business travel, etc.  No worries though it all about the recovery!

2007-01-05 5:06 PM
in reply to: #644213

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Hey guys,

I'm going to be out most of next week on business with limited internet access.  So keep up the good work and I'll catch up with you all when I get back!

I have a lot of links I'd like to share with you all, ton's of junk!

Happy training!


2007-01-05 5:11 PM
in reply to: #644215

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Safe travels...look forward to the links.
2007-01-05 5:33 PM
in reply to: #643964

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-05 2:53 PM


This is NOT a pro speaking, as the upcoming sprint will be my first. This said, if you don't have a swim background, my local tri friends and everything I've read indicate the need to get in pool time at least 2x (if not 3) per week. It seems with your running background that you could flip things around a bit - do less running and spend a bit more time in the pool.

Again, newbie-central here, so add a few tbsp of Morton's and see what the others offer.


Just a few notes back:
- I go swimming on Fridays and Sundays. I'd love to get in more pool time but its not possible while I'm out of town.

- Yes, I do have a running background, but that was 13 years ago. I've run a few times here and there since then but nothing longer than 6 weeks.
2007-01-05 5:43 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
when you say bricks i assume you mean a weighted backpack?
2007-01-05 6:02 PM
in reply to: #644265

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
No. A brick is usually a bike followed immediatly by a run. Its usually hard since you tired from the bike effort. However, this is meant to closely simulate race conditions.
2007-01-05 9:28 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

OK, I've done the LT test.  Thanks for the inspires guys.

Now I need to set my zones.  I found a link on that Mike Ricci thread, but can't open it.  Any ideas? 

2007-01-06 9:02 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

I searched the forums and found the following chart.  Anyone know if it is correct?

Zone 1 - 65%-84%
Zone 2 - 85% - 91%
Zone 3 - 92% - 95%
Zone 4 - 96%-100%
Zone 5a - 100% - 102%
Zone 5b - 103% - 105%

With my LT of 186 my zones look like this:

Zone 1 -   121-156
Zone 2 -   157-169 
Zone 3 -   170-177 
Zone 4 -   178-186 
Zone 5a - 187-190
Zone 5b - 191-196


When I did the step test in the pamphlet that came with my HRM I came up with a MHR of 175.  HA!  Using that and the corresponding zone chart I was trying to do a Z2 run at 105-120 bpm.  It was nearly impossible and not a good use of my time.

2007-01-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #644589

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Can't tell you one way or the other, because I haven't done a LT test yet, but seeing the higher numbers is encouraging because I'm guessing I'll be closer to what you determined from your test.  When I ran today, my avg HR was 161 and I felt like I was working moderate to moderately hard.

Question for the group:  On a day like today where I did weights and ran, is it better to run first and then lift or weights first and then run?  Or does it matter?

2007-01-06 2:05 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

IMO, it doesn't matter if you run before or after lifting, but I'm a roofer.  A coach or doc may know of a small benifit to doing it in a certain manor.

How's the rest of the DRM group?

2007-01-06 4:19 PM
in reply to: #644754

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I always do weights first. Simply becauce after I run/bike, I'm too sweaty and/or wiped out to lift anything.
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