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2007-05-24 11:40 PM
in reply to: #807893

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Hope to see you at the Virginia Beach 1/2 mary!!!

2007-05-25 4:52 AM
in reply to: #816177

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

NAME/Location/Job:  Jon - Staunton, VA - Management Consultant

STORY: This is my first year.  Started in January.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married with an 11 (12 next month) year old daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: Swim, Bike, Run, Swim, Bike and then run some more..... Does it ever end?  I try to train at least 6-8 hrs a week.

2007 RACES: I’ve done one 5k, but have nothing scheduled  

WEIGHTLOSS: 2006-265, currently 219

GOALS: Have fun and stay healthy

Edited by gonnatrione 2007-05-25 7:51 AM
2007-05-25 8:55 AM
in reply to: #816147

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
cadreamer - 2007-05-24 7:58 PM
runningshorts - 2007-05-24 8:00 AM

Question...can anyone tell me where I can purchase tri specific shorts. I'm looking for the types that you can wear to swim, bike and run in. The triathlon that I'm doing, we can't wear wetsuits because the water gets to warm. So I was going to wear the shorts and find a top that I can be comfortable in to swim.

Any suggestions would be most helpful.


Go to google and type in "Tri Shorts"  Also, BT has a store here that sells them.  I don't have any specific brand recommendations, they are all good.  Make sure you check out the sizing chart before ordering, cause they run different sizes (just like all other clothing, go figure) Also, make sure you are buying a triathlon specific short and not a cycling short.  Trishorts have less padding and are built so you can swim/cycle/run in them.

If the $$ is too much, do the research on the regular sites and then start lurking on Ebay.  Serious deals can be found there if you are willing to take the time and wait.

Thanks for the info.

2007-05-25 9:38 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I love the Desoto tri shorts, I wear them every time...they fit so much better than any others that I've tried (Nike and TYR) and the padding is just enough...
I think the key to enjoying running, at least for me - is not feeling like a failure if I walk...that seems to be my mindset, and so all I do is stress that I'm going to need to walk...when I dont worry about that and let myself walk whenever I want, I usually do a lot better - wow, my mind has a lot of power over me!

As for HAVE to drink on the husband did one in March, and didn't eat anything, and he's in crazy good shape, and he absolutely crashed at mile 5 on the run...
I got one of those things that you mount on the front on the aerobars, and I drank the whole bike, it helped a lot (of course, my wave didnt go off until 8:45am, and I was running in 11am heat)...the only thing I ate were 2 Jolly ranchers, but I dont get very hungry during races...but if you need something more, I'd stick with liquid, like Gu or something like that, a friend of mine suggested 1 Gu every 2 miles on the run, but I'd think if you can get one Gu in on the bike, you should be ok, really depends on how fast you burn through it...practice while you are training...just set one day aside to do the whole bike then run amount at the same time, and see how you feel...
When is your Olympic?

Nice to meet all of you

Edited by tbctbc 2007-05-25 9:41 PM
2007-05-25 11:20 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

halfdome - Check out this article to begin with  Good info on racing an Oly distance.  I'll post some more specific stuff on what I do - which may not be exactly right for you, but should give you some more ideas.  And FIND something you can eat pre-race.  For me, it is a Clifbar.  That's what I always eat.  Maybe a banana if I feel like I need it.

gonnatrione - trust me you could go out and do at least a sprint distance tomorrow.  You are more than ready, based on your logs.  Go out and find yourself a race to do!  Try if you need somewhere to start.

For non fishy people - please start getting wet at least 2x a week - you gotta get IN the pool to get better at it.  (Crazy, I know...)  I also know it is very easy to keep procrastinating, because it is hard.  If you have swim-specific questions please post them.  If it helps promise yourself a reward for swimming - expensive new shampoo, a good book to read, you know, something sorta nice that you don't usually do for yourself.  It will get easier if you commit to it.  I promise.

Interestingly, running works the same way... (go figure.)  Not seeing any specific running questions yet - except "Is walking ok?" and I think that's taken care of.

So - for next week - why don't we have everyone post their goals by Monday if possible. (workouts, what you'd like to accomplish, whatever sounds good to you - could be one thing or a few, tri-related or not.)  How does that sound?

2007-05-26 1:34 AM
in reply to: #817874

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

I am not too worried about drinking on the bike. I usually drink everything in my aerobottle during a sprint. I fill it with Gu2O. So I am good there. I will start eating GU on the bike though. Good suggestion. And probably on the run. Oly is in Sept.

Cadreamer--I have tried to eat different things before races. Things I usually eat before training. I don't know if it is nerves or what, but I feel like I have to stuff it down and can barely eat 1/2. Last race, I ate a graham cracker, peanut butter, banana sandwich. I could eat just over 1/2 of that.

Do you ever get up in the middle of the night to eat before a race. I wonder if I could eat more if I did that.

2007-05-26 1:37 AM
in reply to: #817874

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

I wear Zoot shorts and I love them. Although they seem to wear fast. I found them online too.

By the way, love the name!

2007-05-26 8:12 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I just received the TriSwimCoach book the other day. Has anyone read through it or found it helpful? I am going to start looking through it this weekend. I'm heading out of town until Monday. I'm taking my bike and my running gear. Hopefully the weather will allow for some decent time outside.
2007-05-26 9:00 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
**Everybody - start filling out the logs on here, it will make you more likely to do the workouts - and it will let us INSPIRE you each day**

I started swimming with the total Immersion book (is that the one you are referring to?), it is very good if you just want to get across the pool, and make it out of the water on the tri...

if you know how to swim already, I would say do a bit more (swimming is the only thing that I'm not horrible at, so I like practicing it more than the other two)...

I started really getting better at swimming once I joined a masters swim 3 weeks, I went from averaging 2:00/100 to averaging 1:45/100...of course, in the last few weeks I haven't been keeping up with it like I should, but I'll get back on track there are a number of things that are useful...we can start giving tips here:

My main tip was that I didn't elongate (stretch out) when I reached an arm in front of me...once I started doing that, it made a huge difference...

My goal for this week is 3 days bike/3 days run/3 days swim/2 days strength...and at least 400 minutes of exercise....this is my last week of school, and I'm finally over being I should have no excuses!!

I always get up in the middle of the night before the race and have to go to the bathroom...if I dont "get it out" - if you know what I mean...I have a bad race...I dont know what it is...but it happens every time...and I'm not as bad as my husband, he'll have to go like 3-4times the morning of the race...its cxrazy
Olympics really aren't **that** bad...I never run that far except for the race...just make sure to enjoy yourself...I found a buddy to talk to during the run and that made it go by so fast, and it also made it so much more fun

Edited by tbctbc 2007-05-26 9:11 PM
2007-05-26 9:09 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I have a question for anyone who has read the total immersion swim book. Is it just for beginners? I have some swimming experience. Should I still pick up a copy? Thanks!
2007-05-26 9:14 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
It's good if you are rusty and need to work on form...basic form...but really one lesson with a good coach would do the same if you already know the basics...I thought the book was kinda hard to understand...the video was easier to see what they were talking about - but more expensive...if you have a membership on here, the swim coaches have a lot of good swimming articles...and the swim workouts for the training programs kick butt!!

2007-05-26 11:40 PM
in reply to: #807893

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

My goals this week are 2 bikes/3 swims/3 runs. One day is a bike/run brick.

I ran 3 miles today and had a much better attitude about it. Thanks.
2007-05-27 8:25 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

My goals this week are 3 runs @1.85mi ea./2 bikes @ 5.87mi ea./2 swims @ 500m ea. This week is going to be stressful because I start my new job on Tuesday.

2007-05-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

My goals for the week:

3 x swim (150 minutes total

3 x bike (210 minutes total)

3 x run (90 minutes total)

2 x strength (45 minutes total)

post all my workouts in my log


2007-05-27 2:52 PM
in reply to: #817924

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

My goals for this coming week are 4 swims, 4 runs and 2 bikes (8 total hours).  I'm heading to Sanibel on Tuesday and plan on 2 OWS and 2 runs while I'm there Tues/Wed.


2007-05-27 11:02 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Here's my plan:

Mon - 11-mile base bike ride
Tue - weight training
Wed - 3 10-min runs, with 1-min walking in between; 60 lap base swim
Thu - 13-mile endurance bike ride
Fri - 2 11-min runs, 1 8-minute run, with 1-min walks in between; 73 lap endurance swim
Sat - 11-mile base bike ride; weight training
Sun - 2 11-min runs, 1 8-minute run, with 1-min walks in between; 60 lap base swim

2007-05-28 7:55 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
My goals for the week are

Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday:30 minutes swim, 3 mile run
Wednesday: Bike 10 miles, 3 mile run
Thursday: 30 miutes swim
Friday: Bike 15 miles
Saturday: 3 mile run, bike 10 miles

Post in my logs

2007-05-28 8:01 PM
in reply to: #818399

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Edited by robbkoz 2007-05-28 8:02 PM
2007-05-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #819624

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Birmingham, MI
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
tbctbc: The swim book I was talking about was The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming by Kevin Koskella. I found the link on the BT site. Back in the pool tomorrow.
2007-05-30 3:03 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Ft. Washington, MD
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Per Shellee's instructions, I'm going swimming tomorrow.  Planned for 6am.  Wish me luck (and bouyancy). 
2007-05-30 8:53 PM
in reply to: #807893

Mesa, Arizona
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I totally have effed up my training this week. Was supposed to run Monday--didn't, no excuse. Supposed to ride Tuesday--didn't. Stayed up late Monday, did not want to get up Tuesday. No excuse. Missed Wednesday brick. Unfortunately, I had obligations Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and won't get home until an hour or so after my normal bedtime.

I usually refuse to go anywhere during the evenings for this very reason. If I don't go to bed on time, I don't get up on time. But, had to go to graduations this week. Who graduates at 8 p.m. on a week night. WTF. What happened to saturday!!!

Sorry just venting. Wanted to come clean to you all. Hopefully, will get back on track soon.


2007-05-30 10:07 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL

Ugh.  I am having a BAD week this week.  Haven't done one workout so far.

Just feeling kinda sick, depressed and blah... yeah, it happens to all of us. (well, it happens to me anyway)  Hoping I'm feeling better in the next day or so - I have a one mile OW swim this saturday, if nothing else I'll have to do something!

Sometimes just doing it is really tough.

2007-05-30 10:38 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
Oh good...I'm glad to hear it is not just me! I missed training Monday to due a marathon day of gardening. Now, I'm more sore than if I had done a massive brick workout! Ouch! No training yesterday or today either. diet has been a disaster! Uggggghhhhh! Getting frustrated and need to get back on track!
2007-05-30 11:21 PM
in reply to: #807893

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Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
One thing that has helped me a lot is a bike trainer...I can never get up early and get everything done when I should, so this lets me do it at night before bed, without having an excuse to not do, I didn't get going until 9pm tonight, but I was able to do it cause I had the bike trainer...

Taking a break day is really no big deal...everybody has to do it once in a while...don't feel too bad about it...I've taken a lot of days off cause of being sick the last few weeks, it happens...

but try not to make it too many days in a row, or else it gets discouraging, and you dont start again...even if you only bike for 10 minutes on a trainer, at least you are doing something - usually for me I start out saying that I'll only do 10 minutes, but then I end up doing more since I am already on the bike...

Hope it helps, and be sure to update your logs too!
2007-06-04 1:08 AM
in reply to: #807893

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Cadreamer's Group - FULL
I just wanted to post here that I did my first OW swim workout today. I'm pretty scared of ocean swimming. Actually, let's be honest...I'm pretty scared of what COULD be swimming underneath me in the ocean. I was freaked, and a little panicked...but I made myself do a full half mile, since that is my race distance. I did keep my head out of the water a lot more than usual and did a lot of breaststroke to calm down when I felt panic...but I did it. Just wanted to say that I jumped over that big hurdle! Yay!

Here is my plan for this week:

Monday - 13 mile endurance ride
Tuesday - weights
Wednesday - 11 minute runs/950 yard endurance swim
Thursday - 11 mile base ride
Friday - 11 minute runs/ 825 yard base swim
Saturday - 13 mile endurance ride/weights
Sunday - 12 min runs/ 950 yard endurance swim
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