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2008-04-07 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1322300

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-04-07 6:29 PM

I only used the body glide on my neck. Next time it'll do my lower legs, too.

Thanks for the suggestions. Keep em coming! 

Caught up on everything.  I love the Body Glide with sunscreen.

2008-04-08 4:47 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
2008-04-08 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1321641

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

You did an amazing job, Sarah!!!!  When you get that tri bike........look out!!!!

Edited by owl_girl 2008-04-08 11:57 AM
2008-04-08 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1322455

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-04-07 7:27 PM Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of the sunburn. Since I mostly race in the Pac NW where the sun refuses to shine, it hasn't been an issue for me. Sunblock, that's a whole other issue I have yet to deal with! My race report is up. And...I just signed up for Chelanman Half Ironman in July. Oh lordy, what have I done...

You better get used to sunscreen for that central OR race!

2008-04-08 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I use sunscreen for all of my rides, but what can you apply that will survive the swim?
2008-04-08 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi Guys!

I made it to Grand Coulee and I have some exciting news! I won first place in my age group and was 2nd overall for women in the race Sunday! Alright, so there were only 5 women and 4 men who ran it LOL, and my time was 1:01:22 (good for me, but certainly not win worthy), but I thought I'd have to wait til I was 70 to win my age group now I know I just have to find races with very few runners . It was a great race though and alot of fun! And, I did get a 1st place medal and $25.00 gift card to Runner's Edge in Missoula. It might take awhile for me to get caught up on the thread and do my race report because I have a really bad connection here. I actually had my race report finished, clicked on save, and lost everything, so I think I'll wait until I have a better connection to do it again.

2008-04-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Great race Roni and congrats on the AG win! Too bad you're on that fruity challenge team
2008-04-08 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Very cool Roni! You deserve that win! Looking forward to the RR.
2008-04-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Okay, so since I signed up for a HIM in July without much advanced thought, I need to get going on a training plan. I have a few questions for you guys:

1) Pacific Crest Olympic is on June 29th. Chelanman HIM is on July 19th (or 20th, I can't remember). Should I train for the HIM and use the Oly as a training day during one of my peak weeks? Or should I taper a little for the Oly? Or something totally different?

2) Tracy, are you using a BT training plan for your HIM?

3) I don't think I'll reach my 150lb goal in time for Pac Crest, and maybe not even by Chelanman. But I really don't want to do the HIM on my current bike. Should I just buy the tri bike? Maybe set 160lb as my new goal?

4) What have I done?!?
2008-04-08 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
GREAT JOB RONI !! cant wait to see the race report

Sarah me i would do the Oly like you said with a taper before it . that was the same problem i had doing miami . see my main goal last october was to run a HIM so one day in november i signed up for 3 races . sprint in dec. Oly in march ,,and the HIM in may . i used the first two as training and to find out what i need to change . things have worked out good for me but on the taper week things do fall a bit apart as far as the training plan goes but i just picked up the next week on where it is . but with yours bieng as close as they are im not to sure if it was me (take it as you will i could be wrong) i would make my HIM plan to end on the date of the OLy and just maintain till the HIM . cause its only a few weeks and you aint gonna make any big gains in that time so i would do it all before the oly . maybe Tracy might think of something else .. did love to hear how wyou just jumped in with on a spur !! to me that shows guts girl .
2008-04-08 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
ok i just went back and checked the dates sarah your oly wont be during the peak week if yor gonna use the HIM plan to end on the oly date it will be more around the 1st of june about 4 weeks out from race . but with that you will be more then ready for the oly and it will give a few days to recover / a good week to train / and time for a good taper .

and about the bike . BUY IT , USE IT , GET USED TO IT . toss the weight thing it will come with the HIM plan . but you got to be used to your bike and the aero bars cause with the plan and the race you will be spending alot of time on it

2008-04-09 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Thanks Shaun! I think I'm going to have to sit down one night this week and hash out the specifics of a training plan. Right now I'm (trying) to get 3bike, 3swim, 3run, 2-3lifting in per week. It doesn't always work out that way, so I'll have to get more consistent.

Anyone have any experience with protein shakes? I've been reading some threads on BT about it and decided to give it a whirl. I found a brand at Costco that has low fat and sugar and high protein. Premier Nutrition (160 cals, 30g protein, 3g fat, 5g carbs). What do you all think? Anything I should watch out for? I plan on drinking it in the morning after my workout...
2008-04-09 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1324739

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-04-08 4:21 PM Okay, so since I signed up for a HIM in July without much advanced thought, I need to get going on a training plan. I have a few questions for you guys: 1) Pacific Crest Olympic is on June 29th. Chelanman HIM is on July 19th (or 20th, I can't remember). Should I train for the HIM and use the Oly as a training day during one of my peak weeks? Or should I taper a little for the Oly? Or something totally different? 2) Tracy, are you using a BT training plan for your HIM? 3) I don't think I'll reach my 150lb goal in time for Pac Crest, and maybe not even by Chelanman. But I really don't want to do the HIM on my current bike. Should I just buy the tri bike? Maybe set 160lb as my new goal? 4) What have I done?!?

Yup, you need to get going on a plan!  No excuses!  Yeah for you!!!

1) You only have 14 weeks till HIM (if beginning new plan on Monday) so I would make HIM your "A" race and use Oly as a training race to shake out your training stuff.  Yes, do a very short taper for Oly.  Maybe only 2 to 3 days.  Look back on the thread for the info on how to set up a training plan.  If you would like, I can find it for you.

2) Yes, I am using a BT plan (Beginner HIM) with some major tweaks.  I've been changing it a lot lately due to teaching so many classes.  Those things are wearing me out and cutting into my training!  My husband says "it's helping to build your endurance honey."  Humph!

3)  Buy the tri bike!!!!  You need to train, train, train on what you are going to race on!  Make sure you are totally comfortable in the aero position for a looooong time.  This is no time to diet!  You won't have the energy to train.  (A friend of mine is training for her first marathon right now and dieting at the same time.  Yesterday she said she has no energy and her weekend long run went all to h3ll.  Any guesses why?)

4)  You gave yourself an excuse to buy a tri bike!

2008-04-09 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1325870

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-04-09 8:10 AM Thanks Shaun! I think I'm going to have to sit down one night this week and hash out the specifics of a training plan. Right now I'm (trying) to get 3bike, 3swim, 3run, 2-3lifting in per week. It doesn't always work out that way, so I'll have to get more consistent. Anyone have any experience with protein shakes? I've been reading some threads on BT about it and decided to give it a whirl. I found a brand at Costco that has low fat and sugar and high protein. Premier Nutrition (160 cals, 30g protein, 3g fat, 5g carbs). What do you all think? Anything I should watch out for? I plan on drinking it in the morning after my workout...

3 bike, 3 swim, and 3 run is a good place to start.  Since you are so good at swimming, you can bag one of those workouts and replace it with a bike or a run.  Bag the lifting.  You won't need it.  Do some core workouts and get on a good stretching plan instead.

I've got a couple of other ideas for you but I need to get some idea of how long each leg is going to take you (ie. what pace will you be biking and running?)

I don't do the protein stuff.  Too much trouble and it tastes nasty.

2008-04-09 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1324322

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
roni_runnw - 2008-04-08 1:39 PM

Hi Guys!

I made it to Grand Coulee and I have some exciting news! I won first place in my age group and was 2nd overall for women in the race Sunday! Alright, so there were only 5 women and 4 men who ran it LOL, and my time was 1:01:22 (good for me, but certainly not win worthy), but I thought I'd have to wait til I was 70 to win my age group now I know I just have to find races with very few runners . It was a great race though and alot of fun! And, I did get a 1st place medal and $25.00 gift card to Runner's Edge in Missoula. It might take awhile for me to get caught up on the thread and do my race report because I have a really bad connection here. I actually had my race report finished, clicked on save, and lost everything, so I think I'll wait until I have a better connection to do it again.

First in your AG is awesome!!!!!  A win is certainly a win!!!!   How fun to get a gift card to a running store!  Congrats Roni!!!

2008-04-09 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1326072

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-04-09 9:10 AM

I've got a couple of other ideas for you but I need to get some idea of how long each leg is going to take you (ie. what pace will you be biking and running?)

This might be better suited to discuss in a PM, but I'm planning on being out on the course for awhile...

--It's a hilly bike course, so even with focusing on biking this spring, I wouldn't expect much more than 16mph average. That would put me out there for almost 3.5 hours.
--The run is obviously my weakest link, and the unknown is how my knee will hold up. I don't have any time goals, but I'm hoping for under 12 min/mi. I think that's doable, which would make the half mary time about 2.5 hours.

Even with a decent swim, I'm looking at just under 7 hours total. As long as I make the cuttoff, I'll be happy!

2008-04-09 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sarah i think the protein thing is a good idea . your body can only take in around 32 g. in one sitting the rest it will pass . i mean they make some with less carbs and suger but they can get a bit $$ . isopure is one of them . MHP makes one called probolic sr it has whey,whey isolates, and casine protein so you will get a fast , med. and slow feeding proteins plus it has flax and cla in it . Optmium nutrition makes a egg which has .5 fat and real low suger one scoop is 22 g and is = to 7 egg whites both of them got great amino acid complex in them and both run about 39.99 and both taste good also . what makes one better then the other is the amino blend in them i mean they all got it just some have more then others . and seeing thats whats gonna repair its worth looking at them side by side . i would stay away from muscle mike its real high in calories and fat but it taste pretty good . GNC makes on there 100% whey that is 120 cal low fat and carbs but it dont taste as good as some others . and i tell everyone that you know i wowrk at GNC so i have tried just about them all so if taste is important to look torward the MHP or the EGG or even the Isopure . (but watch the isopure a serving is 2 scoops at 50g so you will just need one scoop plus it will last longer ) but if taste is not or your gonna add fruit , peanut butter or what ever then cost wise GNC , ON, or designer make ok ones . dont need nitro tech from muscle tech it has creatine monohydrate in it . (if you go there they might try to sell it to you cause we make good money off there products. oh i need to stop i could talk all night about them hope this helped , sorry if i made it harder for a choice . it all comes down to the important thing of getting it down withen the hour after you workout
2008-04-09 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1327139

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-04-09 4:12 PM sarah i think the protein thing is a good idea . your body can only take in around 32 g. in one sitting the rest it will pass . i mean they make some with less carbs and suger but they can get a bit $$ . isopure is one of them . MHP makes one called probolic sr it has whey,whey isolates, and casine protein so you will get a fast , med. and slow feeding proteins plus it has flax and cla in it . Optmium nutrition makes a egg which has .5 fat and real low suger one scoop is 22 g and is = to 7 egg whites both of them got great amino acid complex in them and both run about 39.99 and both taste good also . what makes one better then the other is the amino blend in them i mean they all got it just some have more then others . and seeing thats whats gonna repair its worth looking at them side by side . i would stay away from muscle mike its real high in calories and fat but it taste pretty good . GNC makes on there 100% whey that is 120 cal low fat and carbs but it dont taste as good as some others . and i tell everyone that you know i wowrk at GNC so i have tried just about them all so if taste is important to look torward the MHP or the EGG or even the Isopure . (but watch the isopure a serving is 2 scoops at 50g so you will just need one scoop plus it will last longer ) but if taste is not or your gonna add fruit , peanut butter or what ever then cost wise GNC , ON, or designer make ok ones . dont need nitro tech from muscle tech it has creatine monohydrate in it . (if you go there they might try to sell it to you cause we make good money off there products. oh i need to stop i could talk all night about them hope this helped , sorry if i made it harder for a choice . it all comes down to the important thing of getting it down withen the hour after you workout

Wow Shaun!  Great summary!  Maybe I should try some again.  Which one do you think tastes the best?

2008-04-10 12:20 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hey everyone! I'm back in Kalispell with a decent internet connection, and got my race report done. 

Great job on the tri Sarah! You kicked butt! Great job for signing up for the HIM too! You rock girl!!!!! I'm excited for you, and learning from all this great advice you're getting. 

2008-04-10 12:30 AM
in reply to: #1324636

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-04-08 4:44 PM Great race Roni and congrats on the AG win! Too bad you're on that fruity challenge team

LOL Thanks Nicole   guess I can't trash you lavas since I'm outnumbered here :P

2008-04-10 12:50 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Roni glad to see ya are back in the wi-fi world

Tracy i have to say for the #'s (cal. , fat,suger) the best tasting are the Egg by Opt. Nutrition either the Van. or choc. , Probolic SR from MHP van. choc. straw. (not the cookies n cream it has high frutose corn in it but taste good) or Synatha 6 from BSN all flavors. the only thing about the probolic sr is it looks like it has more fat but cause it has the Flax and CLA . the saturated fat is low wbut you will be getting some EFA's in it .

2008-04-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Great information, Shaun. Thanks! I'll take a look at some of the brands you recommended. I'm not as picky about taste as I am about what's in it. Some people from my club were drinking Muscle Milk the other day, so I looked at the nutrition info. Yikes, there's ALOT of fat & cals in there!

Also thanks everyone for the advice on the HIM. I'm really excited to have something to train for in between Pacific Crest and Hood to Coast. This will also force me to do my run training for Hood to Coast... I'll keep you updated on my progress as it gets closer.

Roni - I'll look at your race report after my meetings this morning. Welcome back!
2008-04-10 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i told ya sarah i didnt think you would go for the muscle milk . we get so many people that come in and buy it say they like the taste . after a few months they come back and are like im getting fat . so i go over the #'s with them on what there burning ect. you know most of them are just doing weights and having 2-3 shakes a day on top of there reg. food . and they wonder why . so they end up with a more lean protein .
2008-04-11 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Wetsuit Wow!

I usually swim at a 2min/100m pace and can "sprint" 300m at about a 1:52 pace. This morning with the wetsuit on I did 400m on 1:46 pace without even working hard! I cut a full minute off my usual time at that distance. Once I took off the suit it became obvious to me how poor my usual body position is with my sinking legs. How do I improve that?

btw I body glided my calves today and it was easier to get out of the suit.

2008-04-11 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1330905

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-04-11 9:06 AM

Wetsuit Wow!

I usually swim at a 2min/100m pace and can "sprint" 300m at about a 1:52 pace. This morning with the wetsuit on I did 400m on 1:46 pace without even working hard! I cut a full minute off my usual time at that distance. Once I took off the suit it became obvious to me how poor my usual body position is with my sinking legs. How do I improve that?

btw I body glided my calves today and it was easier to get out of the suit.

Kick Heiny!!! That's fantastic!

I don't have too much problem with sinking legs (I have a good amount of flotation on them still...), but one of my training partners does. We joke that he swims in an upside down "V" formation and that his toes will scrape the bottom if he's not careful. :-) One thing he's been told to work on is his core strength and really engaging his abs while swimming. Some may refer to it as "swimming like a plank". We will often do drills where we swim verrrrrrry slowly and focus on floating our legs and keeping our trunk straight and engaged. Hope that helps...

Edited to replace the sensored blank spot with "heiny". :-)

Edited by sdbryant 2008-04-11 4:56 PM
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