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2011-06-23 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3564385

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-06-23 4:20 PM
cornfed - 2011-06-21 3:50 PM
pilotzs - 2011-06-21 3:29 PM


Wasn't a bad week, but my running seems to be lacking.  I just can't keep up with the mileage in the HIM plan.  It's got me running 32 miles this week, which seems a bit much, but I know 17 miles isn't enough, but it's so bloody hot down here.  My bike isn't too far off, but I need to up the mileage to get ready for the HIM.

If your plan called for 32 but you only did 17 then you're going to build a pretty big mileage deficit pretty soon so the sooner you can make adjustments the better. 

When you say that you can't keep up with the mileage what do you mean?  You can't complete the workouts (ie plan calls for 6 miles but you can only do 4 that day because heat, fatigue, etc) or that you're flat out missing workouts (plan called for 6 miles but you're just too tired to even go for a workout)? I looked at your logs and it kinda looks like it might be the first problem.  You seem like you're getting out but the runs are all short (for what it's worth I generally have the opposite problem, I just don't get out).  I also noticed that you haven't run anywhere near this volume (eg 32 miles).  Building mileage is hard and I'm sure the heat isn't help.  You're using the gold membership coaching write?  Have you asked them what adjustments you should make?  I'm really curious to hear what they say.


I know, I'm being a wuss.....HTFU


I can do the mileage (no problem completing the runs).  I built a pretty good base this winter for running and the biking has helped move that along.  Although, I may be a bit behind on the long run which is scheduled at 9.5 this week.  I did 7.5 last week with little problems at 11/min miles, besides dealing with the heat a bit.  So, I need to work on my hydration with the heat and humidity, but I know I will be a bit slower completing the runs.  Completing the runs doesn't seem to be an issue at a slower pace.

It's finding the time to get in the 32 miles a week with all the other training going on, work, etc.  If the plan calls for 7 miles, I may get in 5 instead.  So, I find myself cutting the mileage and just not getting in a scheduled run, so it would be the latter more so due to time.

I'm talking with the coach about adjusting the plan a bit for the running.  I'm scheduled at 5 runs per week, which may be a bit aggressive for me.  I think I will drop that back to 3-4 runs per week, and try to get in a deviated mileage to build my long run back up to 13 or so.  I've got plenty of time to adjust, just need to work out the particulars.

If you just can't find the time that's different. I only run 5 days a week if I'm only running. Sounds like you're doing the right thing trying to chamge the number of runs. If you find that you're still having trouble getting the full workout in due to time constraints make sure you getting enough in to get the spirit of the workout. For example, I try to work up to 10 mile long runs but if feel that 8 still gives me the same benefit. The other thing to keep in mind is the same thing applies to duration. If you have to back off the speed because you guys are currently living in a sauna you can get the same benefit by doing a shorter run but at a slower pace so you do the total time.

2011-06-24 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3564910

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-06-23 7:47 PM
pilotzs - 2011-06-23 4:20 PM
cornfed - 2011-06-21 3:50 PM
pilotzs - 2011-06-21 3:29 PM


Wasn't a bad week, but my running seems to be lacking.  I just can't keep up with the mileage in the HIM plan.  It's got me running 32 miles this week, which seems a bit much, but I know 17 miles isn't enough, but it's so bloody hot down here.  My bike isn't too far off, but I need to up the mileage to get ready for the HIM.

If your plan called for 32 but you only did 17 then you're going to build a pretty big mileage deficit pretty soon so the sooner you can make adjustments the better. 

When you say that you can't keep up with the mileage what do you mean?  You can't complete the workouts (ie plan calls for 6 miles but you can only do 4 that day because heat, fatigue, etc) or that you're flat out missing workouts (plan called for 6 miles but you're just too tired to even go for a workout)? I looked at your logs and it kinda looks like it might be the first problem.  You seem like you're getting out but the runs are all short (for what it's worth I generally have the opposite problem, I just don't get out).  I also noticed that you haven't run anywhere near this volume (eg 32 miles).  Building mileage is hard and I'm sure the heat isn't help.  You're using the gold membership coaching write?  Have you asked them what adjustments you should make?  I'm really curious to hear what they say.


I know, I'm being a wuss.....HTFU


I can do the mileage (no problem completing the runs).  I built a pretty good base this winter for running and the biking has helped move that along.  Although, I may be a bit behind on the long run which is scheduled at 9.5 this week.  I did 7.5 last week with little problems at 11/min miles, besides dealing with the heat a bit.  So, I need to work on my hydration with the heat and humidity, but I know I will be a bit slower completing the runs.  Completing the runs doesn't seem to be an issue at a slower pace.

It's finding the time to get in the 32 miles a week with all the other training going on, work, etc.  If the plan calls for 7 miles, I may get in 5 instead.  So, I find myself cutting the mileage and just not getting in a scheduled run, so it would be the latter more so due to time.

I'm talking with the coach about adjusting the plan a bit for the running.  I'm scheduled at 5 runs per week, which may be a bit aggressive for me.  I think I will drop that back to 3-4 runs per week, and try to get in a deviated mileage to build my long run back up to 13 or so.  I've got plenty of time to adjust, just need to work out the particulars.

If you just can't find the time that's different. I only run 5 days a week if I'm only running. Sounds like you're doing the right thing trying to chamge the number of runs. If you find that you're still having trouble getting the full workout in due to time constraints make sure you getting enough in to get the spirit of the workout. For example, I try to work up to 10 mile long runs but if feel that 8 still gives me the same benefit. The other thing to keep in mind is the same thing applies to duration. If you have to back off the speed because you guys are currently living in a sauna you can get the same benefit by doing a shorter run but at a slower pace so you do the total time.

That is good advice and what the coach suggested.  I will start doing the run workouts by time for the run, instead of mileage.  Good thing is, this is helping me work out my nutrition and hydration.  Probably time to pull out the 4 bottle fuel belt.

I'm hoping by September 25, Augusta will feel nice and cool compared to the heat right now and set me up for a good day.

Edited by pilotzs 2011-06-24 7:59 AM
2011-06-24 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3556824

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-06-19 6:29 PM

So I did the 5 minute power test today.  So with my results of the 20 minute test from earlier in the week my new ftp is 272.  But wait... that's not my new FTP it's my old FTP!   Despite increasing by my 20 minute and 5 minute power my FTP is exactly the same. What gives??  Did I calculate something wrong? Screw up the test?


Date5 Min20 MinFTP
30 March340289272
19 June359294272

 The slope stayed the same since your 5 minute power went up more than the 20 minute.  You're still gaining, so I wouldn't really sweat this a lot.

2011-06-25 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3565278

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-06-24 7:57 AMThat is good advice and what the coach suggested.  I will start doing the run workouts by time for the run, instead of mileage.  Good thing is, this is helping me work out my nutrition and hydration.  Probably time to pull out the 4 bottle fuel belt.

I'm hoping by September 25, Augusta will feel nice and cool compared to the heat right now and set me up for a good day.

You're just now using this? I've had mine out for the last 2 months already! As a matter of fact, I wore it today on the 9miler.

2011-06-27 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Thoughts please...

Sat morning I ran 9mi. Nothing crazy, just an easy 9miles. Felt STRONG the whole way. Got home, ate some late breakfast, packed the car and the family and I went out for some family fun time.

Later that afternoon I cut the grass (~0.4acre push mower).

Sun, I could barely walk. My calves were ON FIRE. As in, I was in agony using The Stick. Pushing on the muscles HURT DEARLY. Stairs - YIKES. Sitting and not using them they're sore, but using them, oh my goodness!

Today they're still sore. I cannot figure out what I did to make them this sore. I'm wanting to run 4 at lunch, but if they're screaming like this, I may not be doing that!

Any ideas?

2011-06-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3568616

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
LostSheep - 2011-06-27 7:26 AM

Thoughts please...

Sat morning I ran 9mi. Nothing crazy, just an easy 9miles. Felt STRONG the whole way. Got home, ate some late breakfast, packed the car and the family and I went out for some family fun time.

Later that afternoon I cut the grass (~0.4acre push mower).

Sun, I could barely walk. My calves were ON FIRE. As in, I was in agony using The Stick. Pushing on the muscles HURT DEARLY. Stairs - YIKES. Sitting and not using them they're sore, but using them, oh my goodness!

Today they're still sore. I cannot figure out what I did to make them this sore. I'm wanting to run 4 at lunch, but if they're screaming like this, I may not be doing that!

Any ideas?

Looks like you had a busy day on Saturday.  You were outside a lot.  Did you make sure to stay hydrated and fueled properly?  You could have depleted your electrolytes, then not replaced them, leading to some cramping and soreness problems?  

Sounds like possible dehydration and loss of electrolytes.  Just a thought and very non-scientific one at that.

Edited by pilotzs 2011-06-27 8:12 AM

2011-06-27 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3568616

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
LostSheep - 2011-06-27 8:26 AM

Thoughts please...

Sat morning I ran 9mi. Nothing crazy, just an easy 9miles. Felt STRONG the whole way. Got home, ate some late breakfast, packed the car and the family and I went out for some family fun time.

Later that afternoon I cut the grass (~0.4acre push mower).

Sun, I could barely walk. My calves were ON FIRE. As in, I was in agony using The Stick. Pushing on the muscles HURT DEARLY. Stairs - YIKES. Sitting and not using them they're sore, but using them, oh my goodness!

Today they're still sore. I cannot figure out what I did to make them this sore. I'm wanting to run 4 at lunch, but if they're screaming like this, I may not be doing that!

Any ideas?

Sometimes I'll get up early on the weekend to make sure I get my long run in because I have other things going on that day.  More often than not if I just immediately get on with the rest of my day my knees will be really sore later that day or the next.  I think it's because they just don't get any enough rest.  Wish I could say something more definitive I think it could be your calves normally get more rest but since you were on your feet all day they're just worn out.

On a related note, I was working in the hard all weekend.  I rented some equipment think I was being really smart because I'd get everything done an still have time and energy to get my workouts in (which I did).  However, when I was trying hook up the trailer so I could return things to the rental store I strained my should.  It's till bothering me so I'm going to have to skip my swim workout today.  Ironic, don't you think?

2011-06-27 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3569607

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-06-27 2:28 PM
LostSheep - 2011-06-27 8:26 AM

Thoughts please...

Sat morning I ran 9mi. Nothing crazy, just an easy 9miles. Felt STRONG the whole way. Got home, ate some late breakfast, packed the car and the family and I went out for some family fun time.

Later that afternoon I cut the grass (~0.4acre push mower).

Sun, I could barely walk. My calves were ON FIRE. As in, I was in agony using The Stick. Pushing on the muscles HURT DEARLY. Stairs - YIKES. Sitting and not using them they're sore, but using them, oh my goodness!

Today they're still sore. I cannot figure out what I did to make them this sore. I'm wanting to run 4 at lunch, but if they're screaming like this, I may not be doing that!

Any ideas?

Sometimes I'll get up early on the weekend to make sure I get my long run in because I have other things going on that day.  More often than not if I just immediately get on with the rest of my day my knees will be really sore later that day or the next.  I think it's because they just don't get any enough rest.  Wish I could say something more definitive I think it could be your calves normally get more rest but since you were on your feet all day they're just worn out.

On a related note, I was working in the hard all weekend.  I rented some equipment think I was being really smart because I'd get everything done an still have time and energy to get my workouts in (which I did).  However, when I was trying hook up the trailer so I could return things to the rental store I strained my should.  It's till bothering me so I'm going to have to skip my swim workout today.  Ironic, don't you think?

Yesterday I went for a long ride (70+ miles) and then came home, ate, and mowed the yard.  The rest of the day, night and today I've been basically a zombie.  And not the blood thirsty 28 Days Later type.  More like the slow moving, unaware, wasted away type.

My advice?  Don't do that.

2011-06-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

I'm thinking it's a combo of what all 3 of you have said.

I had 32oz gatorade afterwards and probably another 64oz of water at the waterpark. Then of course, cutting the grass, I lost it all and only replenished with 12oz gatorade and 36oz water.

And I wasn't eating enough.... Guess it's a learning experience.

As a matter of fact, I'm still sore today (and I ran 6.5 this morning)...

2011-06-28 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3570802

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
LostSheep - 2011-06-28 9:40 AM

I'm thinking it's a combo of what all 3 of you have said.

I had 32oz gatorade afterwards and probably another 64oz of water at the waterpark. Then of course, cutting the grass, I lost it all and only replenished with 12oz gatorade and 36oz water.

And I wasn't eating enough.... Guess it's a learning experience.

As a matter of fact, I'm still sore today (and I ran 6.5 this morning)...

Same here.  I put in a little over 5 mi this AM and felt sluggish from the start.  I've been chugging water constantly.  My training plan calls for a run LT test tomorrow.  Not looking forward to it.

2011-06-28 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Hey Guys,

Would somebody please tell me if I don't get my butt in the pool, I'm going to sink in Augusta?  I've lost the will to swim!!  Help!

2011-06-28 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3571805

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
jennitris - 2011-06-28 6:35 PM

Hey Guys,

Would somebody please tell me if I don't get my butt in the pool, I'm going to sink in Augusta?  I've lost the will to swim!!  Help!

If you don't start logging some laps Jason is going to be beat you and he swims like a rock!!


(Jason, sorry to throw you under the bus but Jennifer needed some motivation and you're an easy target.

2011-06-29 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3572143

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-06-28 10:52 PM
jennitris - 2011-06-28 6:35 PM

Hey Guys,

Would somebody please tell me if I don't get my butt in the pool, I'm going to sink in Augusta?  I've lost the will to swim!!  Help!

If you don't start logging some laps Jason is going to be beat you and he swims like a rock!!


(Jason, sorry to throw you under the bus but Jennifer needed some motivation and you're an easy target.

That's okay, I do swim like a rock, but working on that.  

Jenn, don't worry, even if I do get out of the water before you (unlikely), your going to zoom past me on the run like I'm standing still (which might be the case, if I don't get my running going).

Just get in the pool as much as possible.  Your probably fine, as you just completed a HIM swim and you are comfortable in the water, correct?  The swim in Augusta is (from what I hear), downstream and wetsuit legal, so the swim times are pretty quick.  I think with some decent swim time between now and Augusta, you will be fine.

Titeloops can lend more to the swim at Augusta, as he did it last year.

2011-06-29 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


2011-06-29 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
Also, I've got my race wheels and Quarq/705 up for sale.  Let me know if you're interested.
2011-06-29 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Question about Power meter training....

How often do y'all test for your FTP?


Sands, I'm uploading my data to Golden Cheatah and it's calculating a CP for my season thus far.  Is that accurate enough for an estimate of CP/FTP, or do you do regular testing?

2011-06-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3572606

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 9:48 AM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


That's some terrible news! Here's to hoping you're better soon and back on track! Maybe it'll give you that opportunity to enjoy the family time in the downtime...

2011-06-29 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3572606

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 10:48 AM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


That sucks!

2011-06-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3572606

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 9:48 AM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


Sorry to hear the bad news....  Get in the PT time and get it better.

2011-06-29 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3572606

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 3:48 PM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


Sorry to hear about the injuries Heal up and come back stronger
2011-06-29 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3572606

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 9:48 AM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.

That blows!  Hope it gets better quick.  At least there is no surgery involved.

(And again it looks like I won't actually get to meet you!)

pilotzs - 2011-06-29 11:23 AM

How often do y'all test for your FTP?

Sands, I'm uploading my data to Golden Cheatah and it's calculating a CP for my season thus far.  Is that accurate enough for an estimate of CP/FTP, or do you do regular testing?

Honestly I don't.  I just let GC take care of that.  Maybe I'm just lazy.  Then again I've been looking for a 40k TT to do this summer/fall and there simply aren't any around. 

Edited by sand101 2011-06-29 8:49 PM

2011-06-30 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3572606

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BamaDC - 2011-06-29 9:48 AM

Life is about peaks and valleys.  I'm in a valley. 

I haven't swam much this year, because I've been having some increased shoulder pain.  Hell I've had shoulder discomfort since I started IM training back in 07.  I had an incident over the weekend, while swimming.   

MRI - torn superior labrum, slightly torn biceps tendon, and a lot of inflammation at the supraspinatus insertion.  I start PT today and go for a round of injections tomorrow.


Sorry to hear that.
2011-06-30 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
BTW, have taken the last week off completely. Trying to get healthy. Getting fat! Have gained 7 lbs in the last month.
2011-06-30 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3434029

Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Sorry to read about your injury BamaDC.  Here's to a speedy recovery.


June is in the books for me....

Monthly totals:

S:  18700.79 Yd - 6h 24m 09s
B:  388.47 Mi - 20h 49m 52s
R:  22.99 Mi - 3h 00m 15s

A good month in the water, but my run mileage is WAY down.  I've had considerable pain on my iliac crest, and took about two weeks off from running.  Has anyone had pain issues with their iliac crest?  If so, what did you do about it?

2011-06-30 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3574222

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

June is over for me too.

Bike:15h 09m 07s  - 252.78 Mi
Run:8h 25m  - 57.59 Mi
Swim:3h 39m 30s  - 9600 M

Bike and run are up from last month but still down from where I want them to be and swim is just down (5k of that was from last week alone!)

Edited by sicone 2011-06-30 9:41 AM
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