BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-05-10 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Another easy day for me since I separated my workouts yesterday. Just a 30 min run and a 30 min swim. Opted for pool running today to keep my foot as happy as possible before my long run tomorrow.

2011-05-10 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3491596

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-05-10 6:49 AM

Today I did a run-bike-run brick.

Was a good workout, but I'm on pretty much zero sleep right now so I will be back later

Fred...what's the benefit of doing say a 3 mi run/30 mi bike/3 mi run instead of just doing a 30 mi bike/6 mi run?

ETA:  I'm assuming you're not training for any duathlons...

Edited by tri808 2011-05-10 2:23 PM
2011-05-10 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3492002

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-05-10 2:36 PM
2011-05-10 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-05-10 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3492035

Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Sorry, I am slow with the camera/uploading.  I'll try to snap one this evening.  Have to get one of those fancy Thunderbolt's. 

2011-05-10 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3491987

Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
tri808 - 2011-05-10 12:15 PM
dhopman - 2011-05-10 7:19 AM

Okay help me out...I'm trying to figure out if I should put my new rear tire on now or wait until I'm done with this week's riding. I have to drop off my bike for shipping Friday, and will be doing my last ride on it (3 hours) that morning. Should I put a brand new tire on then? I don't know if tires need a little breaking in before a race.

Or I could put it on today or tomorrow, in which case, it would get either 3 or 4.5 hours of use on the trainer. I don't think 3-4 hours of trainer use would wear it down much at I'm leaning towards just putting it on now.

Any thoughts? I know this is totally in the minutiae but I basically think about this stuff 24/7 right now. My brain is starting to get tired of it actually. I want to press fast-forward on my life clock.

What type of bike do you have?  The only reason I would want to get a few miles on the tires is to wear off that thin rubber stuff in the center of the tire.  But also if you have a tight rear wheel cutout, you also want to make sure that your tire has enough clearance with the cutout.

"The Hornet" is a Felt F75. I don't think the cutouts are a problem.

2011-05-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Swim this morning done. Will try to do late night run but am also need to prep for slide show I'm giving to hospital executive board at 7 am...why sooo early???
2011-05-10 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3492319

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

jimmyb - 2011-05-10 12:10 PM Swim this morning done. Will try to do late night run but am also need to prep for slide show I'm giving to hospital executive board at 7 am...why sooo early???

7am presentations are just wrong on every level.  Sucks for the guy giving the presentation as they have to come in extra early to set up...and most people attending aren't even awake enough to pay attention at 7am anyway.

2011-05-10 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Thanks Jason, my sentiments exactly!  My data may be interesting but frankly I'd rather be swimming lapsYell
2011-05-10 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-05-10 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3492383

Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-05-10 6:07 PM

I have a lot of 7am meetings. I also dislike them.

I have a deep tissue massage tomorrow am. Does anyone go for ART or deep tissue work?

Yes. I started ART this fall for patella tendonitis in my knee. Cleared it up in about 4 or 5 treatments. So then I went back for other little things that have popped up and it has helped them all. This includes soreness from a twisted ankle, lingering pain from metatarsalgia, pain and numbness/cold in my fingers and hand, a dull ache in my IT band leading to pain in my knee, and I am currently having treatments for a sore spot in my right foot. The current problem has been the most persistent but I'm racing and doing more long runs so it's not surprising. I am a fan for sure.

I had a deep tissue massage about a month ago I think. It was my first and I did 30 min. I think it would be really helpful if you had the time and money to go regularly. I just had one session.

2011-05-10 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Easy 10 mile run to end the day.  Up early to get work presentation out of the way.  I've had minimal experience with ART but when I have used it I found it to be very helpful.  I'm always impressed by how much they know.  Also my ex-wife is an Osteopathic Physician, and she has always been able to help whenever I'm in pain.  Muscle release maneuvers are awesome.  I found them particularly helpful in the neck area after long bike rides in aero position.  I do miss this.......

Edited by jimmyb 2011-05-10 10:28 PM
2011-05-11 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-05-11 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

1 hour bike (hope to ride longer), 1 hour swim for me. Swim will be in the pond again.

Do you all train alone most of the time or do you have training friends? My schedule has my long run today but if I wait until tomorrow my training partner also has a 2 hour run (she is training for IM Louisville). This will be my longest run ummm, ever. I think I will need the support so I'm switching my days around. I get a little bored and anxious on my long runs.

2011-05-11 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Body was just too exhausted yesterday to get anything done really. I took a day off to let my body recover, despite the plan telling me otherwise. Always hard to do, but I feel that I have good discipline to do so and understand my body well. Had a swim planned but decided to forgo and get some rest instead.

I feel better today and I am about to head off for my swim, but we were out of both coffee, and oatmeal this morning, which if you know me, is staple of my mornings. I guess I'll see how I respond without my usual pre swim breakfast. Hoping to get 4k done in the pool, well see how it goes.

2011-05-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3492858

Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Got another short swim in this morning (2 times already this week!).  Feeling better today--coughing less, not as hoarse, less tired--so hoping the little cold I had will be totally gone before the weekend.

I train almost exclusively alone.  Just hard to make my schedule mesh with others as I generally have limited time to get my workouts done as it is.  The 'extra' time required to meet with someone isn't a luxury I often have.  But when the opportunity arises, I do enjoy having company.  And, it's even better if it's someone who can push me a little bit. 

2011-05-11 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
45 min run with a tempo portion at the end, 3k in the pool.  I train by myself except for when I can get the time to ride with others.  My schedule is too complex otherwise.
2011-05-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Easy recovery run this morning anf 4K in the pool tonight (1600s for time -- not fun).

I'm really dragging lately.  Wish I didn't have so much going on at work and could take a day to nap and read in bed.

2011-05-11 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
I've been fighting off a head cold/sore throat since Saturday. Slept better last night.Plan today is swim and 1:15 run which I think I'll go to a local park and run on some trails for a change of scenery.I do all of my swimming and bike training alone. I run after work a couple times a week with a coworker.
2011-05-11 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Intentionally overslept this morning bc I needed it.  I do most of my workouts in the morning which can involve getting up pretty early (I'm usually in the office by 7-7:30).  Today I casually rolled in at 8:30 after getting in my 75 minute tempo ride.  I am also a bit of a loner on my workouts only bc it is tough to coordinate with folks on time and venue.  I do like to do group rides for the social aspect as well as my belief that I am safer on the roads with others.
2011-05-11 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Got in a good 4k swim this morning and tried a set of 800's for the first time. Easier then I thought it would go, but then again, I held back a bit too much. The day off yesterday really helped me out even though I really wanted to push through.

I train mostly on my own, except for Masters which right now is inbetween classes. I work in the service industry and until this year it was just not possible to train with others b/c I was either at work for evening ride/runs, or was sleeping in from working til 2 or 3am when wheels out would be at 7 or 8am on the weekends. So my work schedule heavily dictates my training, however, I have made it a point this year to be more open, and now that I have a job where I have earlier hours I have more leeway with these options, so I am looking to do some group rides, and runs as well.

2011-05-11 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3492383

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-05-10 7:07 PM

I have a lot of 7am meetings. I also dislike them.

I have a deep tissue massage tomorrow am. Does anyone go for ART or deep tissue work?

I tried ART with someone who came recommended, unfortunately after 6 visits I hadn't made any progress and dropped it.  I then tried to fix myself (that sounded odd), with rest, roller, very light running, and it didn't have much impact.  Then kind of stumbled across a Masseuse who uses heating pads with her treatments - ITB issue gone afer two sessions (after struggling for over a year) one session for each leg.

I have an appointment tonight just to make sure I'm good to go for my HM on Sunday.

2011-05-11 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Was planning on doing a short run/swim today, but I'll be taking today off.  I've got some type of minor stomach bug.

2011-05-11 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3493467

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
GoFaster - 2011-05-11 10:35 AM
Fred Doucette - 2011-05-10 7:07 PM

I have a lot of 7am meetings. I also dislike them.

I have a deep tissue massage tomorrow am. Does anyone go for ART or deep tissue work?

I tried ART with someone who came recommended, unfortunately after 6 visits I hadn't made any progress and dropped it.  I then tried to fix myself (that sounded odd), with rest, roller, very light running, and it didn't have much impact.  Then kind of stumbled across a Masseuse who uses heating pads with her treatments - ITB issue gone afer two sessions (after struggling for over a year) one session for each leg.

I have an appointment tonight just to make sure I'm good to go for my HM on Sunday.

That's one of the things that is so interesting about this sport and athletics in general.  There are so many mixed opinions on what works and what doesn't in regard to nutrition, recovery, healing, rehab, etc.  I've found that deep tissue massage has worked for me for various "issues", but not for others.  It seems everybody responds differently, and the one underlying principle I take away is that experimentation for everyone is the key.  Sometimes it is costly, but this is a costly sport.  An example is it took me experimenting with about 4 different pairs of shoes before I found the one best suited to eliminating some knee problems that crept up on me a while back.  That was $400 down the drain on shoes that didn't work (even after having gait analysis at running stores).  The one thing I must say is that it's very satisfying when one puts in the time and effort to find something that does indeed work for themselves.....instant jackpot!


2011-05-11 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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