BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2011-06-30 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

My month is over...

June's totals:
Bike:7h 42m 46s  - 133.5 Mi
Run:12h 31m 25s  - 80.98 Mi
Swim:5h 09m 47s  - 16400 Yd
Strength:4h 10m
Crossfit:46m 40s

I increased the bike by 4x from last month, the run +20mi, and the swim was DISMAL.

2011-06-30 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

June is probably in the books for me too. I don't think anything is going to happen today:

June's totals:
Bike:11h 56m 59s  - 207.91 Mi
Run:11h 08m 20s  - 62.58 Mi
Swim:6h 46m  - 20350 Yd
Aqua Jogging:30m

 My bike is okay, but could have been better.  I missed a long ride last week.

My run is just below where I need it to be.  I really need to be around 80 miles at this point, but it's just not happening.  July will be kicked into high gear.

2011-06-30 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3575074

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

LostSheep - 2011-06-30 12:37 PM

I increased the bike by 4x from last month, the run +20mi, and the swim was DISMAL.

Bwahahahaha!!  I didn't even hit 10k swimming for the month. 

2011-07-01 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Another consistent month for me.  Feeling really good about Atomic Man!  Bike includes a few trainer rides w/o mileage.

June's totals:
Bike:23h 06m  - 313.31 Mi
Run:13h 30m 55s  - 93.8 Mi
Swim:9h 12m 49s  - 24580 Yd
2011-07-01 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3576499

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-01 8:57 AM

Another consistent month for me.  Feeling really good about Atomic Man!  Bike includes a few trainer rides w/o mileage.

June's totals:
Bike:23h 06m  - 313.31 Mi
Run:13h 30m 55s  - 93.8 Mi
Swim:9h 12m 49s  - 24580 Yd

Looks like your putting in some solid training leading to your HIM.  Keep it up.

2011-07-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3575074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
June's totals:
Bike:5h 20m 16s  - 103.53 Mi
Run:10h 17m 29s  - 70.87 Mi
Swim:9550 Yd

2011-07-01 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3573888

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sand101 - 2011-06-29 9:48 PM

pilotzs - 2011-06-29 11:23 AM

How often do y'all test for your FTP?

Sands, I'm uploading my data to Golden Cheatah and it's calculating a CP for my season thus far.  Is that accurate enough for an estimate of CP/FTP, or do you do regular testing?

Honestly I don't.  I just let GC take care of that.  Maybe I'm just lazy.  Then again I've been looking for a 40k TT to do this summer/fall and there simply aren't any around. 

I tested back in March and mid-June and the plan I'm following has me testing again in 5 weeks.  I use WKO+ which doesn't calculate CP but I just downloaded GT and loaded all my files in.  GT calculated my CP a 308 but I recently test at 272.  Not sure what to make of that because definitely feel stronger than that. 

2011-07-05 5:27 AM
in reply to: #3577269

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Just thought I'd share details of what have been a pretty good 3 days training.

Sunday: Decided to retest my CSS pace. Thought it would be slightly slower as I have missed a few swims recently. Seems my CSS has gone down from 2:04/100m to 2:01. Only a small improvement, but an improvement when I was expecting it to be worse is good news

Monday: Tested my 5k flat out pace. Old best - 24:49(November). Monday's time - 23:56!

This morning: Completed the triple with a new pb on my 19mile cycle this morning and increased my average for the route from 17.7 to 17.89mph!

Hopefully I can keep this up for my first Oly in 5 weeks!

2011-07-05 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3580564

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sicone - 2011-07-05 6:27 AM

Just thought I'd share details of what have been a pretty good 3 days training.

Sunday: Decided to retest my CSS pace. Thought it would be slightly slower as I have missed a few swims recently. Seems my CSS has gone down from 2:04/100m to 2:01. Only a small improvement, but an improvement when I was expecting it to be worse is good news

Monday: Tested my 5k flat out pace. Old best - 24:49(November). Monday's time - 23:56!

This morning: Completed the triple with a new pb on my 19mile cycle this morning and increased my average for the route from 17.7 to 17.89mph!

Hopefully I can keep this up for my first Oly in 5 weeks!

That's awesome!  Was the 5k a race?  I like running but I have a really hard time testing/pushing myself outside of a race.

2011-07-05 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3580623

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

cornfed - 2011-07-05 1:07 PM

That's awesome!  Was the 5k a race? 

No, it's just a 5k route that I mapped out a while back that I occasionally use to test my times.

cornfed -

I like running but I have a really hard time testing/pushing myself outside of a race.

I have the same problem, hence why it was the first time I've tested my 5k pace since November!

2011-07-06 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Hey swim gurus....

I hurt my shoulder weekend before last while working in the yard and haven't been able to swim since. I think it's just strained/bruised but I'm going to get a friend who is a PT to look at it this week.  Hopefully he'll confirm my suspicion.  As of next week I'll be 12 weeks from my A OLY race.  Given my lack of swim experience and generally low swim volume do you think that will give me enough time to put in a solid swim performance?  The race will not be wetsuit legal so I want to make sure I'm ready because I've never done that distance without a wetsuit before.

2011-07-06 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3580564

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sicone - 2011-07-05 5:27 AM

Just thought I'd share details of what have been a pretty good 3 days training.

Sunday: Decided to retest my CSS pace. Thought it would be slightly slower as I have missed a few swims recently. Seems my CSS has gone down from 2:04/100m to 2:01. Only a small improvement, but an improvement when I was expecting it to be worse is good news

Monday: Tested my 5k flat out pace. Old best - 24:49(November). Monday's time - 23:56!

This morning: Completed the triple with a new pb on my 19mile cycle this morning and increased my average for the route from 17.7 to 17.89mph!

Hopefully I can keep this up for my first Oly in 5 weeks!


Great job on the improvement!!

2011-07-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3582551

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-07-06 7:32 AM

Hey swim gurus....

I hurt my shoulder weekend before last while working in the yard and haven't been able to swim since. I think it's just strained/bruised but I'm going to get a friend who is a PT to look at it this week.  Hopefully he'll confirm my suspicion.  As of next week I'll be 12 weeks from my A OLY race.  Given my lack of swim experience and generally low swim volume do you think that will give me enough time to put in a solid swim performance?  The race will not be wetsuit legal so I want to make sure I'm ready because I've never done that distance without a wetsuit before.

12 weeks is a good bit of time to get some really good work in.  Gotta get healthy first, though.  See what your PT says first before worrying about training load.

2011-07-07 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Just noticed that I've biked more already this year, than I did all of last year.  I'm 2/3 of the way to my run volume from last year, and my swim is about 1/2 (which is lacking).

Just found that interesting, being 1/2 way through the year.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

2011-07-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3585413

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-07 5:33 PM

Just noticed that I've biked more already this year, than I did all of last year.  I'm 2/3 of the way to my run volume from last year, and my swim is about 1/2 (which is lacking).

Just found that interesting, being 1/2 way through the year.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Good job!  It's probably because you're focusing on a HM and HIM this year.  Those will really get your volume up.

2011-07-08 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

I have learned that if you don't go to the pool, and suddenly show up, you'll get your butt handed to you.

The 4500yrd this morning felt more like 10000! WOW!

On another note, the weather is absolutely ticking me off! Today the forcast calls for rain staring at 10am and going through tomorrow afternoon. I left the bike at home. Suddenly, the weather will be clear until 3pm. To make it worse, I'm off work at 11 today and now have no bike....

2011-07-10 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

New bike picture time!

New bike

2011-07-10 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3589072

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-10 12:46 PM

New bike picture time!

New bike


Very nice.  Flip that stem and get lower!

2011-07-10 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3589072

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-10 12:46 PM

New bike picture time!

New bike

OOHH!! Very nice!! I hear red is FAST

2011-07-10 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3589072

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-10 12:46 PM

New bike picture time!

New bike

SWEET!!!   Just in time to get geared up for the HIM.

2011-07-10 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3589442

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-10 7:04 PM
mashmead - 2011-07-10 12:46 PM

New bike picture time!


SWEET!!!   Just in time to get geared up for the HIM.

It's a pretty hefty upgrade from what I was on.  Not near as much as an upgrade as Sicone's recent switch to a Felt S22 from a shopping cart, but close!  And yes, when I saw it I did think, "oh a red bike, it must be fast." 

It's maiden voyage today was a 50 miler that went well minus some saddle soreness.  Something I'm sure I can sort out.

2011-07-11 4:51 AM
in reply to: #3589467

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-11 1:24 AM

It's a pretty hefty upgrade from what I was on.  Not near as much as an upgrade as Sicone's recent switch to a Felt S22 from a shopping cart, but close!

Pretty sure going from an actual shopping trolley to the Felt would have been a slightly smaller upgrade!

However, that is a very nice bike and I second the idea of flipping the stem!

2011-07-11 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3589072

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-10 12:46 PM

New bike picture time!

New bike

Congrats on the new ride!
2011-07-11 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3585413

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-07 10:33 PM

Just noticed that I've biked more already this year, than I did all of last year.  I'm 2/3 of the way to my run volume from last year, and my swim is about 1/2 (which is lacking).

Just found that interesting, being 1/2 way through the year.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

This made me compare my own totals.

Bike and run are approx. 70% of last years miles and my swim distance is around 80-85%!

2011-07-11 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3585413

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-07 4:33 PM

Just noticed that I've biked more already this year, than I did all of last year.  I'm 2/3 of the way to my run volume from last year, and my swim is about 1/2 (which is lacking).

Just found that interesting, being 1/2 way through the year.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

I shouldn't be allowed to post as crappy as my totals are!

Bike: 46% of last year
Run: 48% of last year
Swim: 48% of last year

At least I'm consistent

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