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2012-06-03 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Wow! Such an exciting morning! Nice job Jo!

2012-06-03 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4241505

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
amd723 - 2012-06-03 8:05 AM
Tripopo - 2012-06-03 7:00 AM
TriAya - 2012-06-03 1:34 AM
reecealan - 2012-06-03 11:45 AM

Saw her finish.  She lookd really strong, didn't look tired at all!  Barely got a screen capture of her getting her medal.

Congratulations Jo!









2012-06-03 12:52 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Goof afternoon Manatees.  I finally was able to get on the bike for a decent ride today, rode 40 miles, felt O.K. shoulder pain minimal, little tender in knee but O.K.  I feel I might be able to run soon.  Ortho doc says I can run up to 5 miles as long as I wear a sling.  I got the Schwaggle deal for IM Branson 70.3 in late September.  My new A race this year!  The good news is the run is flat, the bads news is that the bike course has 8 Cat 5 climbs each over 1.2 miles in length.  I heard some people last year actually cancelled during packet pickup when they saw the elevation map (duh?  Can't imagine signed up for a race not knowing bike course details!!!!).

I'll be a 1-armed swimming, sling wearing running fool this coming week.

Wishing good health and good luck to everyone.

2012-06-03 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4241723

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
reecealan - 2012-06-04 12:52 AM

Goof afternoon Manatees.  I finally was able to get on the bike for a decent ride today, rode 40 miles, felt O.K. shoulder pain minimal, little tender in knee but O.K.  I feel I might be able to run soon.  Ortho doc says I can run up to 5 miles as long as I wear a sling.  I got the Schwaggle deal for IM Branson 70.3 in late September.  My new A race this year!  The good news is the run is flat, the bads news is that the bike course has 8 Cat 5 climbs each over 1.2 miles in length.  I heard some people last year actually cancelled during packet pickup when they saw the elevation map (duh?  Can't imagine signed up for a race not knowing bike course details!!!!).

I'll be a 1-armed swimming, sling wearing running fool this coming week.

Wishing good health and good luck to everyone.

Good to hear from you, Peanutbutter. Been praying for all the struggling Manatees and their involved families, and so you too! Now you take it easy on the running and don't jar anything. Pickling is fine. Jarring, no.


2012-06-03 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4241714

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jogo - 2012-06-03 1:41 PM

amd723 - 2012-06-03 8:05 AM
Tripopo - 2012-06-03 7:00 AM
TriAya - 2012-06-03 1:34 AM
reecealan - 2012-06-03 11:45 AM

Saw her finish.  She lookd really strong, didn't look tired at all!  Barely got a screen capture of her getting her medal.

Congratulations Jo!









Awesome job, Jo! Congratulations!

Thanks for the updates everyone, I was able to keep up while at my function last night.
2012-06-03 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4212573

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod



2012-06-03 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Phew.  Busy weekend here.  Yesterday started with a blood donation and a hair cut.  Then I did 4 hours of house/yardwork.  This am got an 18km run in, before spending the rest of the day painting storm drain fishies.  We painted 100ish of them today, for a total of 200.  I just wanted to get it finished so that I didn't have to think about it at all this week (the challenge to get 100 done in 30 days is over next weekend).  So, I am now on the couch, cold beer in hand, and BBQ warming up.  Hope everyone else had a productive and enjoyable weekend!

ETA: Bike fit scheduled for Tuesday Laughing

Edited by bcraht 2012-06-03 9:36 PM
2012-06-04 6:02 AM
in reply to: #4241723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
reecealan - 2012-06-03 1:52 PM

...I'll be a 1-armed swimming, sling wearing running fool this coming week.

Wishing good health and good luck to everyone.

Man oh man, that is some kinda tough right there. I'm glad you are back and getting into it. I hope the shoulder continues to heal.
2012-06-04 6:24 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Good morning, afternoon, and evening my Manatee friends. I hope everyone is doing well today. I have a couple of related questions this morning. My Nike Dry-Fit running shorts have been in use for nearly 2 years now. So it is getting to be replacement time. I am considering going with compression shorts, rather than the regular running shorts. Does anyone use compression type shorts for running, and if so, what are your thoughts? I find that I am a bit more comfortable when I run in my tri-shorts. They are not the most compressive, but I like them quite a bit. Also, while surfing through E-Bay last night I noticed a few off brands that were nice looking and rather cheap (as am I). Plazma Skin and X-Prin, to be precise. I'm sure they are not the best, but I think they may work for my purposes. Has anyone heard anything on these?

I've been reading a bit of Fred Rogers this past week, so here you go: "You bring all you ever were and are to any relationship you have today." I really struggled mentally with that last week and am trying to come from a better place.

Enjoy whatever your day has in store for you today!
2012-06-04 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Morning POD-  Congratulations to all the racing manatees and hope everyone is enjoying their recovery.  My training fell off the wagon, again, this weekend.  I'm just having trouble getting used to the heat at work and finding the desire to get a workout in after work, add to that a couple of required social calls over the weekend and a thunderstorm this morning kept me a bit too tired to get my morning runs in.  In a week or two I'll be acclimated enough to get the workouts done I'll be able to HTFU this weekend as well as DW will be out of town so wont have to go anywhere Wink.  Also I put in for a couple of different positions within the department so I might not be on the bike much longer which would help I think.  Sorry to ramble just down about not getting the training in.

What does everyone have on tap for this week?

2012-06-04 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Good morning!

Reece -- I'm glad to hear that you are up and at it -- take it easy -- don't push yourself too hard.

Chris -- On my home computer you have a new avatar -- you and your wife, I think? Very nice.

Jo -- I hope you are recovering well. And our other racers? Have we heard from them, yet?

I ended up taking a rest day on Saturday. I hardly ever take one, and they are rarely planned, but family things came up, and I didn't want to short change everyone.

I took my two older boys to meet their dad for exchange. They are gone for the next month or two. The house is way too quiet, but I guess we'll get used to it.

We're hoping to get to Colorado in the next day or two for a few days. I really want to get out of here for a while.

2012-06-04 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4242907

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
KansasMom - 2012-06-04 10:17 AM

Good morning!

Reece -- I'm glad to hear that you are up and at it -- take it easy -- don't push yourself too hard.

Chris -- On my home computer you have a new avatar -- you and your wife, I think? Very nice.

Jo -- I hope you are recovering well. And our other racers? Have we heard from them, yet?

I ended up taking a rest day on Saturday. I hardly ever take one, and they are rarely planned, but family things came up, and I didn't want to short change everyone.

I took my two older boys to meet their dad for exchange. They are gone for the next month or two. The house is way too quiet, but I guess we'll get used to it.

We're hoping to get to Colorado in the next day or two for a few days. I really want to get out of here for a while.

Felicia, Enjoy the trip, that is on the list of places that we would love to visit. Are you bringing the bikes? I'm glad you were able to take the family time (your body probably thanks you for the rest day as well). Don't get too used to the quiet time, it'll be over before you know it. And thanks on the avatar, that is from an anniversary dinner one year at the French pavilion in WDW. I figure the only way my avatar is going to be any better is if I include the good looking member of the family
2012-06-04 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

SUPER AWESOME JOB, JO!!!  You did us manatees proud!  Thanks everyone who posted results as she went, that was so exciting to read!

Brie and Janyne, please update us with how your races went!

Kirk: if the price is right and the money is there, I'd say go for it, get the bike.  But see if you can whittle the price down a little more, the worst he can say is no.

Reece: glad to hear you were able to ride your bike a bit and are still swimming, albeit one-armed. Just don't hurt yourself worse!  40 miles is great, especially injured.

Kate: awesome costumes, and how cool that you made Gossamer!  That is amazing!  And I love the frog's toes!

Jen: you are far from lame.  I don't want to hear such crazy talk again!  Hope you and your family feel better soon.

TJ: wow, great OWS!!  Super job taking off all that time and being able to swim calmly without freaking out.  You will do great in your Oly!

Yanti: your kitty is soooo cute and is such a ham for the camera!

Kirsten: Good for you for donating blood, such a benevolent thing to do.  What are you painting storm drain fish for?  Beer and BBQ sound great!

Chris: haven't heard of those brands, but IMHO if they are cheap and don't work out, not that much is lost...

I had a good weekend that unfortunately didn't have much formal training in it.  Friday I did manage to go for a short run in the rain which wasn't really that bad.  Plus the wonderful, sweet smell of honeysuckle was present throughout the whole run as it grows along the trail.  Love it!  Wanted to go to pool, but there was a tiny rumble of thunder and a little lightning, so they closed the pool.  No swim.  Sat. I went whitewater rafting with my Tae Kwon Do class, what fun!  It was great!  Sunday was garden/yard care/wash day and I was just too pooped from 5 hours of yardwork to throw in any training, plus there were severe storms in the area again.  And I managed to accidently get into poison ivy while pulling the neighbor's ivy that invaded my side of the fence, so I had to try to deal with that.  I guess my ivy wash is a little past its prime because today I have the signs of poison blisters appearing over my entire right lower leg already.  Not good.  Not sure how that will affect my week, training-wise.  I'm hoping to ride bike tonight if it is still manageable.

2012-06-04 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4240634

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-06-02 11:18 AM

OK so I need know what would the POD do.  I have been saving up for a tri bike, my plan was to have around 1300-1400 saved by the end of the year.  Right now I have about 800 and on our budget I get my "fun" money in two weeks, usually used for clothes/gear/anything that is just for "me" basically. and between that and a couple of off duty jobs I could have about 1300 in two weeks.  It would mean not leaving the house for a month or so besides to work and the anniversary is the beginning of July.


The trek store near me has a 2011 speed concept 2.5 in my size reduced to 1550 right now, I get a 10% discount, so right around 1400.  My buddy who works there thinks the owner will go down to 1300 if I bring in the cash for him to see.  Should I try for it or wait an extra month and hope it is still around and reduced a bit more?

I'd test ride the bike and see if you like it or not.  Of course, for me, test riding a bike is a commitment, I may love the bike and really really want it so that is a risk.  ;-)

Also, the $1300 -- you will still need pedals and quite possibly a saddle.  Factor that into your budget.

2012-06-04 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4241723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
reecealan - 2012-06-03 1:52 PM

Goof afternoon Manatees.  I finally was able to get on the bike for a decent ride today, rode 40 miles, felt O.K. shoulder pain minimal, little tender in knee but O.K.  I feel I might be able to run soon.  Ortho doc says I can run up to 5 miles as long as I wear a sling.  I got the Schwaggle deal for IM Branson 70.3 in late September.  My new A race this year!  The good news is the run is flat, the bads news is that the bike course has 8 Cat 5 climbs each over 1.2 miles in length.  I heard some people last year actually cancelled during packet pickup when they saw the elevation map (duh?  Can't imagine signed up for a race not knowing bike course details!!!!).

I'll be a 1-armed swimming, sling wearing running fool this coming week.

Wishing good health and good luck to everyone.

I'm so glad that you are cleared for running and that you are back on the bike.  I'm happy that you are on the mend.  Branson sounds like a good A race for a strong cyclists like you :-)

People are crazy -- signing up for things they have no idea about.  {shakes head}  How could you not look at the course before registering?!

2012-06-04 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4242966

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
melbo55 - 2012-06-04 10:36 AM

Brie and Janyne, please update us with how your races went!

3 Mountain Madness went well.  I had fun and I have to admit that it did cross my mind a few times that more gears might help.  Surprised  

The ride takes place near Mount Airy, NC -- and yes, they do have a Andy Griffith Museum.  I think that one of the attractions is riding the the squad car.  A lot of people from the Raleigh area went up for the ride this year so I saw a lot of friends at the start and finish.  The weather was great -- about 60 and sunny at the start ant low 70s at the finish.  All three climbs well.  I posted photos in my training log and did a ride report.

It's great to do an event where everyone has smiles on their faces at the end.

2012-06-04 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4242537

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

cdban66 - 2012-06-04 6:24 AM Good morning, afternoon, and evening my Manatee friends. I hope everyone is doing well today. I have a couple of related questions this morning. My Nike Dry-Fit running shorts have been in use for nearly 2 years now. So it is getting to be replacement time. I am considering going with compression shorts, rather than the regular running shorts. Does anyone use compression type shorts for running, and if so, what are your thoughts? I find that I am a bit more comfortable when I run in my tri-shorts. They are not the most compressive, but I like them quite a bit. Also, while surfing through E-Bay last night I noticed a few off brands that were nice looking and rather cheap (as am I). Plazma Skin and X-Prin, to be precise. I'm sure they are not the best, but I think they may work for my purposes. Has anyone heard anything on these? I've been reading a bit of Fred Rogers this past week, so here you go: "You bring all you ever were and are to any relationship you have today." I really struggled mentally with that last week and am trying to come from a better place. Enjoy whatever your day has in store for you today!

I run in compression shorts all the time. Well, to be honest I run in a lot of different things. I personally like my compression shorts best but keep in mind, this is a female perspective know, less junk to keep in mind. heh-heh.

One thing though, if you don't plan on wearing anything over them. Don't get white or grey. White for obvious reasons, grey shows sweat. Nothing like the whole world seeing you azz-sweat. Also, obviously I have a biased perspective, but I am not sure how the world in general feels about men running in compression shorts, or, if you even care what said world thinks.

In terms of brands, meh, I would try the cheap ones. They aren't technical to the point of limiting your performance. Or at least I don't believe that to be so. 

Edited by Asalzwed 2012-06-04 12:00 PM
2012-06-04 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4241723

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
reecealan - 2012-06-03 12:52 PM

Goof afternoon Manatees.  I finally was able to get on the bike for a decent ride today, rode 40 miles, felt O.K. shoulder pain minimal, little tender in knee but O.K.  I feel I might be able to run soon.  Ortho doc says I can run up to 5 miles as long as I wear a sling.  I got the Schwaggle deal for IM Branson 70.3 in late September.  My new A race this year!  The good news is the run is flat, the bads news is that the bike course has 8 Cat 5 climbs each over 1.2 miles in length.  I heard some people last year actually cancelled during packet pickup when they saw the elevation map (duh?  Can't imagine signed up for a race not knowing bike course details!!!!).

I'll be a 1-armed swimming, sling wearing running fool this coming week.

Wishing good health and good luck to everyone.

Ahhhh hahahahahaha this is just amazing. You are badazz. 

2012-06-04 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Sooo, exciting news! I got tickets to go down to the US track and field Olympic trials down at Hayward Field!! Not sure if any of you guys are track and field fans but I sure am!

We get to see Allyson Felix in the 200m final!

2012-06-04 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4242537

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

cdban66 - 2012-06-04 6:24 PM Good morning, afternoon, and evening my Manatee friends. I hope everyone is doing well today. I have a couple of related questions this morning. My Nike Dry-Fit running shorts have been in use for nearly 2 years now. So it is getting to be replacement time. I am considering going with compression shorts, rather than the regular running shorts. Does anyone use compression type shorts for running, and if so, what are your thoughts? I find that I am a bit more comfortable when I run in my tri-shorts. They are not the most compressive, but I like them quite a bit. Also, while surfing through E-Bay last night I noticed a few off brands that were nice looking and rather cheap (as am I). Plazma Skin and X-Prin, to be precise. I'm sure they are not the best, but I think they may work for my purposes. Has anyone heard anything on these? I've been reading a bit of Fred Rogers this past week, so here you go: "You bring all you ever were and are to any relationship you have today." I really struggled mentally with that last week and am trying to come from a better place. Enjoy whatever your day has in store for you today!

I think it depends on if you're actually looking for compression (and why), or whether you just like the "tights" feeling better than loose running shorts. My experience with cheap running "jammers" are that they have seams in awful places. I've had much better luck buying cut-rate tri shorts (I mean, good brand for $10 ... not great for riding/grinding my crotch into it for hours, but super for running!) ... I imagine if you look around and are willing to wait for a good deal, though, you might get really good brand running jammers for cheap. Unless it's really the compression you're looking for.

2012-06-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4243375

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-04 12:59 PM

I run in compression shorts all the time. Well, to be honest I run in a lot of different things. I personally like my compression shorts best but keep in mind, this is a female perspective know, less junk to keep in mind. heh-heh.

One thing though, if you don't plan on wearing anything over them. Don't get white or grey. White for obvious reasons, grey shows sweat. Nothing like the whole world seeing you azz-sweat. Also, obviously I have a biased perspective, but I am not sure how the world in general feels about men running in compression shorts, or, if you even care what said world thinks.

In terms of brands, meh, I would try the cheap ones. They aren't technical to the point of limiting your performance. Or at least I don't believe that to be so. 

While I do care what certain people think about me, I run at 5 am, so whoever is seeing me... well I guess they'll just wake up that much quicker Thanks for the color advice, I was thinking black, since I'm not fast enough to wear red and white scares me.

2012-06-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4243462

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-05 12:29 AM

Sooo, exciting news! I got tickets to go down to the US track and field Olympic trials down at Hayward Field!! Not sure if any of you guys are track and field fans but I sure am!

We get to see Allyson Felix in the 200m final!

That is awesome!

Yes, I am a track and field fan. My sister was a champ thrower in high school (she was ENORMOUS) and through going to her meets I developed a love of all things track and field.

Will they have pole vaulting when you go?

My only big Olympics news is that I'm getting a TV and cable so that I can watch the Olympics. I just can't imagine not easily being able to ... I mean, I remember watching the Olympics every single time since 1980. Anything. I will watch anything.

2012-06-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4243462

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-04 10:29 AM

Sooo, exciting news! I got tickets to go down to the US track and field Olympic trials down at Hayward Field!! Not sure if any of you guys are track and field fans but I sure am!

We get to see Allyson Felix in the 200m final!

Very cool!  I threw shot and javelin many moons ago, and definitely like to watch when it is on TV.  Especially the Olympics.  I always get chills when a gold medallist runs around waving their country's flag.  What a thrill!

2012-06-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4243465

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-04 1:31 PM

I think it depends on if you're actually looking for compression (and why), or whether you just like the "tights" feeling better than loose running shorts. My experience with cheap running "jammers" are that they have seams in awful places. I've had much better luck buying cut-rate tri shorts (I mean, good brand for $10 ... not great for riding/grinding my crotch into it for hours, but super for running!) ... I imagine if you look around and are willing to wait for a good deal, though, you might get really good brand running jammers for cheap. Unless it's really the compression you're looking for.

I think the tights description works best for me. I'll be aware on the seams in wrong places. Thanks!
2012-06-04 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4243496

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-04 12:41 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-05 12:29 AM

Sooo, exciting news! I got tickets to go down to the US track and field Olympic trials down at Hayward Field!! Not sure if any of you guys are track and field fans but I sure am!

We get to see Allyson Felix in the 200m final!

That is awesome!

Yes, I am a track and field fan. My sister was a champ thrower in high school (she was ENORMOUS) and through going to her meets I developed a love of all things track and field.

Will they have pole vaulting when you go?

My only big Olympics news is that I'm getting a TV and cable so that I can watch the Olympics. I just can't imagine not easily being able to ... I mean, I remember watching the Olympics every single time since 1980. Anything. I will watch anything.

I think I will miss the vaulting Frown  ooooh I did stumble across some old vaulting photos of myself over the weekend! I shall have to post those. 

I too was a thrower, although it was in junior high. Shot-put! Now those photos are even funnier than the vaulting photos.

Quite the departure from throwing to vaulting to marathon. 

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