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2008-04-20 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

The weather was absolutely aweful for the and pouring rain almost the entire time.

They announce the water temp as 65F. I was wearing my wetsuit, a neoprene hoodie, and booties. We were the eighth (last!) wave, with about 3 minutes between waves. The horn goes off, we go in, and I completely tanked it! I felt like I couldn't breathe and like I'd forgotten how to swim. I'm assuming it was from needing to put my face in the cold water. Did a lot of side stroke and elementary back stroke before I finally manage to pull it together and FS most of the final 250m. I was hoping to do the swim under 15min, but it's going to be somewhere north of 19min! I really need OWS practice!

I had no problem finding my area, but I had some trouble getting my feet out of the wetsuit. Also had some trouble getting my arms out because I had failed to pull the zipper all the way down.

The transition area had turned into a mud fest so running out to the ride was tough.

I rocked the ride! I had "Hill Slug" written on my left calf (hoping a BTer would recognize the name and say "hi". One woman got up pretty close to me on the ride and said "You're no Hill Slug. You're rockin these hills!" I thanked her...and then dropped her ~17.55 miles in ~1:01:30 so ~17+mph.

I had my running shoes under a piece of tarp so they were pretty dry when I grabbed them, but my socks were completely soaked. On the way out of transition I was running through mud so my shoes were also soaked before I even started the official run. Overall, the run went pretty well...first triathlon where I actually ran the whole run! Unfortunately, I hit the wrong button on the Garmin so it stopped timing coming out of transition. I managed to figure out what was happening and get it recording a little way in, but missed about 0.5 miles. My time for the last ~2.6 miles was ~26min. I was hoping to bring it in under 10min/mile and will be really close.

Funniest thing I heard: on the run "I think I'm getting swimmer's ear."

Funniest thing I saw: a mile or so into the run: a woman running around a puddle. As if that mattered by then!

Edited by MDHillSlug 2008-04-20 5:03 PM

2008-04-20 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Nicole and Sarah nice races today guys !!! you both did great sarah got a new PB and slug well you had your hands full it sounds like but you did it . and i look at it like this you did something that you never done as far as running the whole thing. hey you cant ask for much more than getting better .
the hill slug on your calf cracked me up . i guess cause when i was in tampa with my sister i was showing her this site and everyone here on the mentor group . when i told her this is nicole she is from MD but i cant figure out her screen name . but she knew right away !! you know she is from VA so it made total sense to her then i recall her telling me when i was up there about the slugs .
anyways glad you both had good days and was safe doing it congrats to you both !!
2008-04-20 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Thanks Shaun. When I first started biking and participating in online discussions (Team Estrogen) I needed to pick a screen name. I had heard the term "Hill Slug" used to describe a rider who could barely ride hills. That's exactly how I felt at the time and decided to take the name. No, I'm no longer a slug, but I like the name because it reminds me how far I've come.

The bike and the run were good or better. Someday maybe I'll figure out OWS, too! 

2008-04-20 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

You did awesome Nicole! Sounds like the weather threw some obstacles your way, but you didn't let it stop you, and as far as the OWS goes I think we learn with each race and before you know it you'll be rockin the swim just like the bike and run. Congrats!

Sarah, congratulations on you PB today! You're knee must be healing well because you've been doing some fantastic running! Keep up the good work!!

Oh, and it looks like three of us were racing today, pretty cool!! I think I PB'd my 5k, but I don't have the official time yet. Was pretty cold and windy here today and my lungs are feelin it a little.

2008-04-20 11:06 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
It's official new PB and my race report is up though there wasn't a whole lot to say.
2008-04-21 5:51 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
well Nicole one thing is you are improving and thats what ya look for in this game . i wish i had more hills to ride/run but here in the flat lands they are few and far between . but it seems like every race i been to in FL has hills i dont know how they work that into it but they do . like the MIT race had that huge bridge 4x and i been reading about the bike course at the FL HIM and it has some big hills . i just got to keep in mind that i was reading posts from other people from FL so they might not be all that big cause just about any hil to us seems big .

Roni great job yesterday on your PB !! what race are you doing on the 26th i see they got like 3 distances to pick from or all .

man i feel kinda left out this weekend everyone had a race but me heck the only thing im getting done is trying to find out as much as i can about the HIM as i can . 27 days and counting

2008-04-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

It's kinda funny Shaun, there are weekends where I want to go out for an easier, longer ride and everything has these hills and they can't really be avoided. So, like it or not, I'm always riding/training on hills. It really paid off yesterday.

Probably the only way I'll be able to get in OWS practice is to join a tri club and hope that they schedule them from time to time. Probably will look into that. My tri in July is a short pool swim (300m) but my tri in August is another 750m OWS. 

2008-04-21 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1350656

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Roni great job yesterday on your PB !! what race are you doing on the 26th i see they got like 3 distances to pick from or all . 

I'm doing all 3, the trifecta. Really looking forward to this one should be fun!

2008-04-21 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Wow, everyone here is kicking butt!  Nice job y'all!

Nicole, way to stick it out at your tri.  It sounds like less-than-comfortable conditions, but you pushed through it and had a rockin' bike and run.  Seriously, I'm envious of your riding ability!

I have a great story from the gym this morning.  Many of my fellow club members who do triathlons are talented athletes and have worked hard to do well.  It's not unheard of for almost every Headhunter (gym "mascot" who competes to have a podium finish.  Lately, I've been bummed coming back from races, because while I had a PR, everyone else is wearing a ribbon around their neck.  So after swim this morning, I drag my tired body into spin class, climb onto my bike, and start grinding away.  About half way through there is a break in between sets and my friend Jenn walks over and puts a ribbon around my neck.  It says "Sarah Gets Faster at Each Race Award."  I had the HUGEST smile on my face after that!  When I get home tonight I'll take pictures and post them.  I'm still smiling...

2008-04-21 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Results are in and the race report is up.

117/197 overall...7/13 in AG.

Would you believe my 20min swim time put me 8/13 AG but my 31min run put me 12/13? 

MOP is not so bad, right?

Edited by MDHillSlug 2008-04-21 7:07 PM
2008-04-21 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Nicole i think a tri group might be the way to go . we got one here but i have yet to go train with them . they meet sundays at the pool for a swim and bike and the 3rd sat. of every month down at the beach for a 1.25 mile ows , bike 20 and a 8-9 mile run. i wowuld love to go but my wprk dont always work with it . this last sat. they had a 2.2 ows i was gonna go but balked at the chance not that i dont think i couldnt do it but was scared i would be slower then all of them . yea straight wuss huh !!!! i should have went i was gonna ask you guys what you thought but didnt . cause i figured i knew what the answer would be . i guess it couldnt have hurt heck i could have picked a few things up from them im sure . i do know this before the HIM i will be down there a few times i think that is the only way to get used to it the pool sure as hell dont cut it .
that was a good swim you had there rolling out that high in your AG .

2008-04-22 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1348561

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sdbryant - 2008-04-18 10:19 PM

Here it is!

OH MY!!!!

2008-04-22 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1350033

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-04-20 2:45 PM

The weather was absolutely aweful for the and pouring rain almost the entire time.

They announce the water temp as 65F. I was wearing my wetsuit, a neoprene hoodie, and booties. We were the eighth (last!) wave, with about 3 minutes between waves. The horn goes off, we go in, and I completely tanked it! I felt like I couldn't breathe and like I'd forgotten how to swim. I'm assuming it was from needing to put my face in the cold water. Did a lot of side stroke and elementary back stroke before I finally manage to pull it together and FS most of the final 250m. I was hoping to do the swim under 15min, but it's going to be somewhere north of 19min! I really need OWS practice!

I had no problem finding my area, but I had some trouble getting my feet out of the wetsuit. Also had some trouble getting my arms out because I had failed to pull the zipper all the way down.

The transition area had turned into a mud fest so running out to the ride was tough.

I rocked the ride! I had "Hill Slug" written on my left calf (hoping a BTer would recognize the name and say "hi". One woman got up pretty close to me on the ride and said "You're no Hill Slug. You're rockin these hills!" I thanked her...and then dropped her ~17.55 miles in ~1:01:30 so ~17+mph.

I had my running shoes under a piece of tarp so they were pretty dry when I grabbed them, but my socks were completely soaked. On the way out of transition I was running through mud so my shoes were also soaked before I even started the official run. Overall, the run went pretty well...first triathlon where I actually ran the whole run! Unfortunately, I hit the wrong button on the Garmin so it stopped timing coming out of transition. I managed to figure out what was happening and get it recording a little way in, but missed about 0.5 miles. My time for the last ~2.6 miles was ~26min. I was hoping to bring it in under 10min/mile and will be really close.

Funniest thing I heard: on the run "I think I'm getting swimmer's ear."

Funniest thing I saw: a mile or so into the run: a woman running around a puddle. As if that mattered by then!

Fantastic job on that bike ride!!!  It must have felt good to drop that lady!   Don't worry about the swim.  You still did great in the swim!  Congrats!!!  You should be proud of yourself for running the whole thing!  That was some serious weather you had to contend with.  I'm not sure it could have been much worse from the way you describe it.  You've got some serious tenacity, girl!!!!

2008-04-22 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1352022

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sdbryant - 2008-04-21 11:27 AM

Wow, everyone here is kicking butt!  Nice job y'all!

Nicole, way to stick it out at your tri.  It sounds like less-than-comfortable conditions, but you pushed through it and had a rockin' bike and run.  Seriously, I'm envious of your riding ability!

I have a great story from the gym this morning.  Many of my fellow club members who do triathlons are talented athletes and have worked hard to do well.  It's not unheard of for almost every Headhunter (gym "mascot" who competes to have a podium finish.  Lately, I've been bummed coming back from races, because while I had a PR, everyone else is wearing a ribbon around their neck.  So after swim this morning, I drag my tired body into spin class, climb onto my bike, and start grinding away.  About half way through there is a break in between sets and my friend Jenn walks over and puts a ribbon around my neck.  It says "Sarah Gets Faster at Each Race Award."  I had the HUGEST smile on my face after that!  When I get home tonight I'll take pictures and post them.  I'm still smiling...

Awww!  That's so sweet!  Yes, you are getting faster!

2008-04-22 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1353447

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-04-21 7:08 PM Nicole i think a tri group might be the way to go . we got one here but i have yet to go train with them . they meet sundays at the pool for a swim and bike and the 3rd sat. of every month down at the beach for a 1.25 mile ows , bike 20 and a 8-9 mile run. i wowuld love to go but my wprk dont always work with it . this last sat. they had a 2.2 ows i was gonna go but balked at the chance not that i dont think i couldnt do it but was scared i would be slower then all of them . yea straight wuss huh !!!! i should have went i was gonna ask you guys what you thought but didnt . cause i figured i knew what the answer would be . i guess it couldnt have hurt heck i could have picked a few things up from them im sure . i do know this before the HIM i will be down there a few times i think that is the only way to get used to it the pool sure as hell dont cut it . that was a good swim you had there rolling out that high in your AG .

I wish we had a tri group around here.  There are a lot of single sport people so I try to go with them.  No one is up for OWS around here.  Bummer.

2008-04-22 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi everyone!  I got back from Anchorage, Alaska last night!  What a gorgeous place!  It snowed 2 feet a week before we got there so there was lots of snow all around.  It was sunny and cold while we were there.  We went north of Anchorage to our friends shack in the woods for a visit.  Very pretty piece of property that they have!  We did all sorts of Anchorage stuff.  The wedding was beautiful.  On Sunday, we drove south of Anchorage to Portage Lake and Glacier.  It is really had to see glaciers when everything is covered with snow!  The lake was totally frozen over so we were walking around in the snow on it and watching the cross country skiiers on it.  We stopped at Alyeska Ski Resort to check it out.  It has some of the steepest runs I've ever seen!!!!!  The thing that cracked me up about the ski area was the base elevation.  It is at 275 feet above sea level!  Crazy!!!  The days are already long there.  It was getting light around 5:45AM and it was still light at 10:30PM!  I'll post some pictures when I get them.

Congrats to all of you in your races!  Now I have to go check out all of the race reports!  Cheers!

2008-04-23 5:05 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
tracy good to see ya back and had a good trip . i stopped in alaska on my way to japan and have wanted to go back sense then but never have made it . you know the day i joined the guard i got offered a job with them up there and it was a 3 year tour . i almost jumped on it right then. i think it is still open i may look into it come the new year it is not like it was a tough job it was guarding the starwars stuff up there . oh well someday
2008-04-23 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1356156

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-04-23 3:05 AM tracy good to see ya back and had a good trip . i stopped in alaska on my way to japan and have wanted to go back sense then but never have made it . you know the day i joined the guard i got offered a job with them up there and it was a 3 year tour . i almost jumped on it right then. i think it is still open i may look into it come the new year it is not like it was a tough job it was guarding the starwars stuff up there . oh well someday

Dude!  You would freeze your butt off up there!!!!

2008-04-23 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
It looks like we have been archived.  We can still chat away on this forum if you want.  I'll be keeping an eye on it.  Let's definitely keep in touch.  I've had a great time getting to know all of you!  Congratulations on all of your accomlishments over the past few months!  Cheers! 
2008-04-23 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1356767

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

owl_girl - 2008-04-23 11:42 AM It looks like we have been archived. We can still chat away on this forum if you want. I'll be keeping an eye on it. Let's definitely keep in touch. I've had a great time getting to know all of you! Congratulations on all of your accomlishments over the past few months! Cheers!

Huh?!? Do we need to start a new thread? 

2008-04-23 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1357470

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-04-23 12:06 PM

owl_girl - 2008-04-23 11:42 AM It looks like we have been archived. We can still chat away on this forum if you want. I'll be keeping an eye on it. Let's definitely keep in touch. I've had a great time getting to know all of you! Congratulations on all of your accomlishments over the past few months! Cheers!

Huh?!? Do we need to start a new thread? 

No.  We can stay right here and continue to post.  No worries!

2008-04-23 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1356751

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Haha, Shaun, didn't you complain a week or so ago about having to run because it was too cold?  It had got down to like 60 or something?  Just givin ya a hard time because I'm so tired of bundling up and riding on the trainer...  I hear it's going to get up to like 62 this weekend over here - wohoo!!!!

owl_girl - 2008-04-23 8:38 AM

mac3116 - 2008-04-23 3:05 AM tracy good to see ya back and had a good trip . i stopped in alaska on my way to japan and have wanted to go back sense then but never have made it . you know the day i joined the guard i got offered a job with them up there and it was a 3 year tour . i almost jumped on it right then. i think it is still open i may look into it come the new year it is not like it was a tough job it was guarding the starwars stuff up there . oh well someday

Dude!  You would freeze your butt off up there!!!!

2008-04-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1357712

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sdbryant - 2008-04-23 1:09 PM

Haha, Shaun, didn't you complain a week or so ago about having to run because it was too cold?  It had got down to like 60 or something?  Just givin ya a hard time because I'm so tired of bundling up and riding on the trainer...  I hear it's going to get up to like 62 this weekend over here - wohoo!!!!

owl_girl - 2008-04-23 8:38 AM

mac3116 - 2008-04-23 3:05 AM tracy good to see ya back and had a good trip . i stopped in alaska on my way to japan and have wanted to go back sense then but never have made it . you know the day i joined the guard i got offered a job with them up there and it was a 3 year tour . i almost jumped on it right then. i think it is still open i may look into it come the new year it is not like it was a tough job it was guarding the starwars stuff up there . oh well someday

Dude!  You would freeze your butt off up there!!!!

Yeah!  I think he said he would sleep in his wetsuit too!!! 

2008-04-23 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
the weather was one big reason i didnt jump on it right then . its not so much the cold but my needs to have some cloths on !!! i am used to getting out at 5-6 am with only shoes and shorts and i hate running in cloths although i do like my CWX tights just not much for anything on the top. so i kinda gave it up to stay here and train i just didnt see to much of it up there what they got one marathon .
2008-04-23 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Sarah, it's nice to see you not so bundled up!
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