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2011-07-11 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

While I'm thinking about it:

Last weeks totals:

Week Totals
S: 2500.00 Yd  50m
B: 113.80 Mi  6h 39m 58s
R: 19.62 Mi  3h 26m 06s


2011-07-11 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3590302

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Last week was a "light week" relatively speaking.  Going out of town this weekend and the next, that could wreak havoc on my training schedule.  At the very least I'll be able to run but I want to ride the new bike!  I've thought about flipping the stem (I did on my old bike) but I'm going to give it some more time and see how this position feels.  I don't want to dive right into a super low position right away.

5800.00 Yd, 2h 20m
51.61 Mi, 4h 23m 37s
17.75 Mi, 2h 45m 09s
2011-07-11 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3590064

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

If you want crappy totals LostSheep just check out my totals for last week!

1600.00 M
19.75 Mi
1h 06m 15s
3.11 Mi
23m 56s

Due to "life" getting in the way, I only got 1 run,bike and swim in. Going to have to make sure that doesn't happen again as I'm only 5 weeks out from my next race.

2011-07-11 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3589072

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
mashmead - 2011-07-10 1:46 PM

New bike picture time!


Very nice!  I'm jealous!

2011-07-11 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

I just got a fire lit under my butt!!

It's day one of the 16week Marine Corp Marathon Training Plan. Hoorah. Here we go!

I'm excited!

2011-07-11 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3590767

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
LostSheep - 2011-07-11 1:57 PM

I just got a fire lit under my butt!!

It's day one of the 16week Marine Corp Marathon Training Plan. Hoorah. Here we go!

I'm excited!

That's the spirit!  GIT SOME!!

2011-07-11 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3590767

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
45.89 Mi
2h 33m 43s
20.16 Mi
2h 50m 36s

Still no swimming.  But a friend who is a PT looked at my shoulder over the weekend.  He thinks it's just strained and said I could swim if I felt up to it.  I got back in the pool this evening it was OK. Felt good a first so I decide to try to do my workout as planned.  I was pretty stiff and tired and only got through half my workout (750 yds).  I was going to try to do the whole thing at easier paces than the plan called for but my arm was getting sore and my form was starting to fall apart so I decided do pack it in.

Edited by cornfed 2011-07-11 8:08 PM
2011-07-11 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
1500.00 Yd  30m
152.40 Mi  8h 36m 40s
5.00 Mi  46m 30s
Well, I really don't want to swim.  Too darn hot to run much.  So biking it is!
(Actually I had life get in the way of swimming and had a minor leg tweak to keep me running.  But I really am enjoying the biking these days.)
2011-07-12 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3591636

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sand101 - 2011-07-11 8:15 PM
1500.00 Yd  30m
152.40 Mi  8h 36m 40s
5.00 Mi  46m 30s
Well, I really don't want to swim.  Too darn hot to run much.  So biking it is!
(Actually I had life get in the way of swimming and had a minor leg tweak to keep me running.  But I really am enjoying the biking these days.)

I understand.   The biking just seems more fun.  

Nothing like the Tour to get you motivated to get in some miles in the saddle.

Speaking of, who all is keeping up with the tour.  Man, Stage 9 was a heck of a day.  Can't wait to get home and watch today's stage.

2011-07-12 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3592228

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-12 9:12 AM
sand101 - 2011-07-11 8:15 PM
1500.00 Yd  30m
152.40 Mi  8h 36m 40s
5.00 Mi  46m 30s
Well, I really don't want to swim.  Too darn hot to run much.  So biking it is!
(Actually I had life get in the way of swimming and had a minor leg tweak to keep me running.  But I really am enjoying the biking these days.)

I understand.   The biking just seems more fun.  

Nothing like the Tour to get you motivated to get in some miles in the saddle.

Speaking of, who all is keeping up with the tour.  Man, Stage 9 was a heck of a day.  Can't wait to get home and watch today's stage.

I'm following it.  Huge Cav/HTC fan here.  However I'm quickly becoming a Hushovd fan too.  The way he lead out Farrar in stage 3 was un-f**king-believable!  Normally you see people try to protect the yellow jersey.  Even if they know they can't hold on to it till the end they and their team seem to try to keep it as long as possible.  You never see the guy in yellow do a lead out at the end of a stage. 

Don't know if you're found this yet or not, but you follow each stage live from the tour website...

Edited by cornfed 2011-07-12 8:29 AM
2011-07-12 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3592258

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-07-12 8:27 AM
pilotzs - 2011-07-12 9:12 AM
sand101 - 2011-07-11 8:15 PM
1500.00 Yd  30m
152.40 Mi  8h 36m 40s
5.00 Mi  46m 30s
Well, I really don't want to swim.  Too darn hot to run much.  So biking it is!
(Actually I had life get in the way of swimming and had a minor leg tweak to keep me running.  But I really am enjoying the biking these days.)

I understand.   The biking just seems more fun.  

Nothing like the Tour to get you motivated to get in some miles in the saddle.

Speaking of, who all is keeping up with the tour.  Man, Stage 9 was a heck of a day.  Can't wait to get home and watch today's stage.

I'm following it.  Huge Cav/HTC fan here.  However I'm quickly becoming a Hushovd fan too.  The way he lead out Farrar in stage 3 was un-f**king-believable!  Normally you see people try to protect the yellow jersey.  Even if they know they can't hold on to it till the end they and their team seem to try to keep it as long as possible.  You never see the guy in yellow do a lead out at the end of a stage. 

Don't know if you're found this yet or not, but you follow each stage live from the tour website...

Good link.  I've got a few favorites.  I've been following Cav/HTC also.  That was awesome to see Thor lead out Farrar in Stage 3.  It will be interesting to see if Cav can put together his stage wins.

The Radio Shak team has had some bad luck, but I'm tracking them for Kloden.

Leapard Trek w/ Andy and Frank Schlek should be interesting.  Andy was staying on Contador's wheel the last stage, so I guess he figures as long as he rides Contador, then he should be fine.  It will be interesting to see if anyone else breaks through.

And watching those guys finish the last stage after getting hit with the car was amazing.  Talk about tough as nails.

2011-07-12 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

I *was* cheering for Horner to take the whole enchilada, but sadly that dream is dead.  Now I'd love to see Evans take it down. 

Really anyone but Contador.

2011-07-12 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3592512

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
pilotzs - 2011-07-12 9:57 AM

And watching those guys finish the last stage after getting hit with the car was amazing.  Talk about tough as nails.

I really felt bad for those guys.  Going 30mph into a barbed wire fence ain't a good thing at all.  I'm just glad he hit is with his back.

That driver should be flogged.

2011-07-13 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3592823

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

sand101 - 2011-07-12 6:23 PM

That driver should be flogged.

Pretty sure I heard on the news that the team intends to get the driver prosecuted.

Ignore that, checked up and it turns out what I heard was that they do NOT intend to take it further as the driver apologised!!

Edited by sicone 2011-07-13 11:20 AM
2011-07-13 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3594497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sicone - 2011-07-13 12:13 PM

sand101 - 2011-07-12 6:23 PM

That driver should be flogged.

Pretty sure I heard on the news that the team intends to get the driver prosecuted.

Ignore that, checked up and it turns out what I heard was that they do NOT intend to take it further as the driver apologised!!

"You hit me with your car and ruined my chance to complete something I've been training my whole life for.  I'm going to see you rot in jail!!"

"I'm sorry, it was an accident"

"Oh... OK, that's cool.  Wanna grab a beer?"

2011-07-14 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3434029

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

Do we have any nurses or anyone who understand blood profiles?

I had a physical and got all of my results just the other day. I understand what most everything is, but some of this stuff, I can't figure out for the life of me.

Anybody know what these are:
"AST (SGOT)". It's measured in "U/L" and the range is 0-33. Mine is 35 and noted as HIGH.

"Creatinine". It's measured in "MG/DL" and the range is 27.0-260.0. Mine is 19.2 and noted as LOW. (I know it's a measure of the kidney function, but what's it measuring and what does it mean?)

Also, because the people who did it can't schedule for crap, I had to do it on a Sat morning and while fasting. It probably didn't help that I had a big training morning that day only went off of water until the blood draw at 10am. How much would that have affected it?

2011-07-14 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3595891

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
LostSheep - 2011-07-14 9:16 AM

Do we have any nurses or anyone who understand blood profiles?

I had a physical and got all of my results just the other day. I understand what most everything is, but some of this stuff, I can't figure out for the life of me.

Anybody know what these are:
"AST (SGOT)". It's measured in "U/L" and the range is 0-33. Mine is 35 and noted as HIGH.

"Creatinine". It's measured in "MG/DL" and the range is 27.0-260.0. Mine is 19.2 and noted as LOW. (I know it's a measure of the kidney function, but what's it measuring and what does it mean?)

Also, because the people who did it can't schedule for crap, I had to do it on a Sat morning and while fasting. It probably didn't help that I had a big training morning that day only went off of water until the blood draw at 10am. How much would that have affected it?

Don't know but a quick check with google gave one site that said normal was 5-40 and another site said 0-20.  Wouldn't be surprised if training affected it since you're just out side the range.  Have you asked your Doc?

2011-07-14 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3596285

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
cornfed - 2011-07-14 10:42 AM

Don't know but a quick check with google gave one site that said normal was 5-40 and another site said 0-20.  Wouldn't be surprised if training affected it since you're just out side the range.  Have you asked your Doc?

I asked the Doc and he basically said that AST(SGOT) is found in the liver, heart, muscle, kidney, and brain. It's released when any of these have tissue damage from any number of reasons. Not really specific. However, it's mostly used to detect liver function. If it were really high, it would be an indicator that there is alcohol liver damage or other gi condition, but unlikely in my case.

The creatinine is is just a renal function measurement.

He had no concern b/c everything was normal, and those two were barely outside of normal that he wasn't worried. After telling him it was fasting draw where I had a hard workout prior, he beilieves some of it could be my body refueling itself naturally and he wasn't concerned.

He said he wasn't shocked or worried about anything, so I guess it's a good thing. I was just curious about those since they were outside of normal.

2011-07-14 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

So how is the EPO level doing?  (kidding!)

Anyway, not much going on here.  Did hill repeats today up a road called Karl Daley today (Sheep and Pilot know this one).  5 repeats.  Best one averaged 319w over 5 minutes - a new PR.  Still a tubby 4.1W/kg - gracious I'm porky.

Hopefully everyone else out there is progressing well!

2011-07-15 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3597519

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sand101 - 2011-07-15 12:22 AM

So how is the EPO level doing?  (kidding!)

Anyway, not much going on here.  Did hill repeats today up a road called Karl Daley today (Sheep and Pilot know this one).  5 repeats.  Best one averaged 319w over 5 minutes - a new PR.  Still a tubby 4.1W/kg - gracious I'm porky.

Hopefully everyone else out there is progressing well!

My shoulder is still giving me trouble but I did back in the pool this week and think I'll be able to resume swimming regularly next week.  I ran a 5K this week which was so-so.  Very tough/hilly course in hot humid weather.  I had a good run giving the conditions but I was hoping to use it get a new VDOT to set my running paces.  I'm a little bummed I didn't do better but I ran well (ie strong) and was able to push myself the whole time which is normally a problem for me.  Instead of focusing on bigger goals ("run a 20 min 5k", "do a 1 hour 40K TT", etc) I'm trying to focus on things like training consistency, weightloss and having good solid workouts and races.  If I can focus on those things I believe the results will come.  It will be slow but I won't be as discouraged.

2011-07-16 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3597519

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sand101 - 2011-07-14 11:22 PM

So how is the EPO level doing?  (kidding!)

Anyway, not much going on here.  Did hill repeats today up a road called Karl Daley today (Sheep and Pilot know this one).  5 repeats.  Best one averaged 319w over 5 minutes - a new PR.  Still a tubby 4.1W/kg - gracious I'm porky.

Hopefully everyone else out there is progressing well!

Well that record lasted 2 days. Hit 325 watts this morning, and it wasn't an all out effort.  I guess riding over an hour a day pays off...

2011-07-18 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3599965

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sand101 - 2011-07-17 4:29 AM

Well that record lasted 2 days. Hit 325 watts this morning, and it wasn't an all out effort.  I guess riding over an hour a day pays off...

That's pretty awesome Sand!

Guess I'll start this weeks weekly totals.

Week Totals
5800.00 M, 2h 09m
64.62 Mi, 3h 48m 38s
20.83 Mi, 3h 03m
Just a tiny bit better than last week Bike was a tiny bit under target for this week (was planned for 75miles), run was about 3miles short and swim was 100m over. All in all a pretty good week for me.
Hopefully this week will be a bit closer to planned targets.
2011-07-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3601039

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
sicone - 2011-07-18 5:19 AM
sand101 - 2011-07-17 4:29 AM

Well that record lasted 2 days. Hit 325 watts this morning, and it wasn't an all out effort.  I guess riding over an hour a day pays off...

That's pretty awesome Sand!

Guess I'll start this weeks weekly totals.

Week Totals
5800.00 M, 2h 09m
64.62 Mi, 3h 48m 38s
20.83 Mi, 3h 03m
Just a tiny bit better than last week Bike was a tiny bit under target for this week (was planned for 75miles), run was about 3miles short and swim was 100m over. All in all a pretty good week for me.
Hopefully this week will be a bit closer to planned targets.

That's quibbling - a pretty solid week all the way around for you!  I figure (personally) if I manage to get in an hour a day on average I am doing pretty well.

Edited by sand101 2011-07-18 9:17 AM
2011-07-18 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3434029

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed
Good news= IT band seems to be much better! Bad News= I'm a huge fatty!! This ends today. I'm 175lbs this morning, I will be 160 by end of Oct. Time to stop screwing around!!!!
2011-07-18 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3601039

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v4.0 - Closed

So-So Week

750.00 Yd
56.96 Mi
3h 12m 58s
17.03 Mi
2h 28m 48s

 I was happy to be back in the pool even if it was only for a little bit.  I should have broken 20 miles this week but I cramped up really bad during a brick on Saturday and the heat crushed my pace on Sunday.  Oh well...

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