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2015-02-09 9:02 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Talk to me more about Ultragen and any other FE products you are using. I am torn between the two arguments (1) Supplements help and (2) Supplements are bunk.

2015-02-09 10:21 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding my Saturday 15k race: 1.5 hours on the dot!

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 06 11:34:45
Jackie 07 12:33:31
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 06 6:31:28
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 04 03:25:11
Ellen 03 02:07:13
Seth 05 03:45:00
DaveL 02 1:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 11:49 AM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Rachel, keep up the good work and great to see your progress to date!

Adding again my Sat 55 mile ride, 50 min drainer last night + 7 mile morning run today

Mark Z 07 9:18:00 
Dan 08 10:41:49 
Gabe 09 17:08:55 
Jackie 07 12:33:31 
Melissa 08 11:07:00 
Jim 06 6:31:28 
Dennis 05 08:35:55 
Dave C. 05 07:45:00 
Mitch 07 5:58:01 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Patrick 04 03:05:00 
Beth 05 04:20:00 
Rachel 04 03:25:11 
Ellen 03 02:07:13 
Seth 05 03:45:00 
DaveL 02 1:00:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 

2015-02-09 12:04 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30min in the pool. 100,200,400,200,100m all with pull buoy.

Mark Z 07 9:18:00 
Dan 08 10:41:49 
Gabe 09 17:08:55 
Jackie 07 12:33:31 
Melissa 08 11:07:00 
Jim 06 6:31:28 
Dennis 05 08:35:55 
Dave C. 05 07:45:00 
Mitch 07 5:58:01 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Patrick 04 03:05:00 
Beth 05 04:20:00 
Rachel 04 03:25:11 
Ellen 03 02:07:13 
Seth 05 03:45:00 
DaveL 03 1:30:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 

2015-02-09 12:11 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

Okay, humor me.

Go buy a tub of Ultragen (Tropical Punch flavor is the best). Take two scoops in 12 fl oz of water immediately and also, take it after every reasonably hard workout. Do no hard workouts for at least 3 days. That's the recovery part.

Figure out what electrolyte stuff you want to use. I use Skratch labs right now for electrolytes and Carbo Pro for calories, so I don't use gels at all. In my opinion, you need to start supplementing. I think your electrolyte balance is way off and that, combined with hard workouts, is causing your cramping.

I have to make it to a proper store but for now I will get poweraide or gatoraide - what ever I can find.
2015-02-09 12:19 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by cassowary

Dave, maybe your body needs a low-activity week (e.g., walking or short and slow runs) to fully recover from whatever is causing all the cramping. Get some ice going and advil going if you haven't already, and continue with a couple deep massages to work out the muscles.

Last week was an exceptionally low activity week and I believe it is helping. I went for a swim at lunch and came out pain free. I have another massage tonight so I will see what they say.

Although I thought my build up to Tour of Sufferlandria was good it lacked the all out sprints that the last few stages presented. I think I just flat out overextended myself over those 2 days and probably didnt do myself any favors but not stretching and not using a sport /recovery drink. I am going to continue the mini swim focus this week and let my legs heal up to 100%. I hope this is the end of the pain.

2015-02-09 1:23 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Stretch out swim 1500 yards

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 06 6:31:28
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 04 03:25:11
Ellen 03 02:07:13
Seth 05 03:45:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 1:40 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo


Talk to me more about Ultragen and any other FE products you are using. I am torn between the two arguments (1) Supplements help and (2) Supplements are bunk.

Ultragen is the only FE product that I use. Supplements work for me and everyone who I've let try mine. I can tell the difference when I don't use it. With it, I recover faster, I'm not tired or exhausted, even after a very long or hard workout. Others that I have let try it say the same thing.

Sodium and potassium work for me and prevent muscle cramping. I can tell when I'm not using them. Why, because I cramp ;-)

BTW, I do not take any multiple vitamins. In fact, I take no medications with the exception of over the counter allergy pills and calcium supplements for osteoporosis. I eat a 95% clean diet and drink alcohol only rarely. I do workouts 20-25 days out of the month unless I am recovering from an event. I sleep soundly for about 6-7 hours per night. I am rarely ever sick with colds, flu, headaches, etc. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I like to think it's because I pay attention to what my body needs. If something starts to bother me physically, I immediately go into troubleshooting mode to identify the cause so I can fix it early.

I am a pretty low budget athlete. I don't spend a lot of money on the latest fad/gimmick. I research carefully and make sure I know exactly what is in the products I am putting into my body.

Hope this helps.
2015-02-09 2:00 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
49 minute swim: 2525 yards

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 06 6:31:28
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 04 03:25:11
Ellen 03 02:07:13
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 2:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Saturday 41:59 on the trainer. Sunday Rest. Today 10k runch 52:00.
Saturday I was 41:59 into ISLAGIATT, when daughter #2 came bounding down the stairs, with I need to get to work and the battery in the car is dead (stinking winter). That took care of my time on the trainer, just glad she waited until I had enough time in to get a point. I did go cross country skiing later in the day, but that doesn't count. So, I will mark that down as thank God I am healthy enough to do things like go skiing through the woods on a nice winter day, except for the dead battery part.

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 04 03:25:11
Ellen 03 02:07:13
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

Edited by JBacarella 2015-02-09 2:22 PM
2015-02-09 2:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by DaveL

The cramping has me really puzzled as well and really frustrated.

Friday/Saturday End of Tour Of Sufferlandria which had 5+ hours all at close to FTP (brutal but no pain at the time)
Sunday - Off (no pain)
Monday - 5k run cramping most of the run and ended with me more or less howling in pain due to quad cramping.
Tuesday - Very light bike - made it 5min before brutal quad cramps return
Wednesday - 1hr massage all on legs. I was told my quads were exceptionally tight
Thursday - Tried the bike again - made it 5 min
Friday - Swam which is quad intensive but minimized with pull buoy, also sat in hot tub but cramping returned
Saturday - Bike 10min cramping still but less severe now. Also went snowboarding for 3hrs - No cramping at all

Stretching - I am bad, I dont often stretch but have been these past few days. I normally finish a work out with a good cool down either brisk walking after a run or light pedalling after the bike. No yoga
Fluids - lots of water daily, no alcohol. I very rarely drink gatorade or other sport drink
Sodium - I dont track it but unfortunately find I eat more processed foods than I would like too - I cant be certain but I wouldnt think my sodium is low. I dont crave salt.

At this point I am keeping the muscle moving and stretching through out the day

Okay, humor me.

Go buy a tub of Ultragen (Tropical Punch flavor is the best). Take two scoops in 12 fl oz of water immediately and also, take it after every reasonably hard workout. Do no hard workouts for at least 3 days. That's the recovery part.

Figure out what electrolyte stuff you want to use. I use Skratch labs right now for electrolytes and Carbo Pro for calories, so I don't use gels at all. In my opinion, you need to start supplementing. I think your electrolyte balance is way off and that, combined with hard workouts, is causing your cramping.

Anyone else want to chime in?

Jackie- I think you hit this one dead on, and here is the link.
You have two types of cramping one from overload and it will hit the muscle which is overloaded until it is given rest and allowed to heal. The other is dietary and is caused by a loss of fluids and sodium. This sounds like the later because it is generalized meaning hitting different muscles. TDS is a big endeavor and you have to balance fluids and sodium. You can have problems if you have either extreme, not enough sodium or too much sodium. It is an individual balancing game. The best way to tackle it is to find what works for you. I use the inexact art of what does my body crave, and then listen to it.
I still like Tang, astronauts drink it or a I have a friend who has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and from is from Indian, his drink he calls a lemon. Its water, a healthy dose of lemon juice a teaspoon of sea salt and a teaspoon of cane sugar. I like it more than most commercial drinks, because it is lighter. The only downside is don't leave it in your bottle after you ride the results are unpleasant. The I don't like Heed

Edited by JBacarella 2015-02-09 2:59 PM

2015-02-09 4:22 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Today was my first hour-long ride. =) As well as the end of the first month of the Beginner Program.

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 04 03:25:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 4:27 PM
in reply to: #5075288

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Mums on the run track session this morning and then we made it to the pool this afternoon. I was a little time crunched, but managed a broken mile in 35:00 including rests, so I'm happy with that.

I'm trying to figure out tumble turns. We had a little go at them at the session on Friday night and for the first time I didn't feel like I'd been through the washing machine. I did keep finding myself pushing off towards the bottom of the pool though, so it's definitely a work in progress! I've never really bothered with them before, but I'm likely to have a number of pool-based tris in my near future, so it can't hurt to play with a new skill.

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 03 02:07:13
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 4:30 PM
in reply to: #5091958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Sorry. Cross posted with Ellen and I'm in my phone so can't edit.

Mark Z 07 9:18:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
2015-02-09 4:34 PM
in reply to: #5091959

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I read this today and thought it was interesting. In general consistency is the biggest factor in my previous training success, and what I'm striving for now. But I've always had to be adaptable, working shifts and even more so now that I'm having to fit everything around parenthood. It's an interesting balance.
2015-02-09 4:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
1:36' hilly run this morning in pouring rain.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 05 08:35:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

Edited by markz 2015-02-09 4:42 PM

2015-02-09 5:40 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by DaveL

The cramping has me really puzzled as well and really frustrated.

Friday/Saturday End of Tour Of Sufferlandria which had 5+ hours all at close to FTP (brutal but no pain at the time)
Sunday - Off (no pain)
Monday - 5k run cramping most of the run and ended with me more or less howling in pain due to quad cramping.
Tuesday - Very light bike - made it 5min before brutal quad cramps return
Wednesday - 1hr massage all on legs. I was told my quads were exceptionally tight
Thursday - Tried the bike again - made it 5 min
Friday - Swam which is quad intensive but minimized with pull buoy, also sat in hot tub but cramping returned
Saturday - Bike 10min cramping still but less severe now. Also went snowboarding for 3hrs - No cramping at all

Stretching - I am bad, I dont often stretch but have been these past few days. I normally finish a work out with a good cool down either brisk walking after a run or light pedalling after the bike. No yoga
Fluids - lots of water daily, no alcohol. I very rarely drink gatorade or other sport drink
Sodium - I dont track it but unfortunately find I eat more processed foods than I would like too - I cant be certain but I wouldnt think my sodium is low. I dont crave salt.

At this point I am keeping the muscle moving and stretching through out the day

Okay, humor me.

Go buy a tub of Ultragen (Tropical Punch flavor is the best). Take two scoops in 12 fl oz of water immediately and also, take it after every reasonably hard workout. Do no hard workouts for at least 3 days. That's the recovery part.

Figure out what electrolyte stuff you want to use. I use Skratch labs right now for electrolytes and Carbo Pro for calories, so I don't use gels at all. In my opinion, you need to start supplementing. I think your electrolyte balance is way off and that, combined with hard workouts, is causing your cramping.

Anyone else want to chime in?

Jackie- I think you hit this one dead on, and here is the link.
You have two types of cramping one from overload and it will hit the muscle which is overloaded until it is given rest and allowed to heal. The other is dietary and is caused by a loss of fluids and sodium. This sounds like the later because it is generalized meaning hitting different muscles. TDS is a big endeavor and you have to balance fluids and sodium. You can have problems if you have either extreme, not enough sodium or too much sodium. It is an individual balancing game. The best way to tackle it is to find what works for you. I use the inexact art of what does my body crave, and then listen to it.
I still like Tang, astronauts drink it or a I have a friend who has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and from is from Indian, his drink he calls a lemon. Its water, a healthy dose of lemon juice a teaspoon of sea salt and a teaspoon of cane sugar. I like it more than most commercial drinks, because it is lighter. The only downside is don't leave it in your bottle after you ride the results are unpleasant. The I don't like Heed

I just started using Tailwind Endurance Fuel ( It's calories, electrolytes and hydration all in one so I don't need gels or anything. I've used it for a long bike ride and an hour swim so far and I really like it. Nice and light and you can dial in how many calories you need for a given workout because each scoop is 100 calories. For recovery after hard workouts and strength sessions I use Stronger Faster Healthier Recovery protein ( - I've been using this for several years and I swear by it. I also sometimes use their pre-workout formula called Push before especially tough workouts. I'm a big fan of their products - high quality ingredients and no junk sweeteners or anything.
2015-02-09 5:44 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Anyone ever get flats from riding the trainer? I'm on a brand new bike that's never been on the road, with a total of about 20 hours on the trainer, and I went downstairs to ride tonight and found my rear tire flat. Do you guys generally use a different tire for the trainer?
2015-02-09 6:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding Sunday long run and todays swim.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 08 11:07:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-02-09 6:21 PM
2015-02-09 6:31 PM
in reply to: dgconner154

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dgconner154

Anyone ever get flats from riding the trainer? I'm on a brand new bike that's never been on the road, with a total of about 20 hours on the trainer, and I went downstairs to ride tonight and found my rear tire flat. Do you guys generally use a different tire for the trainer?

I have never gotten a flat on the trainer and I always use a trainer tire. There are times in the spring and fall when I will switch between riding outdoors and riding the trainer - that means swapping the tire. It is great practice.
2015-02-09 6:41 PM
in reply to: dcon

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dcon

Originally posted by dgconner154

Anyone ever get flats from riding the trainer? I'm on a brand new bike that's never been on the road, with a total of about 20 hours on the trainer, and I went downstairs to ride tonight and found my rear tire flat. Do you guys generally use a different tire for the trainer?

I have never gotten a flat on the trainer and I always use a trainer tire. There are times in the spring and fall when I will switch between riding outdoors and riding the trainer - that means swapping the tire. It is great practice.

I use a dedicated wheel with a trainer tire. When I ride outside I swap out the whole wheel. Once you morng the trainer tire you will never want to think about taking it off and putting it back in for a weekend of riding outside.

I found a second hand wheel at a local bike shop and added a new cassette and the trainer tire. Simple and elegant solution. Trainer tire stands up to the trainer much better. Also, make sure you have your thee skin high enough on the trainer. The slipping of the wheel causes it to degrade much faster.

2015-02-09 6:50 PM
in reply to: dgconner154

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dgconner154

Anyone ever get flats from riding the trainer? I'm on a brand new bike that's never been on the road, with a total of about 20 hours on the trainer, and I went downstairs to ride tonight and found my rear tire flat. Do you guys generally use a different tire for the trainer?

Never gotten a flat on the trainer but I just use an old tire and swap out to a good tire when the snow melts and I am back on the roads. Its good practice to fix a flat either way as it will happen on the road once in a while.
2015-02-09 7:27 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by chapfallen

I read this today and thought it was interesting. In general consistency is the biggest factor in my previous training success, and what I'm striving for now. But I've always had to be adaptable, working shifts and even more so now that I'm having to fit everything around parenthood. It's an interesting balance.

I just read this. Awesome essay. We should all read it as many times as it takes us to accept it as some of the best advice we have gotten since entering the sport.
2015-02-09 7:43 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Tomorrow will be the third straight Tuesday morning that my Masters swim is cancelled due to snow. This weather is really messing with my consistency!
2015-02-09 8:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Jackie- I think you hit this one dead on, and here is the link.

This article specifically mentions cramping in the quads and hamstrings which was my case so it just might have been very low electrolytes . I had a good massage tonight and was told I was still tight but getting better. I have also been drinking Powerade Zero with electrolytes tonight so hopefully that brings things back into balance. Tomorrow will tell the tale. Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions.

I read this and watched the program on TV a while ago which made me gravitate away from the sports drinks and to plain water.

here is the full program

Edited by DaveL 2015-02-09 8:24 PM
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