BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-11-03 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Steve did you see these?

Pretty cool pictures.

2010-11-03 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3192288

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 6:12 AM Gosh, another week is flying by....who has some race plans to tell us about????

And if you don't how about telling us about a habit you are changing or trying to develop to make you better than ever?

One habit I am trying to break is ingesting too much fake sugar.  I admit I have a problem with SF popsicles.  I can down an entire 24 count box in 1 1/2 days. Same goes for SF Dentyne Fire gum.  Seems like my mouth has to constantly be chewing on something.  I have vowed to eliminate both from my diet.  Trying to replace with water and caffeine free Robois tea. Not easy. 

Barry--get an Iphone and use the camera.  way better pictures than what you come up with  man.

Stan--I had sooooo many problems with my 310XT when I first started using it.  Customer Service eventually sent me a new one and very specific directions on how to get rid of all the old software/drivers and replace it with some upgrade they did a while back.

John--I see you aren't taking any of my advice.  Ah, I guess i'm not your mother or your wife.
2010-11-03 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3192930

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
trying1 - 2010-11-03 10:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

try to pair it up again with the computer. When you click on the little magnifying glass i think there is a choice to try to repair the pair or something like that.
2010-11-03 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3193188

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 1:18 PM

Barry--get an Iphone and use the camera.  way better pictures than what you come up with  man.

John--I see you aren't taking any of my advice.  Ah, I guess i'm not your mother or your wife.

amen to barry!

and i AM listening and taking your advice.  i've backed off the trails, so there!!!  and i registered for this race long ago!  ;-)

formatting fixed for tony!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2010-11-03 12:48 PM
2010-11-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
WOW!   I'm wishing I was Kim, right now.  SF is out of control - estimates of almost 2 million people in for the parade.  Looks like 12 inches of ORANGE snow on the streets.  The cops on bikes are having problems!!

Edited by velcromom 2010-11-03 2:03 PM
2010-11-03 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3193492

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
velcromom - 2010-11-03 12:02 PM WOW!   I'm wishing I was Kim, right now.  SF is out of control - estimates of almost 2 million people in for the parade.  Looks like 12 inches of ORANGE snow on the streets.  The cops on bikes are having problems!!

OMG, That was absolutely the most joyous occasion that this city has seen!  I just couldn't stay away, even with all of the crowds!  This has wiped away many years of heartache.  What a great time for this great city, for our diverse city, complete strangers hugging and crying all together on a BEAUTIFUL fall day!  Buster Posey smiled at me!  I'm quite sure we made eye contact.    Aubrey waved the rally thong right at this group of us.

Gotta work now...rescheduled my morning, but we are ready for the afternoon crowd.  Lots of Happy here.  Too bad Prop 19 didn't pass.   

I have no voice left. 

2010-11-03 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3192288

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 4:12 AM Gosh, another week is flying by....who has some race plans to tell us about????

And if you don't how about telling us about a habit you are changing or trying to develop to make you better than ever?

I am!  Miles for Migraines 10k on Sunday.  I'm excited to see how this goes.  My last 10k was in August of 2009 and on a pretty flat course, my time was a pr of 46:06.  I'm hoping to achieve a new pr...I want to see if I suck it up and hurt for a full 6.2 miles.  Also interested to see how my new shoes hold up! 

I guess since I'm racing I don't have to answer the "habit changing" query 
2010-11-03 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3192970

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 9:17 AM
swbkrun - 2010-11-03 12:12 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 8:13 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 7:12 AM Gosh, another week is flying by....who has some race plans to tell us about????

And if you don't how about telling us about a habit you are changing or trying to develop to make you better than ever?

Good luck racers and thank you volunteers.

I am.  XTERRA Battle at Big Creek (5 mile trail race).  I'm really freaking excited about this though it dawned on me this morning that I have no idea how to race on single track.   Any tips would be appreciated... :-)


Stay on the trails, and pace correctly.  The hills will sap you if you race those babies too aggressively.

thanks. i've learned, the hard way that pacing is critical!  what about passing or being passed? simple "on your left"?  is there a right of way going up or down hills? some of the areas are really tight.

funny,  last wednesday was one of the first time this past month or so that i've actually seen someone else out on the trails.  which is part of why i've really come to enjoy them. 

Try to start among people who are your speed. Ask before the race. Try to get in where you belong. A couple years back I ran a 10K in my local trails, and like a bonehead I somehow didn't go over the mat at the start, so I immediately went back to cross it and ended up behind lots of much slower peeps. I was stuck for about 1.5 miles... chomping at the bit, but it was what it was. Also, depending on how large the race is, you could end up being on your own, so heed trail markings very carefully!! In same local race (different year) I got lost one year -- yes, on the trails I run 100's of times a year. It wasn't the end of the world, but I did about a .75-mile loop twice, which sucked for my time at the end!!

And more than anything, ever, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-11-03 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3192288

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 4:12 AM Gosh, another week is flying by....who has some race plans to tell us about????

And if you don't how about telling us about a habit you are changing or trying to develop to make you better than ever?

I don't have any bad habits.

Seriously, though... thinking on this one. On the running front, my latest obsession is with cadence. I'm trying to hit 90 every time I go out, whether it's an easy run, tempo run, long run, whatever. I've learned that I tend to slow the cadence way down when I run easy, and with the 90 cadence I need to shorten the stride a bit. It feels weird. I've also weaned myself off of running with music. Started leaving the tunes at home when there was a lost bear roaming around our parts and I wanted to be able to hear if he jumped out to get me at O'Dark-Thirty. Found I liked the peaceful running and it was easier to focus on my form and such. I'll likely drag out the tunes for longer runs (although when done with friends we usually talk for 2+ hours before we go into our heads), but I'm enjoying the break from the noise.

I'm a big tea-drinker in the fall/winter afternoons and evenings. My two fave flaves these days are Zhena's Gypsy Tea Fireside Chai (rooibos blended w/spices and ginger), and Trader Joe's Ruby Red Chai (spiced rooibos). The TJ tea is awesome iced in the summer, too!! Fake sugar is bad, Suzy!! If you're gonna indulge, just go for the real deal. That's how I roll, at least!!
2010-11-03 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3193827

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-11-03 6:12 PM
I don't have any bad habits.

yeah, and you also have big boobs.
2010-11-03 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3193815

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-11-03 6:02 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 9:17 AM
swbkrun - 2010-11-03 12:12 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 8:13 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 7:12 AM Gosh, another week is flying by....who has some race plans to tell us about????

And if you don't how about telling us about a habit you are changing or trying to develop to make you better than ever?

Good luck racers and thank you volunteers.

I am.  XTERRA Battle at Big Creek (5 mile trail race).  I'm really freaking excited about this though it dawned on me this morning that I have no idea how to race on single track.   Any tips would be appreciated... :-)


Stay on the trails, and pace correctly.  The hills will sap you if you race those babies too aggressively.

thanks. i've learned, the hard way that pacing is critical!  what about passing or being passed? simple "on your left"?  is there a right of way going up or down hills? some of the areas are really tight.

funny,  last wednesday was one of the first time this past month or so that i've actually seen someone else out on the trails.  which is part of why i've really come to enjoy them. 

Try to start among people who are your speed. Ask before the race. Try to get in where you belong. A couple years back I ran a 10K in my local trails, and like a bonehead I somehow didn't go over the mat at the start, so I immediately went back to cross it and ended up behind lots of much slower peeps. I was stuck for about 1.5 miles... chomping at the bit, but it was what it was. Also, depending on how large the race is, you could end up being on your own, so heed trail markings very carefully!! In same local race (different year) I got lost one year -- yes, on the trails I run 100's of times a year. It wasn't the end of the world, but I did about a .75-mile loop twice, which sucked for my time at the end!!

And more than anything, ever, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhh.  thats the other thing i'm interested in.  its one 5 mile loop so there maybe be a good chance the geographer gets lost.  that would be hysterical.  and yes, you'll know about it.

thanks for the replies folks!

2010-11-03 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3193727

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-03 5:00 PM
velcromom - 2010-11-03 12:02 PM WOW!   I'm wishing I was Kim, right now.  SF is out of control - estimates of almost 2 million people in for the parade.  Looks like 12 inches of ORANGE snow on the streets.  The cops on bikes are having problems!!

OMG, That was absolutely the most joyous occasion that this city has seen!  I just couldn't stay away, even with all of the crowds!  This has wiped away many years of heartache.  What a great time for this great city, for our diverse city, complete strangers hugging and crying all together on a BEAUTIFUL fall day!  Buster Posey smiled at me!  I'm quite sure we made eye contact.    Aubrey waved the rally thong right at this group of us.

Gotta work now...rescheduled my morning, but we are ready for the afternoon crowd.  Lots of Happy here.  Too bad Prop 19 didn't pass.   

I have no voice left. 

glad you had fun but you better get that voice back to read bedtime stories in a few weeks!  and prop 19, just go over and see linda, she'll hook you up.
2010-11-03 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3192930

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.
2010-11-03 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3193909

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.
2010-11-03 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3193917

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-03 6:11 PM
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.

Does this mean you found your lost TT data?  and did it again anyway?? CRAZY Chick!!
2010-11-03 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3193921

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 4:16 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-03 6:11 PM
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.

Does this mean you found your lost TT data?  and did it again anyway?? CRAZY Chick!!

Wait!  It gets better, I will be doing it again! 

2010-11-03 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3193967

User image

Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-03 4:58 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 4:16 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-03 6:11 PM
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.

Does this mean you found your lost TT data?  and did it again anyway?? CRAZY Chick!!

Wait!  It gets better, I will be doing it again! 

My computer stopped recognizing my Garmin and was driving me nuts, in spite of d/l'ing latest drivers, re-booting, etc. Hubs helped me id that it was the cradle not working -- everything else worked on his system. Cleaned the cradle contacts with -- get this! -- an eraser (recommended online). Problem solved!
2010-11-03 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3194003

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-11-03 5:27 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-03 4:58 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 4:16 PM
kt65 - 2010-11-03 6:11 PM
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.

Does this mean you found your lost TT data?  and did it again anyway?? CRAZY Chick!!

Wait!  It gets better, I will be doing it again! 

My computer stopped recognizing my Garmin and was driving me nuts, in spite of d/l'ing latest drivers, re-booting, etc. Hubs helped me id that it was the cradle not working -- everything else worked on his system. Cleaned the cradle contacts with -- get this! -- an eraser (recommended online). Problem solved!

Dave is so smaaaaaaaaart! 
2010-11-03 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3193831

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 5:14 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-11-03 6:12 PM
I don't have any bad habits.

yeah, and you also have big boobs.

Nearly spit out my hot chocolate over this one!  LMAO!
2010-11-03 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3194024

User image

san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-11-03 5:45 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-11-03 5:14 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-11-03 6:12 PM
I don't have any bad habits.

yeah, and you also have big boobs.

Nearly spit out my hot chocolate over this one!  LMAO!

WHY do you encourage him???  Yell
2010-11-03 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3193917

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-03 7:11 PM
gdctex - 2010-11-03 4:04 PM
trying1 - 2010-11-03 11:04 AM need garmin help! 

For some reason my garmin 310xt is not transferring my workouts.  It used to..  but now it connects and the watch indicates it's transferring data but the result is the same..  Failed data transfer..  Anyone encounter this?  It works and then it doesn't..  I tried deleting the device from the profile and repairing it but it doesn't work..

Have you cleared out the browser cache?  There was a notice on the garmin website about doing this for failed data transfers.

This may sound really ridiculous, but my 305 was not transferring data for almost 2 weeks, kept getting the "failed data transfer message"...and I tried everything, the reset, etc.  Got desperate and decided to clean the contact points with an alcohol swab and voila...just a thought.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions..  i'm making a list and going to do one suggestion at a time.  Hopefully one of them works.  I love technology but hate it..

2010-11-03 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3194019

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-11-03 7:40 PM

Dave is so smaaaaaaaaart! 

X 2 (just had to quote that.....and take it out of context!)

Finally felt strong enough to go to for a short run tonight as I have been fighting the legs since this weekends race.  Still not all the way back but it felt good to get out. 

Good luck to all the Racers this weekend!  REPRESENT!!!

Edited by badgerintx 2010-11-03 9:29 PM
2010-11-03 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3194140

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Double post

Post padding


Edited by badgerintx 2010-11-03 9:28 PM
2010-11-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3194145

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!


Two children: One Male, One Female

(Mostly) potty-trained.

Don't jump up on people (very often).

Don't scratch furniture (in general).

Don't bark (much).

Friendly around other dogs (and kids).


2010-11-03 11:02 PM
in reply to: #3194161

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Thanks for checking in on me folks! I didn't mean to disappear, I've just been on a work trip that has included no down time. Now I'm hopelessly behind on the MG, but I'll try to catch up later tonight/tomorrow.

It was really nice to get your notes. 
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