BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-09 10:30 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Fit in a run today -- 45:00, pretty close to 5.33 miles. Hitting the pool tomorrow! Still working on endurance this week and I'm hoping to see some progress.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 08 10:41:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

2015-02-10 7:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Rest day on Monday. Adding todays workouts - 63 minute trainer ride (main set: 3 X 16' @ Z3) and 45 minutes in the pool.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 07 5:58:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

Edited by dcon 2015-02-10 7:26 AM
2015-02-10 7:56 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by DaveL

Originally posted by JBacarella

Jackie- I think you hit this one dead on, and here is the link.

This article specifically mentions cramping in the quads and hamstrings which was my case so it just might have been very low electrolytes . I had a good massage tonight and was told I was still tight but getting better. I have also been drinking Powerade Zero with electrolytes tonight so hopefully that brings things back into balance. Tomorrow will tell the tale. Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions.

I read this and watched the program on TV a while ago which made me gravitate away from the sports drinks and to plain water.

here is the full program

I prefer water. Except for a bigger effort, then I use something with carbohydrates and sodium. If I use a sports drink I will drink it with water. I carry 2 24 oz water bottles on my bike. One will have water and the other something with salt and sugar, usually Tang. If I run anything more than an hour I will alternate the 2. In a marathon or a half I will do the same.
There was a girl that died in Michigan about 6 years ago who died at a softball tournament from drinking only Gatoraid. I also ran a marathon with a guy whose body shut down from doing the same. He prehydrated the week before only drinking Gatoraid and that is all he drank during the race. He could not urinate and he stopped sweating. I had to leave him with paramedics at mile 18.
It reminds me of the movie Idiocracy-It has electrolytes so its good for you.
It is the same key with everything else, you have to have balance and that balance is individual to you. It is an art to figure out your nutritional needs.
Also, I don't drink sports drinks unless I crack that one hour mark in a day. Anything less than an hour and your body should be able to carry your needs.

Edited by JBacarella 2015-02-10 7:59 AM
2015-02-10 8:28 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I decided last night I would start doing my cycling power testing as I had a few years ago when I first started flirting with training with power.

There are a handful of different protocols to figure out your FTP. I give you:

"Andy Coggan's Seven Deadly Sins

How to determine your Functional Threshold Power

In decreasing order of reliability:
1.from the average power during a ~1 h TT (the best predictor of performance is performance itself).
2.from the power that you can routinely generate during long intervals done in training.
3.using critical power testing and analysis.
4.based on normalized power from a hard ~1 h race.
5.from blood lactate measurements (better or worse, depending on how it is done).
6.from power distribution profile from multiple rides.
7.from inspection of a ride file."

What most of us here do is some form of critical power testing. Most default to the 20' all out test. Usually you take your average power from the 20' test and multiply by 95% to estimate your FTP. Another method, that I think provides a better result and more useful information is a critical power test over two rides. One ride has an all out 5' interval and the other ride a couple days later has an all out 20' interval. Calculations are done on the two numbers to generate your critical power number. It also can show if you have an imbalance between your short and longer power. This can then allow you to target workouts to your weakness.

Anyway, today was 5' interval day. I knew from the start of the ride I didn't have it today. legs were still very heavy and I couldn't sustain power like I would need to. I went for it anyway and admittedly went out too hard (I blame that on the music I was jamming to). I will retest Thursday and then do the 20' test over the weekend.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 6:43:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00

Edited by trisuppo 2015-02-10 8:37 AM
2015-02-10 9:36 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

The most exercise I did over the past two weeks was nothing more than a few squats while brushing my teeth, so to ease back into training I had a short 1hr ride and 30 min swim. I plan to reduce volume for the rest of the week to ease back into things.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 6:43:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 05 04:20:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00
2015-02-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #5075288

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Welcome back Mark!!

Water running??? Anyone have any experience our thoughts they would like to share. I've been reading about it and it seems to be a viable option when the legs are a little sore from all the street pounding.

2015-02-10 10:06 AM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by markhodges1973

Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

The most exercise I did over the past two weeks was nothing more than a few squats while brushing my teeth, so to ease back into training I had a short 1hr ride and 30 min swim. I plan to reduce volume for the rest of the week to ease back into things.


Welcome back and I'm sorry about your father.
2015-02-10 11:15 AM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Welcome back Mark.

Adding 40 minutes very easy spinning. Legs are not very sore anymore but my plan says no running until Sunday so I can be fully recovered from the race to continue healthy. Today I paid my entry fee for the Caveman triathlon. I'll be able to ride my bike to the race site ~1 mile from my house. This is my 2nd tri and my first pool swim. I'm very excited! I have some bike work to do.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 6:43:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00

2015-02-10 12:09 PM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Sorry to hear about your Dad Mark. Loosing someone you love is always painful.
2015-02-10 12:28 PM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding in my time in the pool at lunch.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00

2015-02-10 1:10 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Hey Dave,
I wanted to mention about the cramping that I've had issues with potassium. If you're looking at sodium you might check out the potassium that you get. I try to get it from food like banana every other day and potatoes and my favorite-squash. Just a thought to throw into the conversation.

My horrible cramps would wake me up at night and they've stopped since.


2015-02-10 1:12 PM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by markhodges1973
His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

Lost my grandmother the week before Christmas. She was struck with Alzheimer's about 5 years ago and she has been mentally gone for the past 3 years. Tough thing to see people go though. Runs in the family so Dad and I are really afraid it will continue.

Hoping that being active will help later on in life.

2015-02-10 1:14 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30' Swim
30' Trainer

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 08 8:05:27
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 04 04:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00
2015-02-10 1:20 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
1:00:18 Fight Club on the drainer.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 06 04:30:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00
2015-02-10 1:41 PM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by markhodges1973

Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

Mark- I'm sorry to hear about your father. dementia is a tough way to go. We are dealing with that and my parents. If you check my FB page, I posted a video of the Alzheimer's simulator carried by ABC news. My wife did it last year and she couldn't believe how frustrating it was.
2015-02-10 2:39 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 minutes swimming and adding 1hr bike from last night

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 08 13:10:32
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 07 06:00:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00

2015-02-10 3:30 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by markhodges1973

Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

Mark- I'm sorry to hear about your father. dementia is a tough way to go. We are dealing with that and my parents. If you check my FB page, I posted a video of the Alzheimer's simulator carried by ABC news. My wife did it last year and she couldn't believe how frustrating it was.

Agreed. My father passed away last year and suffered from Parkinson's related dementia. Very tough for all involved.
2015-02-10 3:31 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Mile Repeats again. Ugh!

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 09 17:08:55
Jackie 09 14:25:12
Melissa 09 11:52:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 07 06:00:00
DaveL 03 1:30:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00
2015-02-10 4:22 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Mark H, welcome back and very sorry about your father

Adding 1hr morning drainer and 4000m swim at lunch, 1:13:32 (slowly getting better)

Mark Z 08 10:54:00 
Dan 09 12:29:49 
Gabe 10 19:22:35 
Jackie 09 14:25:12 
Melissa 09 11:52:00 
Jim 09 9:05:45 
Dennis 07 11:20:55 
Dave C. 05 07:45:00 
Mitch 08 7:13:01 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Patrick 04 03:05:00 
Beth 06 05:00:00 
Rachel 05 04:34:11 
Ellen 04 03:15:22 
Seth 07 06:00:00 
DaveL 03 1:30:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 
Mark H 02 01:30:00

Edited by trigabe 2015-02-10 4:22 PM
2015-02-10 4:30 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by markhodges1973

Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

Mark- I'm sorry to hear about your father. dementia is a tough way to go. We are dealing with that and my parents. If you check my FB page, I posted a video of the Alzheimer's simulator carried by ABC news. My wife did it last year and she couldn't believe how frustrating it was.

All - thanks for the kind words.

Jim - I watched the video - it amazed me how from very simple modifications a person be so confused! Its frightening to think so many people suffer from dementia in 'silence'. thanks for sharing!
2015-02-10 6:21 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 min on the trainer at 50 and 60% FTP. Cramping did start towards the end but was more than able to continue to 30min. Things are getting better - slowly.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00 
Dan 09 12:29:49 
Gabe 10 19:22:35 
Jackie 09 14:25:12 
Melissa 09 11:52:00 
Jim 09 9:05:45 
Dennis 07 11:20:55 
Dave C. 05 07:45:00 
Mitch 08 7:13:01 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Patrick 04 03:05:00 
Beth 06 05:00:00 
Rachel 05 04:34:11 
Ellen 04 03:15:22 
Seth 07 06:00:00 
DaveL 04 2:00:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 
Mark H 02 01:30:00

2015-02-10 9:05 PM
in reply to: DaveL

User image

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Quick 30 minute swim between classes, and an hour run after class. It's a recovery week for me, so workouts are at low/moderate intensity.

Mark Z 08 10:54:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 10 19:22:35
Jackie 09 14:25:12
Melissa 10 13:22:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 07 06:00:00
DaveL 04 2:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00
2015-02-10 9:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by markhodges1973

Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by markhodges1973

Hi All, I'm back. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago which meant a sudden trip back to the UK; by the grace of God, I made it home to be by his side, say the things I needed to say and be with him as he passed away.

His last three years of life were plagued with dementia but he was immensely proud of all my triathlon achievements, even if he didn't always realize I was his son.

Mark- I'm sorry to hear about your father. dementia is a tough way to go. We are dealing with that and my parents. If you check my FB page, I posted a video of the Alzheimer's simulator carried by ABC news. My wife did it last year and she couldn't believe how frustrating it was.

All - thanks for the kind words.

Jim - I watched the video - it amazed me how from very simple modifications a person be so confused! Its frightening to think so many people suffer from dementia in 'silence'. thanks for sharing!

My wife is a marketing rep for a nursing home. She had done the simulator last year. The thing that stuck with her was how frustrated and disoriented she was. She is planning a community event this Summer and one of the things she is going to have is the Alzheimer's simulator. I will report back about my experience. She is also going to have an Sinatra impersonator. It's a pretty diverse event.

Edited by JBacarella 2015-02-10 9:15 PM
2015-02-11 12:02 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by sawyer1206

Welcome back Mark!!

Water running??? Anyone have any experience our thoughts they would like to share. I've been reading about it and it seems to be a viable option when the legs are a little sore from all the street pounding.

I tried this last April/May timeframe when I could not run. You can certainly make it work, but I found it too boring. Instead I started spending time on an elliptical trainer (which did not cause pain). Try both and see what you think.

2015-02-11 2:06 AM
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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding 45' hilly run.

Mark Z 09 11:40:00
Dan 09 12:29:49
Gabe 10 19:22:35
Jackie 09 14:25:12
Melissa 10 13:22:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Dennis 07 11:20:55
Dave C. 05 07:45:00
Mitch 08 7:13:01
Joe 04 3:27:00
Patrick 04 03:05:00
Beth 06 05:00:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Ellen 04 03:15:22
Seth 07 06:00:00
DaveL 04 2:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 02 01:30:00

Mark, welcome back, sorry to hear about your father. I have some experience with this disease as well working with veterans, very frustrating at times.

Jim, x2 what you said about the sports drinks!
After some time of longer distance running you can actually go much longer than 1 hr on water alone, specially when doing slower pace training runs.

Edited by markz 2015-02-11 2:24 AM
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