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2009-03-24 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2036083

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

i keep falling off the workout wagon but i figure that as long as i keep getting back on I'm ok.  i happen to be back on today.

sounds like everyone is pretty busy lately and that's probably a good thing so i'll be brief -

have a nice week Smile

2009-03-24 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Looks like I'm going to come down with what my office mate is out sick with today...just in time for half mary on Saturday. Perfect...
2009-03-25 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Cindy, the measure of a person is not in how many times they fall, but in how many times they get up. Keep at it!

Todd, sorry you're feeling bad, I hope you feel better before the weekend.

 Have a super week all,


2009-03-26 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2040729

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

u bet Jake!  as long as i keep coming back to it i'm happy.

enjoy what is left of the week!

2009-03-26 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2037263

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

todd - go break a hard sweat and get rid of whatever your co-worker passed to you!

make sure you replenish w/lots of electrolytesWink

2009-03-26 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
So far, the sickness hasn't hit. My co-worker's back today...and she said she felt like she wanted to die yesterday, so I'm hoping I dodged the bullet. (She was coming down with it last Friday and worked next to me all day Monday, so I should be actually sick by this afternoon if I'm gonna get it). Big time "waiting for the other shoe to drop" feeling hanging over me right now...

2009-03-27 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL


Rest day.  So far this month, Fridays have been perfect to ride and I've been taking furlough days on Fridays so I could.  As a result, no rest days all month (where did March go?)  So I'm taking a complete rest day today.  Date night.  Dinner and a movie.   Hard bike workout with a run scheduled afterward for Sat.   Sounds like rain likely, snow possible, on Sat. so probably will be riding indoors at least tomorrow.  Bummer.  I'll try for a group ride on Sunday and a swim. 

Next week, in addition to everything else, the run club is taking us for a 7.5 mile run on the course for the race the training is targeting scheduled for May 2.  My longest to date is about 6 miles.

Feeling good.  No injuries other than my back still is sore.  Legs are good. I've been working on position on the bike, more arrow, down on the arms (bent) and less trying to hold my trunk up at the waist. That really is helping get rid of the back pain and the arm pain.  My coach was right - it's less about fit at this point and more about relaxing from the waist up.

You all have a great weekend. 






Edited by IceManScott 2009-03-27 7:44 AM
2009-03-27 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hey, guys...seeing some quality work in those logs this week! And folks working through frustrations...stay patient.

Half marathon weekend here...both Amber and me. (For giggles, I'm gonna post the elevation profile for mine later when I'm on a machine where I can.) Only the second trail race I've done since HS cross country 32 years ago.

Have a great race, Amber!

Anyone else have a race that snuck in under my radar?

Everybody have a good weekend!
2009-03-27 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2044446

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL




2009-03-28 1:11 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Tomorrow morning's jaunt:

Chesebro Half Marathon elevation

(No workout today...spent too much time getting ready for the morning to hop on trainer as planned...sigh...)

'Night, all.
2009-03-28 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hi all,
First off, sorry I haven't been around much.  Busy with work, home, wife & kids, etc.  I mentioned to Lynn in an inspire that while I've been training consistently, I haven't been having much fun lately.  Kind of burnt out, kind of the blahs, haven't been feeling all that great, stress at work ... whatever.
So, I'm traveling this weekend/week and I'm in Atlanta for a music teachers convention.  No, I'm not a music teacher ... don't ask   It's rainy and chilly here with some wind, and quite honestly, I kind of like that.  Love to walk around cities when it's cold and gray outside.  However, I had just been planning on hitting the gym here at the hotel, not running outside.
I woke up this morning around 7:00am and was totally blown away that it was still completely dark outside ... thought for sure my clock was wrong.  Nope, 7:00am and I'm wide awake.  Decide to get a coffee and walk around a bit in the rain.  As soon as I stepped around the corner from the hotel, I'm approached by a homeless man that says he's gonna walk with me a bit.  Okay, no problem.  **There's a both a point to this story and kind of a punchline coming, I promise.**
So we're walking and talking, and he mentions that there's going to be a marathon in the city tomorrow.  Uh oh!  Didn't think much at the time, so we kept walking and I eventually ended up back at the hotel.  Got some breakfast, read the paper and went upstairs to get some work done ... but not before googling "Atlanta marathon".
Turns out the ING Georgia Marathon is happening about a block from my hotel.  Set up my exhibit at the trade show, did some errands and I "just happen" to find myself outside of the Georgia Dome where the fitness expo for the race is being held.  Of course, I go inside.
And of course, I signed up for the half marathon.
I'm in no way prepared to run 13.1 miles, I have clothing appropriate for a hotel gym (not a cold, windy morning in Georgia), I really can't afford the race-day entry fee, and I have to be opening a trade show exhibit at 9:00am tomorrow morning.  Doing it anyway
The funny part, though, is when I was filing out the entry form, there was a spot that asked how I heard about the race:  Internet, radio, magazine, etc., and "other".  I checked "other" and in the space filled out "dude on the street this morning".  I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.  I'll have to remember that when I'm puking at mile 9.
So, I'm doing a half mary tomorrow.  Then going to a trade show for piano teachers.  In Atlanta.

2009-03-28 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2045866

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

What a great story, Morgan. I know you've been in a slump. Maybe an unprepared half marathon is just what you need to break out of it!! Seems like some stars aligned for you to do it, too. Remember, you can always walk if you need to -- there's no shame in that. And, I won't tell a soul. :-)


Have a great run tomorrow (just think of it as a training run).  And, maybe buy yourself a beanie  and a shirt to layer or something so you don't freeze.


Todd, Amber??? How did your 1/2's go today? 

2009-03-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks Lynn.  The anticipation has kind of got me excited, but I also just realized that I haven't ever done a race when it's *NOT* cold, gray or raining.  Don't know what I'm going to do come springtime races in SoCal

And I found that I brought a longsleeve cotton mock turtleneck t-shirt.  Advice time, from the guys, and I hate to have to ask, but ... will that be brutal on my nipples?  Sorry, no other way to ask that than to just ask it.

2009-03-28 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2045918

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Poster Nutbag - 2009-03-28 12:47 PM

Thanks Lynn.  The anticipation has kind of got me excited, but I also just realized that I haven't ever done a race when it's *NOT* cold, gray or raining.  Don't know what I'm going to do come springtime races in SoCal

And I found that I brought a longsleeve cotton mock turtleneck t-shirt.  Advice time, from the guys, and I hate to have to ask, but ... will that be brutal on my nipples?  Sorry, no other way to ask that than to just ask it.

Could be brutal if it's chilly and windy. Although, honestly, I've had that problem more often with certain kinds of tech shirts than with cotton shirts. (I wear a lot of cotton shirts for running, actually, up to hour-plus runs, where they just get too sweat-heavy.)

Have fun with it! (The race, not the possible chafing, that is.) I guarantee it'll be more fun than my climb race this morning.
2009-03-28 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Interesting race for me this morning. Haven't done a lot of trail running, but I'm usually pretty comfortable with it. But my new orthotics really became a problem about 7 miles in where we hit the steepest climbs (and rockiest sections). Got through it, but the last couple miles my feet (esp. my left arch) were shot and I was getting passed a lot, which just rarely happens to me in runs. Goal was sub-1:45 (best case I figured was ~1:42-1:43) and I made that (watch had me at 1:44:36), so all in all a good race. I have a lot to think about still about footwear and arch support before Wildflower.
2009-03-29 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Wow ... 13.1 is brutal!

2:13:07, unoffical, according to my watch.

Felt good (really good!) the first 10 miles.  Then it got hard.

My knees and quads are killing me, and my nipples hurt.   Never walked, though, so I'm pretty stoked about my first half marathon ... did take about a minute or so to pee behind a building at around mile 7.  Biggest bummer was that I had to leave the race as soon as it was over to go to work.  Really cool area, Centinneal Olympic Park right outside the CNN HQ in Atlanta.

Great atmosphere and I really enjoyed.  But for the life of me, I just don't see how 26.2 is possible.  NO WAY I could do that!

Two cold Heineikens in me, and another waiting with a rack of ribs.  Then bed.  See y'all.

2009-03-29 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Congrats, Morgan! Way to go!

You'll be finishing a marathon soon enough.

Maybe I did the right thing by jumping on a whim (well, not as much of a whim as Morgan's adventure today) from 10K to marathon without having done a half mary. It was only at about mile 10 of my first marathon that I started to think it might be impossible. Most painful thing I've ever done, but I finished it (albeit walking miles 23 and 24). Wonder if I'd even have tried it if I'd done a half first, esp. if the half felt as bad in miles 10-13 as my first mary did...
2009-03-29 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2047360

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Wow -- Morgan. Your first 1/2, untrained and you went under 2:15. You're a certified stud.

Congratulations. Stretch when you get a chance and take care of your legs.

And, Todd, you're a stud, too. Nice time on your 1/2 yesterday on a really hard profile.


Okay, I've not done a full marathon, but have done 4 1/2's and each one  has gotten easier and actually I've not felt that "I'm going to die at mile 10" except at the first one and I hadn't really trained for that at all. Does that mean a full will not be that difficult or am I delusional?

2009-03-29 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2047451

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
lmscozz - 2009-03-29 4:41 PM

Okay, I've not done a full marathon, but have done 4 1/2's and each one  has gotten easier and actually I've not felt that "I'm going to die at mile 10" except at the first one and I hadn't really trained for that at all. Does that mean a full will not be that difficult or am I delusional?

Well, they are different animals. Having now done 3 HMs (not counting my HIM run) plus a 20K trail run, I find that the half mary isn't about strategy as much as hanging on. I can get through a half on the roads with a pretty constant pace and only really suffer the last couple miles. Marathons require a different kind of approach...most human beings, including most very good runners, have to make choices about energy investment in the first half of the race that just don't apply anywhere near as much in the HM. In my admittedly limited experience (two full marys), there's a very different mental dimension and a lot more opportunity to fail dramatically in the marathon. Poor pacing decisions in the marathon have much, much, more chance to bite you than they do in the HM...where, as I noted above, the race is short enough that you can probably hang on where in the marathon you might break down.

For me, the mental...for want of a better, looking ahead to 16+ miles when you've already run 10, can be pretty intimidating and you have to have coping strategies in place. (E.g., some people break the race down into 26 individual one-mile runs.) When you get to 10 miles of a half, you've got a 5K left and--at least for people with some road race background--that isn't so daunting a prospect. (If that makes sense.)

I suppose all of that is to say that it isn't just the difference in distance: It's very much the difference in psychology. Just my .02.
2009-03-29 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
2009-03-29 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL


Congratulations Morgan and "T."  You guys are studs.  I would so love to be able to stretch to a HM this year.  I'm due for my first 7.5 mile training run Wednesday.  I did a brick Saturday with 2 hours on the trainer (we had cold, rain and snow this weekend) and then 45 minutes of a run where I felt great.  I have been running 6 miles with the training group the past 3 weeks.  I suspect that the 7.5 will probably be more of the same but slower to finish.  I plan to push, then recover, push and recover as long as I can. 

I'm still considering the Galloway method (right term, right?) for longer runs.  Haven't ruled it out.  I suspect it will help me finish the long hauls which frankly is all I hope for...My goal is to do well on the swim and bike and then do as well as I can with what I have left on the run. 

You guys are inspirations.  When you run like you do, you  offer hope that I can do what needs to be done with these 57 year old legs. Thanks.   


Edited by IceManScott 2009-03-30 9:59 AM

2009-03-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Can't wait to read the race reports! Again, I'm checking in here in frequently due to jacked up computer. I'm taking it in to Geek Squad today, so hopefully it will be up and running soon.

I'm getting super frustrated with myself. Low motivation + busy life + injuries/illnesses = hardly any training. Ugh! I really need to get it together! Today I'm recoving from the flu and am hoping I'll be ready to train lightly tomorrow. Bummer.

2009-03-30 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2047360

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
great job morgan - you rock!
2009-03-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Three half Mary's in one weekend! Way to go guys!
2009-04-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Hey Jocelyn,

I hear you on the attitude towards training right now and kind of feel the same way.  Spring time blahs? It'll pass, I hope, for both of us.

Scott, I've never done more than 7 miles or so in training with absolutely no hills, and quite honestly, the first 10 miles of the half were so much fun!  Being part of the crowd was a blast and I felt it really pulled me along most of the way ... All kinds of sights to see so that you're not really thinking about the running at all, just soaking it all up and enjoying.  There were people lining the route the whol way, and there were some absolutley hysterical signs being held up, many of which can't be posted here.  My favorites were:

"Run like you stole something"

"Obama stimulus checks at finish line"

Hard not to laugh and have a good time.  Yeah, the last part hurts a bit, but crossing that finish line made it all worthwhile.

So my point is this:  just my opinion, but if you can run 7.5 in training regardless of how hard it was for you, you can do 13.1.  It's not nearly as scary as you think, so if you want to do it, just go for it.

I got into triathlons because of cycling.  I liked getting back into the ocean to swim and I hated the run.  For my first tri, I didn't even train for the run, telling myself that I could always just walk the 5k if I had to.  No I think I'm hooked on running more than anything else.

Lynn, when's the next local HM?

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