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2009-02-10 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey groupies!

Remember me?  Unfortunately my break from the message boards did nothing to help my mental health issues, but the good news is that I'm back now. 

I'm badly in need of some tough love right now.  I have zero motivation to work out.  I've been trying to work out in the mornings before work but the snooze alarm has been getting the best of me.  Also even when I have time in the afternoons I just can't get motivated to do anything.  My friends here are too nice to me.  I do have an active job (teaching skiing) so it is "understandable" that I don't have the motivation, but I know that in order to lose weight and be ready for the tri season I need to do more than just work.  I've been posting everything in my logs but right now almost no one is reading....soooooo...anyone up for startin some tough love for my log when I'm lazy?

Hope everyone is doing well.  I considered going back to catch up on things but ya'll talk a lot so I think I'll just start fresh here.

2009-02-10 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Lacey, welcome back to the group, yes, we talk alot...if you need tough love or just some love in general, i'll definitely be visiting your logs and giving plenty of inspires. I guess we all know what we need to do to make working out a part of our lives and not a chore. Some people are not morning people, but I know for myself, if I don't get it done in the a.m. there is a 50/50 chance of getting it done at all. That's just me but it works. If you love to tri and want to keep it up, get out there and train!!!! (you asked for it )

Barry- I was thinking of a "David Lee Roth" sort of Mullet when you mentioned Mullet Man...
Steve and some of the more experienced triathletes in our group will probably chime in, but you will want to incorporate some bike/run bricks into your training prior to your sprint, it is so different running after biking hard...other than that, some interval training is probably in order for all 3 sports...practicing transitions would be a great thing to do!

It's getting exciting as we get closer to race season...can't wait to see all that we can accomplish. Go Barry!!!
2009-02-11 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1955949

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
lil_turtle - 2009-02-10 10:59 PM

Hey groupies!

Remember me?  Unfortunately my break from the message boards did nothing to help my mental health issues, but the good news is that I'm back now. 

I'm badly in need of some tough love right now.  I have zero motivation to work out.  I've been trying to work out in the mornings before work but the snooze alarm has been getting the best of me.  Also even when I have time in the afternoons I just can't get motivated to do anything.  My friends here are too nice to me.  I do have an active job (teaching skiing) so it is "understandable" that I don't have the motivation, but I know that in order to lose weight and be ready for the tri season I need to do more than just work.  I've been posting everything in my logs but right now almost no one is reading....soooooo...anyone up for startin some tough love for my log when I'm lazy?

Hope everyone is doing well.  I considered going back to catch up on things but ya'll talk a lot so I think I'll just start fresh here.

Have you signed up for any races yet?  I have found that public humiliation is a great motivator, as is not drowning when swimming in open water.

Sign up for one say 12, or 16 weeks out then get a plan in your log that way every morning you can pop on here and see what you have allready planned for the day.  That has also been a motivator for me, it can be hard when I just say ok I plan on running today but if I look at my log and it has a detailed run planned I tend to be more apt to make sure I get it done.

2009-02-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
ahhh Tony you beat me to the public humiliation. By all means Lacey sign up for a race or 10. It is great to see you back with us. I also will be another checking in on your training. We may seem nice but when it comes to tough love we can be the hardest and best for each other.
Sooooooooooo get off your butt and get training.
Oh and tape a tack upside down on that snooze button. I'm sure it will help wake you in the morning. We know you can do it!!!!
2009-02-11 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
OK you people are just way too active here. I go away for a day and it takes and hour to catch up. ANyway. Barry ongrats on signing up for that first tri. Just keep training hard. Do distances farther than required for your race and you will be fine. If you are following a trainng plan for your HIM you shouldn't have to do anything else for a sprint. It will actually be more liek a really good training day.
FOr everyone else's posts
I agree
No way and
2009-02-11 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1956127

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
dalessit - 2009-02-11 5:09 AM

Have you signed up for any races yet?  I have found that public humiliation is a great motivator, as is not drowning when swimming in open water.

Sign up for one say 12, or 16 weeks out then get a plan in your log that way every morning you can pop on here and see what you have allready planned for the day.  That has also been a motivator for me, it can be hard when I just say ok I plan on running today but if I look at my log and it has a detailed run planned I tend to be more apt to make sure I get it done.

Problem is I have no idea where I'm going to be living come race season.  I'm still waiting to hear back from some potential jobs in different areas.  Right now I'm living in Utah but my job here is just seasonal.  I don't have a job or place to live here past May.  Most jobs I'm looking at are in other states, though I do like this town.  As soon as I know where I'm going to be I will definitely sign up for something.

2009-02-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1956241

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

So I am going for a long bike ride with my wife today.  This is a good thing and a bad thing.

Good because I love to get out and train with her.  Bad because she is soooo, sloooow on the bike.  I read an article once that said triathletes trained on the bike at a talking pace too much.  meaning if you can have a casual conversation while riding you aren't riding hard enough.

I don't keep it at 300+ watts but I do like to get moving when the trail allows it, which many times means that I am sitting there waiting for her at intersections clipped out of my pedals and feet on the ground. 

Going to try to be on my best behavior today and just ride at her pace.  Though I did temp attach my new Powertap to my road bike so i could test it out, so will have to do a few sprints to see how my watts lookLaughing


2009-02-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1956293

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
lil_turtle - 2009-02-11 9:39 AM
dalessit - 2009-02-11 5:09 AM

Have you signed up for any races yet?  I have found that public humiliation is a great motivator, as is not drowning when swimming in open water.

Sign up for one say 12, or 16 weeks out then get a plan in your log that way every morning you can pop on here and see what you have allready planned for the day.  That has also been a motivator for me, it can be hard when I just say ok I plan on running today but if I look at my log and it has a detailed run planned I tend to be more apt to make sure I get it done.

Problem is I have no idea where I'm going to be living come race season.  I'm still waiting to hear back from some potential jobs in different areas.  Right now I'm living in Utah but my job here is just seasonal.  I don't have a job or place to live here past May.  Most jobs I'm looking at are in other states, though I do like this town.  As soon as I know where I'm going to be I will definitely sign up for something.

Ok, we'll just be your public humiliation until then Laughing

2009-02-11 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey there.  I've been keeping up with my workouts but not so much with the postings here.  Things have been a little hectic lately and some days I'm lucky just to get some kind of workout in.  It's a good thing I have them planned out in advance.  That way when it's time to go I can just check the calendar and know what to do instead of trying to figure out what I'm going to do each day.  It makes at least part of my life a little easier!

So I talked to my hubby the other night and he's OK with me signing up for the TriZou in May - I wanted to check with him first since I was hoping he would drive over with me that morning.  I have a feeling I'll be too nervous to drive 1.5-2 hours by myself.  Now I just need to actually registerSmile

I tried something a little different last night.  After my bike workouts I usually will walk the track for a couple of laps to cool down.  Last night I decided to try running instead.  First couple of laps were OK, then my calves started to cramp up.  They eased up after a couple more laps and I was able to do about a mile of running.  Not much, but it gives me an idea of what to expect during a race. 

2009-02-11 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey Tony I understand where you're coming from. I ran with my wife for the 1st time ever on the weekend and her she is alot slower paced than I am.....At least she is doing it, and started to enjoy running. Its something we must do as 'manly husbands' so supprt our spouses!!

Barry- I agree with the ol' Redknight. If you're training for a HIM, this sprint will be like a training seesion for you.

Karen---Bricks are fun!!! They do get easier.Take it easy when you start to run/jog/walk. The muscles loosen up, then your off! And register for that Tri today!!!

Edited by TrevorC 2009-02-11 9:42 AM
2009-02-11 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Hey Lacey, welcome back!  Definitely keep your logs up to date and we will check in on you. Try to dedicate to stick to a training plan anyway and hopefully the job situation will work itself out very soon.

As for me, I am trying to not overdo it this week since I have my half marathon this Sunday.  I am excited about it but drove the course last weekend and it is very hilly.  We will see.  After this weekend, I need to get back in the saddle and start putting in some miles on the bike.  

2009-02-11 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1956326

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-02-11 8:53 AM

I tried something a little different last night.  After my bike workouts I usually will walk the track for a couple of laps to cool down.  Last night I decided to try running instead.  First couple of laps were OK, then my calves started to cramp up.  They eased up after a couple more laps and I was able to do about a mile of running.  Not much, but it gives me an idea of what to expect during a race. 

I hate that!  My calves also cramp up on my transition runs after long bike workouts.  But it usually goes away after about a mile.

Well, we certianly had a wild ride here in Oklahoma last night.  Tornado season has hit early this year.  We had one hit about a mile from the house (far to close for comfort) but fortunately no damage at home and we have electricity!! :-)  Which is more than I can say for my gym.  I did manage to get an hour in on the trainer after the storms passed....had to work off all that anxeity.  Hope everyone has a great day!!

2009-02-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1956326

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-02-11 9:53 AM

I tried something a little different last night.  After my bike workouts I usually will walk the track for a couple of laps to cool down.  Last night I decided to try running instead.  First couple of laps were OK, then my calves started to cramp up.  They eased up after a couple more laps and I was able to do about a mile of running.  Not much, but it gives me an idea of what to expect during a race. 

Good work on the brick. Keep doing them as you will have to get off your bike and run for the tri's and if you don't practice it will be extremely uncomfortable and disheartening. After a while your body adjusts to them and you will find your legs loosening up much more quickly.
2009-02-11 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Hey Lacey. Try posting your training program on the refirgerator and every few days after marking what you have done on it, scan it and post it here. That will help you in addition to logging on your training log.
We'll be watching.
2009-02-11 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Well I have figured out that I am mostly a sponge here.  While reading the last few posts, I am wondering what I have to contribute, and since I am just starting with this deal and have 0 experience have little to contribute other than some cheerleading and some smart a$$ remarks every now and then.


Welcome back Lacey,  I found myself that the a goal will do alot for motivation.  I think Tony is right about the factor of public humiliation.

Thanks Kim...I think I will try to do a long brick this weekend and see how it goes.

Rob   Have you decided on your HIM training plan.  We both will be doing ours at the same time and maybe we can bounce our progress off each other.

You guys running and biking with your wives...BE GRATEFUL!  and wait.  Much better than your wife (insert synonym for female dog here) at you FOR    I've read some horror stories about spouses that don't support training.  Or lets just say I know a friend that has this problem


Edited by Plainsman AU 2009-02-11 5:03 PM
2009-02-11 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Alright, alright, alright.... Tony you have done it... You have turned into a HARDCORE trainer, and it is all about YOUR TRAINING!!! Isn't your wife racing this year as well?  I think that when you are done today you will have more fun than you thought you would!  It is NOT about POWER, HR (although I am willing to bet you have some workouts that are to stay in Zone 1, or ZONE 2-- which is where you will be at today!).  It's about BONDING!  You guys SUPPORT each other in this sport.  What you do out there is good training for you, and you are pushing her to get better!  It's a win-win situation!  I just ask that you guys go into it with a better attitude.  My wife brought me into this sport and taught me everything I know about triathlon!  Over the past couple years while she is trying to bear children, run a house, and pay bills... THINGS change, and I have surpassed her fitness level, Gotta be honest---- I still love going out with her!!!

Don't take this the wrong way... I have just had a bad vibe the last couple days hearing about training with your spouse is no fun.  I just feel way different, and I am very fortunate is this aspect, so it is easy for me to say these things!  This is not meant to offend anyone, just my 2 cents... Beside is doesn't hurt your body to slow down now and again.  If it is that bad, explain to your spouse that your workout is X,Y, and Z today, so after we workout I am going to get Y, and Z done!


Lacey--- Welcome back.  I hope things are going better for you!  I have to disagree, and say that I have been checking in on you in the past month or so, and have actually left you a couple "inspire's!"  You want tough love... Here is the best I got (I am not tough at all... Actually really wimpy!), but everything you just posted about not knowing where you are living... I get it!  However, those are just EXCUSES!!! What kind of race do you want to do?  1/2 Marathon... TRAIN for one, Sprint Triathlon... TRAIN for one... Just start training, and if you move then you pick a race, if you are still in Utah, you already have something in mind.... Look at the calendar now, see what would work (but don't sign up in case you move) then start training.  No more excuses.  Figure out why it is you got into triathlon?  For fun, weight loss, healthy lifestyle, good groups of people, etc... And swim, bike, or run with that!!!!  There are so many races in this world, that where you land I am sure they will have a race that suites your need perfectly!!!!!  Good luck, and you now have 25 friends here watching your workout logs closely!! Welcome back!

(fingers starting to hurt )

Janet, Welcome to the world of Bricks... The run off the bike is a different world!  It takes some getting used to!  You have just taught yourself that nutrition can be important!  Be sure you are taking in calories, h20, etc... This will avoid dehydration, cramping, and the ever fun BONKING!!!  Bricks never actually get easier... you always come off the bike saying OMG, I think you just know what to expect more.  Keep it up!

Barry (follow what I said above)... Continue training for your 1/2 Ironman!  They are far enough apart where it will not be a big deal.  Throw some brick workouts in (if you haven't already), and you will NOT need to taper for this race.  Maybe take the day off before, but this is going to be another training day for you... Short workout, HIGH INTESITY!  That weekend sounds like a blast!

Mark--- Good luck this weekend... I am going to predict a 1:25-1:30??? You are going to do awesome!  Rest easy this week!


That's all I got for now!  Fingers need sleepy!!

Edited by swbkrun 2009-02-11 5:45 PM

2009-02-11 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Nice post Steve.

Sorry if it came across that I thought it was a burden to train with my wife.  We do have fun when we train together and I am glad that I have someone that is so supportive (I am pretty damn supportive myself), we make a great team.

My main issue is I am not really used to training with anyone period.  99% of the time we have to train separately because if we tried to do everything together we would never see our 2 kids.  I am used to running at my own pace, same with riding.  We joke about our attempts to train together because we are both used to doing our own thing there.  We have a great time hassling each other about any number of things, lol I think that is why we have been happily married for 15 years.




2009-02-11 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1957508

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Plainsman AU - 2009-02-11 6:00 PM

Well I have figured out that I am mostly a sponge here.  While reading the last few posts, I am wondering what I have to contribute, and since I am just starting with this deal and have 0 experience have little to contribute other than some cheerleading and some smart a$$ remarks every now and then.


Welcome back Lacey,  I found myself that the a goal will do alot for motivation.  I think Tony is right about the factor of public humiliation.

Thanks Kim...I think I will try to do a long brick this weekend and see how it goes.

Rob   Have you decided on your HIM training plan.  We both will be doing ours at the same time and maybe we can bounce our progress off each other.

You guys running and biking with your wives...BE GRATEFUL!  and wait.  Much better than your wife (insert synonym for female dog here) at you FOR    I've read some horror stories about spouses that don't support training.  Or lets just say I know a friend that has this problem

Thats why these are mentor groups, you're supposed to be a sponge.  I just like to talk a lot and I read a ton of stuff online because I have quite a bit of free time at work, so of course because I read it on the internet I am an expert

2009-02-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Barry... I know how you can help... Keep asking questions, and maybe teach Kim how to use the red FONT!!

Everyone... Keep up the good work!  We are getting close to tri season for some!!

2009-02-11 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1957581

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2009-02-11 7:08 PM

Barry... I know how you can help... Keep asking questions, and maybe teach Kim how to use the red FONT!!

Everyone... Keep up the good work!  We are getting close to tri season for some!!

LOL, and teach Steve how to turn it offLaughing

2009-02-11 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

2009-02-11 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Barry= I tried to do the red font and still can't figure it out (red font) yeah steve, sure!!! where is the menu to change the font that you speak of??? i guess this is the "higher power's" way of telling me not to be sarcastic.
2009-02-11 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1957904

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
It's a sad, sad day.  I was hoping to score a new ride this year using our tax return.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it is going to happen.  Looks like another year on the cyclocross bike.    Oh well, I guess there are worse problems to have.
2009-02-11 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
sorry matt, that sucks big time. i owe a 10 spot as of 1/15, but have to make some income before I can pay the IRS my super sucks...
2009-02-11 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Oh just great Kim and I can't figure how to do red fonts and you guys are doing multiple colors.

Barry I'll have to look up the specific HIM training program I am going to use and get back to you. It is in the Sliver programs of the plans and is a 21 week program. I agree lets compare and push each other being as how we will be racing at about the same time. Right now I am just doing my own training and am not on a plan. I'll be going onto my Olympic training program in the next couple of weeks.

WHERE"S TRACY???????????? I need my sarcastic co-conspirator to keep me going. I'm running out out of smart a$$ comments.

Edited by Redknight 2009-02-11 10:42 PM
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